On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 11:48:07 +0000 Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:

> Hi,
> I am reviewing BTS and this report contains no bug to be fixed.
> Thus closing.
> Osamu

The permission notice seems to be (basically) the same as it was when I
filed this bug report.  That is to say: confusing (at best).
I am happy to know that the document is released under the terms of the
GNU GPL v2 (or later), as you confirmed some time ago in the bug log.
Nonetheless, the extraneous sentences are still present in the
permission notice and it's still not clear whether they are meant as
additional permissions or something else.

You told that maybe the sentences are extracted from the GNU GPL *v1*,
but that's irrelevant, because the intended license for the document is
*not* the GNU GPL *v1*.

If you don't agree that this is a (minor) bug, I think the correct
action is tagging as wontfix, rather than closing the bug report...

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..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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