Using putty for an X session

2000-11-22 Thread adam.edgar
Unfortunately at work I must use a windows machine, but Id like to be able to use Putty to connect to my machine. I can bring up a standard SSH2 session but I am ignorant when it come to starting an X session remotely. How do I go about getting X on my machine at work? I know it has to do with

changing window manager

2000-11-16 Thread adam.edgar
I recently upgraded to X4.01 and need to know where the default manager is set. i.e. I want to use gnome but the debian default is currently used. What file can I change. And can I not use startx gnome-session any more. Thanks,

compiling epic100 support into the kernel

2000-09-27 Thread adam.edgar
Im trying to recompile my kernel but from 'menuconfig' I can not find the correct driver for my smc epic100. The epic100.c file is available under drivers/net/ but it does not seem to show in the 10/100 section of 'menuconfig'. Could it possibly be under a different name? Im using 2.2.17 and have

lilo and BeOS

2000-09-27 Thread adam.edgar
Does anyone know how to set up lilo to launch BeOS. Note win98 will have to boot from same HD. Do Both win98 and Be need to be on bootable partitions? Thanks, Adam Edgar, Roll Tide Roll

making install diskette for ftp

2000-09-18 Thread adam.edgar
Ive run into a problem upgrading from slink to potato because of my own stupidity. I had Slink running fine but decided to rearrange my installation while upgrading (remove fat partition...). Well I forgot that the Slink CD I have does not have the drivers for an epic100 network card. So I need to

Re: @home network

2000-08-06 Thread adam.edgar
This may have already been mentioned but with 10/100 baseT you can not use a normal cable to connect them you have to use a crossover cable. You sould be able to find instructions online. Adam ps: sorry if this is redundant On Sat, 5 Aug 2000, Jaron Abbott

Filtering Email in Pine

2000-06-27 Thread adam.edgar
The Unix machine I get my mail on has only a few mail clients to choose from and Ive chosen pine for my use. Im new to it and have tried to discern how to set up a filter so that the mail from this list goes to a seperate folder if any one know how to do this I would be thankful for their help.

/dev/snd is symlinked to nonexistant file

2000-06-19 Thread adam.edgar
My sound mysteriously quit working the other day and I believe I found the problem. /dev/snd is symlinked to a some sort of ALSA dev file which doesn't even exist. I think I can get sound working again if I delete it and replace it with a device file. How is that to be done. I don't know the

Re: multiple monitors

2000-06-13 Thread adam.edgar
If your question is simply whether multiple monitors are supported or not the answer is yes. But if you are asking if you can say move you mouse to the edge of one monitor and to the other, I can not tell you. That question would be more specific to either X or to which desktop environment you

Re: (no subject)

2000-06-10 Thread adam.edgar
The first thing that comes to mind for me is to ask where on the hard drive is your linux partition and where is Windows. Keep in mind lilo has problems when your boot sector is past the 8 gig point. If you put the 5 gigs for linux first this may help. And personally I would advise splitting your

Re: Hi i i need help plz

2000-06-10 Thread adam.edgar
It sounds like a keyboard mapping problem, possibly stemming from user option files that either exist in the home directories of individual users. For example your root profile may have a file called .xinitrc that changes your mapping and normal user don't have this. Look in /root and a normal

2.4test1 make zImage error

2000-06-08 Thread adam.edgar
I have run into a bit of a problem when compiling the test kernel under potato. When I make zImage it runs all the way to the end and then crashes after reporting that the system is to large. Yet the size it reports is actualy smaller than that of the current kernel (The default for

mpg123 and sound problems

2000-06-04 Thread adam.edgar
I have been having problem with sound and mp3 playing on my Potato install. mpg123 dies when trying to play variable bit rate mp3s incoded by lame(error message attached) and sound craps out on me when any sound, save CD playing, is used the error sound sends out is repeatedly thus:

Re: suid

2000-06-04 Thread adam.edgar
In /etc/fstab you will see lines similar to this: /dev/hda2 /Windowsvfatdefaults0 2 The first is the device name, second mount point, third file sytem, next comes the options,dump then pass. in the options category, you can specify that a mountable device is for users

Re: Mouse troubles

2000-06-03 Thread adam.edgar
I had the same problem as you did and the easiest solution I found was simply to kill gpm. I know its not a perfect fix but how often do you use your mouse from a vt? Adam S Edgar On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Steve wrote: Need a little advice. I just loaded potato on my

New to Debian, X problems

2000-05-29 Thread adam.edgar
Im new to Debian, though I have been using redhat for about a year. the way I installed was to use a cd i purchased(slink) and then use apt to get the frozen version available online. having given background I will present my problem. I used xf86config to set up X but ran into