hextype - Hexdump according to DOS Debug output format

I realize that this little program has a certain fan base, and I
used to be part of that fan base, but I really think the time
has come to retire it.  These days the program "hd" (in bsdmainutils)
provides all the same convenience.  I find myself using hd
instead of hextype (even though I maintain hextype!) because it
has two advantages:
  - It's more flexible.  If I want to adjust something about the
    output, or if I want to see only a specific part of a file,
    then I can just give it some options.  With hextype there's
    only one exact format and I have to be happy with that.
  - It will condense repeated identical lines.  This is hugely
    convenient when looking at tarfiles, filesystem dumps, and
    other things with large blocks of zeroes.

The sole advantage of hextype is that it's smaller and faster,
but I've never had a reason to care about that.

Normally I would just file for hextype's removal after coming
to these conclusions, but as I said earlier, I know that this
program has a fan base :)  So if you use hextype, and want to
keep it in the archive, then please contact me and I'll happily
accept your offer to maintain it...

(If you're in the new maintainer queue, I'll also sponsor your
uploads as long as you don't make a mess of them.)

If I hear nothing about it in a week or two, then I'll assume
that everyone hates hextype and I'll ask for it to be removed.


Richard Braakman

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