I tested with 5.08-1 aswell, same results as Tamas'. A sample file is
attached to this email (similar content to what Tamas posted).

The problem though, is that magic/Magdir/msdos contains this:

# .COM formats (Daniel Quinlan, quin...@yggdrasil.com)
# Uncommenting only the first two lines will cover about 2/3 of COM files,
# but it isn't feasible to match all COM files since there must be at least
# two dozen different one-byte "magics".
# test too generic ?
0       byte            0xe9            DOS executable (COM)

Anything that starts with 0xe9 will be classified as a DOS executable,
and that's about it. It's a one-byte magic, and as the comment above the
line suggests, it's way too generic.

I would suggest disabling this magic.


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