A small chage to not left files in tmp

Klaus Ethgen                              http://www.ethgen.ch/
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16   Klaus Ethgen <kl...@ethgen.de>
Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753  62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C
--- a/tools/c_rehash.in
+++ b/tools/c_rehash.in
@@ -122,34 +122,48 @@ sub link_hash_cert {
 		my $fname = $_[0];
 		my $hashopt = $_[1] || '-subject_hash';
 		$fname =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
-		my ($hash, $fprint) = `"$openssl" x509 $hashopt -fingerprint -noout -in "$fname"`;
-		chomp $hash;
-		chomp $fprint;
-		$fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
-		$fprint =~ tr/://d;
-		my $suffix = 0;
-		# Search for an unused hash filename
-		while(exists $hashlist{"$hash.$suffix"}) {
-			# Hash matches: if fingerprint matches its a duplicate cert
-			if($hashlist{"$hash.$suffix"} eq $fprint) {
-				print STDERR "WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate $fname\n";
-				return;
-			}
-			$suffix++;
-		}
-		$hash .= ".$suffix";
-		print "$fname => $hash\n";
-		$symlink_exists=eval {symlink("",""); 1};
-		if ($symlink_exists) {
-			symlink $fname, $hash;
-		} else {
-			open IN,"<$fname" or die "can't open $fname for read";
-			open OUT,">$hash" or die "can't open $hash for write";
-			print OUT <IN>;	# does the job for small text files
-			close OUT;
-			close IN;
-		}
-		$hashlist{$hash} = $fprint;
+		open my $in_fh, '<', $fname or die "can't open $fname for read";
+		my $cert = eval {local $/ = undef; <$in_fh>};
+		close $in_fh;
+		while ($cert =~ /^(-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----)$/gms)
+		{
+		   my $part = $1;
+		   my $tfile = `tempfile`;
+		   chomp $tfile;
+		   open my $tfile_fh, '>', $tfile or die "can't open $tfile for write";
+		   print {$tfile_fh} "$part\n";
+		   close $tfile_fh;
+		   my ($hash, $fprint) = `"$openssl" x509 $hashopt -fingerprint -noout -in "$tfile"`;
+		   chomp $hash;
+		   chomp $fprint;
+		   $fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
+		   $fprint =~ tr/://d;
+		   my $suffix = 0;
+		   # Search for an unused hash filename
+		   while(exists $hashlist{"$hash.$suffix"}) {
+			   # Hash matches: if fingerprint matches its a duplicate cert
+			   if($hashlist{"$hash.$suffix"} eq $fprint) {
+				   print STDERR "WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate $fname\n";
+				   next;
+			   }
+			   $suffix++;
+		   }
+		   $hash .= ".$suffix";
+		   print "$fname => $hash\n";
+		   $symlink_exists=eval {symlink("",""); 1};
+		   if ($symlink_exists) {
+			   symlink $fname, $hash;
+		   } else {
+			   open IN,"<$tfile" or die "can't open $tfile for read";
+			   open OUT,">$hash" or die "can't open $hash for write";
+			   print OUT <IN>;	# does the job for small text files
+			   close OUT;
+			   close IN;
+		   }
+		   $hashlist{$hash} = $fprint;
+		   unlink $tfile;
+		} ## end while ($cert =~ /^(-----BEGIN ...
 sub link_hash_cert_old {

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