i have found a solution, more like a workaround really but it helps to add context to the problem.

i changed the wifi card from an atheros AR9462 to an atheros AR9485 that showed the same type of behaviour: packet dropping , connection reconnect to the ap, exactly the same pattern of regression but when i was checking the dmesg log

it showed something about irq been remapped and reconnection occour.

[ 2364.308768] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0x00000028 AR_DIAG_SW=0x02000020 DMADBG_7=0x0002a800

i google it and found a workaround here : https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Network_configuration/Wireless#Cause_#5

i added the "intel_iommu=off" to the kernel at boot and everything worked like a charm.

so just out of curiosity i switched back to the atheros AR9462 and tried the same and it worked too.

so this is it.

Tenaka Khan


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