I found a workaround:
   1. Copy /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf to
   2. Edit and add { name = libpipewire-module-echo-cancel } into
      section context.modules = [ … ]
   3. systemctl --user restart pipewire-pulse.service
   4. Check with pavucontrol if the virtual device 'Echo Cancel
      Capture' records from the desired physical device
   5. In Jami's media settings, select 'Echo Cancel sink' and 'Echo
      Cancel source' as recording and output devices

In jami-daemon src/media/audio/pulseaudio/pulselayer.cpp I found some
"magic" related to PulseAudio's echo-cancel module, but I don't
understand how that does the trick for PulseAudio and if that is
supposed to also work with PipeWire.

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