The subject line translates to “Bathing babies, how to do it right?”
according to an automated tool.

HUGGIES® - Cẩm nang cho Mẹ <> writes:

> Nếu nội dung email không hiển thị hoàn chỉnh, vui lòng nhấn
> [SPAM URL] vào đây để đọc phiên bản web

(“If the content does not show the complete email, please click here to
read web version”)

I'm having so much fun with the translation of the text, I don't think I
could cope with the web version.

> Cách tắm và bảo vệ làn da non nớt của bé sơ sinh

(“How to protect your skin and bathing immaturity of newborn”)

Certainly we are off-topic for other Debian discussion forums. This is
enough curiosa for me.

 \        “You know I could rent you out as a decoy for duck hunters?” |
  `\                                                     —Groucho Marx |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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