Bug#333958: blender - build puts files outside of the build directory

2005-10-15 Thread
Hi, I think there should be a patch to the file 'SConstruct' at toplevel: 41c43 # root_build_dir = '..' + os.sep + 'build' + os.sep + sys.platform + os.sep --- bs_globals.root_build_dir = 'build' + os.sep + sys.platform + os.sep and the build target of blender will puts files in the 'buid'

Bug#323527: FTBFS: Invalid conversions and undeclared function

2005-08-17 Thread
Hi, I found the same thing at 2005-08-12, and I put a simple patch at http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detailaid=2927group_id=9atid=127 And this is a Blender Leader's reply: Date: 2005-08-14 14:13 Sender: ton Logged In: YES user_id=103 Hi, Can you give a description of what