true,  is not as stable and user friendly as (k)ubuntu or Opensuse, but 
it works.

Op 24-3-2018 om 14:44 schreef Eike Lantzsch:
> On Saturday, March 24, 2018 2:01:13 PM -03 Chris Anderson wrote:
>> Hello
>> I have been using different flavours of Linux since slackware 96 over 20
>> years ago. Since then I have installed and used at least a dozen
>> different flavours. By far the most challenging was the X windows system
>> for slackware but I managed to get it installed and running with no
>> problems.
>> Last week I bought a new PC and decided to try debian so I downloaded
>> the DVD version 9 and performed a fresh install besides windows 10.
>> Right from the off, it fucked up, Grubb was a hassle as this was the
>> default boot loader,(I have always used LILO), it would not find the
>> windows partition, I managed to fix this. Then it didn't give me a
>> choice of X windows manager, I was stuck with KDE, which I am familiar
>> with and am aware of its may limitations and given the choice I wouldn't
>> use KDE for installation and configuration.
>> Nearly everything fucked up from the Network install to the gcc make
>> command, what a hassle and after spending nearly a week trying to get it
>> all working I've had enough and am not wasting any more of my time on
>> this awful software.
>> So thanks for wasting my time Debian and for future reference, go and
>> get fucked!!!
>> Chris Anderson
> What you are telling us is:
> 1) You are able to eloquently express your dismay in writing
> 2) You are unwilling to either read menu items nor manuals nor release notes
> 3) You are expecting Debian install to have everything your way without
> contributing to Debian development
> 4) You don't ask for directions before walking down that lane nor asking for
> help being halfway down that lane
> 5) You never contributed anything to any mailinglist, not even slackware,
> under the e-mail address you used
> 6) You use words in writing that many would not touch with a pole
> 7) You show the traits of a toxic personality (whether you actually have one
> we don't know)
> verdict: Troll

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