Hi Andrius

On Fri, 26 Jan 2024 at 09:21, Andrius Merkys <mer...@debian.org> wrote:
> promod3 is arch:all, but it depends on arch:any packages which build on
> amd64 only.

Why does openstructure build for amd64 only?

Looking in one of the failed build logs, I see:

error: in "mol_base/ics_settorsion_linear_unbuffered":
difference{4} between s.t2.GetAngle(){-2.3561945} and
Real(3.14159265358979323846/4){0.785398185} exceeds 0.0001%

0.7854 is 45 degrees, and -2.3562 is -135 degrees (45 - 180).
Are both answers correct?  You could skip the failing test, or compare
the tangent of both values.

> Is it necessary to limit the architecture list for promod3?
> I am reluctant to do so as there will be the need to manually update the
> list every time a new architecture becomes supported by its arch:any
> dependencies.

You could make promod3 arch:any instead of arch:all, but instead of
trying to maintain a list of architectures, simply add python3-ost as
a Build-Dependency (even if it is not really needed).  This will
ensure that promod3 is only built on architectures where python3-ost
is available.


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