Fixed test in t/02simple.t to skip if the DSN defined by the user has DSN=
in it.
 Added tests for wrong DSN, ensuring the DBI::errstr is appropriately set.
 Fixed small issue in Makefile.PL for Unix systems thanks to H.Merijn Brand.
 Update to NOT copy user id and password to connect string if UID or PWD
parameter in connect string.
 Updated Makefile.PL for dmake, per patch by Steffen Goldner.  Thanks

To: Jeff Urlwin
Subject: CPAN Upload: J/JU/JURL/DBD-ODBC-1.06.tar.gz

The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/J/JU/JURL/DBD-ODBC-1.06.tar.gz
  size: 90106 bytes
   md5: 5b5fda7660230d19fafe7511f799afd8

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