As a followup to this thread, I have now committed and updated on GitHub a rename of my API spec(s) as follows:

Muldis::DBP - Formal spec of an abstract database protocol for Perl 6

The "DBP" was also one of Brock Wilcox' working name suggestions so I also "acknowledge" this in the spec.

And so, "Muldis DBP" or "MDBP" further abbreviated, will be my working title for the forseeable future, used for both the Perl 6 and Perl 5 versions of this spec; in contexts where they need to be differentiated, they are called for example "Muldis DBP for Perl 6" or "Perl 6 Muldis DBP".

This title appears to be a good fit considering the scope of the spec and the important qualities of what it defines.

Unless someone else makes comments or asks questions, I probably won't post further on this subject until I have a reference implementation and fleshed out documentation, which will hopefully be within a month.

-- Darren Duncan

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