The Sony Ericsson K800i suffers from the same problem (unsurprisingly).

I found the patch in this bug wasn't reliable, as it discarded some
status messages that were important, resulting in gsmpb returning
incomplete phonebooks and gsmsmsstore crapping out. Result of hacking
until it worked attached -- this allowed reliable use of gsmpb and
gsmsmsstore for me. (The patch isn't suitable for applying directly to
the package, though! -- it needs redoing properly.)
--- gsmlib-1.10.orig/gsmlib/
+++ gsmlib-1.10/gsmlib/
@@ -106,11 +106,27 @@
   putLine("AT" + atCommand);
   // and gobble up CR/LF (and possibly echoed characters if echo can't be
   // switched off)
+  // Also, some mobiles (e.g., Sony Ericsson K800i) respond to commands
+  // like "at+cmgf=0" with "+CMGF: 0" on success as well as the "OK"
+  // status -- so gobble that (but not if that sort of response was expected)
+  // FIXME: this is a gross hack, should be done via capabilities or sth
+  #include <string>
+  string::size_type loc = atCommand.find( "=", 1 );
+  string expect;
+  if (loc != string::npos) {
+      expect = atCommand;
+      expect.replace(loc, 1, " ");
+      expect.insert(loc, ":");
+  } else {
+      expect = "";
+  }
     s = normalize(getLine());
-  while (s.length() == 0 || s == "AT" + atCommand);
+  while (s.length() == 0 || s == "AT" + atCommand || 
+         ((response.length() == 0 || !matchResponse(s, response)) &&
+          (expect.length() > 0 && matchResponse(s, expect))));
   // handle errors
   if (matchResponse(s, "+CME ERROR:") || matchResponse(s, "+CMS ERROR:"))

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