Re: kernel panic (je suppose)

2001-08-23 Thread Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie
Et c'est pour cela que j'aurais aimé trouver une facon de logger un peu plus, pour comprendre un peu mieu comment avec un pov' mozilla sous blackbox on peut en arriver la ! J'ai eu l'impression de me retrouver sous windows (appuyer sur reset etait l'unique solution), et pour ne plus avoir

Re: Compilation kernel 2.4.9

2001-08-23 Thread Didier Chalm
Dans son message du 23/8/2001, Elmer écrivait: Si c'est cela, quelle commande puis-je excécuter pour le confirmer ? fsck me donnera des infos sans doute ? Oui... ca ressemblait a ca, mais ma solution n'est peut-etre pas la bonne puisque Eric Le Blanc semble indiquer qu'il y aurait des

kdevelop en français ?

2001-08-23 Thread Eric Laly
Bonjour à tous, J'ai installé récemment kdevelop 2.0 et kde-i18n-fr mais je n'ai pas les menus en français. En effet il n'y a pas trace de kdevelop dans le paquet kde-i18n-fr. Il y a pourtant une trace de kdevelop.po en français dans les sources debian de kde-i18n,

install help

2001-08-23 Thread Sadligmail
bonjour merci a ceux qui m'ont repondu pour lilo et grub premiere tentative d'install et echec je vais persévérer recherche désespéremment mode emploi compréhensible ou conseils avisés. (mon anglais est défectueux) pour dispose de installer debian linux 22 sur intelx86 faq debian french lilo

Re: Pb netscape

2001-08-23 Thread Marc Pessel
Vincent Morlot wrote: Bonjour Bonjour, Lorsque j'essaie d'envoyer un message et que je sélectionne une adresse dans le carnet, netscape se referme Me rappelle plus exactement du numero de version, mais je crois que c'est un bug des series 4.7x. (je l'ai rencontre) Surement pareil pour

Re: Xfree: sélection de la définition par défaut

2001-08-23 Thread Bruno Durning
Le Thu, Aug 23, 2001 à 18:55:08 +0200, Sebastien Kalt posa entre autre sur le net: Bonjour, Après quelques menus problèmes, XFree4 marche sur ma patate tout juste récoltée (et oui, c'est le début de la saison en Champagne). Au passage j'ai trouvé nulle part mention du fait que le fichier

Xfree: sélection de la définition par défaut

2001-08-23 Thread Nicolas Bertolissio
On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 06:55:08PM +0200, Sebastien Kalt wrote: Bonjour, Bonjour, [...] Au passage j'ai trouvé nulle part mention du fait que le fichier de configuration s'appelle maintenant 'XF86Config-4', d'où mes problèmes de démarrage. Ah ! il me semble que debconf le dit lors de


2001-08-23 Thread melonp
Witam serdecznie Gdzie mozna dostac dokladna rozpiske do serwera Apatch oraz sendmaila ?? Poczebuje na cito :) !! HEY! --- WIELKIE SZALENSTWO. JUZ DZIS MOZESZ MIEC KONTO I SWOJA STRONE WWW I WLASNA DOMENE ZA JEDYNE 111 ZL NIE WIERZYSZ???SPRAWDZ SAM!!!

Re: xinetd atontado ..

2001-08-23 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 03:51:01PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: No tengo mucha idea de esto, pero parece que el xinetd ese está compilado para ipv6 y probablemente no tienes el soporte en el kernel. may be? ¿ Y qué tiene que ver el soporte para ipv6 en todo esto ? -- Saludos

Re: Montar NFS

2001-08-23 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 05:55:31PM +0200, Fermín Manzanedo wrote: He mirado en man nfs y en man mount, pero no veo nada respecto a la cuestión, ¿alguna idea?. Porque yo lo que pretendía era montar mi /home de un ordenador en el otro y así poder trabajar desde uno solo, pero como me lo

Re: visibilidad de samba en Linux desde Windows

2001-08-23 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 07:36:42PM +, Antonio Angel wrote: Sin embargo cuando intento encontrar el ordenador pinchando en entorno de red de W9x me resulta imposible encontrar el ordenador atila. Me parece que en samba se usan dos demonios. Uno el gestor de ficheros por así decirlo (smb) y

RE: visibilidad de samba en Linux desde Windows

2001-08-23 Thread Juan Carlos Gámez Granados
No se si te puede ayudar, tampoco se mucho de Linux, pero te digo que en el dpto tengo instalado un servidor con Debian en un P133 y tengo samba para compartir ficheros y gestión de copias de seguridad, y me va muy estupendamente. Te mando el fichero de configuración por si te puede servir de

RE: visibilidad de samba en Linux desde Windows

2001-08-23 Thread Pablo Fanjul Gómez
Supogo que te arrancara bien los dos demonios, verdad?. Lo unico que te puedo decir, por experiencia propia(hay veces que no se ven unas a otras las propias maquinas de win9x), es que no te fies un pelo del Entorno de Red de los win9X si no tienes un winNT(creo que incluso con el SAMBA se puede

Re: kernel para smp

2001-08-23 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Gracias a todos los que habeis respondido. gkrell si que lo conocía, pero no tengo X en ese equipo. Ya he econtrado procps en la version 2.0.7 soporta SMP, y hay debs en su página con 2.0.6 parcheado para reconocer smp y son instalables en potato. En sid ya está la 2.0.7, así que directamente

actualizar Potato a Woody con cd's

2001-08-23 Thread Binarius
hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED], estoy actualizando de potato a woody con los cd's hago los siguientes pasos: $ apt-cdrom add $ apt-get update $ apt-get dist-upgrade pero la ultima orden siempre me dice que 0 paquetes para actualizar. yo siempre habia echo las actualizaciones de distro modificando

Perdida de raton !!!

2001-08-23 Thread ^pi^
Tras un desafortunado apagon en el edificio, se me reseteo el PC (primero involuntario desde hace 2 anos para que digan de la inestabilidad de sid) y ahora no tengo raton ni en consola ni en X : Alguien sabe que se ha podido romper ? P.D: Ess soft el raton funciona perfectamente --


2001-08-23 Thread Einar Matveinen
Saludos: Tengo una pequeña pregunta acerca de fetchmail: Aquí utilizamos fetchmail para bajar el correo de nuestro proveedor. Lo lanzamos como demonio haciendo lo siguiente: fetchmail -a -d 300 -L [log]. A veces el maldito muere (aparece en el log -terminated with signal 13-). Para evitar

Problema extraño con la red

2001-08-23 Thread Javier Miguel Rodríguez
Muy buenas... Tengo un cortafuegos con Linux con kernel 2.2.19 y con todo parcheado (que yo sepa) y desde hace 3 o 4 días me dice esto en el syslog: NET:289 messages suppressed neighbour table overblof Este mensaje me aparece MONTONES de veces... ¿Alguna idea?

Re: fetchmail

2001-08-23 Thread Juan Ignacio Codoñer
El Jue 23 Ago 2001 13:25, Einar Matveinen escribió: Saludos: Tengo una pequeña pregunta acerca de fetchmail: Aquí utilizamos fetchmail para bajar el correo de nuestro proveedor. Lo lanzamos como demonio haciendo lo siguiente: fetchmail -a -d 300 -L [log]. A veces el maldito muere (aparece

Re: Problema extraño con la red

2001-08-23 Thread LuisMi
Eso de neighbour table overblof me suena a ipv6 ¿no? La neighbour table equivale a lo que es la cache arp en ipv4 Que conexion tienes? tienes muchos equipos en la red? Prueba a ejecutar 'ip neighbour show' a ver cuantas entradas tienes Saludos -- LuisMi

Re: Problema extraño con la red

2001-08-23 Thread Manuel Trujillo
On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 11:38:50AM +0200, LuisMi wrote: Eso de neighbour table overblof me suena a ipv6 ¿no? La neighbour table equivale a lo que es la cache arp en ipv4 Que conexion tienes? tienes muchos equipos en la red? Prueba a ejecutar 'ip neighbour show' a ver cuantas entradas tienes

Re: Programa para oir la radio por internet?

2001-08-23 Thread 31
El Jue 23 Ago 2001 02:21, Fernando Izquierdo escribió: ¿Sabéis qué paquete Debian tiene un programa que me permita escuchar la radio por internet? yo te recomendaría que te insales el plugin para realaudio del xmms, tambien tienes el realplayer, pero este a veces se corta y se queda colgado,

Re: raton con rueda en debian

2001-08-23 Thread José Luis Triviño
SeLiM wrote: PD1: Una pregunta a la lista: Con que programa en win puedo quemar un cd a partir de una imagen .raw, es que en linux mi grabadora samsung no va bien? y me toy bajando los woody. Hola, Puedes utilizar cualquier que entienda los ficheros .iso (son el mismo formato).

2001-08-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ricardo Rodríguez Cartago - Colombia Shop Smart Compare Prices on Name-Brand Products from Name-Brand Stores!!

Re: Procmail

2001-08-23 Thread Santiago Pastorino
El Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 08:26:39AM +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez contaba: On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 07:08:54PM -0300, Santiago Pastorino wrote: En el home de mi usuario archivo .procmailrc tengo lo siguiente: :0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null Pero con esto tengo que bajarlo y después se


2001-08-23 Thread Diego M. Illera
Hola a todos. ¿Me podriais decir si puedo cambiar las teclas para reiniciar, a ctrl+alt+del por ejemplo? O en todo caso como hacer que un usuario corriente no pueda reiniciar, ni siquiera con teclas. Gracias de antemano.

Re: fetchmail

2001-08-23 Thread Marcelo Riquelme S.
El Jue 23 Ago 2001 05:31, Juan Ignacio Codoñer escribió: El Jue 23 Ago 2001 13:25, Einar Matveinen escribió: Saludos: Tengo una pequeña pregunta acerca de fetchmail: Aquí utilizamos fetchmail para bajar el correo de nuestro proveedor. Lo lanzamos como demonio haciendo lo siguiente:

Re: ctrl+alt+sup

2001-08-23 Thread Quetzalcoatl
Diego M. Illera [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hola a todos. ¿Me podriais decir si puedo cambiar las teclas para reiniciar, a ctrl+alt+del por ejemplo? O en todo caso como hacer que un usuario corriente no pueda reiniciar, ni siquiera con teclas. Gracias de antemano. Necesitas editar /etc/inittab,

Re: Algo parecido a netmeeting en Linux

2001-08-23 Thread Ernesto
hi! . GnomeMeeting --- Antonio Angel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: He estado viendo como funciona un netmeeting (video y voz), de w9x, entre dos líneas ADSL, quisiera saber si hay algo parecido en Linux. Como supongo que una webcam USB de logitech no se soportara en el nucleo de Linux.

Re: ctrl+alt+sup

2001-08-23 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
El jue, día 23 de ago de 2001, a las 06:03:50 +0200, Diego M. Illera decía: Hola a todos. ¿Me podriais decir si puedo cambiar las teclas para reiniciar, a ctrl+alt+del por ejemplo? O en todo caso como hacer que un usuario corriente no pueda reiniciar, ni siquiera con teclas. Gracias de

Re: Programa para oir la radio por internet?

2001-08-23 Thread 31
yo tengo esto en el bookmarks para cuando escucho la radio y me es muy comodo -- Saludos R31 KMail - Linux Debian Woody

Re: Me están escaneando?

2001-08-23 Thread cesar
Nas. Yo tengo veinte intentos de conexión diarios al puerto web.Casi todos de NT 4 y Windows 2000 Creo que tiene que ver con un reciente virus para los equipos Windows. Code Red ?? Si tienes ipchains cambia el puerto del Apache y cierra el 80. #www ipchains -A input -l -p

Re: Perdida de raton !!!

2001-08-23 Thread heissu
^pi^ wrote: Tras un desafortunado apagon en el edificio, se me reseteo el PC (primero involuntario desde hace 2 anos para que digan de la inestabilidad de sid) y ahora no tengo raton ni en consola ni en X : Alguien sabe que se ha podido romper ? P.D: Ess soft el raton funciona

mkisofs, imagen booteable

2001-08-23 Thread Santiago Pastorino
Tengo entendido que para crear un cd booteable tengo que hacer lo siguiente mkisofs -b imagen_diskette -c boot.catalog -o ~/cdimg.iso -R Si quiero adaptar los permisos en vez de -R va -r y si lo quiero estilo windows cambio -R por -J -l Pero mi duda es que es ese boot.catalog que va en -c?? Que

Problema con los cds de audio

2001-08-23 Thread Oscar M. Seoane
¡Hola a toda la lista! Mi problema es el siguiente: Uso Debian Potato con KDE 2.0.1 Cuando introduzco un cd de música en el lector de cds y quiero montar la unidad, recibo un mensaje que dice más o menos así: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,or too many mounted

Re: Problema con los cds de audio

2001-08-23 Thread Imobach González Sosa
Es que los cds de audio no pueden montarse... a no ser que tengas un módulo que se llama cdfs creo recordar. De todas formas, no te hace falta montarlos para escucharlos. Usa tu reproductor favorito y ya está ;) Saludos. On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 05:21:29PM -0500, Oscar M. Seoane wrote: ¡Hola a

Re: Problema con los cds de audio

2001-08-23 Thread Santiago Vila
Oscar M. Seoane: Cuando introduzco un cd de música en el lector de cds y quiero montar la unidad, [...] Los CDs de música *no* se montan. Punto. [ Sin acritú: Te recomiendo que leas los archivos de la lista, no es la primera vez que alguien pregunta esto ]

Preguntas varias

2001-08-23 Thread Miguel Angel
Buenas, en primer lugar quiero bajarme las iso de woody lo más actualizadas posible, ¿qué dirección me recomiendan? ¿funciona ya la instalación desde los CDs de woody o hay que instalar potato primero para luego actualizar? Otra cosita, acabo de leer un

modem de cable por usb

2001-08-23 Thread David Ubeda
hola, Recientemente me he puesto una operadora de cable, y tengo red tanto por usb como por tarjeta de red, como es normal en los modem de cable. El problema es que aun habiendo habilitado el soporte para usb en el kernel, no obtengo red por usb. Alguien ha configurado la red de cable por

Re: Problema con los cds de audio

2001-08-23 Thread Oscar M. Seoane
Santiago Vila wrote: Oscar M. Seoane: Cuando introduzco un cd de música en el lector de cds y quiero montar la unidad, [...] Los CDs de música *no* se montan. Punto. [ Sin acritú: Te recomiendo que leas los archivos de la lista, no es la primera vez que alguien pregunta esto ] Bueno,

Re: Problema con los cds de audio

2001-08-23 Thread Enzo Dari
Oscar M. Seoane wrote: Santiago Vila wrote: Oscar M. Seoane: Cuando introduzco un cd de música en el lector de cds y quiero montar la unidad, [...] Los CDs de música *no* se montan. Punto. [ Sin acritú: Te recomiendo que leas los archivos de la lista, no es la primera vez


2001-08-23 Thread Peter Makholm
Anders Holmberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Under vilken katalog hittar jag gocr som deb-paket? $ apt-cache search gocr finder kun libgocr0, der er i libs, og pakker, der hører sammen med libgocr0. -- Når folk spørger mig, om jeg er nørd, bliver jeg altid ilde til mode og svarer lidt


2001-08-23 Thread Martin Hedenfalk
On 22 Aug 2001 21:36:21 +0200, Anders Holmberg wrote: Hej! Under vilken katalog hittar jag gocr som deb-paket? Jag har letat under graphics och misc men inget har jag hittat. GOCR finns inte i den stabila utgåvan, bara i testing och unstable under graphics-katalogen. /Martin


2001-08-23 Thread Antonio Alberto Lobato
Ouvi dizer que todos modems USRobotics funcionam com Linux, mesmo que seja um Winmodem. Alguem sabe se eh verdade ? Tom

Re: OT: ALCA e propriedade intelectual

2001-08-23 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra
Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra wrote: Pretendo enviar o seguinte texto, traduzido e ampliado de Desculpem a auto-resposta. Texto atualizado em -- _ / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra +55 (11) 246 96 07 \ /

Re: off-topic -- cd de manutenção

2001-08-23 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra
Death Angel wrote: em C, e pedir desculpas pelo off-topic so mandei essa menssagem pois achei que outros poderiam se beneficiar com esta com essa menssagem eu gostaria de fazer um cd Bootavel com linux para faze manutenção em micros e manipular imagens. (assim evitando Não é off-topic não, já


2001-08-23 Thread cosmo
All Mudei a versao do debian do meu micro de stable para unstable, precisava compilar um programa que necessitava de algumas bibliotecas que estavam no unstable. Para fazer o upgrade alterei o arquivo sourcelist.conf e executei o comando apt-get -u dist-upgrade. Depois de ter feito o

Re: software Livre

2001-08-23 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote: alguém sabe explicar essa diferença de performance? =( A parte de gerenciamento de dispositivos de bloco IDE/SCSI do BSD é muito mais madura, vem dos tempos UNIX :-) --- Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Todos

Re: off-topic -- cd de manutenção

2001-08-23 Thread Leonardo Menezes Vaz
Queria uma ajuda na escolha dos programas que eu poderia utilizar, poderia ser umas ferramentas para checar a hd fazer teste de memoria e todas aquelas baboseiras. Oi, Você pode usar como ferramenta o Partimage, uma espécie de Ghost para GNU/Linux. Dê uma olhada em


2001-08-23 Thread HardBeat404
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Galera , como é que eu faço pra mudar a lingua do locales ? ta como pt_BR e gostaria de voltar ao inglês , abraços e ja agradeço - - // // Debian News? // ICQ/Licq: #72974241 // Linux

Re: off-topic -- cd de manutenção

2001-08-23 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra
Ivã C. Dias wrote: oi, como conseguir um cartao destes? Encontrei! Maravilhas do! -- _ / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra +55 (11) 246 96 07 \ / BRASIL

Re: Resolução no Console e PPP

2001-08-23 Thread Backz Overflow
Aez galera, funcionou!! Com lilo agora funcionou.. Tanks galera da debian-br. Backz --- Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Em Wed, 22 Aug 2001 09:39:20 -0300 Marcus Brito [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: vga=0x317 video=vesa:ywrap mas nada acontece, quando o lilo eh

Re: software Livre

2001-08-23 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Wed, 22 Aug 2001 20:50:26 -0300 Philipe Gaspar [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: O FreeBSD monta as partições de modo síncrono enquanto o linux o faz de modo assíncrono. O modo síncrono é mais rápido que o assíncrono em termos de em termos de filesystem, então não sei porque ele achou que a

Re: unstable

2001-08-23 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 23 Aug 2001 06:42:44 -0300 cosmo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: All Mudei a versao do debian do meu micro de stable para unstable, precisava compilar um programa que necessitava de algumas bibliotecas que estavam no unstable. Para fazer o upgrade alterei o arquivo

Re: Locale

2001-08-23 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 23 Aug 2001 14:43:14 -0300 HardBeat404 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Galera , como é que eu faço pra mudar a lingua do locales ? ta como pt_BR e gostaria de voltar ao inglês , abraços e ja agradeço procure nos seguintes arquivos:

Re: USRobotics

2001-08-23 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 23 Aug 2001 02:20:37 -0300 Antonio Alberto Lobato [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Ouvi dizer que todos modems USRobotics funcionam com Linux, mesmo que seja um Winmodem. Alguem sabe se eh verdade ? não é... é necessário que haja drivers para os que são winmodems, mesmo sendo da

Re: software Livre

2001-08-23 Thread Marcus Brito
Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote: Em Wed, 22 Aug 2001 20:50:26 -0300 bom... eu já ouvi falar disso, muito pouco... sou muito pouco conhecedor de FSs... não entendo por que o modo síncrono é mais rápido... mas será que é só isso? Hm, tem algo de errado aqui... o modo _assincrono_ que deveria ser

Re: off-topic -- cd de manutenção

2001-08-23 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra
Ivã C. Dias wrote: infelizmente naum sou lider de grupos de usuarios. Não custa entrar em contato. -- _ / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra +55 (11) 246 96 07 \ / BRASIL+55 (43) 322 89 71 X

Re: software Livre

2001-08-23 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
O FreeBSD monta as partições de modo síncrono enquanto o linux o faz de modo assíncrono. O modo síncrono é mais rápido que o assíncrono em termos de em termos de filesystem, então não sei porque ele achou que a performance do FreeBSD é melhor que a do linux! hmmm... você acaba de

LTModem - Lucent Modem

2001-08-23 Thread Lucas Rocha
Olá pessoal! Na paz? Nâo consegui fazer meu modem (Lucent) funcionar no Debian 2.2 kernel 2.2.19pre17 Jah peguei oo driver em para versão do meu kernel e não consegui... alguem aqui jah conseguiu instalar esse modem no Debian? P AZ Lucas Rocha ::LED - UFBA

Re: software Livre

2001-08-23 Thread Rodrigo Gruppelli
possibilidade de usar softupdates para deixar ass?ncrono como no Linux. Se quiserem procurar mais informa??es, acho melhor olhar na lista da fug;. Retificando: tem certeza que o softupdates = assincrono? Nao manjo muito tambem, mas acho que nao eh bem isso.. Tambem ja

unstable - rede

2001-08-23 Thread cosmo
All Ate entao estava utilizando a versao stable do debian, 2.2r3. Mas precisava instalar alguns aplicativos e para isso precisava atualizar algumas biblioteca, entao resolvi instalar a versao unstable do debian. Deu problema :-( !! O principal problema eh em relacao a rede, o debian

mutt and an nfs mounted home directory

2001-08-23 Thread Jason Majors
I have an nfs mounted home directory where the user and group ids match. I can write in the ~/.mutt directory and even edit my inbox and sentbox on the client, but when I run mutt on the client machine, it tells me that the mailbox is read only. Is there a setting in mutt I can change to make it

can't find kmod info

2001-08-23 Thread bedlam
I am having difficulty loading the 2.4.9 kernel, I get an error in kmod, something to the effect kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-464c, errno = 8 I have looked all over and can't find anything documenting kmod. I don't know what binfmt-464c is either. I made a list of all

Re: Exim behind dhcp/ipmasq

2001-08-23 Thread Michael Abraham Shulman
Walter Hofmann writes: You said that the hotmail error message was about a closed connection after Exim sent HELO localhost. This could easily be a spam blocker at hotmail. SMTP says that the mailer should say HELO name or EHLO name as the first command, where name is the name of your

Re: can't find kmod info

2001-08-23 Thread Calvin Chong
Maid = Maid's Agreed Ideal Doctrine - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 12:48 PM Subject: can't find kmod info I am having difficulty loading the 2.4.9 kernel, I get an error in kmod, something to the effect

X server can't find mouse

2001-08-23 Thread richard
Have run xf86config several times. At startx it seems to be loading but then server crashes with fatal message that server can't find the mouse -- no such file or device. It's just a regular 2-button mouse. Microsoft protocol works fine with this mouse on the same box on another partition with Red

Re: [OT] sql database webmail?

2001-08-23 Thread Phil Brutsche
On Wed, 2001-08-22 at 21:21, Eric Boo wrote: Hi all, I would like to ask, which GPL/BSD licensed web mail program out there stores info in an SQL database? Most do. IMP is fairly nice: Most importantly, it must store the user and password in the database and not


2001-08-23 Thread Indraneel Majumdar
Hi, Does anyone have any experience with usb dvd drives under linux? These are available in the market, does Linux support them? TIA, Indraneel --

Re: mutt and an nfs mounted home directory

2001-08-23 Thread Leonardo Macchia
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 21:36:35 -0700, Jason Majors wrote: but when I run mutt on the client machine, it tells me that the mailbox is read only. Maybe it's a problem of file locking: mutt try to lock the mailbox but does the server support file locking? Do you use knfsd (nfs-kernel-server) or

Re: X server can't find mouse

2001-08-23 Thread ktb
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 10:14:12PM -0400, richard wrote: Have run xf86config several times. At startx it seems to be loading but then server crashes with fatal message that server can't find the mouse -- no such file or device. It's just a regular 2-button mouse. Microsoft protocol works fine

How to get a list of minimal Potato packages

2001-08-23 Thread KenrickC
As far as I can tell, the most minimal Potato install occurs when selecting the 'advanced' install option, and then quitting dselect without installing anything. What I want to know is, is there any easy way of telling what packages are installed at that point? Unfortunately I don't have the

Re: dual displays

2001-08-23 Thread Alvin Oga
hi ya... my client seems to be having no problems with running two svaga monitors in color..running X11 on both move the mouse and youhave it seamlessly roaming on two screens... - think they're using Matrox G450s...on rh-7.1 ( that i installed) ( donno what magic they did to

Re: DRI problems...

2001-08-23 Thread Rich Rudnick
* Cameron Matheson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Hey, I'm trying to get this cursed Voodoo 3 3000 working in Woody, but it doesn't seem to want to. I've installed the following packages: mesag-glide2 glutg3 libglide2 libglide3 // i installed this after libglide2 didn't work alone I'm

Re: X server can't find mouse

2001-08-23 Thread David
If problems persist, you may want to consider dumping gpm all together. It was giving me problems once upon a time, and I've never missed it any time I've removed it. It doesn't seem to provide much functionality beyond the ability to use your mouse in console mode, which seemed fairly

Re: Sound is choppy

2001-08-23 Thread Cameron Matheson
On 22 Aug 2001 15:49:31 -0700, David Frischknecht wrote: Whenever a sound is played under Linux, it sounds choppy. Could someone help me out with this? Hey, I have this same problem, i have noticed tho, that if i compile esd myself, it sounds perfect. Cameron Matheson

Re: How to get a list of minimal Potato packages

2001-08-23 Thread Robert Waldner
On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 15:36:38 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: As far as I can tell, the most minimal Potato install occurs when selecting the 'advanced' install option, and then quitting dselect without installing anything. What I want to know is, is there any easy way of telling what packages

Problem with Promnise IDE Controller between Kernel 2.2.19 and 2.4.8 ??

2001-08-23 Thread Peter Biechele
I have a problem not strictly connected to Debian, but because I am running Debian, I will ask it here: I have installed the kernel 2.2.19 from the Woody CD distributed on the Linux Tag in Stuttgart this year. I had to use the special IDE kernel to get my Promise Ultra IDE Controller running.

Re: Help - Large Files Support

2001-08-23 Thread Dmitriy
On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 01:08:27PM +1200, David McNab wrote: Hi all, I've just now managed (after a few attempts) to install deb testing/unstable, and find Debian to be unquestionably the best Linux distro to date. One thing I need help with is in getting large files support working.

regexp BUG in multiple GUI text editing programs

2001-08-23 Thread Adam Warner
Hi all, I'm writing to you all together because you all suffer from the same regexp bug. I suspect it could be caused by a library you all share? I have only found that (X)Emacs doesn't suffer from it. If you create a new file with these tags: testtest2 Try and replace the tags with hello (no

Re: How to get a list of minimal Potato packages

2001-08-23 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 03:36:38PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: As far as I can tell, the most minimal Potato install occurs when selecting the 'advanced' install option, and then quitting dselect without installing anything. What I want to know is, is there any easy

Re: DRI problems...

2001-08-23 Thread David
Hey thanks! You just fixed my problem too. I didn't have the legacy stuff installed, but I was missing xlibmesa3. Make sure you have an up to date kernel. I'm not sure what version is required, but my 2.4.8 works fine with it after a cursory try with glxgears. I'm going to go check and see if

Re: Help - Large Files Support

2001-08-23 Thread CaT
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 11:04:02PM -0700, Dmitriy wrote: On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 01:08:27PM +1200, David McNab wrote: Can someone please point me in the right direction for enabling Debian to work with large files. Can I do it without having to recompile the kernel or recompiling glibc

Re: regexp BUG in multiple GUI text editing programs

2001-08-23 Thread Anthony Towns
On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 06:08:09PM +1200, Adam Warner wrote: Try and replace the tags with hello (no quotes) using this regexp: .*? [The ? is supposed to make the any character matching non-greedy]. Regexps vary. Using the ? in that way is a Perl regexp thing, iirc, and can't be relied on

Antivirus para proteger el correo electrónico Posix

2001-08-23 Thread Carlos Del Prado
Hola. Cual es el mejor antivirus para su distribución, es para el servidor de correo. Gracias.

Re: [OT] sql database webmail?

2001-08-23 Thread Eric Boo
Sorry, but I do not quite understand. If I use imapd with SQL database support (what's a good one that does this?), don't I still need to create user accounts on the system so the smtp server can deliver to the user directory (or some other location). I'm actually looking for a web mail that does

Re: Help - Large Files Support

2001-08-23 Thread Dmitriy
Hi, On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 04:15:18PM +1000, CaT wrote: On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 11:04:02PM -0700, Dmitriy wrote: On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 01:08:27PM +1200, David McNab wrote: Can someone please point me in the right direction for enabling Debian to work with large files. Can I do it

RE: How to get a list of minimal Potato packages

2001-08-23 Thread Chris Kenrick
What's your specific need or goal? There *are* micro-GNU/Linux distributions out there fitting various goals. Tom's Root/Boot and the new LNX-BBC project are probably two of the best and best known. My goal is to rebuild some servers that are running Woody via Potato. The servers are at the

Need advice on Upgrade Apache apache-dev_1.3.9-13.2.deb

2001-08-23 Thread Kennice Low
Hi mike, Thank you for your help on the previous email. I would like to upgrade apache using debian package. 1)I think I make a mistake on the path setting for sources.list: should be : deb file:/var/ftp/debian potato main instead of : deb file:/var/ftp/debian potato main

Re: regexp BUG in multiple GUI text editing programs

2001-08-23 Thread Adam Warner
On 23 Aug 2001 16:16:09 +1000, Anthony Towns wrote: On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 06:08:09PM +1200, Adam Warner wrote: Try and replace the tags with hello (no quotes) using this regexp: .*? [The ? is supposed to make the any character matching non-greedy]. Regexps vary. Using the ? in that way

Re: backspace problem

2001-08-23 Thread Cliff Sarginson
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 03:48:28PM +0200, Jeroen Valcke wrote: Hello, I recently upgraded my debian (unstable) and some things broke. I was able to fix most of it. I have a rather annoying problem that I can't solve. Seems like the backspace key is messed up. I functions properly in

Re: how do i extract a bullet from my foot (tar woes)

2001-08-23 Thread Cliff Sarginson
On Wednesday 22 August 2001 21:28, Walter Hofmann wrote: On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote: I'm trying to remember a trick (probably in O'Reilly's _UNIX Power Tools_) for removing files by inode. Trying to remember what it was or in what context it worked. Unmount the

Re: How to get a list of minimal Potato packages

2001-08-23 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 07:39:53AM +0100, Chris Kenrick wrote: My goal is to rebuild some servers that are running Woody via Potato. Running woody, you can try out the debootstrap tool, and build a temporary chrooted potato installation so that you can see what it's like. Something like this

Re: can't open /var/lib/dhelp/titles

2001-08-23 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 05:36:33PM -0700, Eric G. Miller wrote: On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 06:08:37PM -0600, Bruce Sass wrote: Would someone please post the output of ls -l /var/lib/dhelp. dhelp is broken in unstable if that's what you're referring to. There's already a bug report on it.

Re: Killing your keyb.controller...

2001-08-23 Thread Emil Pedersen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Emil Pedersen wrote: is an 600-650MB, so it's recognized. I intenden to shit in two smaller disks and use it as a firewall, but I think now it's going to be tough I know it's a typo, but it's still funny. Ooops :-) //Emil -- To

Re: Help - Large Files Support

2001-08-23 Thread Thomas Zimmerman
On 23-Aug 01:08, David McNab wrote: Hi all, I've just now managed (after a few attempts) to install deb testing/unstable, and find Debian to be unquestionably the best Linux distro to date. One thing I need help with is in getting large files support working. Some of my uses (eg Freenet


2001-08-23 Thread Jim McCloskey
I upgraded to kernel 2.4.9 about a week ago. I'm using XFree 4.0.3 on a mostly woody system. My graphics card is a Matrox G400. Under 2.4.7 and 2.4.8, direct rendering under X worked without a problem. But under 2.4.9. I get these errors in the XFree log: . . (EE) MGA(0): [drm]

Re: How to get a list of minimal Potato packages

2001-08-23 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 07:39:53AM +0100, Chris Kenrick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: What's your specific need or goal? There *are* micro-GNU/Linux distributions out there fitting various goals. Tom's Root/Boot and the new LNX-BBC project are probably two of the best and best known. My goal

XF86Setup problem

2001-08-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello everybody, I'm a newbie in Potato installing: the problem is my Graphic card configuration on Athlon 900 with ATI XPERT 200 32MB AGP (graphic processor Rage 128). I didn't find it in the list of cards of XF86Setup. I tried a conf file with VGA/Monitor generic but the screen is always black

(no subject)

2001-08-23 Thread Yavuz Yasar

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