ist lesenswert
und hat Anwendungen auf die Debatte über die Büssowschen
Sperrverfügungen wie auf DRM.

        This leads to the final area I want to think about;
        technology vs. magic at a policy level. In this realm,
        magical thinking is more dangerous because it is harder to
        overcome from a single side. You cannot hope to untangle the
        issues around file-sharing networks or DMCA, for example,
        unless everyone deals with technology as technology and not
        magic. [...] For those who choose to view technology as
        magic in these debates, pushback from those who view
        technology as technology (or engineering, I suppose)
        probably come across as petulant. When we say "I can't",
        they hear "I won't." While that might be a reasonable
        inference when dealing with adolescent children, it isn't
        very helpful in a policy debate. 

Gute Nacht,
Thomas Roessler                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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