You've got it right, the upper bits are 'generic'(e.g.
XDM_UNSUPPORTEDPARAM), span all codecs, and are defined in xdm.h.
The lower bits (e.g. 0x1e in your example below) are codec specific.
The User's Guide for your particular codec should describe details about
any bits it sets in this range.



        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Ragas sag
        Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 6:01 AM
        Subject: Regarding : xDM error's..
        Dear Xperts,
        When i am running an MPEG 4 stream using the decode() demo,  I
am getting some xDM error's. And this is the best place to get some
answer's for my question's. I am using DM6446 DVEVM.
        I am getting the following error's.
                            " VIDDEC_process() 1 failed with a fatal
error (-1 ext: 0x201e) "
        I haven't been able to understand or make something of the error
being thrown. 
        And " 0x201e " =  10 0000 0001 1110                      
        According to TI : XDM_UNSUPPORTEDPARAM = 14, /**< Bit 14 -
Unsupported input parameter or configuration ).
        I obtained the detail's about Extended Error , present in xdm.h
        Am i right about the Bit 14 above ?
        1) How do i understand or make out details about the other bit's
in the error message ?
        2) Guide me to some  material or documention on these error's ?
I was not able to get much information.
        3) What is that unsupported input parameter / configuration ?
        4) Any error handling mechanism ? 
        I would be really happy if anybody out their, could guide me.
It's been bothering me from some time.
        Thank you in advance
        Warm Regards,

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