
David J. Farber
Peter G. Neumann
Lauren Weinstein

March 18, 2002

Overcoming ICANN: Forging Better Paths for the Internet

An Open Letter to the Global Internet Community

[...] ICANN's lack of meaningful representation, and its continuing pattern of drastic and seemingly arbitrary structural and policy changes (among other shortcomings), have created an unstable and suspicion-ridden environment that is detrimental to the interests of the vast majority of Internet users around the world. The resulting overly politicized situation not only threatens the stability of the Internet itself, but also invites drastic and undesirable interventions by a variety of vested interests. [...] This is not to cast aspersions on the efforts of any individuals involved with ICANN in the past or present. Rather, we feel that ICANN has failed as an organization, and that the amount of "bad blood" and institutional "baggage" it carries doom "reform" efforts within the organization itself to ineffectiveness at best. We come to this conclusion reluctantly, since in the past we have considered that there might be an appropriate continuing role of some sort for ICANN. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible. [...]

-- Thomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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