Sept. 30


Texas Set to Execute Man Despite DNA Evidence Excluding him from Murder

A Texas man on death row is scheduled to be executed on November 16, even though DNA evidence excludes him from a 1998 murder for which he was convicted.

In 2000, Larry Swearingen was sentenced to the death penalty for the murder and rape of 19-year-old Melissa Trotter.

Since then, Swearingen has maintained his innocence and fought for DNA testing of evidence including Trotter's clothes, the murder weapon and a rape kit.

Texas courts have struck down his repeated requests.

But some DNA testing has been performed.

And it supports Swearingen's innocence, according to the Innocence Project.

Blood from beneath Trotter's fingernails excluded Swearingen and yielded the profile of an unknown man.

To this day, Trotter's clothes have never been tested for DNA and the swabs in the rape kit collected from her body were also never tested.

Cigarette butts found at the scene of Trotter's murder could have been swabbed for saliva, which would reveal DNA.

But they never were.

Since Swearingen's conviction, Texas has made improvements with its post-conviction DNA testing statute.

Swearingen was twice granted DNA testing.

But the state Court of Criminal Appeals struck down his request, ruling the court should only consider whether the DNA evidence would exclude Swearingen and should not be required to "rely on the ramifications of hypothetical matches" to an unknown genetic profile.

"The notion that they're expressing - which is that we only consider exclusionary results - has nothing to do with how DNA actually works," Bryce Benjet, one of Swearingen's attorneys, told The Intercept.

"I don't know why they haven't figured that out, but the end result of that error is that DNA testing is no longer available to most people in prison."

Under a 16-year statute, defendants have rights to testing only if several conditions are met including the requirement to establish "by a preponderance of the evidence" that "the person would not have been convicted if exculpatory results had been obtained through DNA testing."

In 2011, legislators revised the statute to require unidentified DNA profiles be uploaded to a government database.

The DNA found under Trotter's fingernails was not linked to a known offender, which would bolster Swearingen's claim of innocence.

DNA matches to offenders in the government database occurred in roughly 42 % of 351 DNA exonerations to date, according to the Innocence Project.


FLORIDA----impending execution

Florida Supreme Court denies Death Row inmate's appeal. Execution scheduled Thursday.

The Florida Supreme Court on Friday said it won't reconsider the case of a longtime death row inmate who is scheduled to be put to death next week.

The ruling means the execution of convicted double-murderer Michael Lambrix will, for now, take place as planned at 6 p.m. Oct. 5.

Lambrix had filed another challenge to his death sentences - his 8th successive post-conviction motion, the court said - on the basis of recent changes to Florida's death-penalty sentencing procedures, which were prompted by a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in a case known as Hurst v. Florida.

That ruling in January 2016 demanded Florida fix its then-unconstitutional procedures. The Legislature enacted changes this spring so now a unanimous jury recommendation is required in all death penalty cases.

In his latest request for the Florida Supreme Court to rehear his case, Lambrix argued that his death sentences are unconstitutional under Florida's new law because they came from non-unanimous juries. He also argued the state Supreme Court's decisions on how the Hurst opinion applied retroactively to previous death sentences was a violation of equal protection rights.

Following Hurst, the Florida Supreme Court in December cemented death sentences for nearly 200 prisoners - including Lambrix - whose sentences were finalized before a June 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling referenced in the Hurst decision.

The justices cited their December decision and related rulings as their reasons for denying Lambrix's request for a rehearing. The Supreme Court had also previously ruled that Lambrix "is not entitled to relief based on Hurst" because of when his sentences were finalized, which they emphasized again Friday.

"While it is true that the jury non-unanimously recommended death for the 1983 murders of the 2 victims, Lambrix's sentences were final in 1986," the court wrote in its majority opinion. "No rehearing will be entertained by this court."

The decision was 5-1, with Justice Barbara Pariente dissenting. The court's 7th justice, Peggy Quince, recused herself.

Pariente said she preferred to vacate Lambrix's death sentences and send the case back to a lower court so Lambrix can be re-sentenced - the same process that's affecting dozens of death cases finalized after June 2002.

Lambrix could still appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

A circuit court judge earlier this month first denied Lambrix's request for a rehearing, and the justices wrote this week that they expedited his appeal "in light of the pending execution date."

Gov. Rick Scott signed a new death warrant a few weeks ago that set Lambrix's execution for Oct. 5.

Lambrix has been on death row since 1984 after he was convicted in 1983 of murdering Aleisha Bryant and Clarence Moore Jr., following a night of drinking in Glades County.

Scott's office described the crime as Lambrix having "lured Moore outside, and viciously attacked him with a tire iron, repeatedly hitting him in the head and fracturing his skull. Lambrix then called Bryant to come outside, where he attacked her, kicking her in the head and strangling her."

But in an interview with the Herald/Times in 2016, Lambrix contended that Moore strangled Bryant and that he used a tire iron to fatally batter Moore in self-defense. He admitted that he and his girlfriend, Frances Smith, buried both victims in a shallow grave and that he refused to call police because he was a fugitive from a prison work detail.

Lambrix was previously set to die in February 2016, but his execution was halted then amid the questions over the constitutionality of Florida's death penalty law.



Luis Toledo: Death penalty remains on table for man accused of killing wife, children

The death penalty will remain on the table for a 35-year-old Volusia County man who is accused of killing his wife and her 2 children when his case goes to trial Monday, a judge ruled Friday.

Attorneys for Luis Toledo tried to convince Volusia County Circuit Judge Raul Zambrano to strike the death penalty, saying prosecutors failed to follow some procedures. But their motion was denied.

Toledo's wife, Yessenia Suarez, 28, and her children, Thalia Otto, 9, and Michael Otto, 8, disappeared from their Deltona home in October 2013. They have not been found.

Investigators said Toledo confessed to killing Suarez but denied killing her children.

Attorneys filed a motion to not allow jurors to hear police officers refer to Toledo by his nickname "Semi" -- an allusion to Toledo's mixed-martial arts training, which insinuates that he hits as hard as a tractor-trailer. But Zambrano also denied that motion.

Attorneys filed a motion to have the jury sequestered, but Zambrano denied that request.

"When (potential jurors) come in, they don't know why they are there, so they don't know what case they're getting," defense attorney Jeff Deen told Channel 9. "They start hearing (about) it and look in the back of the room and see your cameras there."

The defense also argued to keep other evidence out, including a fight the couple had 6 days before Suarez disappeared.

"There was potentially even an attempt to try to stab her with this knife. We don't want the jury to hear about that," said defense attorney Michael Nielsen.

The judge ruled it was relative to the case and should be used.

Toledo's case will be tried in St. Augustine because of the publicity it has received.

(source: WFTV news)

ALABAMA----impending execution

Alabama has set 10.19.17 as an execution date for Torrey Twane McNabb

Please contact Governor Kay Ivey and ask her to stay this execution



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MONTGOMERY, AL 36130 2751

PHONE 1-334-242-7100

FAX: 1-334-242-3282


1) The 11th Circuit recognized that there are "serious questions" about the constitutionality of Alabama's execution procedure which should put all executions on hold.

2.Mr. McNabb has a pending case in Montgomery Circuit Court challenging the legality of his death sentence after the Supreme Court's decision in Hurst v. Florida...

3) . A Kentucky judge ruled that the death penalty is unconstitutional for persons under the age of 21. The appeal is to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. McNabb was 20 at the time of the crime of which he was found guilty.

4). Alabama ought to delay all executions to allow for a thorough study of its capital punishment process and consider the serious objections raised as to how it administers the death penalty.



Holly Bobo's Parents Reveal Why They Agreed to Let Her Rapist and Murderer Avoid the Death Penalty

Holly Bobo's parents say in a new interview that they agreed with prosecutors to let her convicted killer be spared a possible death sentence so that they could "hopefully" begin to recover from her murder more than 6 years ago.

Dana and Karen Bobo discussed the decision in a sit-down with ABC News' 20/20, airing on Friday night and exclusively previewed above.

Asked why they chose to spare 33-year-old Zach Adams the possibility of an execution, Karen says it was about their own peace: "So that we can hopefully start doing a little bit of healing."

Adams was convicted on Sept. 22 of kidnapping, rape and 1st-degree murder in connection with Holly's slaying. He was sentenced the next day to life in prison without the possibility of parole, plus 50 years.

Holly, a 20-year-old nursing student, vanished from her home in Decatur County, Tennessee, on April 13, 2011. Her remains were found 3 years later, in the woods not far away.

Adams was the 1st of 3 suspects to go on trial in Holly's death. Jason Autry and John Dylan Adams, Zach's brother, are also charged.



Arkansas death-row inmate too 'psychotic' to kill, lawyers argue

In an attempt to stop his pending execution, lawyers for inmate Jack Greene on Thursday filed more than 100 pages of records that they say paint the picture of a delusional man who is unfit for the death penalty.

In addition to his bid in Jefferson County Circuit Court to be declared incompetent, Greene also will seek clemency from the governor, the state prisons department said Thursday.

Greene, convicted of killing a retired minister, is scheduled to die Nov. 9. His attorneys from the federal public defender's office in Little Rock say Greene has a "psychotic disorder" after spending more than a decade locked behind a solid metal door in a one-man cell.

Greene's disorder causes him to stuff tissues in his nose and ears to the point where he bleeds, according to a complaint brief filed Thursday. He also frequently stands on his head to numb a sense of pain. Greene lashes out at his attorneys, they wrote, and accuses them of being involved in a conspiracy against him.

Greene's IQ has been measured at 76, or "within the range for intellectual disability," his attorneys wrote.

Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled prisoners are unfit to be executed if they cannot comprehend their own death sentence or the reason for it, Greene's attorneys are asking the Jefferson County Circuit Court to order an independent evaluation to determine Greene's competency.

The complaint filed against Department of Correction Director Wendy Kelley also charges that the prison system's existing method for gauging a death row inmate's mental fitness falls short of the U.S. Supreme Court's standards for a "fair hearing" and is unconstitutional.

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge's office is representing the prisons department. A spokesman for Rutledge said Thursday that she is reviewing the complaint.

"The family of the victims deserve closure and the Attorney General will continue to work on their behalf to see that justice is done," said the spokesman, Judd Deere, in a text.

Greene, 62, is the oldest prisoner on Arkansas' death row at the Varner SuperMax Prison. He was convicted in 1992 of killing Sidney Burnett inside his Johnson County home the year before.

According to court records, Burnett and his wife, Edna, had for a time hired and housed Greene. In 1991, three days after Greene had fled North Carolina after killing his brother, he returned to the Burnetts' house and killed Sidney Burnett. When he was arrested in Oklahoma, he was driving Sydney Burnett's pickup.

Under an agreement signed with then-Gov. Bill Clinton, North Carolina extradited Greene to Arkansas on the condition that he be returned if given any sentence other than death. Greene's life sentence for killing his brother was later thrown out because a North Carolina judge declined to hire an outside psychiatrist to evaluate him.

The extradition agreement with North Carolina "would prove to be an unshakable fixation of Greene's," wrote John C. Williams, one of his public defenders, in the complaint filed Thursday. Greene believes that his attorneys are conspiring to keep him from being extradited to North Carolina, where he believes he will get better medical treatment, the complaint states.

Williams and Greene's other attorneys attached years of records documenting his mental illness, childhood and writings to prison officials.M

According to the complaint, Greene eats his meals from the sink in his cell after tossing the food from his tray, which he returns immediately to guards because he believes their repeated opening of the slot in his door is causing him hearing loss and concussions.

"Mr. Greene is a severely mentally ill man -- exactly the kind of person our laws prohibit from execution," said another of Greene's federal public defenders, Scott Braden, in a press release. "Decency requires that, at the very least, Arkansas must hold a hearing, with a neutral decision-maker, to examine Mr. Greene's competency to be executed."

Another death row inmate, Bruce Earl Ward, claimed to be mentally incompetent ahead of his scheduled execution in April. The state Supreme Court stayed his execution on related grounds. His case is ongoing.

A separate clemency hearing for Greene is set for Wednesday at the Varner prison. Few condemned prisoners in Arkansas are granted such a reprieve.

Prior to the state's plans to execute 8 men in April, 6 sought clemency. Only 1 bid was viewed favorably by the Parole Board and later approved by Gov. Asa Hutchinson. 4 men were executed.

Also Thursday, the Arkansas Supreme Court agreed to speed up its consideration of a case in which a Little Rock attorney is seeking records about the state's execution drugs. The justices on Wednesday stayed an order from a lower court to produce the records this week, but they then issued a new schedule that would allow them to decide the issue before Greene's execution.



Not insane: Moore beheading defendant found guilty of 1st-degree murder and assaulting 5 others----Penalty phase begins Monday, prosecutors seek death penalty

His jury quickly rejected his insanity defense, reaching the guilty verdicts in less than 2 hours.

Nolen, 33, of Moore, had no reaction as Cleveland County District Judge Lori Walkley read the verdict. He sat with his head down, his eyes closed and his fingers in his ears, as he has throughout the trial.

The jury returns Monday to begin the trial's penalty phase, which could last all week or longer. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

(source: Tulsa World)


Rethink death penalty in light of widespread government misconduct

The post-conviction review court has made findings in the Sir Mario Owens case. It is now established as fact that prosecutors deliberately and/or recklessly allowed 2 key witnesses for the state to present false evidence to the jury and, "with no legal justification," failed to correct those falsehoods.

It is also now established as fact that prosecutors failed to disclose exculpatory evidence (i.e., evidence that points to a defendant's innocence or impeaches the credibility of the witnesses against him) in more than 20 instances, concerning no fewer than 10 state witnesses. At the prosecution's urging, the court found that these facts - somehow - do not merit relief.

We beg to differ and trust that the Colorado Supreme Court or the federal courts will reach different conclusions. Facts matter. Justice depends on getting basic principles right. When the government uses improper tactics to distort the truth and to hide evidence, stark moral clarity is demanded.

An Arapahoe County District Court judge recently denied the death penalty appeal of convicted killer Sir Mario Owens. Senior Judge Christopher Munch ruled that Owens received a fair trial despite the fact that prosecutors withheld some evidence that could have been favorable to his side.

Other courts have recognized that when prosecutors behave with disregard for their constitutional obligations, it erodes public trust in our justice system, and chips away at the foundational premises of the rule of law. When courts acknowledge, yet forgive such transgressions, they invite their repetition.

Our criminal justice system becomes inherently vulnerable when prosecutors present false evidence and hide exculpatory evidence. Systemic failings cause innocent people to be wrongly convicted and executed.

Colorado's legislature established post-conviction review to ensure that if our state is ever going to execute a citizen in its name, then the process needs to be acutely trustworthy. The post-conviction court determines whether police and prosecutors disclosed all of the evidence in the case. Government misconduct is a primary cause of wrongful convictions and, once exposed, a leading factor in exonerations.

In the overwhelming number of criminal cases, Colorado's district attorneys practice an open file policy - meaning they open their entire file for defense inspection. But the 18th Judicial District's office does not adhere to an open file policy. A judge previously threw out the conviction of another capital defendant because that office hid exculpatory evidence. The court has now confirmed that the practice continued in Owens.

The post-conviction court has now found that both police and prosecutors hid vast amounts of exculpatory evidence. Records showed that the DA's office funneled thousands of dollars to their witnesses. Prosecutors worked secret deals that enabled witnesses to avoid lengthy incarceration in exchange for testimony. Prosecutors even promised 1 key witness a car bought by taxpayers. The car was delivered after the trial. The DA's office allowed witnesses with criminal convictions to abscond from probation or commit new crimes with no consequences, so long as they testified in the prosecution's favor. This information was not disclosed to the defense, the court, or the jury.

This case has been George Brauchler's responsibility for the past 5 years. Brauchler not only has failed to take any responsibility for the egregious misconduct, he has affirmatively continued the office's practice of hiding evidence. For example, the case was delayed for a year and half while he forced Colorado's Supreme Court to consider and later reject his efforts to hide possibly exculpatory material concerning highly questionable conduct on the part of a juror. It wasn't discovered until 2015 that Brauchler's office had maintained secret files that contained still more favorable evidence showing hidden payments to state's witnesses.

The pattern and practice exhibited by Brauchler's office and that of his predecessor tarnish the well-deserved image of so many of Colorado's honest and hardworking prosecutors who actually follow constitutional requirements and take their responsibilities seriously. When prosecutors present false evidence in the name of the people and hide exculpatory evidence, the state loses any moral authority it might otherwise have to impose the ultimate punishment.

In the 43 years since Colorado reinstated the death penalty, our state has spent between $100-$200 million on capital punishment. And yet, that massive expenditure has yielded 1 execution.

The time has come for Colorado to seriously consider whether the death penalty makes sense, given the financial burdens and misconduct that come with it.

(source: Guest Commentary; James Castle and Jonathan Reppucci are Denver lawyers appointed by the court to represent Sir Mario Owens----Denver Post)

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