--- Begin Message ---
Hi Frank,

Thanks for this....

On 25 May 2007, at 2:50 pm, Frank Küster wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> the attached mail is a bug report we received for our Debian packages,
> the TECkit library didn't build any more on 64bit architectures.   
> It was
> triggered because we configured texlive with "--enable-shared" to  
> build
> libkpathsea.so.4.0.0.  The easy solution was to use
> "--enable-shared=default", so that it is ineffective in the  
> directories
> for other libs, like TECkit.  But there's also a patch in the report
> which allows to compile with "--enable-shared" in TECkit.  I'm not  
> sure
> it's useful for you, but just in case, here is it.
> (Is it okay to contact you directly, or should we send xetex-related
> things to the mailing list?  Is that possible without subscribing?)

I don't think you can send to the list without subscribing, AFAIK.  
But a direct report like this is fine; I appreciate receiving the  
report & patch, and will look into including this in the main sources  
if it seems to work as expected for me.

(We're hoping to have a proper issue tracking system one of these  


--- End Message ---

Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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