
2004-03-09 Thread Ronaldo
__ICQ#:102691933 Current ICQ status: + More ways to contact me __ online?icq=102691933img=21 Description: Binary data

Re: [ off-topic ] Interbase + PHP

2004-03-09 Thread Rafael Silva
wesley wrote: --- Rafael [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Olá, Para vc colocar a sua aplicação para rodar vai precisar de um webservice (apache por exemplo com suporte a php e interbase) e depois o interbase. Não tem problema nenhum ter dos bancos de dados rodando na mesma máquina. Pronto só isso.

[ off-topic ] erro interbase

2004-03-09 Thread Eduardo Crestani
Pessoal, Estou rodando o interbase SS no woody e vez por outro o banco cai, na verdade o banco não cai pq os processos do interbase continuam de pé, mas os usuários não conectam mais ao banco pela aplicação. O erro que sempre aparece no log é esse: internal gds software consistency check

Re: [longo] Avaliaçãoes sobre o quérn el 2.6.x (2.6.3)

2004-03-09 Thread Rafael Silva
Douglas Adriano Augusto wrote: Semana passada resolvi instalar o quérnel 2.6.3 e testá-lo, afinal de contas muita coisa foi introduzida e, parecia ser uma versão razoavelmente estável. Pois bem, peguei os pacotes pelo repositório Debian unstable e comecei a testá-lo. A primeira decepção foi

compartilhar teclado e monitor

2004-03-09 Thread wagner.porto
Como compartilhar um mesmo teclado e mesmo monitor para duas maquinas --- Att. Wagner Porto

Re: [ off-topic ] Interbase + PHP

2004-03-09 Thread Caio Ferreira
Para saber o q precisa fazer para o suporte ao Interbase dê uma lida em lá tem todos os requisitos e como configurar. Para ativar o suporte InterBase, configure o PHP com --with-interbase[=DIR], aonde DIR é o diretório base da instalação do

Samba + Perfil móvel

2004-03-09 Thread humberto
Preciso de help - pra fazer um cliente Win XP - PRO - usar um Server Linux - Samba como PDC. o smb.conf ja ta funcionando como PDC e autenticando os usuarios ... mas o problema se deu no perfil - que o XP - NAO ta pegando e quando o usuario faz log-off no xp - tudo dele atalhos é apagado.

RE: compartilhar teclado e monitor

2004-03-09 Thread Rmelfi
Wagner, Oque voce precissa é de um chaveador ... 3d304fec297cb5edd7c8set_category_id=2tmp_category_id=3f86a373e17c4d6a79494 ea61942aa6ePHPSESSID=864f8ff3e58425240c3de36e4a65b1a9 ... casso alguem conheça outra solução

Re: compartilhar teclado e monitor

2004-03-09 Thread Eduardo A. Cosa
Eu faço isso usando um equipamento próprio, um Switchview da Cybex que compartilha 4 Máquinas com um único mouse/teclado/video. []s Em Terça 09 Março 2004 15:36, wagner.porto escreveu: Como compartilhar um mesmo teclado e mesmo monitor para duas maquinas --- Att. Wagner Porto -- Eduardo

Re: Como evitar spam (parte 2)

2004-03-09 Thread Claudio Clemens
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 2004-03-08, 08:57 -0300, Savio Ramos: Instalei o spamassassin no Sylpheed-claws e o programa não está assassinando nada além de transformar os habituais 3min para receber mensagens em 10min. A configuração do spamassassin no Configuração-Ourtras


2004-03-09 Thread Ronaldo Reis Jr.
Pessoal, tenho um Mac com debian. O mac tem mouse de um so botao. Estou tentando usar o xmonobut para fazer o mouse reconhecer coisas do tipo, ctrl+clic = botao do direito, maca+clic=botao do meio etc. Alguem sabe como fazer isto? Valeu Ronaldo -- | // | \\

Re: Samba + Perfil móvel

2004-03-09 Thread Daniel
quanto a parte de autenticação, tem esse link que pode ajudar mas quanto ao problema do perfil, acredito que o problema seja esse mesmo direitos insuficientes de segurança que vc mesmo mandou. Acredito que se vc fizer a pasta onde vai guardar os perfis com

Problemas com o xserver-xfree86

2004-03-09 Thread tldcid
Pessoal estou com esse pequeno grande problema.. instalei o Kurumin em um Duron 850Mhz 192 MB RAM HD de 5 GB e fiz um upgrade.. ele acabou virando o debian mesmo soh que depois dos upgrades ele comecou a da uns problemas e nao inicia mais o X eu tento instalar o xserver-xfree86 ele da esse erro ai

debian autenticando no AD

2004-03-09 Thread Daniel
Pessoal, ouvi dizer que o samba 3.0 suporta autenticações no AD, mas não achei nenhum documento que fale a respeito... alguém sabe me dizer se isso é verdade, e se for, como faze-lo? aqui na minha empresa a gente tem o AD autenticando os usuários, e gostaria de deixar um debian rodando para o

Re: Problemas com o xserver-xfree86

2004-03-09 Thread Daniel
Até onde eu sei, se estiver errado alguém me corrija, o kurumim tem programas na versão unstable do debian, então se vc atualizar com mirrors da stable pode dar problemas. foi isso que vc fez? - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent:

Re: Problemas com o xserver-xfree86

2004-03-09 Thread Cid Edson
Foi isso mesmo eu dei um apt-get update depois um apt-get dist-upgrade Mas ninguem sabe como resolver isso nao? eu soh quero voltar a usar o X =:( - Original Message - From: Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sent: Tuesday, March

Re: debian autenticando no AD

2004-03-09 Thread Daniel Borges Quintão
On Tuesday 09 March 2004 17:52, Daniel wrote: Amigo, de uma olhada nesse site ai... da pra fazer sem maiores problemas []'s Daniel Pessoal, ouvi dizer que o samba 3.0 suporta autenticações no AD, mas não achei nenhum documento que fale a

Resposta automática de Ausência temporária : Re: Your document

2004-03-09 Thread Kaue Gustavo Lima Goulart
Estarei ausente no período de 01/03/2004 a 20/03/2004 - retorno 22/03 - Qualquer necessidade, entre em contato com : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] (operações SP) F: 37356080 ou 11 36469614

Re: Como evitar spam? (parte 1)

2004-03-09 Thread caio ferreira
On Mon, 8 Mar 2004 13:36:11 -0300 Still [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Não vejo como, pois criei a conta d.u.p justamente para não receber mensagens não solicitadas. Bom, recebo cerca de 100 mensagens não desejadas por dia. Os filtros procmail+spamassassin+popsneaker me ajudam muito.

Debian em Palms

2004-03-09 Thread Franz Gustav Niederheitmann
alguém tem algum link para algum site que explique(se tiver uma recita de bolo eé melhor...) como fazer para instalar o Debian em um palm ou em um handhelds? devo usar uma versão para embutidos? - Franz Gustav Niederheitmann LINUX USER#301744


2004-03-09 Thread Cr0n0s
Save all... Estou como seguinte problema. Instalei o gdm para fazer login via X, mas quando eu logo com usuário normal ele vai direto para o GNOME e gostaria que ele fosse para flubox. Isso é possível?---Obrigado.[]-..: Cr0n0s :..Yahoo! Mail - O melhor e-mail do Brasil. Abra sua

Re: Problemas com o xserver-xfree86

2004-03-09 Thread Alexandre Martani
Em Tue, 9 Mar 2004 17:56:31 -0300 Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Até onde eu sei, se estiver errado alguém me corrija, o kurumim tem programas na versão unstable do debian, então se vc atualizar com mirrors da stable pode dar problemas. foi isso que vc fez? Ao que me parece, ele esta sim

Re: Como evitar spam (parte 2)

2004-03-09 Thread Douglas Adriano Augusto
No dia 08/03/2004 às 23:32, Claudio Clemens [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: O spamd tá rodando? Eu uso o spamassassin direto como filtro, sem daemon. O que teoricamente deveria tornar a checagem bem mais lenta. -- Douglas Augusto

Re: Plugin acroread comendo 100% de CPU no Mozilla

2004-03-09 Thread Douglas Adriano Augusto
No dia 09/03/2004 às 14:15, Savio Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: O gpdf está integrado com o epiphany, não há necessidade de plugin... Mas só funciona com o Epiphany? Particularmente acho o Epiphany simplista demais. É difícil se acostumar depois que se vicia no Mozilla/Firefox com todas

Preciso de ajuda com rede

2004-03-09 Thread Sinval Rodrigues Vieira
Ví o nome de vcs em um fórum e gostaria de pedir ajuda com um problema que estou tendo como minha rede doméstica...Teria algum canal prá podermos nos falar? Sinval Rodrigues Vieira[EMAIL PROTECTED] (MSN) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ 14773898


2004-03-09 Thread Marcos Vituriano
Alguem da lista, já trabalhou com esse firewall? sabe onde posso encontrar um bom material sobre ele? Grato por qualquer ajuda Marcos

Re: off-topic - Microsoft ajuda polícia a prender piratas

2004-03-09 Thread Gilberto F da Silva
Douglas Adriano Augusto [EMAIL PROTECTED] No dia 08/03/2004 às 09:29, Carlucio Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: vejam: Tiro no próprio pé. A comunidade GNU/Linux agradece. Fiquei um pouco frustrado ao abri essa mensagem

Re: problemas com modem

2004-03-09 Thread linuser
Seguinte: É preciso mesmo saber se o seu modem é um hardmodem ou não. Algumas dicas para descobrir: 1) Em primeiro lugar dá uma olhada no modem-HOWTO ( Lá tem, além de um monte de explicações, um link para uma lista de modens suportados pelo

Re: pl rede

2004-03-09 Thread linuser
Bingo! Era isso. Tinha que ter rodado o modconf, mas a besta aqui não sabia... Rodei o modconf e modprobe via-rhine, e funcionou (não sei graças a qual dos comandos). Obrigado. Paulo At 09:27 7/3/2004 -0300, you wrote: V. rodou o modconf p/ instalar a VIA_RHINE (deve ser esta) ? Vinicius

Travou geral!

2004-03-09 Thread linuser
Caríssimos: Meu sistema não inicializa mais. As mensagens de inicialização aparecem até ... Setting kernel variables. Loading the saved-state of the serial devices... /dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A /dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq =3) is a 16550A e daí a máquina trava. Alguma dica? Paulo

Re: [RN] Debian vota o futuro do non-free

2004-03-09 Thread linuser
Caros: Tenho observado algumas opiniões, que classificarei de puristas, sem qualquer menosprezo, absolutamente contrárias ao software não-livre. Creio já ter expressado minha opinião neste espaço, e é justamente a de que é preciso estabelecer mecanismos de convivência entre o software livre e o

Re: Nvidia + Kernel 2.6 (contem logs)

2004-03-09 Thread Marco Carvalho
Guilherme, estou usando o mesmo driver e o mesmo gcc :( gcc version 3.3.3 (Debian 20040306) Em Seg, 2004-03-08 às 21:25, Guilherme de Freitas Figueiredo - [Gui] escreveu: Olá pessoal, Marco, Eu rodei minha placa nvidia aqui normal no kernel 2.6.3 usando

Debian, KDE

2004-03-09 Thread Feza ÇAKIR
Title: Message Debian 3.0r2 iso dosyalarını indirdim ve CD'lere yazım. Kurulumundan sonra KDE çalışmıyor. MC ile /usr/lib dizinine baktığımda başta olma üzere bir çok lib. dosyası kırmızı renkli. Anladığım, bağlarda bir hata var. KDE 3.2'ye upgrade yaptığımda da kdeinit hatası

Re: Debian, KDE

2004-03-09 Thread Enver ALTIN
Merhaba, On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 12:04 +0200, Feza ÇAKIR wrote: Debian 3.0r2 iso dosyalarını indirdim ve CD'lere yazım. Kurulumundan sonra KDE çalışmıyor. MC ile /usr/lib dizinine baktığımda başta olma üzere bir çok lib. dosyası kırmızı renkli. Anladığım, bağlarda bir hata var. KDE

GTKSozluk2 Debian paketi

2004-03-09 Thread Mehmet Türker
Selam; GTKSozlük 2 nin Debian paketini hazırladım. Paket bağımlılıklarını tam bilmediğim için kontrol etmedim ama GTK ve genelde herkeste olan birkaç şeyi ister sanırım. Kurulum sorunsuz gerçekleşiyor, Debian menüye ekleniyor vs.

Debian + usbmouse + usb keyboard

2004-03-09 Thread Murat Gezer
Merhaba Arkadaslar, Debian sistemimde usb mouse + usb keyboardimi ayni anda kullanamiyorum. Su an Keyboard calisiyor ama mouse calismiyor . Kullandigim Kernel 2.4.18 ve su an yuklu moduller asagidaki gibi. Aslinda benim bildigim hid modulu mouse icin gerekli ama onu kullandigim zaman keyboadu

Re: spamassassin ?

2004-03-09 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 08 Mar 2004, S.D.A. wrote: Howdy folks: Something that has puzzled me for a bit, and I'd appreciate advice/insight. I have Exim running, with spamc activated via Exim (not procmail). Now, when I'm training SA, I've been using 'sa-learn' as the user that reads the mail. However since

Speeding apt by multiple connections

2004-03-09 Thread Aryan Ameri
Hi there: In this university that I am studying in, I have access to a pretty fast internet connection. However when I use a normal download manager like a browser's download manager or apt-get, which use a single connection to fetch the files, my download rates are pretty slow, at most 5

Sarge release date

2004-03-09 Thread Aryan Ameri
Hi there: Does anyone have any idea when Debian Sarge will be released as stable? I know, it will be released when it's ready, but I am setting up a schedule here for my tasks, and even if I could have an approximate date of it's release, it would help alot. Cheers -- !-- People can always

RE: Config files for exim4 package.

2004-03-09 Thread Mark McRitchie
-Original Message- From: Adam Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 08 March 2004 17:40 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Config files for exim4 package. Could I have just deleted everything from /etc/exim4/conf.d/ and copied my own exim.conf file in there, so that the updater would

RE: Yahoo briefcase-like app?

2004-03-09 Thread Mark McRitchie
Hi there. -Original Message- From: Vineet Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 09 March 2004 01:24 The ability to use this from any computer with just a web browser (no requirements on scp/ftp clients, for example) is a must. Imagine it must be usable from a cybercafe, for

Re: apache cannot load

2004-03-09 Thread Mauro Darida
hello, I upgraded the php4 package installing a backport version 4.3.4-1 but apache keeps giving up only with a different error: Starting web server: apache/etc/rc.2.d/S91apache: line 65: 323 illegal instruction start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON failed If nobody helps me


2004-03-09 Thread Kurdty
. Yahoo! Mail : votre e-mail personnel et gratuit qui vous suit partout ! Créez votre Yahoo! Mail sur Dialoguez en direct avec vos amis grâce à Yahoo! Messenger !Téléchargez Yahoo! Messenger sur

Re: apache cannot load

2004-03-09 Thread Joost De Cock
On Tuesday 09 March 2004 09:54, Mauro Darida shoved this in my mailbox: hello, I upgraded the php4 package installing a backport version 4.3.4-1 but apache keeps giving up only with a different error: Starting web server: apache/etc/rc.2.d/S91apache: line 65: 323 illegal instruction

Re: Notify about using the e-mail account.

2004-03-09 Thread Alexander Schmehl
* Brad Camroux [EMAIL PROTECTED] [040309 07:23]: How are we to know this isn't a spoofed spam email trying to get us to download a virus? (no offense to the admin of debian-user) Since it isn't signed, and tells you, debian is using non-free software, you might think, it is spoofed spam.

how to search for free proxy server

2004-03-09 Thread j smith
i live in China, and my ISP blocks many Web sites. how to use Debian to search for free proxy server? __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search - Find what you’re looking for faster -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of


2004-03-09 Thread INDUSTRIAS HIGUERAS, S.A.
Panda Antivirus ha encontrado los siguientes virus en el mensaje: Enviado por:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Asunto: information Fecha: 09/03/2004 09:45:25 enviado por usted. Fichero:

xscrensaver: how to let multimedia keys pass through?

2004-03-09 Thread Erik Steffl
is there any way to make xscrensaver to ignore the some keys and let them through? I would like to be able to control the xmms even when the screen is locked (i.e. the multi-media keys play, stop, next, prev, volume) is that possible? it doesn't seem like xscreensaver supports it, is there

Anyone seen this?

2004-03-09 Thread David Baron
After successfully installing (or successfully removing and reinstalling from scratch!) clamav (all four packages), I get from 2nd day onwards: /etc/cron.daily/clamav-data: ERR: /usr/share/clamav-data/databasedate does not exist.      This should not happen since that file is part of the      

Re: Ethernet troubles

2004-03-09 Thread Nick THOMPSON
I don't think thats it. I was upgrading from 2.2.20 to 2.4.18-1-586tsc (what does the tsc mean?) and I think it was seeing the appropriate /lib/modules directory. I did rename the 2.2.20 dir anyway, but it didn't help at all. Seems the 3c509 driver thinks it has found two ethernet ports,

Re: Ethernet troubles

2004-03-09 Thread Nick THOMPSON
Ooops: On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 09:44, Nick THOMPSON accidentally wrote the following in HTML and would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused: I don't think thats it. I was upgrading from 2.2.20 to 2.4.18-1-586tsc (what does the tsc mean?) and I think it was seeing the appropriate

Re: Re: base system, no x windows yet,HOW?

2004-03-09 Thread Andreas Janssen
Hello ts ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: You see, currently the networkinging NIC still not in function yet unless I could upgrade kernel to 2.4.25. and then install nvidia driver. I just downloaded backport's kernel-image-2.4.25-i386 under windows xp and left in D:, before installing should I

/usr/bin/mail help

2004-03-09 Thread T. Albert
Hello debian-user, i'd like to change default mta which /usr/bin/mail use from exim to qmail / sendmail (from qmail package). is there any guidance how i can do this ? i've man mail but it didn't guide me. i dunno if i've missed something here. thank you. -- Best regards, Tjhan

memory stick and kernel 2.6.3

2004-03-09 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
After installing kernel 2.6.3 (which works great) I am unable to load my memory stick. I have browsed all mount -t vfat /dev/sd* /mnt without success. It used to be /dev/sdd1. It probably has to do with libusb way of dealing, I haven seen much documentation for it. I am running sid. -- To

Re: Yahoo briefcase-like app?

2004-03-09 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 03:52:16PM -0800, Vineet Kumar wrote: Hi, Does anyone know of a web application that provides Yahoo Briefcase-like functionality for authenticated users? Basically, this is a general-purpose storage space to allow putting and getting files via a web frontend. The

Re: Notify about using the e-mail account.

2004-03-09 Thread Colin Watson
On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 11:23:46PM -0700, Brad Camroux wrote: How are we to know this isn't a spoofed spam email trying to get us to download a virus? (no offense to the admin of debian-user) You aren't to know that - because it *is* a virus. The list administrators would never send an e-mail

Re: Sarge release date

2004-03-09 Thread Colin Watson
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 10:08:47AM +0200, Aryan Ameri wrote: Does anyone have any idea when Debian Sarge will be released as stable? I know, it will be released when it's ready, but I am setting up a schedule here for my tasks, and even if I could have an approximate date of it's release,


2004-03-09 Thread mbkastner
-- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2004-03-09 Thread Thomas Rücker
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gesendet: Dienstag, 09. März 2004 10:41 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: debian-user-digest Digest V2004 #816

Re: memory stick and kernel 2.6.3

2004-03-09 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 05:11:19AM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote: After installing kernel 2.6.3 (which works great) I am unable to load my memory stick. I have browsed all mount -t vfat /dev/sd* /mnt without success. It used to be /dev/sdd1. It probably has to do with libusb way of dealing, I

Re: Yahoo briefcase-like app?

2004-03-09 Thread Martin Ellis
On Monday 08 March 2004 23:52, Vineet Kumar wrote: Does anyone know of a web application that provides Yahoo Briefcase-like functionality for authenticated users? Basically, this is a general-purpose storage space to allow putting and getting files via a web frontend. The ability to use this

how do I overburn a cd

2004-03-09 Thread neil evans
HI I have just baught some 90 min 800mb discs so I can copy my home video to which is a total of 794mb but I tried to burn it to cd and it wont let me it keeps telling me will not fit to cd so please can you help me i will be most appreciated

phpmyadmin: help!

2004-03-09 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
Hello! I've installed mysql-server and phpmyadmin with apache. Apache and mysqld are running on the same machine, but I have problems getting the GUI for phpmyadmin on this machine. The URL I type is http://localhost/phpmyadmin/; and I get the message: The requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not

Re: how do I overburn a cd

2004-03-09 Thread Sven Hoexter
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 12:02:38PM +, neil evans wrote: HI I have just baught some 90 min 800mb discs so I can copy my home video to which is a total of 794mb but I tried to burn it to cd and it wont let me it keeps telling me will not fit to cd so please can you help me i will be

Re: base system, no x windows yet,HOW?

2004-03-09 Thread Kent West
ts wrote: [can't get nforce-based nic to work on new stable install] You're having enough problems that you might want to consider borrowing an older supported nic (such as a 3COM 3c509) and putting it in the box temporarily, just long enough to hit the network to upgrade the kernel/related

Re: Sandisk Cruzer USB flash drive -- gaah!

2004-03-09 Thread David Clymer
On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 12:31, Matt Price wrote: On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 12:21:47PM -0500, Joey Hess wrote: Matt Price wrote: hub.c: new USB device 00:11.2-1.2, assigned address 19 usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame# 1292 usb.c: USB device not accepting new address=19 (error=-110)

how to search for free proxy server

2004-03-09 Thread j smith
i live in China, and my ISP blocks many Web sites. how to use Debian to search for free proxy server? __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search - Find what you’re looking for faster -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of


2004-03-09 Thread support
l'amministratore di sistema per maggiori dettagli. L'ID del messaggio bloccato e`: virus-20040309-140851-26222 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: phpmyadmin: help!

2004-03-09 Thread Wolfgang Lonien
Marcelo Chiapparini wrote: The requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not found on this server. I really need phpmyadmin working as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for any answer, Hi Marcelo, have you tried 'dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin'? Have you then restarted Apache with '/etc/init.d/apache

Odd problem with PAM and KDM

2004-03-09 Thread David Goodenough
I have a laptop which has been running Debian for around 2 years now, with a user ID for me which works just fine. I can log on to a line mode console or use KDM to log on to KDE - no problems. The machine is running Sid, and is pretty well up to date. Recently I added a user ID for my son so

Advice: making the move to all-SCSI

2004-03-09 Thread Andrew Perrin
I have a machine that currently has an IDE disk as the boot and / disk, and everything else is SCSI. I would like to convert this to an all-SCSI machine, for performance, cleanliness, and fun. I'm writing for advice on how to do this. The kernel (2.4.24) is compiled with scsi and the necessary

Re: spamassassin ?

2004-03-09 Thread S.D.A.
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 08:02:53AM + or thereabouts, Anthony Campbell wrote: On 08 Mar 2004, S.D.A. wrote: Howdy folks: Something that has puzzled me for a bit, and I'd appreciate advice/insight. I have Exim running, with spamc activated via Exim (not procmail). Now, when

Re: phpmyadmin: help!

2004-03-09 Thread Ollie Acheson
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 09:28:47AM -0300, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote: Hello! I've installed mysql-server and phpmyadmin with apache. Apache and mysqld are running on the same machine, but I have problems getting the GUI for phpmyadmin on this machine. The URL I type is

Re: Debian OCR software that actually works?

2004-03-09 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom
Number Six wrote: On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 02:21:34PM -0800, Kenward Vaughan wrote: True. Also easy for us to say, since we are not doing the coding. Since no one pays 'em for the effort they put into the project, and they need to put food on the table, things get split up accordingly. Some

What is the minimum RAM needed for 2.4?

2004-03-09 Thread Preston Boyington
I haven't seen a minimum, but I was wondering since there are a couple of 133's here with 32meg of ram that I want to update. They are currently running kernel 2.2.20 which I want to upgrade to whatever is the latest kernel-image available (adding a wireless card to one and it was suggested I

Re: how to search for free proxy server

2004-03-09 Thread Alexandros Papadopoulos
On Tuesday 09 March 2004 15:26, j smith wrote: i live in China, and my ISP blocks many Web sites. how to use Debian to search for free proxy server? -A -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL

Re: spamassassin ?

2004-03-09 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 09 Mar 2004, S.D.A. wrote: On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 08:02:53AM + or thereabouts, Anthony Campbell wrote: On 08 Mar 2004, S.D.A. wrote: Howdy folks: Something that has puzzled me for a bit, and I'd appreciate advice/insight. I have Exim running, with spamc activated via

Re: What is the minimum RAM needed for 2.4?

2004-03-09 Thread Robert Waldner
On Tue, 09 Mar 2004 08:19:41 CST, Preston Boyington writes: I haven't seen a minimum, but I was wondering since there are a couple of 133's here with 32meg of ram that I want to update. They are currently running kernel 2.2.20 which I want to upgrade to whatever is the latest kernel-image

Sid Downloading; Error 404

2004-03-09 Thread darkxsun
A friend is downloading Sid for me on his cable modem. He uses Jigdo to download the files and generate the iso's. Two discs out of 13 have completed. however, both are riddled with error 404's. The first has an error 404 of 41 missing files, the second 52. I don't know exactly what any of them

Re: Knoppix 3.3 beats Debian sid badly in glxgears

2004-03-09 Thread Johann Spies
On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 09:07:40AM -0600, Kent West wrote: glxinfo | more and then about the fourth line down to see if you have DRI enabled. Thanks - also for the others for their answers. A further question: I see that DRI is not enabled for me. How do I enable it? I have the

Re: What is the minimum RAM needed for 2.4?

2004-03-09 Thread Andreas Janssen
Hello Preston Boyington ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: I haven't seen a minimum, but I was wondering since there are a couple of 133's here with 32meg of ram that I want to update. They are currently running kernel 2.2.20 which I want to upgrade to whatever is the latest kernel-image available

Re: ATI Radeon 7500 Woody - Unknown Chipset (0x5157)

2004-03-09 Thread Kenneth Jacker
js I've taken a look at my log output and for now, I put my head in js ashes, throw myself to the ground and plea for mercy. Please! Jonathan ... stand up and clean yourself off ... you are forgiven! ;-) js I'm using XFree 4.2 (and mybe that's the reason, it works for me js and my

Re: ATI Radeon 7500 Woody - Unknown Chipset (0x5157)

2004-03-09 Thread Kenneth Jacker
The big question: what version of XFree86 are you using? tony 4.2.1 I'm afraid. Ah, yes ... Jonathan is using that version as well ... no wonder I couldn't get it to work ... On to the next thread! Thanks, -Kenneth -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a

Re: spamassassin ?

2004-03-09 Thread Andrew Schulman
Perhaps this is drawing a red herring across the trail, but I can't help wondering why more people don't use spamprobe in preference to spamassassin. IME spamprobe is easier to set up and extremely effective. I see only about 2 or 3 false negatives a day at most and no false positives at all.

Re: phpmyadmin: help!

2004-03-09 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
Ollie, thank you for your answer. I have installed phpmyadmin from binaries (. deb). It is not a matter of caps. At home, phpmyadmin works fine with http://localhost/phpmyadmin. The problem is with my machine at work. This machine is connected to a local LAN. I wonder if I need to

Re: Odd problem with PAM and KDM

2004-03-09 Thread Kent West
David Goodenough wrote: I have a laptop which has been running Debian for around 2 years now, with a user ID for me which works just fine. I can log on to a line mode console or use KDM to log on to KDE - no problems. The machine is running Sid, and is pretty well up to date. Recently I added a

/dev/psaux missing when using udev

2004-03-09 Thread Stig Brautaset
Hi, I've installed the udev package from experimental. It works great, apart from one little niggly thing: I can't find my mouse. It used to be /dev/psaux, but I can't find it now. Is that because the driver doesn't register with libsys properly (or whatever it is it needs to do to get recognised

Re: Sid Downloading; Error 404

2004-03-09 Thread Kent West
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: A friend is downloading Sid for me on his cable modem. He uses Jigdo to download the files and generate the iso's. Two discs out of 13 have completed. however, both are riddled with error 404's. The first has an error 404 of 41 missing files, the second 52. I don't know

exim - automatic signature

2004-03-09 Thread Antony Gelberg
Hi all, I'm deploying exim for a customer. Is there any way to automatically add a signature to all outgoing mail? I've read the docs but as usual, can't make head nor tail of them. A -- Please don't CC me. Also _please_ read the following before posting: Documentation -

XFree86 4.1 -- 4.2.1 (Woody)

2004-03-09 Thread Kenneth Jacker
Greetings! As some of you following this list know, I have been trying to get my ATI Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500] board working with XFree86-4.1 under stable. After much help and emails, it appears that that controller/chip isn't supported under v4.1. :-( So, since I think the board is a

Re: Network setup problems

2004-03-09 Thread Ken Januski
Thanks Pigeon, I've been experimenting wth changing settings in serial.conf but have had no luck. Though dmesg says that a modem is found at ttys00 with an irq of 4 setting that in serial.conf results in a hanging modem. I keep having to set it to ttys0 with irq of 3. I'm really unclear about

Re: Knoppix 3.3 beats Debian sid badly in glxgears

2004-03-09 Thread Kent West
Johann Spies wrote: On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 09:07:40AM -0600, Kent West wrote: glxinfo | more and then about the fourth line down to see if you have DRI enabled. Thanks - also for the others for their answers. A further question: I see that DRI is not enabled for me. How do I enable

Re: phpmyadmin: help!

2004-03-09 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
Hi Wolfgang, thank you for your answer. I tried your sugestions (I am running ApacheSSL), reconfigured phpmyadmin and I restarted ApacheSSL without success. The message is the same. This localmachine is plugged into a local LAN connected to the Internet. I wonder if I need to configure the

Re: phpmyadmin: help!

2004-03-09 Thread Ollie Acheson
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 11:53:31AM -0300, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote: Ollie, thank you for your answer. I have installed phpmyadmin from binaries (. deb). It is not a matter of caps. At home, phpmyadmin works fine with http://localhost/phpmyadmin. The problem is with my machine at work.

RE: phpmyadmin: help!

2004-03-09 Thread Tim Gunning
Hi what happens when you just go to http://localhost ? do you get the correct root index page ? -Original Message- From: Marcelo Chiapparini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 09 March 2004 15:44 To: debian-user Subject: Re: phpmyadmin: help! Hi Wolfgang, thank you for your answer. I

Re: /dev/psaux missing when using udev

2004-03-09 Thread Matt Kirchhoff
Stig Brautaset stig at writes: It works great, apart from one little niggly thing: I can't find my mouse. Did you read the documentation? $ cat /usr/share/doc/kernel-source-x.y.z/README.Debian | grep mouse -- Matt Kirchhoff -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2004-03-09 Thread nikki
Dear Sir, i would like to order 6 boxs of can i order and pay for it.. nikki [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Odd problem with PAM and KDM

2004-03-09 Thread David Goodenough
On Tuesday 09 March 2004 15:12, Kent West wrote: David Goodenough wrote: I have a laptop which has been running Debian for around 2 years now, with a user ID for me which works just fine. I can log on to a line mode console or use KDM to log on to KDE - no problems. The machine is running

Dual headed X question

2004-03-09 Thread stan
I'm trying to set up a KnopMYTH system such that I have a dual headed X config. One of the ehads will be my ATI Radeon AGP card, and the other will be the PVR-350's TV out. Presently I'm able to get either one of these to display a X session, but not both at the same time, in dual heade mode. I

Re: Advice: making the move to all-SCSI

2004-03-09 Thread Paul Seelig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Perrin) writes: My concern is with lilo. How do I tell it to install in the SCSI disk's MBR, not the current boot disk? In the past, it seems like I've had trouble with that process. Have you already considered reading lilo's documentation? If all else fails this

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