Re: webwml/e/releases/index.wml

2001-07-13 Thread Marta Pla i Castells
On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 04:00:38AM +0200, Miquel Vidal wrote: Ignasi Tura va dir: h2Llançaments segons l'estat/h2 pLa presentació dels llançaments següents es basa segons el seu estat de llançament. Aquests enllaços sempre seran disponibles, ja que Debian sempre té com a mínim tres

Re: webwml/e/releases/index.wml

2001-07-13 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 02:39:54AM +0200, Ignasi Tura wrote: #use wml::debian::template title=Llançaments de Debian #use wm,::debian::translation-check etc... :) Jordi -- Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom, aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Using

En el poble 2 setmanes o 3

2001-07-13 Thread Jordi Mallach
Hola, Dins de 3 hores agafe un tren a Sogorb, i si tot va be no tornaré fins Agost. No tinc ni telefon, ni ordenador ni res per allí, així que en principi no podré pujar coses al CVS. Intentaré llegir el correu una vegada a a la semana o així, el que es pot fer es que una vegada esté un .wml


2001-07-13 Thread Jordi Mallach
Hey, els ultims minuts son molt productius. Un webmaster va a arreglar el apache de klecker ( per a que funcione el content negotiation amb català. Es a dir, fiqueu catalan com primera llengua en el navegador i vos sortirá lo que toca. Diu que ho farà ara mateix :) Jordi --

Re: Catalan

2001-07-13 Thread Miquel Vidal
Jaime E . Villate dijo: Hola Miquel (y Jordi que algún dia me leerá), hola jaime Puedes pasarme los ficheros que te lleguen que yo me encargo de subirlos a webwml. ok, gracias, pues lo hacemos así entonces. Aprovecho para hacerle una propuesta a Jordi: ¿te interesaría tener un glosario

Re: [TR] - Install en .sgml

2001-07-13 Thread Jordi Valverde
A Divendres 13 Juliol 2001 13:00, Lluis Vilanova va escriure: El vie, 13 de jul de 2001, a las 01:34:27 +0200, Antoni Bella Perez dijo: Com que semblen ésser pocs començaré a repartir els fitxers de la install. Si us sembla massa o teniu cap preferència aviseu. Això és tot el que

Re: [TR] Fitxers que m'agencio

2001-07-13 Thread Antoni Bella Perez
Si us plau quan reportis correccions digues a quin fitxer et refereixes i només afegeix-ne el context quan ho creguis realment d'importància doncs se'm fà impossible enrecordar-me de tot. Aquest en concret ja ha estat corretgit i publicat a la web però tot i així encara es pot corretgir

Re: webwml/e/releases/index.wml

2001-07-13 Thread Ignasi Tura
[EMAIL PROTECTED] va escriure: On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 02:39:54AM +0200, Ignasi Tura wrote: #use wml::debian::template title=Llançaments de Debian #use wm,::debian::translation-check etc... :) He he... Perdó. M'havia llegit la teva anterior carta massa per sobre. El template title el

Re: webwml/e/releases/index.wml

2001-07-13 Thread Ignasi Tura
Accepto incondicionalment totes les modificacions que m'has ofert, a excepció de la següent, on ofereixo un intermig en les meves tendències a seguir inadvertidament aquestes sinteticitats tan famoses de l'anglès: dtunstable (inestable)/dt ddEl desenvolupament actiu de Debian ocorre en la

Re: webwml/e/releases/index.wml

2001-07-13 Thread Miquel Vidal
Ignasi Tura va dir: És emprada pels desenvolupadors queda prou bé? clar i català ;-) m. -- Miquel Vidal| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | CSOA el Laboratorio | Using Debian GNU/Linux | GnuPG public

Re: Lilo y MBR

2001-07-13 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Antonio IGLESIAS IBANEZ wrote: Una pregunta fácil (espero). ¿ cómo puedo quitar la parte de LILO que se instala en el MBR en un disco que voy a reparticionar y a reiniciar ? Conste que no tengo el MBR original (craso error :'[ ). Gracias anticipadas. Antonio ¿estás seguro?; se

Re: ac97 integrada en placa

2001-07-13 Thread Enzo Dari
Merche Tomás wrote: Instalé alsautils alsaplayer_alsa alsaconf alsa-base ejecuto alsaconf y aparecen las siguientes tarjetas ...(unas cuantas, salvo la que hace falta) ¿Cual puede emular

Re: Habilitar ruedas de desplazamiento vertical del rat ón

2001-07-13 Thread Victor Sanahuja
Yo tampoco se como funciona pero creo, que los dos movimientos que tiene la rueda cuentan como dos botones mas. espero que te sirva de algo, aunque lo dudo .--. |o_o | |:_/ | // \ \ (| | ) Victor Sanahuja - Atilon Inet /'\_ _/`\ WebMaster - Debian

servidor de apt

2001-07-13 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
Hola lista, en primer lugar, perdonad la pregunta porque se que se ha hablado hace poco en la lista, pero acabo de instalarme una potato desde CD en un ordenador con red (por fin :-) y no puedo leer los archivos de la lista todavía (esto está a medio configurar). El problema es que quiero

Re: Lilo y MBR

2001-07-13 Thread Carlos Solano
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 06:20:33PM +0200, Antonio IGLESIAS IBANEZ wrote: Una pregunta fácil (espero). ¿ cómo puedo quitar la parte de LILO que se instala en el MBR en un disco que voy a reparticionar y a reiniciar ? Conste que no tengo el MBR original (craso error :'[ ). Gracias

Re: Kernel y memoria

2001-07-13 Thread first last
--- Javier M Mora [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: No se donde leí que la memoria de swap debía de ser el doble de la ram hasta 30 Mb. Esa documentacion creo que es bastante vieja (si no haz las cuentas, 30/2 = 15 megas, lo que ya no tiene ningun ordenador medio moderno). Es decir que mi

Re: Error: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed

2001-07-13 Thread first last
--- Cesar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hola. Que alguien me corrija pero creo que es un bug del kernel 2.2.17. Cambiar de kernel ?? Un saludo. César. Insallah Si, lo es, pero creo que de todo kernel 2.2.19, asi que actualiza a 2.2.19 (deberia estar en las

Re: Sucesos (par)anormales con el teclado

2001-07-13 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El vie, 13 de jul de 2001, a las 12:39:05 +0200, Andres Herrera dijo: El Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 12:38:26AM +0200, Lluis Vilanova disidio iscribir: Guenas Desde ya hace un tiempo, al teclado le dan ataques o algo asi. De pronto, tanto si estoy usando el ordenador como si no, tanto si estoy

Re: Lilo y MBR

2001-07-13 Thread Antonio IGLESIAS IBANEZ
Efectivamente. Ha sido fulminante. Muchas gracias a todos. Antonio. Andres Seco Hernandez wrote: fdisk /mbr desde un disquete de arranque del innombrable. -- Andres Seco Hernandez- [EMAIL PROTECTED] MCP ID 445900 - GnuPG public

Re: StarOffice

2001-07-13 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
con sid funciona perfecto

Re: StarOffice

2001-07-13 Thread JM A M
Hola From: José Luis Triviño [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Abejo [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: StarOffice Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 09:33:18 +0200 ... Además casi todas la documentación que tengo que entregar la piden en formato Word (cosas de nuestra maravillosa administración)... Jose Luis

Re: StarOffice

2001-07-13 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 01:13:50PM -, JM A M wrote: Pienso que este tipo de cosas es intolerable. Me refiero a que la administración se permita el lujo de exigir que los documentos deban entregarse en un formato que no sea libre y accesible libremente para todos. Te cito textualmente de

Unidentified subject!

2001-07-13 Thread JM A M
From: Ignacio García Fernández [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: StarOffice Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 15:40:57 +0200 Te cito textualmente de un manual de AENOR, organismo que se encarga de la normalización en España. En concreto se trata de unas instrucciones

Re: El tamaño de un directorio

2001-07-13 Thread JM A M
Me respondo a mí mismo, por completar el círculo: Para ver en un filemanager en modo gráfico lo que yo quería: el tamaño de una carpeta con todo lo que le cuelga, lo mejor que he encontrado se llama gentoo (viene con woody y quizá también con Potato) y se parece al filemanager de Window$ 3.X,

Re: Error: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed

2001-07-13 Thread Cesar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Que alguien me corrija pero creo que es un bug del kernel 2.2.17. Cambiar de kernel ?? ¿Y da muchos problemas cambiar el kernel de potato? ¿Me funcionara todo? Gracias y saludos. Pep. Según comenta first-last es un bug hasta el kernel 2.2.19 Yo ando

Re: Sucesos (par)anormales con el teclado

2001-07-13 Thread Andres Herrera
El Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 12:54:32PM +0200, Lluis Vilanova disidio iscribir: Guenas Fale, mirando en los logs encontre esto: Jul 13 12:24:51 valhalla kernel: keyboard: Timeout - AT keyboard not present? e...y que significa??? que se cree que he desconectado el teclado?? (quizas el cable esta

Maya funciona bajo Debian!!!!!!

2001-07-13 Thread Pablo Giménez
Que si peña queno se trague nadie los que dice la gente de Alias, el famosillo programita de ·d Maya de Alias|Wavefront funciona bajo Debian, y no sólo bajo RH como decian. Ná que para todos los que lo estís usándolo actualmente que lo sepáis, simplemente es cuestión de pasar los .rpm a .deb

Remapear teclado en las X

2001-07-13 Thread Pablo Giménez
A ver necesitaría hacer que al pulsar la tecla Alt, el evento que capturasen las X fuese como si hubieses pulsado Alt+Shift, vamos mapear Alt en Alt+Shift. Otro par de cosillas, cómo anulo las teclas de bloquear mayúsculas y de teclado numérico, y por último como le hago para que detecte la

Sólo puedo loggearme como root!!!

2001-07-13 Thread Pablo Giménez
Bueno, me acaba de ocurrir algo que nunca me había pasado, la cuestión es que sólo puedo loggearme como root, creo por ejemplo el usuario pepito y cuando meto el nombre me dice login incorrect, no me deja ni tan siquiera meter la password. Alguna luz Gracias --

Re: Error: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed

2001-07-13 Thread Diego Chaparro
Yo llevo un tiempo con kernel 2.2.17 en un pc antiguo con poca RAM, y la única vez que me ha salido ese mensaje fue un día que me cargué la partición de swap ... Por si acaso comprueba que tu partición de swap está en buen estado ... On 12 Jul 2001 14:56:09 +0100, Cesar

Kernel 2.2.19pre17

2001-07-13 Thread Oliver Mendoza
Hola a todos, if (A.M.) buenos días; else buenas noches; Estoy intentando hacer funcionar un winmodem en linux pero para usar los drivers de ese winmodem necesito kernel-headers-2.2.19pre17 y no se donde conseguirlo, pero los cd's solo traen kernel-headers-2.2.19pre17-compact y ese no me

Re: Sólo puedo loggearme como root!!!

2001-07-13 Thread Jaume Sabater
permisos del /home? algun /etc/nologin? .lock? A Divendres 13 Juliol 2001 21:09, Pablo Giménez va escriure: Bueno, me acaba de ocurrir algo que nunca me había pasado, la cuestión es que sólo puedo loggearme como root, creo por ejemplo el usuario pepito y cuando meto el nombre me dice login

Re: Kernel 2.2.19pre17

2001-07-13 Thread Jaume Sabater deberia tenerlo, o algun mirror suyo... A Divendres 13 Juliol 2001 21:19, Oliver Mendoza va escriure: Hola a todos, if (A.M.) buenos días; else buenas noches; Estoy intentando hacer funcionar un winmodem en linux pero para usar los drivers de ese winmodem necesito

Re: HP LaserJet 1100 y Samba

2001-07-13 Thread Luis Manuel Asensio Royo
Juan R. Martínez M. wrote: ¡Hola Juan! como servidor de impresión. Para ello instalé la última version de lprng(3.7.4-4) e ifhp(3.4.4-1) de unstable, compilé el kernel 2.2.19 a la Pues me disponía ha hacer por pasos lo que me dices (primero kernel, probar, luego el lprng, probar y después el

Re: Kernel 2.2.19pre17

2001-07-13 Thread Santiago Vila
Estoy intentando hacer funcionar un winmodem en linux pero para usar los drivers de ese winmodem necesito kernel-headers-2.2.19pre17 y no se donde conseguirlo, pero los cd's solo traen kernel-headers-2.2.19pre17-compact y ese no me funciona, Una cosa que podrías hacer es actualizar el núcleo

Modulos de alsa en potato?

2001-07-13 Thread Seba
Hola a todos. Estoy intentando instalar una placa de sonido isapnp(ALS120), y compilandola como modulo del kernel me trae varios problemas y no puedo configurarla, asi que quise utilizar alsa que se que va bien. Asi que instale los deb de alsa-base, alsautils y demas paquetes de alsa (de Potato

konqueror y Mozilla

2001-07-13 Thread Gustavo Bononi
Buenas a todos alguien tiene idea de como se instalan los plug-in en konqueror y mozilla?? Tengo entendido que los de konqueror son compatibles con los de netscape, pero no se donde catzo se copian ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Gustavo Bononi MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 18430956

Aplicaciones estilo office

2001-07-13 Thread Santiago Pastorino
Tengo una duda que me surgio con el mensaje sobre StarOffice, quisiera tener opiniones sobre que software usan cuando les mandan archivos .ppt .xls o .doc porque hubo gente que comento que no usaba staroffice, yo conozco el abiword, el gnumeric, y paremos de contar, hay alguno más? Alguien dijo de

[OffTopic] Fondos de pantalla

2001-07-13 Thread Santiago Pastorino
Alguien sabe direcciones que tengan wallpapers en buena calidad 1280x1024 más o menos, ya que quiero configurar un entorno bastante vistoso para mostrarle a gente que no conoce GNU/Linux. Porque además de mostrarles los programas que existen en modo texto, quisiera que no piensen que GNU/Linux es

Re: [OffTopic] Fondos de pantalla

2001-07-13 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 13 Jul 2001 20:49:59 -0300, Santiago Pastorino wrote: Alguien sabe direcciones que tengan wallpapers en buena calidad 1280x1024 más o menos, ya que quiero configurar un entorno bastante vistoso para mostrarle a gente que no conoce GNU/Linux. Porque además de mostrarles los programas que

gnumeric pide libgal4 q no encuentro

2001-07-13 Thread Roberto Meyer
Hola a todos, Gnumeric solicita la libreria libgal4 que no encuentro. Con woody viene libgal7 pero es evidente que no le sirve, a menos que encuentre manera de hacerle creer que se trata de libgal4. El tema es que gnumeric ni instala. Alguien ha solucionado esto antes? Salu2 y gracias, --

apt-get no va con cd's

2001-07-13 Thread jmimora
Hola Lista!!! Tenemos un problema con una Debian Potato instalada desde cdrom. La cosa es que el dselect no marca bien los paquetes a instalar. Marcas los paquetes y dice que no tiene nada que instalar. Por otro lado el apt-get no baja los paquetes que cumplen las dependencias. Sólo

Re: apt-get no va con cd's

2001-07-13 Thread Dios Del Tiempo
--- jmimora [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : Tenemos un problema con una Debian Potato instalada desde cdrom. La cosa es que el dselect no marca bien los paquetes a instalar. Marcas los paquetes y dice que no tiene nada que instalar. Por otro lado el apt-get no baja los paquetes que

Voodoo 3 3000 AGP

2001-07-13 Thread Santiago Pastorino
Alguien me puede tirar una mano para configurar mi Voodoo 3 en sid, tengo Xfree 4.0.3 y kernel 2.4.6, que tengo que hacer? Existe algun recetario por la internet de como configurarla? Muchas gracias.

Re: Sammarbetsringen?

2001-07-13 Thread oivvio polite
Anarkoprogrammerare. Det låter intressant, men vad betyder det? Vilken typ av projket diskuterar ni? oivvio Hur går det med den anarkistiska sammarbetsring om fri mjukvara som det Jo vi träffades på kafé 44 (fast eg på Carmen) och snackade lite, än så länge så har vi inte kommit fram

Re: Consoles Virtuais (naum funfo ainda...)

2001-07-13 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 12 Jul 2001 11:16:30 -0300 TuxNH [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Ainda continuo com o problema, mas segue abaixo meu inittab para vcs darem uma espiada... qual é mesmo seu problema? 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2 3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400

Re: Estou deixando o projeto Debian-Br

2001-07-13 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 12 Jul 2001 21:06:54 -0300 Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Eu vou traduzir eles. (eu prometo kov :) bom =) Sobre mirror, não seria melhor colocar um num lugar com muita bandwidth, como o, ou o mirror oficial do kernel ( Ninguém

Re: Consoles Virtuais (naum funfo ainda...)

2001-07-13 Thread Rodrigo Gruppelli
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 vem ca, não é melhor o uso do mingetty para gettar terminais? Tipo, imagino que o mingetty tem muito menos funcionalidades que o getty, portanto, deve ocupar menos memoria, cpu, seila, etc. ne'? ou nao? On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Gustavo Noronha

Re: Estou deixando o projeto Debian-Br

2001-07-13 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 12 Jul 2001 21:09:19 -0300 Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: ajudar, tanto na parte da tradução quanto na revisão, seria interessante que se manifestasse. Bom, estou aqui. Se você não se importa, eu gostaria de assumir essa responsabilidade, porque é mais fácil pra mim

Re: Download Manager

2001-07-13 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 12 Jul 2001 23:14:33 -0300 Alexandre Pereira da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Mais alguns: axel, darxite. é mesmo! esqueci desses! o axel posso falar... ele é um downloader feito por um dos developers do prozilla que resolveu fazer seu próprio... a diferença? ele não faz o

Re: mount na hora do boot

2001-07-13 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 12 Jul 2001 23:41:26 -0300 (BRT) Rodrigo Gruppelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Gente, da' para mountar um filesystem na hora do boot, como outro usuário, ao invés de root? Q q se tem q botar no fstab?? /dev/hda1 /windos vfat

apt-get timeout

2001-07-13 Thread Rodrigo Gruppelli
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Pessoal, onde que se configura o timeout do apt-get ? Outra coisa.. como eu faço pra adicionar o /usr/local/share/locale pro apt-locatepurge atuar tambem dentro desse diretorio? []s -

Re: Samba

2001-07-13 Thread Rotsen Marcello
smbpasswd -a usuario -Original Message- From: TuxNH [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 14:05:14 -0300 Subject: Samba Como adiciono um usuário ao samba??? no Conectiva eu usava: #smbadduser tux:tux mas no debian isso não funciona! Será


2001-07-13 Thread TuxNH
Pessoal! Configurei meu samba e no windows ele diz que naum havia domínio disponível. meu servidor está sob Ip e as máquinas sob o IP 192.168.0. e rodam Windows'98se. possuo um router adsl 3com 812 e funfa legalzinho tanto no Rwin quanto no Debian 2.2 r3. Obs.: o samba está

Re: Samba...

2001-07-13 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
TuxNH wrote: socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8129 hosts allow = 192.168.0 127. ^ O certo é: hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127. Sem o . ele vai rejeitar as conexões vindas da rede. encrypt passwords = yes

Re: Samba...

2001-07-13 Thread TuxNH
ainda não deu... o arquivo smb.conf tá no lugar certo (/etc/samba/smb.conf???) ele continua dizendo que naum há servidor de domínios disponível... criei o usuário da seguinte maneira: smbpasswd -a tux segue meu smb.conf novamente: # =Configurações Globais do

Dúvida de instalação em Lap top (Zenith Znote GT)

2001-07-13 Thread Alessandro Humberto Chiodo
Oi Pessoal, Tenho um laptop Zenith Znote GT , que usa a mesma porta para floppy e cd-rom, e sendo assim não há como eu instalar o linux usando os discos de boot , existe alguma coisa como um autoboot , o qual eu possa executar do cd de instalação e ele bootar o computador e instalar o

RES: Dúvida de instalação em Lap top ( Zenith Znote GT)

2001-07-13 Thread andremac
Olá Alessandro, -Mensagem original- De: Alessandro Humberto Chiodo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (...) Tenho um laptop Zenith Znote GT , que usa a mesma porta para floppy e cd-rom, e sendo assim não há como eu instalar o linux usando os discos de boot , existe alguma coisa


2001-07-13 Thread Andre Viveiros
Caros colegas, alguem ja teve uma experiencia com instalacao de squid para fornecer um proxy numa intranet . Um micro tem a conexao com a internet e os outro micros vao conectar na internet apartir dele? Como faço isso ? ja instalei o squid ! abracos andre [EMAIL PROTECTED] = Perca, mas não

Re: Programa pra fazer cartões.

2001-07-13 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
O StarOffice tem! Tem outros que fazem, que sao so para isso e estao na Debian. Procure por apt-get search card. Grande abraço, PH Em Fri, 13 Jul 2001 17:36:33 +, Nivaldo Antonio Portela de Vasconcelos [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Olá,

Re: acentuacao no mutt

2001-07-13 Thread Rafael Sasaki
Fala Alexandre, Eu não uso o Mutt a muito tempo, mas também tive esse problema. Resolvi colocando a linha: export LC_CTYPE=pt_BR no meu arquivo .bash_profile. Também funciona com LC_ALL, mas você passará a ter o ambiente em português. No meu Gnome ficou meio esquisito, file vira

Re: Squid

2001-07-13 Thread Rodrigo Morais Araujo
On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, [iso-8859-1] Andre Viveiros wrote: Caros colegas, alguem ja teve uma experiencia com instalacao de squid para fornecer um proxy numa intranet . Um micro tem a conexao com a internet e os outro micros vao conectar na internet apartir dele? Como fa?o isso ? ja instalei o

Re: mount na hora do boot

2001-07-13 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Só complementando: Outra alternativa é usar a opção user no fstab, a diferença é que ela permite que todos os usuários possam montar/desmontar o sistema de arquivos (mas só aquele que montou pode desmontar o sistema de arquivos, incluindo o root). Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote: Em Thu, 12

Re: Squid

2001-07-13 Thread Thiago Honório Maia
A página correta é From: Rodrigo Morais Araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Cc: Lista Linux Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 6:22 PM Subject: Re: Squid On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, [iso-8859-1] Andre

Re: Squid

2001-07-13 Thread Pablo Lorenzzoni
Olah!! Em Sex 13 Jul 2001 17:13, Andre Viveiros escreveu: | Caros colegas, | alguem ja teve uma experiencia com instalacao de squid | para fornecer um proxy numa intranet . Um micro tem a | conexao com a internet e os outro micros vao conectar | na internet apartir dele? Como faço isso ? | ja

Re: Macromedia Flash (Mozilla - Konqueror)

2001-07-13 Thread Vinicius De Mario
KrIsSkRoSs wrote: Senhores, Estou tentando ativar o suporte a flash player via plugin baixado do site da macromedia porém não estou obtendo êxito. Copiei os arquivos e para /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins e reiniciei o Mozilla, este não encontra o

Re: tunl0? (etc)

2001-07-13 Thread Steve Kowalik
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 09:46:03PM -0400, Jeff Maxson uttered: Musta done something wrong in the install. After a lot of frustration, I figured out that I needed to do an ifconfig down tunl0 from root to kill whatever tunl0 is before my connection to the internet works. So, once it is

Building an SRPM on Debian?

2001-07-13 Thread Paul D. Smith
I have an SRPM that I need to build on my Debian box. Really, I don't need to build it I just need to get to the patch phase (-bp) so that it constructs the proper source hierarchy and applies the patches (there are a lot of patches and they have to be applied in a certain order). I'd installed

Re: RAM size.

2001-07-13 Thread Alexey
mem=128M Thanks, it's OK. You know, while running DOS or Windows, the CPU is hot (I can touch it), even if I do nothing. It becomes cool under Linux!!!

Re: CVS breaks Makefile (pattern contains no % ??)

2001-07-13 Thread Matthew Dalton
Eric G. Miller wrote: should i use something different? Use the -ko flag to add in CVS for the generated files to stop keyword expansion. If you want to use keyword expansion, then you have to be careful in your usage (especially with perl or shell scripts). You can change/add -k flags to

RE: dselect and getting kernel source files...

2001-07-13 Thread Gladimir
I am new to linux and 2.2.12 is what came on my O'Reilly CD, but I think it should be more than capable of running the apache web-server and inn usenet server that I intend to setup on it. Chances are that I will upgrade the kernel in the process of tuning my existing kernel, eventually. I

Re: Swap fscked in 2.4.5?

2001-07-13 Thread Paul Wright
On Thu, 12 Jul 2001 17:39:30 EDT, Mike wrote: The 128 MB limit on swap partitions went away in the 2.2 series. I think it is 2 gig now. I had forgotten that, What about swap on raid? -- Paul T Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] And, strange to tell, among the Earthen Lot Some

RE: dselect and getting kernel source files...

2001-07-13 Thread Gladimir
I am new to linux and 2.2.12 is what came on my O'Reilly CD, but I think it should be more than capable of running the apache web-server and inn usenet server that I intend to setup on it. Chances are that I will upgrade the kernel in the process of tuning my existing kernel, eventually. I

which rc file for hdparm commands?

2001-07-13 Thread Gladimir
I am slowly working my way through the HOWTO files on the linux documentation site, beginning with Config-HOWTO, which recommends starting with my kernel and hard disk performance. The problem is that section 2.6 recommends adding hdparm commands to the following file: /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit Of

Re: Install

2001-07-13 Thread Joel Mayes
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 11:58:27AM +0200, LAMIRAULT Nicolas wrote: yes i have lot of free space in /usr i try it tonight. I think i have made a bad configuration of my partitions I have 8Go on my hard disk, 64Mo RAM i don't remember very well, i think i have this : /usr : 5Go /var : 100Mo


2001-07-13 Thread Kevin C. Smith
Running sid/unstable and trying to install galeon. error reads: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. This file not installed. BTW the gnome panel also does not work due to this. What package has this file? -- Kevin C. Smith | I think anybody

Re: Mouse problem

2001-07-13 Thread Paul Mackinney
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 11:09:55AM -0400, Cheng-Dar K Lee wrote: Hi, I am a newbie of Debian. I tried to install the potato version of Debian for like the nth time and still couldn't get my mouse worked. The mouse doesn't follow my hand motion and moves erratically on the screen in X.

Re: .bashrc

2001-07-13 Thread Paul Mackinney
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 10:20:52AM -0500, Larry W. Irwin Sr. wrote: Hi everyone, I am running Debian potato and am having a problem with .bashrc. It works fine as root but does not get executed when I log in as a user. The default .bashrc contains one alias command (the rest

Re: mod_php and mod_perl and apache at the same time?

2001-07-13 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 01:16:20AM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote: On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 05:11:37PM -0500, will trillich wrote: DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #66 from Will Trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Do you know WHICH SHELL YOU'RE RUNNING? If not, you can find out: ps T The first item listed is

Re: CVS breaks Makefile (pattern contains no % ??)

2001-07-13 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 02:41:28PM +1000, Matthew Dalton wrote: Eric G. Miller wrote: should i use something different? Use the -ko flag to add in CVS for the generated files to stop keyword expansion. If you want to use keyword expansion, then you have to be careful in your usage

Re: Repeat: Problem with Postgresql database

2001-07-13 Thread will trillich
On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 09:04:01PM -0400, Brian Schramm wrote: I just upgraded from potato to Progeny Debian. The upgrade went fairly smooth (thanks Progeny) and the system seems to be working well. My problem is that the postgresql database says that my username does not exist in the

Re: MUAs that compare with Outlook (your chance to show how much better Linux is than MS!!)

2001-07-13 Thread Brian May
Charles == Charles Sebold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Charles Except for calendaring - Emacs + Gnus + BBDB + Charles gnus-pers.el to enable one to switch accounts easily Charles while composing posts/emails. Emacs has calendaring but Charles currently can't share meeting info,

Re: problems with IBM Thinkpad

2001-07-13 Thread Osamu Aoki
I have Thinkpad 230Cs Intel 486 DX4 50MHz running Debian/potato happyly and I am writing this from it. First, I know this floppy=thinkpad in documentation but I never used it to install potato. Your Thinkpad must be a islightly newer one considering 50% faster CPU. So be open minded about this.

RE: 3com NIC question

2001-07-13 Thread Jeremy Gaddis
It's been awhile, but I'm thinking something like Go to the FTP site and browse around, you'll find it. j. -- Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Cameron Matheson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, July

Re: MUAs that compare with Outlook (your chance to show how much better Linux is than MS!!)

2001-07-13 Thread Paul Huygen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You could also run vmware ( on your machine, and just run outlook on top of that. You *could* do that, because VMware is a sophisticated program that seems to work very well. However, to continuously run an application like Outlook, Vmware seems

Re: getting dhcp package

2001-07-13 Thread Osamu Aoki
For DHCP server machine (machine which gives IP for machines on the net), you need dhcp 2.0pl4-2 For client machine dhcp-client 2.0pl4-2 or pump Others such as dhcp-dns and dhcp-relay are not needed as intial start unless you want specific things these packasge provides. dhcpcd 1:1.3.17pl2-8

Re: Getting the booting part of a bootable CD-ROM

2001-07-13 Thread Osamu Aoki
Remount iso image as boot iso-image boot image is 2.88MB floppy image in archive tree. It is set to be CD bootable image by setting -b switch of mkisofs. But why extract from iso image. It is available as is in debian archive. So get them from debian by http/ftp

Re: new to debian have questions

2001-07-13 Thread Jeremy Gaddis
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 02:20:26PM -0400, Brian Nelson wrote: Why would you be suspicious? I happen to like Outlook, and Because this is a debian-user list, and if you're using Outlook, you're obviously not using debian. Really? I bet that'd be a surprise to the two Debian machines this

Re: MUAs that compare with Outlook (your chance to show how much better Linux is than MS!!)

2001-07-13 Thread Erik Steffl
Kurt Lieber wrote: OK, I've read with great amusement all the chest-thumping going on about MUAs, MTAs and how Microsoft email products are things that you scrape off the bottom of your shoe. I, for one, am brand-spanking new at Linux and have yet to find a Linux MUA that meets my needs.

Re: Missing

2001-07-13 Thread christophe barbé -- libpanel-applet0 Christophe Le ven, 13 jui 2001 07:55:28, Kevin C. Smith a écrit : Running sid/unstable and trying to install galeon. error reads:

root access on serial port denied -(

2001-07-13 Thread Nico De Ranter
Howdy, I'm setting up a number Linux servers in our lab. All servers will be connected through the serial port to a console master. Unfortunately it turns out the Debian installation (testing) refuses root login on the serial console because PAM consideres it not secure -(. Is there any way to

Re: which rc file for hdparm commands?

2001-07-13 Thread Casper Gielen
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 10:22:48PM -0700, Gladimir wrote: Would the hdparm command add any performance (i.e. 32 bit access) to a 1997 pentium system with 1.5GB hard drive? If so, where is the appropriate place to enter hdparm commands? Probably, but trying it out is the fastest way to learn.

AW: problems with IBM Thinkpad

2001-07-13 Thread Rainer Hahnekamp
OK, now it works. I worked with linux floppy=thinkpad. Thank you all for your help. -Rainer Hahnekamp -Ursprungliche Nachricht- Von: Osamu Aoki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag von Osamu Aoki Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2001 14:01 An: Rainer Hahnekamp Cc: Lukas Ruf;

Q: Filesizes in woody (kernel 2.4.5)

2001-07-13 Thread Mario Vukelic
Hi, I've searched the list archive and google but didn't find a definite answer. It seems kernel 2.4.x supports filesizes 2 GB, but it seems userland progs need to have support, too. So, what is the maximum file size woody can handle? I'm especially interested in sound-recorder, the fileutils,

Re: which rc file for hdparm commands?

2001-07-13 Thread Leonard Stiles
Gladimir [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I am slowly working my way through the HOWTO files on the linux documentation site, beginning with Config-HOWTO, which recommends starting with my kernel and hard disk performance. The problem is that section 2.6 recommends adding hdparm commands to the

Re: Getting dselect and apt-* to work from a local file system

2001-07-13 Thread der.hans
Am 12. Jul, 2001 schwäzte Tommy McDaniel so: In order to do that, I assume I need to download the dpkg-dev package by hand and install it by hand. And not only it, but also the four packages on which it depends, and perhaps the recommended and two suggested ones. Is this correct? How would I

Re: Unable to create native thread

2001-07-13 Thread Guy Geens
Nelson == Nelson Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Nelson I'm benchmarking a chat server and after a little over 100 Nelson connections (each connection requires two Java threads) the Nelson program failed with the message: A friend of mine recently did a similar test, and he ran into the same

Re: MUAs that compare with Outlook (your chance to show how much better Linux is than MS!!)

2001-07-13 Thread Matti Airas
On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 09:13:37AM +0200, Paul Huygen wrote: You *could* do that, because VMware is a sophisticated program that seems to work very well. However, to continuously run an application like Outlook, Vmware seems not very suitable. VMware shares the processor cycles evenly between

Re: root access on serial port denied -(

2001-07-13 Thread Guy Geens
Nico == Nico De Ranter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Nico Howdy, I'm setting up a number Linux servers in our lab. All Nico servers will be connected through the serial port to a console Nico master. Unfortunately it turns out the Debian installation Nico (testing) refuses root login on the serial

Re: gnumeric lacks .tex-export

2001-07-13 Thread Johann Spies
Michael Banck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I upgraded to woody this week and was quite shocked that gnumeric no longer provides an export to a .tex file. ... Anyway, does anybody know if I only lack a package (there are no 'suggest' on gnumeric though) or is there another way to get

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