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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Hashem's name in Zemiros

Tzvi Mordechai Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I have heard not to use Hashem's name in Tzur Mishelo because each
paragraph corresponds to a bracha in Birkas HaMazon creating Hlachik
problems vi-a-vis eating more and benching.<<

J. Hollander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> comments:

I have heard:
There is no problem with Tsur MiShelo on days where we are not "Yotsei"
without adding necessary timely additions such as on Shabbat - "Retsei", or
Yom Tov - "Yaaleh veYavo". Thus, since it is not customary to sing Zemiroth
on other days - there should be no problem at all.

Yeshayahu HaKohen Hollander
The Kollel adds:

I suppose you also mean that we do not normally sing that Zemer for Se'udah
Shelishis (during which one is Yotzei if he forgets Retzei).

On the other hand, following the logic you suggest, you could have pointed
out that we do not mention Bris Milah in Tzur mi'Shelo, and that is Me'akev
the Birchas ha'Mazon (OC 187:3), so Tzur mi'Shelo alone will never suffice.

But I'm not sure that your logic is enough to avoid the Tzur mi'Shelo
problem, since if Tzur mi'Shelo is considered a Berachah (and not just
Zemiros) because of "Nevarech l...", we should not be allowed to sing it in
order to avoid unnecessary Berachos (even if one will not be Yotzei Birchas
ha'Mazon with it). Therefore, it would seem that the reason we sing it is
because Tzur mi'Shelo is not considered a Berachah but a song of praise and
as such we cannot be Yotzei Birchas ha'Mazon by singing it.

By the way, if Tzur mi'Shelo had been sufficient for Birchas ha'Mazon, it
may not help to say "Hashem" instead of Adnus. The PRI MEGADIM writes that
one may be Yotzei a Berachah b'Di'eved using the word "Hashem" instead of
Adnus, so not pronouncing the name of Adnus may not help. 

M. Kornfeld

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