Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Vincent Danjean <>

* Package name    : libdata-table-perl
  Version         : 1.72
  Upstream Author : Yingyao Zhou & Guangzhou Zou
* URL             :
* License         : Perl (Artistic or GPL-1+)
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : manipulate data tables in perl (as in R)

 This perl package uses perl5 objects to make it easy for manipulating
 spreadsheet data among disk files, database, and Web publishing.
 A table object contains a header and a two-dimensional array of scalars. Four
 class methods Data::fromFile, Data::Table::fromCSV, Data::Table::fromTSV, and
 Data::Table::fromSQL allow users to create a table object from a CSV/TSV file
 or a database SQL selection in a snap.
 Table methods provide basic access, add, delete row(s) or column(s)
 operations, as well as more advanced sub-table extraction, table sorting,
 record matching via keywords or patterns, table merging, and web publishing.
 Data::Table class also provides a straightforward interface to other popular
 Perl modules such as DBI and GD::Graph.

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