6 Executions Scheduled in June

During the first and final weeks of June, six people are scheduled to be
executed, half of whom are in Texas. Two cases this month highlight
issues of severe mental illness.

The first is Percy Walton, scheduled to be executed by the state of
Virginia on June 8th. Walton has been diagnosed with severe chronic
schizophrenia and is unable to comprehend his impending execution.

The second is Paul Dennis Reid, scheduled to be executed by the state of
Tennessee on June 28th. The TN Supreme Court has conceded Reid's mental
illness and incompetence, yet the execution is still set to take place.

Read more about these and the other cases below -- and ACT!


  Do Not Execute Percy Walton!

Throughout his appeals, Walton's attorneys have argued that he was not
competent to plead guilty to the murders, and that his pleas were not
knowing, intelligent, and voluntary. While awaiting trial, Walton
expressed his belief that he could not be seen if he had his eyes closed.
He also told his relatives he was Jesus Christ and that he was a
millionaire. He told others he looked forward to his execution because
then he would be able to return to life immediately and resurrect his
dead family members.

In 1999, a psychiatrist, a neuropsychologist and a neurologist assessed
Walton's mental health for his appeals and found that he suffers from
severe chronic schizophrenia. Today Walton is a shell of a human being,
severely mentally ill and cognitively impaired and completely unaware
that he faces imminent execution.

ACT NOW by contacting Gov. Tim Kaine requesting that he stop the
execution of Percey Walton!
Read More and Take Action at:


  Do Not Execute Paul Reid!

Questions regarding Reid's competency to be executed lie at the heart of
his case.  Reid has a history of mental illness, but no court has found
him to be mentally incompetent despite the evidence of such illness
staring them in the face.  Notably, in a reply to the state's opposition
to Reid's motion for a stay of execution in October of 2005 the Tennessee
Supreme Court stated: "All forensic mental health evaluators who have
examined Mr. Reid within the last several years have found him to be
severely mentally ill and incompetent with regard to making legal
decisions."  Moreover, in a footnote to this statement, the Court noted
that Reid is operating under a psychotic belief that he is being tortured
by scientific technology and that the only way to escape the torture is
to succumb to execution.

How can a court that recognizes the reality of Reid's mental illness and
incompetency allow Reid's execution to move forward?  The Tennessee
Supreme Court goes on to acknowledge the importance of competency,
stating that it is a fundamental right, and that therefore Reid is
entitled to the proper protection when the state proposes to take drastic
action against him.  If this was a worthy reason to grant a stay in
October, what has changed since then to allow the execution to proceed?

ACT NOW by contacting Gov. Phil Bredesen and asking that Paul Reid's
execution be halted!

Read More and Take Action at:

  See and act on all current Execution Alerts at


June 1: John Boltz, OK

June 6: Timothy Titsworth, TX

June 8: Percy Walton, VA

June 20: Lamont Reese, TX

June 27: Angel Resendiz, TX

June 28: Paul Reid, TN

(source:  NCADP)

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