[DataMapper] Re: how do I use datamatter with appengine-datastore

2010-07-20 Thread Ken Yap
Hmm, you're right, they both print out


Using %= debug % in a template for Rails of course.

I came to my conclusion because I couldn't read back any of the
records that I had previously manually entered into datastore using
console.sh. Ok, I'll press ahead with creating records from the Rails
app and see what happens. Maybe it will create a different file for
the backing store.


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Re: [DataMapper] raise_on_save_failure

2010-07-20 Thread Paul Barry
How about adopting the ActiveRecord convention of save that returns a
boolean and save! that raises an exception?

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 11:46 PM, David Masover ni...@slaphack.com wrote:

 On Sunday, July 18, 2010 11:59:41 am Martin Gamsjaeger wrote:
  I think the motivation behind DM not raising an exception on any save
  failure by default is a very simple and intuitive one.
  DM cannot assume to know exactly when a failing save can really be
  considered *exceptional* behavior.


 irb(main):001:0 1/0
 ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0
from (irb):1:in `/'
from (irb):1
from /home/ruby19/bin/irb:12:in `main'

 Who is the core library to say that this is an exception? Why not just
 an Indefinite constant and return that? Or take the limit and return

 Because it IS exceptional behavior. If it's not, that's why we have catch
 and there are things we can do to avoid the exception. For example, in this
 case, I could've simply checked myself if it was 0 and done something else.

  Rather than forcing the user to
  treat every single save failure as an exception (which simply isn't
  true), it decided to inform users in a friendly and more quiet way,

 I'm sorry, no, it's not more friendly to force me to revert to C-style
 where I have to check the return value of every other function to make sure
 something didn't fail.

 Things should fail early and noisily. If it truly wasn't exceptional
 that's OK, I can deal with that. The minor irritation of occasionally
 to deal with an exception is well worth avoiding SILENTLY IGNORED ERRORS,
 which is what DM's default behavior entails.

  that doesn't involve the overhead of raising an exception either.

 This might be a valid reason. I can also see cases like make_resourceful,
 where it's nice to be able to do this:

 if current_object.save

 So yes, it makes library code mildly nicer, at the cost of making
 code much more difficult to debug. I don't think that's a good trade,
 especially considering that it actually makes things worse, if people were
 ever actually use raise_on_save_failure. Now, instead of my library code
 looking like this:

 rescue whatever

 It'd look like this:

 old_rosf = current_object.raise_on_save_failure
 if current_object.save
 current_object.raise_on_save_failure = old_rosf

 Wait, that's the naive, non-threadsafe way to do it. Guess I have no choice
 but to do it like this:

 if current_object.raise_on_save_failure
  rescue whatever
 elsif current_object.save

 This is, bar none, my least favorite thing about DataMapper. I think I
 turn raise_on_save_failure on globally and see what breaks. Short of that,
 I've actually written code like this:

 module Base
  def self.included klass
klass.class_eval do
  include DataMapper::Resource
  include ClassMethods

  # And now, how save should have worked:
  def store
save || raise Save failed!
  def store!
  def store!!

 That way, I can safely use plugins which assume the default behavior, but
 (hopefully) my own code will be somewhat safe.

 But please, please make it the default, and provide a _separate_method_ for
 people to use when they want true/false returned, preferably something that
 makes it obvious how dangerous it is. Think about it -- the current
 is effectively setting whether saves are exceptional based on the object
 class, or application), and not on the context -- but it's the context
 defines how errors are handled, if, indeed, they're handled at all.

 Or does anyone, ever, think something like this is a good idea:

 u = User.new
 u.name = 'John Smith'
 puts 'Saved successfully! (I hope.)'

 ...really? Would you ever just blindly fire off a save and not care whether
 succeeded or not?

 Then why does your public API encourage this by making it so easy to do,
 by accident?

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[DataMapper] paranoiddatetime-and-paranoidboolean-fail-in-100

2010-07-20 Thread tenstates
Got this same issue but having difficulty tracking down where the
require statement is placed in Merb? I've tried adding it to the usual
places but the failure is still the same as this ticket below..


Had no problem with this and 0.10.3 so why isn't dm-types being loaded

Also was there any reliable way of deleting all the records even with
this paranoia in place, e.g. after each rspec test that uses a DB to
store the data?

Many thanks

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Re: [DataMapper] raise_on_save_failure

2010-07-20 Thread Jordan Ritter
IME, the meanings of safe vs. bang methods and what class of errors do 
exceptions represent have always been, at their core, a conscious 
philosophical difference between DM and AR.  

One (much older) school of thought: exceptions are exceptional behaviour -- 
they typically represent unrecoverable events.  Divide by zero is an example; 
failure to save an object to a DB because of validations is not; failure to 
save an object to a DB because of a driver failure (e.g. DO Mysql) is.  Error 
return values (bool, int, nil vs. not, etc) are for communicating recoverable 
failures.  In DM's specific context, the code pattern of catching recoverable 
errors is minimal, well-defined and easy to read.  It also provides for the 
shortcircuit on error code pattern, which in properly defensive code keeps 
the linear flow of code limited to success conditions.  All sorts of long-term 
benefits ensue from being able to match code comments/logic explanation to 
actual code implementation and flow.

One (more recent) school of thought: generally associated with fail fast and 
hard - everything is an exception. Exception meanings are expanded to mean 
error of any kind, and it's up to the developer to figure out what to do with 
it, depending on where they rescue/catch it.  While it makes for convenient, 
DRY catch points (e.g. by controller) for common classes of exceptions, 
system/application state tends to be indeterminate because Exceptions jump out 
of stack frames and scopes (this is really, really important).  Something that 
could be recoverable, isn't, unless you rescue/catch immediately. And even 
then, depending on the type of Exception, still maybe isn't.   Maybe.

Outside of the development process, Production-quality, hardened core systems 
are not allowed to fail unless absolutely necessary.  Anyone who has ever built 
and *evolved* anything at scale within the last 15 years knows the importance 
of this.   Failing hard and fast is a great development ideology but a piss 
poor Production-class mantra.  And Production-quality, hardened code does not 
ever suffer lazy programmers well, ever.  Regardless of what school of thought 
they come from. 

So, I see this thread boiling down to a simple difference in school of thought:

If you ascribe to the former, then the basic pattern unless 
object.save ... end is easy enough.  Also very simple to DRY up with 
app-specific CRUD helpers.  If an exception occurs then those are typically 
unrecoverable anyway, thus those DRY exception catch points are a good thing to 
have regardless.  

If you ascribe to the latter, you either have to live with the typical 
loss of being able to gracefully recover from non-critical failures (and the 
question of indeterminate state), or you employ begin/rescue/end blocks (and 
the occasional ensure) everywhere you think you could recover gracefully.  In 
its initial form, that's sorta nasty looking (as you mentioned below).  Those 
too can be DRY'd up with CRUD helpers, so this is not such a strong argument 

It's flat out wrong to assert DM encourages lazy behaviour: it merely advocates 
a different school of thought.  In neither case does it advocate people being 
lazy (outside of an occasional doc fail).  But the fact that you have 
raise_on_error in DM means you get your choice of either school, so I guess I 
don't understand your point.


PS: over the last few years I've been seen plenty of newcomers talk about 
making it easy for programmers to simply not worry about things like contextual 
error handling or code defensiveness, and from a RAD perspective they're right: 
the focus should be on building the app.  Let the tests identify  these 
problems.  But the hard truth is that, 99 times out of 100, the alpha becomes 
the beta becomes the shipping product.  Facilitating and encouraging 
engineering laziness has *never* lead to good outcomes -- you've got to write 
those defenses somewhere, either as edge case tests in the specs, or as edge 
case tests in the code.  All else being roughly equal, it's just a personal 
preference WRT where you do it and how that drives your development process 
(though IME writing defensive code often repels classes of real-time attacks 
that maybe you didn't specifically think of test for, thus the choice actually 
can matter).  Regardless though, there's *always* a line to cross where making 
it easier to not worry about important things *is* facilitating/encouraging 
laziness, and guarantees future disasters.  I think most of the professionals 
on this list would agree.

On Jul 19, 2010, at 8:46 PM, David Masover wrote:

 On Sunday, July 18, 2010 11:59:41 am Martin Gamsjaeger wrote:
 I think the motivation behind DM not raising an exception on any save
 failure by default is a very simple and intuitive one.
 DM cannot assume to know exactly when a failing save can really be
 considered *exceptional* behavior.
 irb(main):001:0 1/0

Re: [DataMapper] raise_on_save_failure

2010-07-20 Thread Philip Silva
Very interesting point. So in the end you are recommending to raise only in
order to prevent further damage right?

In my current project there are quite a lot .saves and failing saves can
lead there in a lot of cases to unpredictable/unwanted behaviour. (And also
did in the recent time...) But yeah at the end of the day they all need to
be handled properly. My point was just that failing fast and hard would be
a better default behaviour simplifying the development...

So I guess it's quite a good thing that DM supports both ways.


2010/7/20 Jordan Ritter j...@darkridge.com

 IME, the meanings of safe vs. bang methods and what class of errors do
 exceptions represent have always been, at their core, a conscious
 philosophical difference between DM and AR.

 One (much older) school of thought: exceptions are exceptional behaviour
 -- they typically represent unrecoverable events.  Divide by zero is an
 example; failure to save an object to a DB because of validations is not;
 failure to save an object to a DB because of a driver failure (e.g. DO
 Mysql) is.  Error return values (bool, int, nil vs. not, etc) are for
 communicating recoverable failures.  In DM's specific context, the code
 pattern of catching recoverable errors is minimal, well-defined and easy to
 read.  It also provides for the shortcircuit on error code pattern, which
 in properly defensive code keeps the linear flow of code limited to success
 conditions.  All sorts of long-term benefits ensue from being able to match
 code comments/logic explanation to actual code implementation and flow.

 One (more recent) school of thought: generally associated with fail fast
 and hard - everything is an exception. Exception meanings are expanded to
 mean error of any kind, and it's up to the developer to figure out what to
 do with it, depending on where they rescue/catch it.  While it makes for
 convenient, DRY catch points (e.g. by controller) for common classes of
 exceptions, system/application state tends to be indeterminate because
 Exceptions jump out of stack frames and scopes (this is really, really
 important).  Something that could be recoverable, isn't, unless you
 rescue/catch immediately. And even then, depending on the type of Exception,
 still maybe isn't.   Maybe.

 Outside of the development process, Production-quality, hardened core
 systems are not allowed to fail unless absolutely necessary.  Anyone who has
 ever built and *evolved* anything at scale within the last 15 years knows
 the importance of this.   Failing hard and fast is a great development
 ideology but a piss poor Production-class mantra.  And Production-quality,
 hardened code does not ever suffer lazy programmers well, ever.  Regardless
 of what school of thought they come from.

 So, I see this thread boiling down to a simple difference in school of

If you ascribe to the former, then the basic pattern unless
 object.save ... end is easy enough.  Also very simple to DRY up with
 app-specific CRUD helpers.  If an exception occurs then those are typically
 unrecoverable anyway, thus those DRY exception catch points are a good thing
 to have regardless.

If you ascribe to the latter, you either have to live with the
 typical loss of being able to gracefully recover from non-critical failures
 (and the question of indeterminate state), or you employ begin/rescue/end
 blocks (and the occasional ensure) everywhere you think you could recover
 gracefully.  In its initial form, that's sorta nasty looking (as you
 mentioned below).  Those too can be DRY'd up with CRUD helpers, so this is
 not such a strong argument against.

 It's flat out wrong to assert DM encourages lazy behaviour: it merely
 advocates a different school of thought.  In neither case does it advocate
 people being lazy (outside of an occasional doc fail).  But the fact that
 you have raise_on_error in DM means you get your choice of either school, so
 I guess I don't understand your point.


 PS: over the last few years I've been seen plenty of newcomers talk about
 making it easy for programmers to simply not worry about things like
 contextual error handling or code defensiveness, and from a RAD perspective
 they're right: the focus should be on building the app.  Let the tests
 identify  these problems.  But the hard truth is that, 99 times out of 100,
 the alpha becomes the beta becomes the shipping product.  Facilitating and
 encouraging engineering laziness has *never* lead to good outcomes -- you've
 got to write those defenses somewhere, either as edge case tests in the
 specs, or as edge case tests in the code.  All else being roughly equal,
 it's just a personal preference WRT where you do it and how that drives your
 development process (though IME writing defensive code often repels classes
 of real-time attacks that maybe you didn't specifically think of test for,
 thus the choice actually can matter).  Regardless though, there's *always* 

[DataMapper] Re: Documentation patches wanted

2010-07-20 Thread Kevin
Another suggestion would be more info on exactly what paranoid does in
terms of the get methods and destroy methods (i.e. nothing to destroy,
but adds checks against the pranoiddeleted boolean or datetime being

More info about repositories and how to change them.  Perhaps an
example case of why so much work is done in the code to allow each
resource to use a different repository and stuff like that.  Seems
strange after the ease of a class-level table_name setter in AR.

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[DataMapper] Re: order by field in child row

2010-07-20 Thread Kevin
You tried the obvious: u = People.first; u.houses.all(:order =
[:bought_date.asc])?  I'm not an expert (yet) but seems like it should

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[DataMapper] Re: joins include group by order by when not requested = causes SQL temporary sort table

2010-07-20 Thread Kevin
Agreed, I would lve a way to globally disable this instead of
having to monkey-patch :)

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