It's in hw/xfree86/int10/xf86int10.c
int1A_handler(xf86Int10InfoPtr pInt)

For AX values 0xb108, 0xb109, 0xb10a, 0xb10b, 0xb10c and 0xb10d

The entire contents of edi is used as a pci register number, only DI should be used.

For this specific bios

< X86_ECX = pciReadLong(tag, X86_EDI);
X86_ECX = pciReadLong(tag, X86_DI);

in case 0xb10a: fixes my problem.

Now I have a driver that's both stable and not too slow. :-)

Rob.                          (Robert de Bath <robert$ @>)

On Wed, 25 Jul 2007, Julien Cristau wrote:

On Fri, May  4, 2007 at 19:27:03 +0100, Robert de Bath wrote:

Well, looks like I was wrong, the current unstable (1:7.2-3) locks up
with 100% cpu. The process can be kill -9'd and the attached log is what
remains. In addition after resetting the console I can see the messages:

" f000:5054: 01 ILLEGAL EXTENDED X86 OPCODE!
" XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

This is either a bug in the x86 emulator included in the X server, or a
bug in your vbios.  In either case, it'd probably work if you didn't use
the vesa driver.  Is there any particular reason you use it instead of
an appropriate driver for your video card?


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