On 05/02/2016 20:35, Tim Bunce wrote:
Hi. I don't provide support for DBD::Oracle directly. Please email
dbi-users@perl.org or, if you'd rather not just yet, then something here
will probably help:


On Fri, Feb 05, 2016 at 05:40:52PM +0000, Linn, Steven D CTR (US) wrote:
Hi Tim,

I have hit a wall as far as trying to get this module to install, so I was
wondering if you might know where I go from here...I am on a Solaris 10
server running Oracle 10.2.0. When I run 'make', I get the following
error...Any help would be greatly appreciated!

[root: </.cpan/build/DBD-Oracle-1.74>]
rsol0018# ls
CONTRIBUTING.mkd  Makefile.PL       blib              oci.def
CONTRIBUTORS      Oracle.c          dbdimp.c          oci8.c
Changes           Oracle.h          dbdimp.h          ocitrace.h
INSTALL           Oracle.xs         dbivport.h        pm_to_blib
LICENSE           Oracle.xsi        examples          t
MANIFEST          README            hints             typemap
META.json         README.help.txt   lib
META.yml          README.mkdn       mk.pm
Makefile          Todo              mkta.pl
[root: </.cpan/build/DBD-Oracle-1.74>]
redslsa0sol0018# make
cc -c  -I/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1/rdbms/public
-DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV -xO3 -xspace -xildoff    -DVERSION=\"1.74\"
"-I/usr/perl5/5.8.4/lib/i86pc-solaris-64int/CORE"  -DUTF8_SUPPORT
-DORA_OCI_VERSION=\"\" -DORA_OCI_102 Oracle.c
/usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `Oracle.o'

You need to install a C compiler - the one your Perl was built with is most likely to work.

Martin J. Evans
Wetherby, UK

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