fre 2007-10-05 klockan 14:16 -0700 skrev Michael Westwind:
> Java in web pages is working fine in konqueror for me.  It is enabled 
> globally 
> and the path to the executable is set to /usr/bin/java, which is a symlink 
> to /etc/alternatives/java, which is a symlink 
> to  /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java
> I had not tried it before, but javaws does not seem to work starting from 
> konqueror.  I went to 
> and got a message saying I needed to download it.  
> after writing the above and before sending off this email, I noticed there 
> were some updates in sid, including java6, so I did an upgrade and found I 
> can now use java in iceweasel.  Very nice.
> regards
> Michael

I don't think it was ever the same bug, then. javaws crashes for me
started from the commandline, that is without any browser involved, and
it is still crashing after the updates. Nice to hear that it works for
you now, but the original bug should stay open.
Vincent Lönngren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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