I had a whole series of problems that cropped up, one after the other and trying to deal with them individually seemed virtually impossible. However...

The problem with Samba updates and apt-listchanges turned out to be a PEBKAC issue. I was working with something in Python that needed Python 3. I decided to change one of my own scripts to be Python 3 compatible. Having done this, I thought, "Why don't I just change the default to Python 3?" Bad idea. Apt-listchanges (in Jessie) does not like Python 3. Once I set the default back to Python 2.7 all the errors during "aptitude upgrade" went away. Once I was able to get Jessie fully up-to-date I made a copy of my partitions, made sure the new partitions were bootable, and upgraded them the Stretch. Once I had Stretch running and properly configured the pulseaudio problems went away and X11 started working again.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help me sort through any of my many issues.

Note: apt-listchanges in Stretch specifically uses Python 3.

Marc Shapiro

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