Re: OT: kann nicht in NG senden

2003-08-29 Thread Jens Müller
Marcus Jodorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Wenn Du das hier als News haben und auch selber schreiben willst, dann such Dir ein Gate, daß auch die News2Mail Richtung implementiert oder richte Dir lokal ein eigenes ein, falls Du einen Newsserver laufen hast. Das ist allerdings nicht ganz

Kästchen u.a. in Gnumeric

2003-01-26 Thread Jens Müller
Ich habe LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 gesetzt. Andere die Sprache etc. betreffende Umgebungsvariablen gibt es nicht. Ich benutze KDE, Zeichensatz ist iso-10646. Nun zeigt gnumeric zwischen zwei Zeichen immer ein Kästchen an. Beim Starten kommt die Meldung: The font

Re: TDSL-Problem

2002-12-19 Thread Jens Müller
Matthias Albert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Eintippen und dann ab sofort mit adsl-start | stop | status kannst du online/offline gehen! Vor dem adsl-start würde ich noch ein route del default machen! Das ist aber nicht Debian-compliant ... -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig

Re: Kernelmeldungen rotzen die Konsole voll

2002-12-15 Thread Jens Müller
Rene Engelhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: man klogd ( -c ist das was Du suchst) einfach niedriger setzen. Und was mache ich, wenn es mir nur um die Konsole (und nicht um die Logfiles) geht? -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Re: Kernelmeldungen rotzen die Konsole voll

2002-12-15 Thread Jens Müller
Jens Müller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: man klogd ( -c ist das was Du suchst) einfach niedriger setzen. Und was mache ich, wenn es mir nur um die Konsole (und nicht um die Logfiles) geht? Achso ... -c 2 in die /etc/init.d/klogd schreiben. -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig

Re: Von remote grafisch einloggen

2002-12-14 Thread Jens Müller
Torsten Puls [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: vnc ist ne Möglichkeit. Stellt der auch auf meinem Computer ein Display bereit, das ich dem xdm-Verschnitt (kdm) angeben kann? Kann ich mir dann remote dieses Display anzeigen lassen? -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig gestellte Fragen und

Re: Von remote grafisch einloggen

2002-12-14 Thread Jens Müller
Alexander Weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Mit dem vnc-client (z.B xvncviewer) kannst Du dann auf den vnc-Server zugreifen. Das klappt also wie gewünscht. Ja, danke, klappt super! (Bisher allerdings nur lokal getestet) Die Anleitung für die Einrichtung mit inetd, die dabei war, hat die

Re: Open-Source bald vor dem aus?

2002-12-14 Thread Jens Müller
Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: * die heutigen Rechner in einem zweiten Gesetzgebungsschritt völlig verboten werden. (Wenn man heute Röhrenradios verbieten würde, würde sich vermutlich auch kaum einer aufregen.) Oh doch! Das Teil ist nämlich ein Schmuckstück! Und

Re: Kernelmeldungen rotzen die Konsole voll

2002-12-14 Thread Jens Müller
Martin Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Mir fehlt irgendwie jedweder Erklärungs-/Lösungsansatz. Kann es sein, daß es irgendwein Kernelpatch ist, den nur Debian in den mitgelieferten Quellen verwendet? Oder dieser Patch in Verbindung mit meiner spez. Hardware, da scheinbar nur

Von remote grafisch einloggen

2002-12-13 Thread Jens Müller
Ist das eigentlich arg kompliziert? SSH klappt ja schon wunderbar, aber da kann man nicht vernünftig den ganzen Desktop Manager laden. Am liebsten wäre mir, mich mit einem X-Server für Windows direkt auf meiner Kiste einloggen zu können. Welches Programm bzw. welche Konfigurationsdatei ist

Re: deb aus Debian-Quellpaketen erzeugen

2002-12-13 Thread Jens Müller
Klaus-M.Klingsporn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: apt-get -b source Paketname Das sollte die Source holen und auf deinem System compilieren. Dazu noch ne Frage: Wie weit ist eigentlich apt-build mittlerweile? -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Re: X-Resourcen

2002-12-13 Thread Jens Müller
X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1132 Kannst Du dieses Schrott-Programm, das offensichtlich nicht mal References kann, endlich mal updaten? -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ): Zum AUSTRAGEN

Re: Von remote grafisch einloggen

2002-12-13 Thread Jens Müller
Jens Müller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ist das eigentlich arg kompliziert? SSH klappt ja schon wunderbar, aber da kann man nicht vernünftig den ganzen Desktop Manager laden. Am liebsten wäre mir, mich mit einem X-Server für Windows direkt auf meiner Kiste einloggen zu können. Welches

Re: Über ippp0 telefonieren?

2002-12-13 Thread Jens Müller
Johannes Athmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: ich würde ganz gerne mal probieren, ob es irgendwie möglich ist über die ISDN Karte in einem Linux-PC, möglichst von einem Windoof PC aus :(, zu telefonieren. Klar, insbesondere über das Interface für synchrones PPP. -- Please don't CC me on

Re: Linux-Router mit ADSL

2002-12-13 Thread Jens Müller
Patrick Pletscher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: jetzt wollte ich per pppoeconf den ADSL-Router erkennen, doch er findet nichts auf den beiden eth-Karten, oder brauche ich pppoeconf gar nicht Nein, brauchst Du nicht. Was sagt denn pppoe -A -I eth1 ? -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig

Re: Von remote grafisch einloggen

2002-12-13 Thread Jens Müller
Alexander Weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Muß ich dann also SSH-Port-Forwarding benutzen? Soweit ich weiß, kann SSH (noch) kein UDP tunneln... Deshalb ist die XDMCP-Geschichte nur in gesicherten Netzwerken zu empfehlen. (Passwort geht im Klartext übers Netz) PPTP-Server installieren?

Re: Modifier

2002-12-12 Thread Jens Müller
Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ist das entsprechende Config-Script brauchbar? Imho ja. - Aber wenn du eine funktionierende Konfiguration hast gibt es auch keinen Grund zu wechseln. Habe seit heute einen neuen Monitor und daher dann doch gewechselt - Backup wird ja erstellt.

Re: Openoffice

2002-12-12 Thread Jens Müller
Thorsten Haude [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: das ist bestimmt eine FAQ, aber ich hab's nicht gefunden: Wo bekomme ich Openoffice für Woody? Ein .dep wäre schön, Keine Ahnung, was für dependencies das hat. -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Re: Debian und W-LAN

2002-12-10 Thread Jens Müller
Marcus Schwarzhaupt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: - Kann man mit einem anderen WLAN-Modem und Linux teilnehmen? In der Regel nicht, da die AGB von T-Online und vielen anderen Providern die Nutzung nur durch einen Nutzer zulassen. -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig gestellte Fragen und

Re: apt-get tut nicht: Problem with MergeList

2002-12-10 Thread Jens Müller
Jens Müller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Heißt das also, daß es wieder klappt, sobald der Fehler in dem Paket auf dem Server behoben ist? Durch auskommentieren von unstable klappt es jedenfalls jetzt schon ... Schön ist es trotzdem nicht. -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig

Re: PostgeSQL

2002-12-10 Thread Jens Müller
Ulrich Gehring [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: - Passwort für User_postgres einstellen: passwd postgres (als root_user) Will man das? Bzw. warum sollte man das wollen? su su postgres tut es doch auch. -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Re: PostgeSQL

2002-12-10 Thread Jens Müller
Thomas Schönhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Jens Müller schrieb: Ulrich Gehring [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: - Passwort für User_postgres einstellen: passwd postgres (als root_user) Will man das? Bzw. warum sollte man das wollen? su su postgres tut es doch auch. Hallo

Re: apt-get tut nicht: Problem with MergeList

2002-12-10 Thread Jens Müller
Marc Schiffbauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: das hat weniger was mit nem kaputten Paket, als damit zu tun, dass du zu viele Einträge in der sources.list hast. Gibt es dazu schon einen Bug? Ich meine, das sollte dann auch so in der Fehlermeldung stehen. -- Please don't CC me on replies! --

Re: Modifier

2002-12-10 Thread Jens Müller
Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Dann kannst du natuerlich auch einfach von Hand Option XkbOptions altwin:left_meta_win in der Section InputDevice fuer die Tastatur eintragen. Herzlichen Dank. Hatte gerade Zeit, den X-Server neu zu starten, klappt wunderbar. Die alte/neue


2002-12-09 Thread Jens Müller
Nach dem letzten Upgrade war bei mir die Windows-Taste nicht mehr Meta, sondern etwas, was XEmacs mir als S- anzeigte. Wie heißt diese Taste? Alt ist nicht mehr Alt (A-), sondern Meta (M-). Weiß jemand, warum das geändert wurde? -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig gestellte Fragen und

Re: sshd: User angeben, die sich einloggen dürfen

2002-12-09 Thread Jens Müller
Jens Müller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Wo kann man das einstellen? In der sshd_config habe ich keine entsprechende Zeile gefunden. Ich benutze das Paket ssh. Sorry, hab's gefunden: AllowUsers This keyword can be followed by a list of user name patterns, separated

Re: Modifier

2002-12-09 Thread Jens Müller
Andreas Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Weiß jemand, warum das geändert wurde? Weil sich das Upstream so geaendert hat, die gemeinsamen Tasten auf einer 105-Tasten- (de) und 101-Tastattur sind jetzt dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 - Bei der Frage Please select your keyboard options

apt-get tut nicht: Problem with MergeList

2002-12-09 Thread Jens Müller
apt-get autoclean[1] gibt mir seit heute folgende Meldung: # apt-get autoclean Reading Package Lists... Error! E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room E: Error occured while processing python (NewVersion1) E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status E: The package lists or status file could not be

Re: Exim wartet immer 9 Sekunden.

2002-12-08 Thread Jens Müller
Rainer Ellinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Jens Müller schrieb: Deinen lokalen DNS gescheit auf. Natuerlich sollte er Forwarders haben, wie soll er denn sonst externe Adressen aufloesen? Tja, wie wohl? Über oder oder Falsch, falsch oder falsch - sofort

Re: Debian Distribution

2002-12-08 Thread Jens Müller
Santo Caruso [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I'm new italian user of your system. I would to distribuite Debian woody to another people but what I find part of your packages with non-free software for ask then autorization for distribution? You would have to study the license of each single

suck/get-news: Unterbrechung der Netzverbindung

2002-12-07 Thread Jens Müller
Was passier eigentlich, wenn get-news beim Runterladen unterbrochen wird? Postet er dann noch die bereits geladenen Artikel lokal? Updatet er die sucknewsrc? Wo macht er beim nächsten Mal weiter? -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Re: Exim wartet immer 9 Sekunden.

2002-12-07 Thread Jens Müller
Peter Blancke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Deine geschilderten Probleme klingen sehr nach DNS-Problemen. Setze Deinen lokalen DNS gescheit auf. Natuerlich sollte er Forwarders haben, wie soll er denn sonst externe Adressen aufloesen? Tja, wie wohl? Über oder

get-news/suck: Interruption of network connection

2002-12-07 Thread Jens Müller
What happens if get-news' connection is interrupted while it is still downloading news? Does it post the already downloaded articles to the local INN? Does it update the sucknewsrc? Where does it restart the next time? -- Please don't CC me on replies! -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL

Re: telnetd prompt

2002-03-10 Thread Jens Müller
Eric C. Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The ai_canonname field gives the official name of the host, according to man getaddrinfo. HTH. Oh, OK ... and because my hostname does not resolve to my host ... Pretty clear now! -- Please don't CC me on replies!

Re: telnetd prompt

2002-03-10 Thread Jens Müller
Shyamal Prasad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: My somewhat uneducated guess is that your reverse DNS might be behind this. Notice what I get (apologies for the telnets to your box ;-): is not my box, it is just a name I use internally for my box (as is my domain).

telnetd prompt

2002-03-09 Thread Jens Müller
My telnetd gives the following message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet localhost Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 login: I have no idea where the comes from. Can anyone help me? -- Please

Re: telnetd prompt

2002-03-09 Thread Jens Müller
David Jardine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet localhost Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 login: I have no idea where the comes from. Can anyone help

Re: telnetd prompt

2002-03-09 Thread Jens Müller
Ron Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Maybe from /etc/resolv.conf. Since my IP address is given by a DHCP client, the DHCP client also generates /etc/resolv.conf, and it specifies my ISP in the search clause. For example: $ cat /etc/resolv.conf search nameserver

Re: PINE, Rpm, not installed?

2002-03-09 Thread Jens Müller
Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Due to licensing issue, PINE is only available as source package. See below. Is it so? I installed it once, there was a dummy package which downloaded the source package, built binary packages and installed them. -- Please don't CC me on replies!

Re: telnetd prompt

2002-03-09 Thread Jens Müller
Eric C. Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I believe this comes from /etc/ (probably set up during installation). debian:/etc/news# cat /etc/ Debian GNU/%s 3.0 %h man %h - show the system node name (FQDN) And where comes the system node name (FQDN)

Re: telnetd prompt

2002-03-09 Thread Jens Müller
Shyamal Prasad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Try 'hostname, 'hostname --fqdn' and 'dnsdomainname -v' for some hints. Look in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts too. I wish I had a simple answer for you, but I'm somewhat ignorant myself. debian:/etc/news# hostname debian:/etc/news#

Re: telnetd prompt

2002-03-09 Thread Jens Müller
Shyamal Prasad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What does /etc/ say? You replied to my other post where I mentioned it, but again: debian:/etc/news# cat /etc/ Debian GNU/%s 3.0 %h -- Please don't CC me on replies!

Re: CUPS, SAMBA and Windows

2001-12-30 Thread Jens Müller
dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You made the share writable, and you installed the 'cupsys-bsd' package? What are the error messages in the samba logs? I tried to print just now, nothing in the logs. Something older, that could be related: [2001/12/29 21:03:08, 0]

Re: CUPS, SAMBA and Windows

2001-12-30 Thread Jens Müller
dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: package? What are the error messages in the samba logs? [2001/12/30 10:07:04, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(860) Transaction 5 of length 195 [2001/12/30 10:07:04, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(667) switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 11569) [2001/12/30

Re: Installing Debian

2001-12-30 Thread Jens Müller
Scharf Yuval [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 2. How should I set up the xserver? My hardware is: mouse: Microsoft Intelimouse (2 buttons+wheel connected to the computer to the computer using a round socket). The round socket is probably a PS/2 port, as you seem not to know. Mouse type: ImPS/2

Re: ipchains...masq..spyware..etc..etc

2001-12-30 Thread Jens Müller
wsa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: feature, collects info on my system and sends it home via port 80which in my ruleset is an allowed port because i need that port for the web. How would i ever block such a thing(without knowing in advance that it will call home and to which adress it

Re: CUPS, SAMBA and Windows

2001-12-30 Thread Jens Müller
Jens Müller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What do I have to change in my config? I now did as described in\bug=97372. I still cannot see the queue, but it prints. I will now try to print directly to IPP (see

Re: CUPS, SAMBA and Windows

2001-12-30 Thread Jens Müller
dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: | I still cannot see the queue, but it prints. Well, you can see the _samba_ queue, but the samba queue is empty. No, I cannot. It still says Access denied.

Re: CUPS, SAMBA and Windows

2001-12-30 Thread Jens Müller
dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: | I will now try to print directly to IPP (see | That would be cool (though I can't read the document). Well, I could not figure out how to do it ... Does not matter, never touch a running system ...

Re: CUPS, SAMBA and Windows

2001-12-30 Thread Jens Müller
dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Say, in windows what did you specify the printer as? I picked HP Laserjet IIIp (the postscript version) so that windows generates postscript and lets CUPS translate it to the printer's own protocol. That could explain why I never ran into that issue -- I was

CUPS, SAMBA and Windows

2001-12-29 Thread Jens Müller
I am using cupsys 1.1.12-3 and samba 2.2.2-2. I set up my printer (HP DJ 840 C, USB) using CUPS. I can print from Linux (well, the lpr program is not there ...). I set the following in smb.conf: [printers] comment = All Printers browseable = yes path = /tmp printable = yes

Re: CUPS, SAMBA and Windows

2001-12-29 Thread Jens Müller
dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: | I can print from Linux (well, the lpr program is not there ...). cupsys-bsd Is then printing = cups still correct?

Re: CUPS, SAMBA and Windows

2001-12-29 Thread Jens Müller
dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: | Is then | | printing = cups | | still correct? Yes. OK. Set it, tried it, doesn't work ... Any other idea?

Re: Kernel compilation

2001-12-28 Thread Jens Müller
Daniel Freedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Make sure you have the proper 'initrd=/boot/initrd.img-2.4.16' (or similar path to your initrd image) in your 'lilo.conf' and rerun lilo. Are you using kernel-package to compile your kernel (I'd suggest you do, if you're not)? Yes, I am. So I

debbugs-el not working

2001-12-27 Thread Jens Müller
When I do M-x debian-bug, then enter j2re1.3, normal and test (or anything else, doesn't matter), I get Signaling: (void-function mail-header-end) mail-header-end() #compiled-function nil ...(191) [debian-bug-packages-obarray debian-bug-From-address debian-bug-mail-address severity subject

Re: debian install fails always?

2001-12-27 Thread Jens Müller
johan30 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Did you try to put in /etc/apt/sources.list the ip's and not the domains. Sometimes there is a problem with resolving behind proxy/firewall There certainly is if he hasn't specify any name servers.

Re: debian install fails always?

2001-12-27 Thread Jens Müller
Jens Müller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: There certainly is if he hasn't specify any name servers. My mistake. man root servers

Kernel compilation

2001-12-27 Thread Jens Müller
I have tried to compile my own kernel 2.4.16. I took the config file k7 from the Debian kernel source, and just activated acpi additionally. When I installed it, that kernel complained about not being able to mount the root device. Maybe it has something to do with that the Debian kernel has an

Re: ssh and X

2001-12-26 Thread Jens Müller
Dimitri Maziuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: * Jens Müller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly: Since upgrading to Woody, X forwarding over ssh does not work any longer, which is a bad thing, since I cannot run X programs as super-user now. Check that you allow X11 forwarding and root login

Re: ssh and X

2001-12-26 Thread Jens Müller
Kerstin Hoef-Emden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Since upgrading to Woody, X forwarding over ssh does not work any longer, which is a bad thing, since I cannot run X programs as super-user now. Ssh tunnels X, if you start it with option -X (at least under potato). I did slogin -X localhost,

Re: ssh and X

2001-12-26 Thread Jens Müller
Tony Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Debugging (strace xlogo) showed a problem with .Xauthority on the remote machine. I tried removing that file manually (since I knew it would be recreated) and logged out and in again it worked! If you still encounter the problem let me know, maybe

Re: ssh and X

2001-12-26 Thread Jens Müller
Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 08:07:13PM +0100, Jens M?ller wrote: Since upgrading to Woody, X forwarding over ssh does not work any longer, which is a bad thing, since I cannot run X programs as super-user now. Does anyone know what has changed?

Re: ssh and X

2001-12-26 Thread Jens Müller
Jens Müller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I just see that maybe Debian Bug 125642 is my problem. It is my problem. I deleted config, removed and re-installed ssh, changed one option in the config file (X forwarding) and restarted ssh. X forwarding now works.

ssh and X

2001-12-25 Thread Jens Müller
Since upgrading to Woody, X forwarding over ssh does not work any longer, which is a bad thing, since I cannot run X programs as super-user now. Does anyone know what has changed?


2001-12-25 Thread Jens Müller
Does anyone know where I can get a more recent deb?

Re: RFCs...

2001-11-04 Thread Jens Müller
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Why not make this request to the maintainer via a wishlist bug? It would definately make searching through rfcs go faster. Searching through RFCs should be done by looking into STD-1. Also, ht://dig (or however it is called) could be used for

Re: Port 766

2001-11-03 Thread Jens Müller
Thomas Hallaran [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Try 'netstat -vep --tcp' This might tell you a bit more about the proc listening on that port. netstat -vep -a --tcp He needs to show listening servers, too.

Re: opening and saving files remotely

2001-11-03 Thread Jens Müller
Rory O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Homesite has a nifty feature called FTP/RDS that allows me to open, edit and save files on remote servers as if they were local. I'm wondering if linux would have a similar feature where I could open and edit files, say, in gnotepad (or other

Re: sources list additions

2001-11-03 Thread Jens Müller
John Lord [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: deb testing main binary-powerpc deb testing contrib binary-powerpc deb testing non-free binary-powerpc Just drop binary-powerpc in each line.

X-forwarding lazy

2001-11-03 Thread Jens Müller
Since I have upgraded to Woody, X-Forwarding via slogin is VERY lazy. I use it as slogin localhost su in order to be able to start X programs as root ...

Re: X-forwarding lazy

2001-11-03 Thread Jens Müller
Jens Müller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I use it as slogin localhost su in order to be able to start X programs as root ... Strange ... It works only on remote SSH servers, locally it does not work at all.

Re: X-forwarding lazy

2001-11-03 Thread Jens Müller
Jens Müller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Strange ... It works only on remote SSH servers, locally it does not work at all. Error message: debian:/home/jens# xemacs [now I press Ctrl+c] Xlib: connection to debian:10.0 refused by server Xlib: slogin rejected X11 client: X11 client supplied

Re: Foul language on debian lists (was Re: Spam impersonating me (was Re: Spam: the last straw))

2001-11-03 Thread Jens Müller
Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What does 'transmitting linux kernel sources' have to do with this ?? I think that would be in violation of this rule: Never send your messages in HTML; use plain text instead. Avoid large attachments. IMO that rule is more important than

Re: ipmasq question

2001-11-02 Thread Jens Müller
Mike Egglestone [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: In chapter two, they talk about how you can make your ipchains permanent. Basically, you have to write your own little script,( just copy the one that they use for an example) and use ipchains-restore and save to set this up. You can also use

Re: Foul language on debian lists (was Re: Spam impersonating me (was Re: Spam: the last straw))

2001-11-02 Thread Jens Müller
Hans Ekbrand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I think Karsten is wrong here. There is a Code of Conduct section on that prohibits the use of foul language. Let me quote Do not use foul language; besides, some people receive the lists via packet radio, where

pppd and kernel 2.4.7

2001-11-01 Thread Jens Müller
I just tried out kernel 2.4.7 - everything seems to work fine, except the PPP connection. pppd quits just after being started. I tried out pppoe - it can connect to my access concentrator. What has changed from 2.2.19 to 2.4.7 which could prevent pppd from working?

Re: pppd and kernel 2.4.7

2001-11-01 Thread Jens Müller
I just tried out kernel 2.4.7 - everything seems to work fine, except the PPP connection. pppd quits just after being started. I tried out pppoe - it can connect to my access concentrator. What has changed from 2.2.19 to 2.4.7 which could prevent pppd from working? Quite a lot did change. I

Re: mp3 encoder?

2001-11-01 Thread Jens Müller
Andy Hartford [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find any mp3 encoders in Debian. Where's LAME, etc?? About lame: afaik there are patent issues with LAME. Fraunhofer has patented the algorithms used in the ISO reference implementation. Even though LAME does not use the

Re: mp3 encoder?

2001-11-01 Thread Jens Müller
Craig Dickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You can't GPL an MP3 codec, Why not? IMO it is not copyright but patent restriction that prevent the distribution and usage of LAME.

Re: mp3 encoder?

2001-11-01 Thread Jens Müller
Andy Hartford [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find any mp3 encoders in Debian. Where's LAME, etc?? I have an inofficial source of LAME ... Let's see ... debian:/home/jens/docs# apt-get install lame Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done The

Re: kdm/xdm don't start WindowManager

2001-10-21 Thread Jens Müller
John Eggert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: in the file:/etc/kde2/kdmrc you will find a line (line 31 in my file) that says : SessionTypes=default,failsafe I modified mine to show: SessionTypes=default,kde2,icewm,failsafe Thus I can run either kde or icewm. I assume (though

Re: Why can't everybody see my webserver

2001-10-20 Thread Jens Müller
Thomas Thorsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: It seems that some people can't load my webserver. The same people can't log in using ssh i'm running apache and ssh on woody/testing what is causing these troubles? What is your kernel version? Firewall config?

Re: Debian tools fight biological, chemical terrorism (BioChemShield).

2001-10-20 Thread Jens Müller
Stephen M. Benoit [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: As a bonus, I am giving Debian users an advance look at the press release that the company has launched this week. Interesting new way of spamming. You know the advertising policy of the Debian mailing lists? PostedMailed.

Re: kdm/xdm/woody problems

2001-10-19 Thread Jens Müller
nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: i can startx no problem. X comes up. Hm ... I should maybe try ... but kdm nor xdm lets me login to anything but 'failsafe' which just brings up an xterm. i can work around it by just typing 'afterstep' in the xterm and it fires up my full session. but im

Newsgroup / mailing list (was: Upgrade Kernel to 2.4 or later)

2001-10-19 Thread Jens Müller
Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Please send a copy of your reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well as I rarely have time to check this newsgroup. This is not a real newsgroup, it is a mirrored mailing list. Please send your posts and replies to, otherwise they won't

Re: Pascal

2001-05-19 Thread Jens Müller
Dixit Frank Homann [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Versuch's mal unter Frank Hallo Leute, Lern bitte quoten und pack Deine Werbung in eine Signatur. -- The fact that he relies on facts - says things that are not factual - are going to undermine his campaign. - George

Re: nix für ungut: rofl

2001-05-19 Thread Jens Müller
Dixit Carsten Hohmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]: du wirst dieses problem nicht sauber lösen können. die deutsche sprache beisteht zwar auch aus formalen regeln, aber auch aus unmengen von ausnahmen. Wohingegen die Regeln fürs Quoten unter recht eindeutig beschrieben sind. --

Re: OT: Organization-Header

2001-05-19 Thread Jens Müller
Dixit Micha Lenk [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Über den Organization-Header auf den Arbeitgeber zu schließen ist also höchst fragwürdig, erstrecht wenn er den Namen eines stark verbreiteten Internetproviders enthält, die EMail-Adresse aber offensichtlich zu einer anderen Firma/Organisation gehört.

ipppd deletes default route

2001-02-17 Thread Jens Müller
I have a Woody system (up-to-date), and isdnutils is set up in the standard way. in device.ippp0, the default route is being set, i.e., right after typing /etc/init.d/restart, a default route to ippp0 is set. But when I dial out with isdnctrl dial ippp0, the default route is being deleted. The

ipppd deletes default route

2001-02-17 Thread Jens Müller
I have a Woody system (up-to-date), and isdnutils is set up in the standard way. in device.ippp0, the default route is being set, i.e., right after typing /etc/init.d/restart, a default route to ippp0 is set. But when I dial out with isdnctrl dial ippp0, the default route is being deleted. The

Debian-specific HOWTOs?

2000-08-01 Thread Jens Müller
Are there any HOWTOs which are specifically (re)written for the Debian system of config files etc.? Jens

Re: Debian 2.1 to Debian 2.2 upgrade.

2000-08-01 Thread Jens Müller
- Original Message - From: Howard Jow [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Cc: Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 8:45 PM Subject: Debian 2.1 to Debian 2.2 upgrade. Hi, I am a systems administrator at the University of New Mexico. I am trying to

Re: AMD Processor

2000-07-31 Thread Jens Müller
- Original Message - From: Sajjad Haider [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 8:43 PM Subject: AMD Processor Hello, I am going to purchase AMD K6-2 system. I want to know that does Red Hat 6.x support AMD processors or not. Because I have to

Re: make menuconfig

2000-07-31 Thread Jens Müller
- Original Message - From: Olaf Meeuwissen [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Dale Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 4:08 AM Subject: Re: make menuconfig Dale Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: when I try to run make menuconfig I encouter the

Re: Is Debian the last OS ?

2000-07-30 Thread Jens Müller
- Original Message - From: I. Tura [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Mark Suter [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 5:49 PM Subject: Re: Is Debian the last OS ? On the other hand... I've never seen any stastics telling what are the most used GNU distros. I

Re: httpd and directories

2000-07-30 Thread Jens Müller
- Original Message - From: Patrick Dahiroc [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 8:43 PM Subject: httpd and directories hi all i've installed apache web server and i am puzzled as to how it can see my /usr/share/doc or /usr/doc directory. i

Re: dhelp problem

2000-07-30 Thread Jens Müller
- Original Message - From: Jeronimo Pellegrini [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 10:04 PM Subject: dhelp problem I suppose there should be a doc directory under /var/www right? There's not: socrates www$ ll /var/www/ total 2

Re: t-dsl

2000-07-30 Thread Jens Müller
afaik ppoe is a standard kernel module. Maybe there are also some packages. Your Denglish is quite good ;-) Jens - Original Message - From: Mithrandir [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 10:13 PM Subject: t-dsl

Re: dhelp problem [SOLVED!]

2000-07-30 Thread Jens Müller
- Original Message - From: Jeronimo Pellegrini [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Lehel Bernadt [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 11:06 PM Subject: Re: dhelp problem [SOLVED!] So, all I had to do was to change Alias /doc/ /usr/doc/ to Alias /doc/

Re: What hardware is supperted by Debian?

2000-06-09 Thread Jens Müller
Look into the Hardware HOWTO, available at Jens - Original Message - From: Rachael Hunt To: Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 8:53 AM Subject: What hardware is supperted by Debian? Hi. I am very interested in

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