> Hi there,
> Is there a way to use Unicode SQL statement for MS Access 
> 2002 through the DBI ODBC driver? I know Access stores text 
> in Unicode internally and the ActiveState Perl 5.8 supports 
> unicode pretty well. But I cannot make this combination work 
> (I need to insert Chinese, Japanese, Korean text into the database).
> If this combination does not work, could I use other 
> interface (i.e. not DBI) to insert unicode text? Could anyone 
> give me some advise?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I wish I had better news for you.  It's on my todo list.  My todo list would
be greatly accelerated by patches, of course, but short of that, any sample
programs which are self-contained and show what you want to do and show how
it fails would be much more likely addressed quickly.  I.e. a sample which
has the following, general framework:

Drop table; (wrap this in eval {} )
Create table (with your columns required)
Insert into table
Select from table
Compare inserted data to selected data and see if it fails.

I have some samples of test scripts that follow this pattern, if it helps.


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