The SQL statement is only executed once within the Perl script.  There is no 
additional executions of the query.  The query only selects from tables.  It 
was the entire query that was executed according to statspack 12000 times, not 
sub-components of it.  So seems as if some mechanism within DBI, DBD, or Oracle 
was at fault.

Here is the statement that Statspack reported the excessive executions on:


       prog_name, dstrct_code, Start_Date, Start_Time, Runtime_Minutes, 
Median_Elapsed, Std_Deviation, Count_Instances, (4*Std_Deviation+Median_Elapsed 



   with history as

    ( select  prog_name,


              round(sum(elapsed_minutes),5) as Elapsed_Minutes,

              round(avg(elapsed_minutes),5) as Average_Elapsed,

              round(median(elapsed_minutes),5) as Median_Elapsed,

              round(stddev(elapsed_minutes),5) as Std_Deviation,

              count(*) as Count_Instances

      from (

            select  prog_name,


                    1440 * 
(to_date(stop_date||stop_time_hhmmss,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') - 
to_date(start_date||start_time_hhmmss,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) as Elapsed_Minutes

            from    ellipse.msf085 History


      group by prog_name, dstrct_code


     select Executing.prog_name, Executing.dstrct_code, Executing.start_date, 

            round((1440 * ((cast(SYSTIMESTAMP at time zone 
NVL(trim(tz.district_time_zone),sessiontimezone) as date))

            - to_date(Executing.start_date || Executing.start_time, 

            History.Median_elapsed, History.Count_Instances, 


     from Ellipse.MSF080 Executing

     inner join History on (history.dstrct_code = Executing.dstrct_code and 
History.prog_name = Executing.prog_name)

     inner join Ellipse.msf000_dc0002 tz on (tz.dstrct_code = 

     where Executing.process_Status = 'E'


order by 1,2,3,4,5

It is not being executed inside a loop.  Only loop is a while loop calling 
fetchrow_array, and there is no subsequent SQL being executed by the script 
inside the loop.  The version of the database and Oracle client has not been 
changed. Optimizer adaptive features are disabled in this database.

I will have a look at the links you provided for DBI debug.  Although this was 
the only instance we know about where this query was executed excessively, 
maybe it is happening more frequently than we realize and debugging might 
provide some answers.

Thanks for your reply



-----Original Message-----

From: Fennell, Brian <>

Sent: Saturday, 15 February 2020 5:47 AM

To: JohnD Blackburn <>;

Subject: RE: Perl script excessively executing statement

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.


One way for you to execute sql thousands of times from perl is to do it in your 

The other way is for the Oracle server to do it for you in its loop.

Sometimes an Oracle Upgrade will cause the Oracle Optimizer to change - this 
can cause SQL that "worked fine" to start behaving differently.

A SQL join is translated to one or more nested loops by the Oracle Optimizer - 
SQL is an algebraic notation but computers don't really "do" algebra, they do 
nested loops.

Which table is selected first and which is second (and third and so-on).  If 
you have functions they may execute SQL once per row, but this may be in the 
outer loop (seldom) or in the inner loop (often).

The Oracle SQL Optimizer plan can also change when the table statistics are 
recalculated - which doesn't require an Oracle upgrade.

EXPLAIN PLAN is your way to see which table gets looped over in which order as 
the table statistics and the Oracle optimizer are RIGHT NOW.

Some more hints:

EXPLAIN PLAN;;sdata=aLJqdmPbot3GZJiLhGQ9YOfFt%2F8T75SYMMoHIDkuKe0%3D&amp;reserved=0;;sdata=ws%2Fz9T0NP3RTNB7xktNLPmn38OOwQC06dADwTU4Pyug%3D&amp;reserved=0

DBI DEBUG;;sdata=tiWNDpHgdFW8ewLJZIHMN5WuB5J%2FuJj57ukqMS3Noy0%3D&amp;reserved=0;;sdata=QfuTMTNwFD2v%2BYZnKFcLoKkKi4f27Ie0lXpejVLElPQ%3D&amp;reserved=0

The error you are getting may be a result of a client/server incompatibility 
(if the server version changed and your client version did not) - you could try 
an alternate Oracle DBD plug-in / class.

Alternate Oracle DBD plugin;;sdata=%2F7PccI%2FmmzMBXEgFPhYSF1E5x%2FWwytbZUiS3ZZ4dbZU%3D&amp;reserved=0

Can be installed with cpanm using a git url (but not with cpan);;sdata=OIjH6YjhUXkmfmSUJRTGb4lI9NYv%2BBMjQ2qtypvS5mo%3D&amp;reserved=0

you will need oracle C libraries to build - it won't be easy

Alternate Oracle DBD plugin - Oracle JDBC;;sdata=%2FiB4%2BwQaLKvFbXrKRapwKg7BLNA%2BB21oOn3sLgjhc7U%3D&amp;reserved=0;;sdata=BifJoH2iQEcQiDWnYFvewGEH5%2F3yofe1G%2BJ8pzStWW0%3D&amp;reserved=0

you will need a jvm installed - and oracle's jdbc jars - it might be easier (or 
not) you can get a free jvm here:;;sdata=%2BpdWVMtMoTYyqbBRHpfefL8QkdX4XGQRRUQYm%2BdCuI0%3D&amp;reserved=0

From: JohnD Blackburn <>

Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 12:56 AM


Subject: [EXTERNAL] Perl script excessively executing statement

Hi all,

I have a perl script in my monitoring system that has been working for months 
without an issue.

Basically, it connects to an Oracle 12c database, prepares a statement, then it 
executes the statement, then it has a while loop to process the returned rows.

So under normal conditions the statement is executed once every 5 minutes.

Now on Friday last week, it did something really strange which I cannot account 
for the behaviour.

According to the DBA, the statement in the script was executed 12610 times over 
a 50 minute period causing the database to become non-responsive.  The DBAs 
also stated that the script only connected to the database once at the 
beginning of the 50 minute period.  Average execution time of the statement was 
0.26 seconds.

According to the log for my script, the script only executed once at the 
beginning of the 50 minute period, and then after that, returned to executing 
every 5 minutes.

Since that incident, the statememt in question has only executed the expected 
12 times per hour.

I have yet to find a satisfactory reason the SQL statement from this perl 
script executed so many times in the 50 minute period.

Script is running on an Oracle Linux 7.7 server with;

* oracle 12c client installed

* perl 5.16.3

* perl-DBI 1.627-4 ( from Oracle Linix Latest yum repository)

* perl-DBD-ODBC 1.50.-3 (from EPEL)

* DBD::Oracle 1.80 (from CPAN)

Oracle 12 database is on a remote server.

Anyone have any ideas why the SQL statement would have been executed 12000+ 
times in a 50minute period, when the script and its schedule should not have 
executed the SQL any more frequiently than 12 times an hour?



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