Re: Kernel 2.3.6 ¿Inestable?

1999-07-09 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 11:43:18PM +0200, Netman dijo: On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 04:28:15AM +0200, Barbwired wrote: ¿Qué ventajas tiene (ahora mismo) la familia 2.3 sobre la 2.2? ¿Y desventajas? Ventajas: Entre otras, soporte para algunos controladoras IDE (como la famosa ALI, y algunas

Re: Antivirus.

1999-07-09 Thread Miquel
El mié, jul 07, 1999 at 09:14:36 +0200 Emilio Hernandez Martin va dir: En la BIOS de mi sistema tenía puesta la opción del Anti-Virus Protection y cuando ejecute el LILO y reinicié y entré en Linux, me salió un mensaje de ¡error! virus detectado en su sistema, no se reconoce el

Re: Problemas con paquete 'eterm-background'

1999-07-09 Thread Miquel
El mar, jul 06, 1999 at 07:47:18 +0200 Jon Noble va dir: Hola, On mar, 06 jul 1999 12:00:51 Emilio Hernandez Martin wrote: En la instalación del Linux Debian 2.1 'Slink' tengo problemas con el paquete 'eterm-background'. ¿Qué es este paquete?, ¿es importante?. cuando instalé mi

Re: Ratón.

1999-07-09 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Wed, Jul 07, 1999, Emilio Hernandez Martin... Emilio Tengo ya todo el Linux instalado (creo), Emilio incluido X, pero no me va el ratón. Aparece el puntero Emilio pero no se mueve. Emilio Tengo entendido que en otras distribuciones de Emilio Linux (anteriores) tenías la


1999-07-09 Thread Adrian Moya
Hola Debianeros! Me ha ido muy bien con el gnome, sin embargo tengo problemillas con el gdm. (Gnome-Display-Manager). No me acepta el usuario root. De hecho en las caritas que aparecen solo esta la de mi cuenta de usuario normal. He leido y releido el manual, y no consigo nada. Y sin gdm, cuando


1999-07-09 Thread
agp vga

Re: X Window

1999-07-09 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Jaime E. Villate wrote: Una pregunta para Jose Luis: si estas hablando del ctrl-alt-delete (no estoy seguro de que es supr), porque te parece que es menos seguro que un halt? en mi caso por ejemplo tengo una linea en el /etc/inittab que dice: ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -h

De nuevo acentos y teclado.

1999-07-09 Thread Antonio Fernández Fernández
He perdido (borrado) la configuración del kbd por defecto y no sé cómo actuar. El tema era de nuevo posibilitar la escritura de los acentos. Lo arreglé en una ocasión poniendo en kbd/config el ISO-8859-1; pero ahora, con ispanish, no consigo que mi teclado, cuando pongo un acento se espere a que

Re: Kernel 2.3.6 ?Inestable?

1999-07-09 Thread daniel
Emm... jolas barb.. que se sepa la mayoría de las cosas que se hacen referentes a Linux aunque sean inestables suelen ser mil veces más estables que cualquier versión de Winblows hiperparcheada, aunque cuando los desarrolladores llaman a algo inestable y el kernel tiene el número que tiene...

Pentium optimizer

1999-07-09 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos... ¿Ha usado alguien el pentium-optimizer que hay en non-free/devel? El programa cvtmake, que prepara los Makefile, aborta siempre con violacion de segmento. Saludos.

Aclaraciones del problema de SQL

1999-07-09 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- Ricard P.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hola. Ya se que esta lista no va de SQL, pero he tenido un problema puntual con el postgres que o soy yo que estoy dormido, o me han hechado mal de ojo. Parece una quaestion muy simple, a ver si alguien ve donde esta el fallo (vuelco 2 linias

Re: se me muere el demonio pppd

1999-07-09 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- Lucky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Intento conectarme a Internet, pero cada vez que lo pruebo marca el numero y cuand ose quiere conectar a la red sale un mendaje que dice Demonio pppd se ha muerto (o algo parecido) y en el registro da estos mensages: Jul 8 21:32:44 luck pppd[734]: pppd

Re: KDE no encuentra el servidor X

1999-07-09 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- Lucky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tengo instalado la RH6.0 con GNOME y KDE q se instalaron por defecto. GNOME funciona de maravilla (Y por cierto q es muy bueno) pero yo quiero trabajar con KDE q es la q tenia con Debian, pero cuando hago STARTKDE me dice que no encuentra el servidor de X.

RE: gdm

1999-07-09 Thread jarregui
Te respondo sin haber desempaquetado siquiera el Gnome. O sea que no esperes mucho... ¿Puede ser que el gnome no deje entrar al root por motivos de seguridad? Esto en slink pasa con el netscape, por ejemplo. O tal vez sea configurable. Lo de fijar la variable, te

RE: gdm

1999-07-09 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Te respondo sin haber desempaquetado siquiera el Gnome. O sea que no esperes mucho... ¿Puede ser que el gnome no deje entrar al root por motivos de seguridad? Esto en slink pasa con el netscape, por ejemplo. O tal vez sea configurable. Lo de

Re: Mount y umount.

1999-07-09 Thread Paco Brufal
On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Emilio Hernandez Martin wrote: ¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de no tener que montar y desmontar el cdrom y el floppy cada vez que se quiera acceder a ellos, es decir, que se haga de una forma automática o algo así? Existen el automounter y el autorun. Buscalos

Re: Mount y umount.

1999-07-09 Thread Santiago Vila
On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Emilio Hernandez Martin wrote: ¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de no tener que montar y desmontar el cdrom y el floppy cada vez que se quiera acceder a ellos, es decir, que se haga de una forma automática o algo así? Al menos para el floppy, las herramientas mtools

Re: X Window

1999-07-09 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Pedro A. Ruiz wrote: Javier López wrote: Jose Luis Trivino wrote: Es mas rapido, es mas facil y sobre todo no puedes evitar que lo haga cualquier usuario. Si que puedes evitarlo. Existe un fichero en /etc (ahora no recuerdo su nombre, y no lo encuentro en man init o

Re: Kernel 2.3.6 ¿Inestable?

1999-07-09 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
Barbwired escribió: Un consejito... Deja la slink y pásate a potato (¡ah! Que ya lo has hecho...) Lo hice y lo perdí todo (menos los backups). No me arrepiento, aprendí más que en toda mi vida. Pero eso no quiere decir que lo vaya a volver a hacer. En todo lo demás soy

Re: X Window

1999-07-09 Thread Pedro A. Ruiz
Jose Luis Trivino wrote: Pedro A. Ruiz wrote: Javier López wrote: Jose Luis Trivino wrote: Es mas rapido, es mas facil y sobre todo no puedes evitar que lo haga cualquier usuario. Si que puedes evitarlo. Existe un fichero en /etc (ahora no recuerdo su

Re: X Window

1999-07-09 Thread Agustín Martín
Jose Luis Trivino wrote: He estado revisando todos los ficheros de /etc y no he encontrado nada que sirva para algo parecido. No viene de serie, lo tienes que crear tú De man shutdown: OPTIONS -a Use /etc/shutdown.allow. ... If shutdown is called with the -a argument

[LOCAL] Benaguasil-Party

1999-07-09 Thread Manuel Soriano
Hello We are pleased to announce the second linux event during the Fiestorro in Benaguasil (Valencia/Spain), formerly : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now in spanish: La asociacion de usuarios de Linux (Hispalinux), la asociacion de usuarios de Linux de la Comunidad Valenciana (Valux), la asociacion de

Re: Mount y umount.

1999-07-09 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Santiago Vila wrote: Emilio Hernandez Martin: ¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de no tener que montar y desmontar el cdrom y el floppy cada vez que se quiera acceder a ellos, es decir, que se haga de una forma automática o algo así? Santiago Vila: Al menos para el floppy, las herramientas


1999-07-09 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Hola a todos, Tengo un manual en una serie de ficheros html y eso para imprimir me vuelve loco. Alguien sabe como convertirlo a ps o pdf o algo que se pueda leer? Por cierto, contiene imagenes. Un saludo. Angel

Re: Kernel 2.3.6 ¿Inestable?

1999-07-09 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 03:27:58AM +0200, Barbwired dijo: Netman escribió: Si el 2.3.6 fuera seguro ya sacarían otra versión que no lo fuera (y tú de cabeza a usarla) XD Pues no te creas, el 2.3.9 no me compila, cagontó! Debe ser $DEITY o mi Cox de la guarda, queriendo decir algo. Pues,

Re: Mount y umount.

1999-07-09 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 01:26:31PM +0200, Santiago Vila dijo: On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Emilio Hernandez Martin wrote: ¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de no tener que montar y desmontar el cdrom y el floppy cada vez que se quiera acceder a ellos, es decir, que se haga de una forma automática o


1999-07-09 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- Ángel_Carrasco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hola a todos, Tengo un manual en una serie de ficheros html y eso para imprimir me vuelve loco. Alguien sabe como convertirlo a ps o pdf o algo que se pueda leer? Por cierto, contiene imagenes. Un saludo. Angel Angel, para imprimir ponte


1999-07-09 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- Ángel_Carrasco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hola a todos, Tengo un manual en una serie de ficheros html y eso para imprimir me vuelve loco. Alguien sabe como convertirlo a ps o pdf o algo que se pueda leer? Por cierto, contiene imagenes. Un saludo. Angel Angel, para imprimir ponte

Como montar una particion Windows(95,NT)

1999-07-09 Thread arenaz
Hola, Me gustaria saber como se hace para montar una particion con Windows95 o WindowsNT en un sistema Linux. Creo que hay que añadir una entrada en el fichero /etc/fstab, pero no se que tipo de sistema de ficheros hay que detallar. Gracias. --

Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-07-09 Thread daniel
No se mucho o mejor nada del tema (solo se un pelin de sql), pero suelo tener suerte resolviendo problemas asi que... se supone que SQL distingue en esos valores las minusculas de las mayusculas? Si la respuesta es no, ya sabes por qué no actualiza, si la respuesta es si... entonces quizás sea un

Re: Framebuffer (y II): problemas svgalib y X.

1999-07-09 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, jul 08, 1999 at 02:17:53 +0200, Barbwired wrote: - NO funcionan los programas para svgalib, se lanzan y no se ve nada, solo fondo negro y algunas manchas horizontales. ¿Has probado zgv? ¿Alguien ha conseguido que zgv funcione con el fb? Acabo de trastear un poco el kernel y entre

Re: Kernel 2.3.6 ¿Inestable?

1999-07-09 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, jul 08, 1999 at 04:28:15 +0200, Barbwired wrote: Acaban de ponerme los pelos de punta con historias para no dormir sobre kernels inestables, filesystems corruptos... y yo no sé. Nada nada ¡ni caso!... es borma, estas cosas pasan con K.(2n-1).r, K=0 n=1 r=0 XD ¿Por qué tengo el

RE: Como montar una particion Windows(95,NT)

1999-07-09 Thread shadow
- Mensaje original - De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Enviado: viernes, 09 de julio de 1999 16:27 Asunto: Como montar una particion Windows(95,NT) Hola, Me gustaria saber como se hace para montar una particion con Windows95 o WindowsNT en un sistema

Re: Kernel 2.3.6 ¿Inestable?

1999-07-09 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 09:10:16AM -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote: El Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 03:27:58AM +0200, Barbwired dijo: Netman escribió: Si el 2.3.6 fuera seguro ya sacarían otra versión que no lo fuera (y tú de cabeza a usarla) XD Pues no te creas, el 2.3.9 no me compila,

Re: X Window

1999-07-09 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Jose Luis Trivino wrote: Jaime E. Villate wrote: Una pregunta para Jose Luis: si estas hablando del ctrl-alt-delete (no estoy seguro de que es supr), porque te parece que es menos seguro que un halt? en mi caso por ejemplo tengo una linea en el /etc/inittab que dice:


1999-07-09 Thread IJAS
Hola, Me podeis explicar o decir donde encontrar información sobre los 'cores' ¿Que son estos archivos? ¿para que sirven? ¿como los puedo utilizar? ¿como los puedo evitar? ¿por qué aparecen? en definitiva... todo ... De lo poco que he leido me parece deducir que son archivos de volcado de una pila

Re: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-07-09 Thread Ely Alvarado
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 06:51:08AM -0600, J Horacio MG wrote: Xose Manoel Ramos dixit: Si que se pueden montar unidades en un directorio que contenga ficheros, estos ficheros no se perderán, aunque mientras la unidad esté montada no se podrán acceder a los ficheros antiguos. No se

Re: Mount y umount.

1999-07-09 Thread Juanjo Martinez
El Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 11:50:34AM +0200, Emilio Hernandez Martin escribió: Hola a todos/as: Hola, saludos a todos. ¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de no tener que montar y desmontar el cdrom y el floppy cada vez que se quiera acceder a ellos, es decir, que se haga de una forma

Help gnome

1999-07-09 Thread Andre Leao Macedo
Olá para todos! Vejam se alguém pode me ajudar: instalei o slink no modo Workstation padrão e o usava há algum tempo sem nenhum problema. Até que eu resolvi instalar o Gnome. Não via muita utilidade nele, já que eu não tenho nada contra linha de comando e programas em modo

Re: Help gnome

1999-07-09 Thread jclaudio
Andre Leao Macedo wrote: Olá para todos! Vejam se alguém pode me ajudar: instalei o slink no modo Workstation padrão e o usava há algum tempo sem nenhum problema. Até que eu resolvi instalar o Gnome. Não via muita utilidade nele, já que eu não tenho nada contra linha de

Re: Help gnome

1999-07-09 Thread Andre Leao Macedo
Ola jclaudio On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 09:19:14PM +, jclaudio wrote: Eu não entendi o motivo pelo qual você não instalou estes packages direto da Debian... Se bem me lembro o Gnome está no stable. Eu acho que ele nao esta no stable nao. Eu segui as instrucoes do

Zip Drive

1999-07-09 Thread Itamar
Oi pessoal, estou tentando instalar meu Zip Drive Iomega paralelo mas não estou conseguindo. Leio os módulos, scsi_mod, sd_mod e só então o ppa, mas nesta hora recebo a seguinte mensagem: /lib/modules/2.2.5/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol parport_unregister_device_Rsmp_fef11faa

Re: Zip Drive

1999-07-09 Thread Itamar
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote: Itamar wrote: nesta hora recebo a seguinte mensagem: /lib/modules/2.2.5/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol parport_unregister_device_Rsmp_fef11faa /lib/modules/2.2.5/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol parport_enumerate_Rsmp_4fd4470d

Re: Zip Drive

1999-07-09 Thread cseg
At 22:15 08/07/99 -0300, Itamar wrote: Oi pessoal, estou tentando instalar meu Zip Drive Iomega paralelo mas não estou conseguindo. Leio os módulos, scsi_mod, sd_mod e só então o ppa, mas nesta hora recebo a seguinte mensagem: /lib/modules/2.2.5/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol

Squid hogging memory with children

1999-07-09 Thread Greg Baker
I just upgraded Squid (to 2.1.2-1, the newest in stable). It's started to spawn a bunch of (16) child processes that consume a lot of my memory. Despite my best efforts with the config file, I can't change the number of children. Can anybody give my a pointer on this? I just want to use

Re: diald

1999-07-09 Thread Stephen A. Witt
On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Mateusz Lapsa wrote: Hello. I'm using slink, and recently I wanted to configure this package. Unfortunatelly there some problems. After instaling and configuring it it isn't responding for any traffic, which is beeing sent to sl0 device. Strange. However when I start it

RE: Re[2]: The vexed 2-CD problem...

1999-07-09 Thread Carley, Jason \(Australia\)
Steve, In my opinion, multi_cd is quite unintuitive and difficult for someone new to debian to understand. There is no clear explanantion of when to change the disks, what to enter at each prompt and how to do the update. I should know too, I had great trouble with it. Ended up mounting the disk

user list

1999-07-09 Thread Michael Merten
Hi, Is there an easy way to get a list of all regular user ( UID 1000 ) accounts on the system? I can't find the userls command I used to use on SCO. Mike -- Michael Merten [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- NRA Life Member ( -- Debian GNU/Linux Fan

Re: user list

1999-07-09 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
sure there is! perl -e 'while (@F = getpwent()) {if ($F[2] 1000) { print $F[0], \n; }}' Michael Merten wrote: Hi, Is there an easy way to get a list of all regular user ( UID 1000 ) accounts on the system? I can't find the userls command I used to use on SCO. Mike -- Michael Merten

Compaq Presario 1245 Touchpad interface problems

1999-07-09 Thread Dale Scheetz
I just got the new laptop, and have been quite satisfied with it, except when it comes to X... The primary problem is that I must configure X for a serial mouse, because I don't know what device and port to pick for the touchpad. Am I out of luck, or is there a working choice available in

need monitor specs.

1999-07-09 Thread Bob Nielsen
My SVGA monitor is rapidly losing all contrast (I expect it is about to fail). I have two older SVGA monitors and I'd like to be able to use one of them until I get a chance to pick up a new one. They work fine in console mode, but I don't have the manuals or any other information to set them up

help: setting up dial-in mail server

1999-07-09 Thread Bob Billson
g'day Debianers... It's been a long day. I've been searching through the HOWTOs and on the Web. My brain is burnt. I need some help! :-) I set up a Debian (slink) box set up as a mail/file server for a small local newspaper a few months ago. The same machine connects their Win95 LAN to the

Re: user list

1999-07-09 Thread Michael Merten
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 07:07:38PM -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote: sure there is! perl -e 'while (@F = getpwent()) {if ($F[2] 1000) { print $F[0], \n; }}' Thanks for that one! (One of these days I'll get around to learning Perl) Mike -- Michael Merten ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ---


1999-07-09 Thread Ben Lutgens
O.k, all enlightenment users¸ I am using E DR 15.5 on potatoe, whenever I try to start esound I get: [EMAIL PROTECTED] fugas}$ emusic This is eMusic DR0.9, (c) 1997-1999 Isaac Richards Comments/suggestions? Find me on efnet as Chutt. Read the README for details Player Modules:


1999-07-09 Thread Shao Zhang
Look at the program junkbuster. On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 01:41:25PM +0200, Thomas Cavinato wrote: How can I put a list of the URLs where my clients can't access and there are these list in internet. thank you also for my English. Thomas Cavinato [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Humerous juxtaposition

1999-07-09 Thread Dan
That is pretty funny... Although the last line is very true. From: Ben Cranston [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Debian-User List Subject: Humerous juxtaposition Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 16:15:45 -0400 Attributions elided to protect the innocent:

xircom pcmcia card

1999-07-09 Thread Bob C. Ruddy
Hello, I've got a problem getting my xircom Ethernet+Modem multifunction card working right. The first problem is that I can't get the card manager to automatically load the modules for the card. The second problem is that even when I do modprobe the module. When I run ifconfig it tells me that

Re: user list

1999-07-09 Thread Carl Mummert
Is there an easy way to get a list of all regular user ( UID 1000 ) accounts on the system? I can't find the userls command I used to use on SCO. awk -F ':' '{if ($3 999) print $0}' /etc/passwd

Re: Can not setup up mouse for xfree86 (new user)

1999-07-09 Thread Dan
XF86Setup is a piece of crap from my experiences. First of all, you should make sure the hardware is for sure com1 and nothing else is trying to conflict. Obviously modems could interfere. If your bios definately says ``Serial #1 - IRQ 4'' or whatever, then that is settled. Second, do an ``ls

Re: Can not setup up mouse for xfree86 (new user)

1999-07-09 Thread Andrei Ivanov
XF86Setup is a piece of crap from my experiences. First of all, you should make sure the hardware is for sure com1 and nothing else is trying to conflict. Obviously modems could interfere. If your bios definately says ``Serial #1 - IRQ 4'' or whatever, then that is settled. Second, do an

Re: Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 for x86 Installation Problem

1999-07-09 Thread Dean
I think Hendy was trying a hard drive installation. I don't know how but I think the hda1 needs to be mounted to be read for this. I found disk easy enough after a couple of tries.. Dean Robert Rati wrote: You have a very in depth message, which is good. Your problem is simple. The

Re: install can't read from cd

1999-07-09 Thread Dave Thayer
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 12:03:58PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi there, Can anybody help with the following, I'd like to be able to try debian... Disappointed with rh6 I thought I'd give debian a go. I ran the cd through dos (d:\install\boot) and successfully mounted the root

Parallel-port CD-ROM install trouble

1999-07-09 Thread Todd Last
I'm trying to install Debian on my laptop with a Microsolutions 164700 model CD Rom. This CD attaches to the laptop via the parallel port. When I get to the part of the install that tries to load the kernel to the hard disk, it can't find the CD-ROM I understand that I may have to add a driver

RE: Parallel-port CD-ROM install trouble

1999-07-09 Thread Paul Miller
Did you install the parallel port drivers in the kernel? I think the option is under block devices. Depending on your drive, you may need SCSI emulation and SCSI support enabled. I have an external HP7200e CD-Writer that connects to a parallel port and it works great. The devices for the

Re: Parallel-port CD-ROM install trouble

1999-07-09 Thread Todd Last
No, I did not try that. I'm a newbie to this. To do this, do I need to install from floppies? Paul Miller wrote: Did you install the parallel port drivers in the kernel? I think the option is under block devices. Depending on your drive, you may need SCSI emulation and SCSI support enabled.

Re: need monitor specs.

1999-07-09 Thread Wayne Topa
Subject: need monitor specs. Date: Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 05:29:07PM -0700 In reply to:Bob Nielsen Quoting Bob Nielsen([EMAIL PROTECTED]): My SVGA monitor is rapidly losing all contrast (I expect it is about to fail). I have two older SVGA monitors and I'd like to be able to

How do I setup smail as a gateway for another email program

1999-07-09 Thread Bruce Jackson
I have a network that consists of a debian slink machine as a firewall running smail. It has local email on it for some users. These users can access their email either through POP3 or IMAP. It works great. The problem is that I have a Novell machine inside the network running Groupwise 5.5

becoming a maintainer

1999-07-09 Thread Dan Brosemer
I was wondering who I need to talk to about becoming a package maintainer? I've just successfully packaged spruce (a GTK mailreader) and I don't believe that it is in the debian distribution yet. I'm perfectly willing to become the maintainer for this package if someone could point me at some

Re: user list

1999-07-09 Thread Michael Merten
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 09:42:58PM -0400, Carl Mummert wrote: Is there an easy way to get a list of all regular user ( UID 1000 ) accounts on the system? I can't find the userls command I used to use on SCO. awk -F ':' '{if ($3 999) print $0}' /etc/passwd Thanks! Mike -- Michael

Re: help: setting up dial-in mail server

1999-07-09 Thread Dan
Also, I don't know if this is at all helpful, but the mail daemon, qpopper is made by Qualcomm, who of course make Eudora. So maybe compatibility might help there. I am not sure exactly what your setup could be, but I thought I'd let you know in case you didn't. From: Bob Billson [EMAIL

Debian Linux on a Powerbook

1999-07-09 Thread Ed
I am trying to install Debian Linux on a Powerbook 550c (*NOT* a 540 or a 520). I have a Sony 6x external CD-ROM drive as well as a aaui ethernet connection. Any and all help would be *GREATLY* appreciated. Regards, Ed Balch [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: preventing weak passwords

1999-07-09 Thread Dave Thayer
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 07:39:44AM +0800, Chad A. Adlawan wrote: hello all, im really sick of almost having to remind my users to use non-dictionary passwords. we provide a web based interface to change their passwords and so the checking done by executing /usr/bin/passwd is not

Re: help: setting up dial-in mail server

1999-07-09 Thread Carl Mummert
Why not just set their shell to /bin/false or some such. That prevents login access, and should prevent ftp access (you have to check - try man ftpd ). But it allows pop access, and imap access. Carl

Re: preventing weak passwords

1999-07-09 Thread Carl Mummert
You can get better versions of passwd(1) that prevent users from setting bad passwords in teh first place - we use one called npasswd, which works a little TOO well (it screens out my attempts to give new users simple passwords). I can give you the source if you need it, but there is a distro

Re: Compaq Presario 1245 Touchpad interface problems

1999-07-09 Thread Ray
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 07:27:51PM -0400, Dale Scheetz wrote: The primary problem is that I must configure X for a serial mouse, because I don't know what device and port to pick for the touchpad. Am I out of luck, or is there a working choice available in XF86Setup? Try treating it just

Modem Blues

1999-07-09 Thread maxalbert
To all-- I have a Diamond Supra 288i SP modem in a ISA motherboard, and my Debian 2.1.8 system won't detect it. Specifically: 1) If I run ./0setserial, it says-- Cannot autoconfigure port. Device or resource busy. Done. /dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq =4) is a 16450 /dev/ttyS1 at

problems running dvips (or xdvi) OR what's up with tetex?

1999-07-09 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all, I'm trying to update my resume. I've run latex on the file with no errors reported, but if I try to view the dvi file or make a postscript file, I get a bunch of errors complaining about not being able to find fonts. I've never used any fonts other than the default fonts that come with

unable to install - new user

1999-07-09 Thread Jesus Vinyas
Hallo experts on Linux, Not with a lot of experience (i had rh6 running on a 486) , but with a lot of interest i decided to install Debian on a P166 with motherboard VX Pro+, 32 M Ram ( 16 EDO + 16 Fast Page ), with 1 Hd of 1,2 Gb (also i tried with one of 170 Mb HD, other of 400 Mb,etc.)

Re: LyX not exporting PS

1999-07-09 Thread Stefan . Ehlen
Hi, in message [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote: Hi, I'm trying to generate a Postscript file in LyX. From within LyX I can view . dvi but view PS only shows the embedded graphic (not the text!). I can export a PS file, but it turns out missing the text as well. I know that this is a new

Programming question: sizeof struct?

1999-07-09 Thread Joop Stakenborg
Hi there, The upstream maintainer of one of my packages is having problems with his code. I thought it would be nice to use the debian mailing lists, to see if we can an answer on this. I will forward any solution to him. -- The

Re: Modem Blues

1999-07-09 Thread Ray
On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 02:15:40AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To all-- I have a Diamond Supra 288i SP modem in a ISA motherboard, and my Debian 2.1.8 system won't detect it. Specifically: 1) If I run ./0setserial, it says-- Cannot autoconfigure port. Device or resource busy.

Re: Compaq Presario 1245 Touchpad interface problems

1999-07-09 Thread jesus duran
On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Dale Scheetz wrote: I just got the new laptop, and have been quite satisfied with it, except when it comes to X... The primary problem is that I must configure X for a serial mouse, because I don't know what device and port to pick for the touchpad. Am I out of luck,


1999-07-09 Thread Oleg P. Yelesin

Re: becoming a maintainer

1999-07-09 Thread Ramakrishnan M
On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Dan Brosemer wrote: I was wondering who I need to talk to about becoming a package maintainer? Read Debian Developer's guide and debian policy guide.Your question is already answered there. Ramakrishnan M World Wide Web: -- A designer

Re: Programming question: sizeof struct?

1999-07-09 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 09:09:15AM +0200, Joop Stakenborg wrote: The reason why I have not released LogConv 1.54 for Linux is that I am having problems with packed structures that is causing some file formats to not be handled properly. Reading and writing structs to files is at best

Power failure

1999-07-09 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all, A fuse blew last night taking out the power supply to the server with my new debian linux installation.:-( On reboot this morning, the second NIC wasn't present so I had to modprobe /lib/...tulip.o, then ifconfig eth1, then route add, then ipfwadm -F -p deny and finally ipfwadm -F -a m

Re: Enter mail, end with a single ..

1999-07-09 Thread Rolf Edlund
On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Ben Cranston wrote: Have now found out, that my problem has something to do with mail size. MAIL From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=6697 That mail won't send. But a small mail (like this), will be sent without any problem ? This is a real shot-in-the-dark, but I've seen


1999-07-09 Thread Peter Bartosch
hello after a reboot (caused by a power fail) my raid was checked with ckraid and brought back into sync, but e2fsck sais, that the md-device-partition has zero length?? the problem is, that my /usr /home and /var on the md-device resist any hints? -- until next mail B-) Peter --

apache-ssl and certificates in netscape

1999-07-09 Thread Nate
I've been plugging away trying to get apache-ssl to make https connections. I have and I haven't succeeded. When I type; the connections goes through w/o netscape telling me the connection was refused. However, it says that the certificate is not approved for the

package dependency

1999-07-09 Thread Shao Zhang
Hi, How do I know if the package is no longer dependent by others? for example, if I have a lib-blah package installed, and I want to know if there are any other packages installed on my system that depends on this package. I don't want to try to remove it

RE: Segmentation fault

1999-07-09 Thread Marc Mongeon
$ env Look for a line with LANG=something. $ unset LANG ... to unset the variable, at least in the bash shell. Marc -- Marc Mongeon [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unix Specialist Ban-Koe Systems 9100 W Bloomington Fwy Bloomington, MN 55431-2200 (612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344 --

Re: Tab Tab program/command line editing

1999-07-09 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Keith Beattie wrote: Another invaluable NT setting is: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Mouse/ActiveWindowTracking set to 1 - This gives you focus-follows-mouse, yea!!! I tried it, because I really like that feature. Sadly, I couldn't use the bookmarks menu on

please help! gdk-errors - BadMatch

1999-07-09 Thread Aaron Solochek
I really need help with this, all of the sunnder, after a brief stint with xdm, I am getting errors when the windows are trying to open. I get to the manual placement part, then when I click down it just goes away. The errors are the following. For Eterm: XError: Request 62.0, Error 8 Eterm:

Re: help: setting up dial-in mail server

1999-07-09 Thread Marc Mongeon
I've just done something similar here at Ban-Koe. I just set up normal PPP access, then used ipfwadm to filter out all packets except those destined for the appropriate ports on the mail server. It appears to be working-- allows access to the mail server, and prevents any other types of use.

RE: Parallel-port CD-ROM install trouble

1999-07-09 Thread Paul Miller
Oops, I didn't realize you were just installing Debian. I don't think that is possible with Debian's current boot disk. I'd copy the installation/base (15 MB) files to your hard drive + the kernel-source 2.2.10 package and the kernel-package packge and install from there. After you're done

Re: Exim SMTP

1999-07-09 Thread Ali Onur Uyar
Thanks for those replies from Jor-el, Gregory and Martin. But the solutions Jor-el and Gregory had proposed did not work for me, so I has to the some RTFM. THE PROBLEM I installed netscape and was trying to configure mail. I have exim installed and configured for internet site, uses SMTP. I tried

Re: help: setting up dial-in mail server

1999-07-09 Thread Pollywog
On 09-Jul-99 Carl Mummert wrote: Why not just set their shell to /bin/false or some such. That prevents login access, and should prevent ftp access (you have to check - try man ftpd ). But it allows pop access, and imap access. Does setting the shell to /bin/false prevent ftp access?

Problems accessing vfat directory tree and files.

1999-07-09 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Hi all. Ive upgraded to 2.2.10 kernel a bit ago, and since then my windows partition became 'isolated', that I could not access it at all. I can mount it, and once mounted, I can read off the directory listing of the root only (cd /windows ; ls), but once I go into anymore directories, I get

Re: Compaq Presario 1245 Touchpad interface problems

1999-07-09 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, jesus duran wrote: On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Dale Scheetz wrote: I just got the new laptop, and have been quite satisfied with it, except when it comes to X... The primary problem is that I must configure X for a serial mouse, because I don't know what device and

Re: help: setting up dial-in mail server

1999-07-09 Thread Bob Billson
On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 02:00:07AM -0400, Carl Mummert wrote: Why not just set their shell to /bin/false or some such. Thanks. I'll give it a try. bob

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