Forwarding from the author's reply on the issue tracker.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alexei Boronine <>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 at 20:27
Subject: Re: [hsluv/hsluv-python] Question: How did you make transpiled
Haxe code to (#10)
To: hsluv/hsluv-python <>
CC: Yao Wei <>, Author <>

I only used dead code removal as an example of how the Haxe-generated code
was cleaned up manually. The clean-up also included variable renaming and
formatting changes. There is no way to automatically generate hsluv-python
code, so you should definitely just use it as-is. I think for the purpose
of the Debian policy, you can consider to be *derived* from
generated code rather than *being* generated code.

It would be great to see hsluv-python packaged for Debian, thank you for
taking the time to do it :)

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