Re: CD's de Debian 2.1

1999-04-15 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Enrique Zanardi y dice ¿Re: CD's de Debian 2.1? 

 On Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 07:54:09PM +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
  Bien, yo estoy hablando con varias (Linux Actual y Sólo P. Linux) para
  incluirlo en sus revistas, junto con un articulillo (sobre instalación y
  novedades) que sería parecido al que escribí para OpenResources
  De momento LA me ha dicho que quizás, pero será para el número 8
  (junio/julio creo), Sólo P. Linux aún no ha respondido (les había planteado
  hacer un especial como hicieron para SUSE según recuerdo, que incluyera los
  5 Cds)
  En cualquier caso si quieres bajarte las imágenes prueba, pero si no quieres hacertelas encargaselas a
  Datom (creo que es, pero mira las páginas del servidor
  de Debian, en la sección de empresas que venden Debian) parecer funcionan
  muy bien (además allí trabajan varios desarrolladores de Debian) y tienen
  CD's con algunos añadidos (dan non-free, por ejemplo).
 Hombre Javier, en vez de encargárselos a los de Datom, en Alemania, puede
 encargárselos a I+D Agora (, que están en España,
 también aparecen en las páginas del servidor de Debian (los únicos en
 España), los CDs también funcionan muy bien (el método de instalación se
 basa en el fantástico apt, no se basa en el dpkg-multicd que no gestiona
 predependencias), en I+D Agora también trabajan varios desarrolladores de
 Debian :-) y también tienen CDs con muchos añadidos (non-free, non-US,
 GNOME, KDE, ...). Además la instalación está en castellano y los CDs
 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
 vienen con el manual de instalación (en papel), también en castellano.
 Vale, ya está bien de hacer publicidad de la Citius Debian, pero es que
 empezaste tú... ;-)

una cosita, es posible conseguir el disco de instalacion en castellano por
INET, ¿si? ¿donde?

Windows 95: el programa m s grande hecho en logo.

of  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |  USER
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744  #66734

Re: Problema al enviar post a las news

1999-04-15 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, abr 14, 1999 at 03:21:47 +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
  Bien, sustituye esos dos archivitos y reinicia inn. Lógicamente
  la copia que verás de tus  posts seguirá siendo la local, pero como
  tienes el Message-ID,  puedes hacer un telnet a por el
  puerto 119 y pedirle el mensaje:


[EMAIL PROTECTED] telnet 119
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
200 lola InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.2 21-Jan-1999 ready (posting ok).
group es.comp.os.linux
211 3521 41837 58653 es.comp.os.linux
430 No such article


Parece que la cosa no mola nada... ¿otra ayudita?

 Por otra parte, que aparezca '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' en 
 /var/spool/news/out.going/ no me da buena espina, ¿no
 debería de poner [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mi dirección real de correo)?. 
  :-? No, debería  poner el path al artículo y  a continuación el
  Message-ID, pero no el from. O  al menos, eso viene especificado en
  el Wnm del newsfeeds (más info  en la página man). ¿No te estarás
  confundiendo de archivo? Ejemplo:
 es/comp/os/linux/9718 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Creo que estoy mareandome ya y voy a pasa der inn... que nooo que este
no se rinde, ¿que leñes me pasa?, pos no se, pero entre todos seguro que lo
solucionamos, ¿no?... cosas peores me han pasado ;-)


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: Más problemas con suck

1999-04-15 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, abr 14, 1999 at 03:37:24 +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
 El martes 13 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 12:12:16 +0200, Javier Viñuales 
 Gutiérrez contaba:
 Attempting to connect to
  :-?¿?¿¿  Si usas mis conffiles, esto es imposible.

Pos ya ves

 es.comp.os.linux - 58455...High Article Nr is low, did host reset its 
  Esto me  da que es  un problema de  CTV, pero no  estoy seguro.
  ¿Cuál es el  número más alto que  te aparece en cuando  haces un ls



Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: profundidad del color en X

1999-04-15 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 04:30:23PM +0200, Fernando dijo:
 ¿ Es posible cambiar la profundidad del color de las X
 sin tener que salir ?

Por lo menos con XFree86 NO se puede.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: hellllpppppp 2

1999-04-15 Thread Julio Cesar Gazquez
 Alfredo Goñi wrote:
 bueno hola a todos una vez mas, gracias a los que me explicaron como
 funciona esto y unas preguntatitas mas..
 consegui en una revista un redhat, ya se que esta es la lista de otra
 distribucion pero, luego de instalarlo se puede actualizar al
 debian??? donde puedo conseguir copias en ARGENTINA
Musimundo, solian tener el paquete de Infomagic (son 6 CD, con varias
distribuciones juntas), supongo
que hoy en dia pueden tener mas variedad. O pedir por correo una cajita
directamente a EEUU, si tienes
o consigues una VISA/MasterCard.

 respecto al hardware?
 tengo una placa de audio trident, una de vireo trident no se que 2000,
 una copatible 200 mmx, un modem US robottcs, y una lectora de cd
 Todo esto es compatible??
Es probable que todo sea compatible, las unicas cosas no compatibles
* Los Win-Modem, que por otra parte no son baratos porque los
fabricantes sean gente buena y gentil.
* Las Win-Printers. El asunto es que no es hardware con dise#os no
estandar, no traen controladores para
Linux, y no brindan la informacion necesaria para escribirlos tampoco.
* El hardware muy reciente. Por ejemplo, consegui un servidor X para mi
placa de video a fines de
octubre, y tenia fecha 4 o 5 de octubre. La maquina la compre a fin de

Creo que lo unico que te puede costar es la placa de sonido, nunca oi de
una Trident, pero es probable
que haya soporte.

 y todavia no discuto cosas tecnicas jodidas como Uds. AHI SI ME VOY A

No tengo idea de como ubicarlos, pero solia existir el BALUG, quizas
alguien de ahi te podria dar
una ayuda mas directa y personal que una lista de correo, considerando
que estas entre cero y menos uno

Y por el amor de Dios, deja de escribir con HTML!
 alfredo goñi

Re: latex no puede con la \SS alemana

1999-04-15 Thread Conrado Badenas
¡Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda! 
A partir de ahora dejaré que LaTeX imprima GRASSL. ¡Es una pena que no
supiera todo esto hace dos años, cuando obligué a un editor de una
revista inglesa a que imprimiera GRAßL en la Bibliografía de uno de mis

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

graficos en LaTeX

1999-04-15 Thread Fernando

Quiero poner una foto al lado de un texto en forma de tabla.
¿como se hace ? ( Sin usar pegamento ;-) 

Hola Hola --- dibujo --
  -   - 
 kk   -   {:-{D  -
  -   -
AdiosAdios--- Fin dibujo --

( No se si estas preguntas son apropiadas para esta lista )



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

RE: Programación de sockets.

1999-04-15 Thread José Enrique Álvarez Martín

-Mensaje original-
Fecha: miércoles 14 de abril de 1999 18:26
Asunto: RE: Programación de sockets.

Tenés idea de algún libro para recomendar?
En realidad, la materia dice que lo tenemos que hacer en C, pero yo también
digo lo mismo porque de java no conozco nada. :-)

Pues lo mejor si no tienes idea de redes es que empieces por la Guia de
Administración de Redes en LINUX,  que la puedes conseguir en castellano en
la pagina de LUCAS y seguramente en mas sitios. Ademas si has visitado la
pagina de sockets, veras que ahí hay un muy buen libro sobre TCP/IP, pero
con cualquier libro que te de un par de ejemplos veras que es muy facil
empezar a programar sockets, casi tan facil como leer y escribir en un

Un salud.

Re: Xfree 3.3.3 en Debian 2.1

1999-04-15 Thread Agustín Martín
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
 Pero lo que SI es problema es que me tengo que editar los modos de
 video a mano (los Modelines), recuerdo que hace tiempo alguien comentó el
 mismo problema, y me gustaría que me mandara su configuración, a ser
 posible, para utilizarla para estos bichos.

Si no consigues una ristra de modos VESA para tu tarjeta y monitor a lo
mejor te vale lo siguiente.

Había un truco que era utilizar grabwin, que es un programa windows que
sacaba los modos que utiliza el windows en modo xfree86. Algunos de
ellos no están luego soportados por el servidor X, pero es un buen punto
de partida. Así que podrías instalar un windows 3.1 en uno de los
ordenadores, con el software de la tarjeta, y mirar los modos que más te
gustan para tus monitores (ójala sean iguales) y sus líneas modeline.

El problema es que eso estaba en sunsite en
utils/console/SVGATEXTMODE-??-dos o algo así y la última vez que miré ya
no ví la parte DOS, sino sólo lo demás. Si no encuentras una solución
mejor y quieres probarlo, tendrás que buscar alggún CDROM de infomagic
antiguo , o si no lo encuentras ponte en contacto conmigo que te mando
el archivo.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: CD's de Debian 2.1

1999-04-15 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 01:00:20AM +0200, Alvaro Alea wrote:
 una cosita, es posible conseguir el disco de instalacion en castellano por
 INET, ¿si? ¿donde?

Use the source, Luke. En este caso boot-floppies*.deb

El esforzado mantenedor no estaba por la labor de compilar discos
para 10 idiomas con el lamentable método de i18n que tenía. La cosa está
bastante mejor para potato (pero mis sudores me ha costado).

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: graficos en LaTeX

1999-04-15 Thread David Leal
Fernando wrote:


 Quiero poner una foto al lado de un texto en forma de tabla.
 ¿como se hace ? ( Sin usar pegamento ;-)

 Hola Hola --- dibujo --
   -   -
  kk   -   {:-{D  -
   -   -
 AdiosAdios--- Fin dibujo --

 ( No se si estas preguntas son apropiadas para esta lista )

Creo que no


Existen varias meneras de hacerlo, si lo que quieres es que el texto bordee a la
figura existe un paquete que se llama wrapfigure (aunque tambi'en existen otros
similares), quizas algunos de estos paquetes se pueden ajustar a lo que tu 
quieres. Si
queres busca en CTAN algunos de estos paquetes, por ejemplo:, en CervanteX tienes m'as informaci'on de otros
espejos: El wrapfigure, es un entorno movil,como 
lo son
las figuras y las tablas, con lo cual admite enumeraciones, etc.

Si lo anterior no es tu caso,otra forma que se me ocurre es hacer una tabla, de 
siguiente forma: Lo que va a la derecha lo metes en una caja y la figura en 
otra y con
ambas haces una tabla.

Intentar'e explicartelo con un ejemplo:

Una forma de trabajar con figuras comodamente, si vamos a meterlas en otros 
es salvar la inforamaci'on en una caja y luego manipular solo la caja.

\newsavebox{\mypicture} % creamos la caja \mypicture
\newsavebox{\mytext}% creamos la caja \mytext

% Llenamos el contenido de las cajas

% mypicture:


% mytext:

% Aqu'i puedes meter el entorno que quieras, por ejemplo un minipage,parbox, 
% textos, yo voy a usar tabular, porque por ejemplo quiero la informaci'on 
HolaHola  \\
Adios   Adios \\

Ahora con ambas cajas hacemos lo que tu quieres:

Por ejemplo otra tabla

\usebox{\mytext}  \usebox{\mypicture}\\

y ya est'a

puedes usar otro entorno cualquiera para el prop'osito final, por ejemplo un 


Bueno, supongo que ya con esto captas la idea y lo puedas adaptar a otros 
casos. A los
gr'aficos no les tengas miedo, latex lo considera como si fueran, por ejemplo, 
letra grande, pero nada m'as, de ah'i que los puedas meter en cualquier otro 
Yo uso, en general para manipulaciones con gr'aficos el truco de salvarlos en 
cajas ya
que me facilita la manipulaci'on.

Espero haberte ayudado,

Un saludo,


David R. Leal Valmana| Office: 10.1.02
Tel: (34)-916.24.93.14   | Fax: (34)-916.24.98.49
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Dpto. de Estadistica y Econometria

Re: latex no puede con la \SS alemana

1999-04-15 Thread Fco. Javier Gamo Aranda
¡Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda! 
A partir de ahora dejar que LaTeX imprima GRASSL. ¡Es una
pena que no
supiera todo esto hace dos aos, cuando obligu a un
editor de una
revista inglesa a que imprimiera GRAL en la
Bibliografa de uno de mis

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50 | e-m:
46100 Burjassot (Valencia) | Phn: +34-63864350
| Fax: +34-63983385

Javier Gamo Aranda, PhD student  
Tel: +34 91 5495700 x337    
Departamento de Tecnologia Fotonica   FAX: +34 91 336 7319
E.T.S.I. Telecomunicacion. UPM    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ciudad Universitaria, s/n    
E-28040 Madrid - SPAIN 

Sign for a combined Veterinarian and Taxidermist business:
    Either way you get your dog back.

   Looking for new emotions? Try

Re: CD's de Debian 2.1

1999-04-15 Thread benalb
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Alvaro Alea wrote:

 Y entonces, va Enrique Zanardi y dice ¿Re: CD's de Debian 2.1? 
  Hombre Javier, en vez de encargárselos a los de Datom, en Alemania, puede
  encargárselos a I+D Agora (, que están en España,
  también aparecen en las páginas del servidor de Debian (los únicos en
  España), los CDs también funcionan muy bien (el método de instalación se
  basa en el fantástico apt, no se basa en el dpkg-multicd que no gestiona
  predependencias), en I+D Agora también trabajan varios desarrolladores de
  Debian :-) y también tienen CDs con muchos añadidos (non-free, non-US,
  GNOME, KDE, ...). Además la instalación está en castellano y los CDs
  ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
  vienen con el manual de instalación (en papel), también en castellano.
  Vale, ya está bien de hacer publicidad de la Citius Debian, pero es que
  empezaste tú... ;-)

Y ¿tardan mucho en contestar normalmente? Es que ya les he mandado dos
mensajes, y todavía no se nada? ¿Hay algún teléfono de contacto, o sólo
la dirección de la página web?

Un saludo

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Espacio disponible para publicidad 

Cliente X11 para NT

1999-04-15 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos

Hace no mucho tiempo alguien pregunto por un cliente X11 para WNT, y alguien
contesto, pero, listo de mi borre el mensaje.

¿Alguien sabe?


Re: CD's de Debian 2.1

1999-04-15 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 07:18:15AM +0200, benalb wrote:

 Y ¿tardan mucho en contestar normalmente? Es que ya les he mandado dos
 mensajes, y todavía no se nada? ¿Hay algún teléfono de contacto, o sólo
 la dirección de la página web?

mi pregunta exactamente... ¿alguien revisa [EMAIL PROTECTED] Me suena
muy interesante pero me da muy mala espina que duren tanto en contestar...


Re: Cliente X11 para NT

1999-04-15 Thread ~ Miguel P.C. ~
At 15.13 15/4/99 +0200, you wrote:
Hola a todos

Hace no mucho tiempo alguien pregunto por un cliente X11 para WNT, y alguien
contesto, pero, listo de mi borre el mensaje.
¿Alguien sabe?

Gratuito tienes el MI/X de Microimages y te lo puedes descargar de:

Luego tienes otros de pago como el eXceed de Hummingbird y el Kea!X de
Attachmate y otros:



XWin Pro:

 / /  _ La oportunidad de
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __   dominar tu ordenador 
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ Linux User #98249
|  |
|  Miguel Pérez Colino |
|  |

Re: CD's de Debian 2.1 (Id-agora no responde)

1999-04-15 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva

On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

A mi tampoco me han respondido todavia (hace tres semanas que les escribi
la primera vez). Ya les he escrito dos veces y nada de nada :-((
!Menos mal que queria comprarles el Cd con Debian!


 On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 07:18:15AM +0200, benalb wrote:
  Y ¿tardan mucho en contestar normalmente? Es que ya les he mandado dos
  mensajes, y todavía no se nada? ¿Hay algún teléfono de contacto, o sólo
  la dirección de la página web?
 mi pregunta exactamente... ¿alguien revisa [EMAIL PROTECTED] Me suena
 muy interesante pero me da muy mala espina que duren tanto en contestar...
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

  .~.Iñaki Fernández Villanueva
 // \\   Linux registered user #93164
   SLINK 2.1/(   )\  Student in Computer Engineering
 ^^-^^   University of San Sebastian (Spain)

Kmidi de Kde1.1 en Slink no funciona.

1999-04-15 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva

Tras solucionar el problema con los primeros paquetes .deb del kde1.1
me he dado cuenta que todo me funciona salvo el kmidi y el kwav (el
reproductor de .wav) o como se llame. Lo curioso es que tampoco puedo
hacer que me funcione el x11amp y antes de enviar a la lista los problemas 
de manera mas detallada necesito saber si a alguien mas le pasa lo mismo.


  .~.Iñaki Fernández Villanueva
 // \\   Linux registered user #93164
   SLINK 2.1/(   )\  Student in Computer Engineering
 ^^-^^   University of San Sebastian (Spain)

Re: CD's de Debian 2.1 (Id-agora no responde)

1999-04-15 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, abr 15, 1999 at 05:00:03 +0200, Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva wrote:
 A mi tampoco me han respondido todavia (hace tres semanas que les escribi
 la primera vez). Ya les he escrito dos veces y nada de nada :-((
 !Menos mal que queria comprarles el Cd con Debian!

Chico pues yo les escribi el martes y me respondió Enrique Zanardi el mismo
día, os pego el e-mail:

On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 02:08:21AM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 On lun, abr 12, 1999 at 08:18:18 +0100, Enrique Zanardi wrote: 
  Hombre Javier, en vez de encargárselos a los de Datom, en Alemania,
  encargárselos a I+D Agora (, que están en
  también aparecen en las páginas del servidor de Debian (los únicos en 
  España), los CDs también funcionan muy bien (el método de instalación se 
  basa en el fantástico apt, no se basa en el dpkg-multicd que no gestiona 
  predependencias), en I+D Agora también trabajan varios desarrolladores
  Debian :-) y también tienen CDs con muchos añadidos (non-free, non-US, 
  GNOME, KDE, ...). Además la instalación está en castellano y los CDs   
  vienen con el manual de instalación (en papel), también en castellano. 

  Vale, ya está bien de hacer publicidad de la Citius Debian, pero es que   
  empezaste tú... ;-)   
 Un gallifante a I+D Agora si lo que contienen funciona bien, únicamente
 pega a la página web de Citius GNU/Debian, el pedido en formulario ¿vale?, 
 cuesta poco hacerlo y lo agradece el usuario (o cliente, como lo querais 

El caso es que hasta lo tenemos listo (con su JavaScript y todo para que
automáticamente calcule los importes y esas cosas). Pero como (por fin)
se ha resuelto un tema de hosting que teníamos pendiente estamos en plena
mudanza, así que hemos dejado las páginas paradas, esperando ponerlas en
nuestro propio servidor. (Ahora mismo está en un ISP que sólo usa NT,
¡¡puaj!!). ;-)
 :-D), ¿qué he de poner en el mail?:   
 ¿Hola me llamo Pepito Pérez y quiero una Citius de 5 CDs para Sevilla, c/   

Por ejemplo. Normalmente lo que hacemos es devolverles un formulario a
los que nos piden información, para que nos lo rellenen y nos lo
devuelvan. Te adjunto el formulario. La dirección a la que hay que
devolverlo es [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 No estaría de más una mayor información sobre lo que contienen los CDs y 
 unos enlaces e lo digo para el novato, a mi con lo que hay
 basta y sobra ;-)   

Tomo nota. A ver si terminamos la mudanza y los webmaster de I+D Agora
nos dan otra sorpresa a todos.

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

El attachment os lo pego también pues es el formulario que de momento tienen
según dice Enrique hasta que tengan el servidor propio listo.

Lo de mala espina no se a qué te refieres Marcelo, a mi me parecen buena
gente, explícate.


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Deseo recibir los siguentes productos:

Citius Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 sin fuentes (3 CDs y manual):

___ unidades x 3879 ptas. (23.31 euros) PVP   =

Citius Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 con fuentes (5 CDs y manual):

___ unidades x 5679 ptas. (34.13 euros) PVP   =

+ gastos de envío =


Envíos dentro de España: (consultar para pedidos fuera de España)
___ correo ordinario (1 semana, 200 ptas) 

___ postal express (48 horas, 1495 ptas)

___ mensajería (24 horas, consultar)

Forma de Pago:  ___ contra reembolso (añadir 250 ptas a los gastos de envío)

___ mediante transferencia a la cuenta corriente:
0128 0852 0104084566 (I+D Agora)

Nombre Cliente:

Dirección: Calle:


Código Postal:


Programa inicial

1999-04-15 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
Quiero saber si es posible colocar un script como programa inicial del
usuario. Es decir, si puedo hacer que un usuario ejecute un script al
iniciar la sesion pero al salir de ese script, salga tambien de la sesion.

Desde ya, muchas gracias.

RE: CD's de Debian 2.1

1999-04-15 Thread Jon Noble
mi pregunta exactamente... ¿alguien revisa [EMAIL PROTECTED] Me suena
muy interesante pero me da muy mala espina que duren tanto en contestar...

Pues a mi me han contestado en 2 dias con un formulario para que les haga el

Un saludo,

Jon Noble

Re: Varias preguntas...

1999-04-15 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Para volver a verlo tienes que cojerte boot-floppies (las fuentes
con las que se generan los CDs de instalacion), ahí está el script que se
ejecuta antes de dselect


On Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 03:25:45PM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
 El lunes 12 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 19:26:16 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 2. Justo despues de instalar el sistema base, y antes de dispararse el
 dselect, sale una lista con perfiles donde uno puede elegir el perfil
 que quiere para la instalación, ademas de los paquetes que se instalarán
 en cada perfil. Hay alguna forma de volver a ver esta opción?
  Siento informarte que no (que yo sepa!).
  Just do it.
 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
 PGP Public key at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Programa inicial

1999-04-15 Thread Raul Perez Justicia
 Quiero saber si es posible colocar un script como programa inicial del
 usuario. Es decir, si puedo hacer que un usuario ejecute un script al
 iniciar la sesion pero al salir de ese script, salga tambien de la sesion.

Pos en el fichero .bash_profile le pones que ejecute el script y en el final 
del script le pones logout o exit.

Re: CD's de Debian 2.1

1999-04-15 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 07:18:15AM +0200, benalb wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Alvaro Alea wrote:
  Y entonces, va Enrique Zanardi y dice ¿Re: CD's de Debian 2.1? 
   Hombre Javier, en vez de encargárselos a los de Datom, en Alemania, puede
   encargárselos a I+D Agora (, que están en España,
   también aparecen en las páginas del servidor de Debian (los únicos en
   España), los CDs también funcionan muy bien (el método de instalación se
   basa en el fantástico apt, no se basa en el dpkg-multicd que no gestiona
   predependencias), en I+D Agora también trabajan varios desarrolladores de
   Debian :-) y también tienen CDs con muchos añadidos (non-free, non-US,
   GNOME, KDE, ...). Además la instalación está en castellano y los CDs
   ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
   vienen con el manual de instalación (en papel), también en castellano.
   Vale, ya está bien de hacer publicidad de la Citius Debian, pero es que
   empezaste tú... ;-)
 Y ¿tardan mucho en contestar normalmente? Es que ya les he mandado dos
 mensajes, y todavía no se nada? ¿Hay algún teléfono de contacto, o sólo
 la dirección de la página web?

Esto es ya un pelín off-topic, pero bueno. La gente de atención al
cliente me ha dicho lo siguiente:

Tu primer mensaje fue el:
 Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 22:57:40 +0200 (CET)
 From: benalb [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
y la contestación el:
 Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 17:18:50 +0100
Tu segundo mensaje también fue el miércoles, y se te respondió el mismo
día pidiendo confirmación... ¿no te han llegado ninguna de las dos
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CD's de Debian 2.1 (Id-agora no responde)

1999-04-15 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 05:00:03PM +0200, Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 A mi tampoco me han respondido todavia (hace tres semanas que les escribi
 la primera vez). Ya les he escrito dos veces y nada de nada :-((
 !Menos mal que queria comprarles el Cd con Debian!

Sigo con el off-topic... pues lamento decirte que no ha llegado ningun
mensaje de tu dirección... Tal vez se los haya tragado el asqueroso NT
que usa el ISP donde tenemos alojado temporalmente el dominio. :-(
Por suerte la semana próxima nos mudamos definitivamente a nuestro propio

Ya te mando yo mismo el formulario por privado...


PS: ¿Os importa mandarme las quejas directamente a mi, para no tratar
temas privados en la lista? Gracias.
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Busco a Debian en la Bolsa de Wall Street

1999-04-15 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva

On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva dixit:
 ~!Hola a todos!
 ~ Alguien sabe si Linux tiene acciones en la Bolsa (a ser posible que
 ~ tenga que ver con Debian, claro)?? 
 ~ Seria interesante saberlo ya que seguro que las acciones siempre 
 ~ subirian ;-))
 Para que pudiera cotizar en bolsa, tendría que cumplir bastantes requisitos,
 uno de tantos, y muy básico, es que estuviera formado como sociedad (que creo
 que no lo es).  

  Soy un ignorante en cuanto a la Bolsa se refiere, o sea que ruego que me
disculpes si he dicho o digo alguna barbaridad acerca del tema ;-)
  No se puede considerar Linux como una sociedad?? por qué no lo es?
Quizás sea un error pero creo que muchos consideran como empresas a Debian
o a Red-Hat (p.e.) por el hecho que se puede sacar unos beneficios con la 
venta del soporte de los CD's con Linux (al fin y al cabo son quienes 
recogen lo que hay de Linux y lo juntan con un progr. de instalación,
entre otras cosas).
  Y si no se puede considerar a Linux como una sociedad, por qué se puede
leer en las revistas cosas como que Netscape o Corel invierten en Red-Hat
p.e. ?? Se refieren sólo a que portan sus productos a Linux y a que le
apoyan con algunas donaciones??
  Ninguna distribución de Linux se considera entonces como sociedad, y
ninguna tiene acciones en la bolsa ? (no todas las distribuciones son

 Y para que pudiera subir su valor en bolsa, tendría que dar
 pingües beneficios (que no pingüinos), y los ingresos de Debian se basan tan
 sólo en las donaciones que los resellers y los usuarios, y otros hacen.

  Linux no proporciona ingresos a nadie?? Seguro que a aquellas empresas
que lo usan si (aunque para esto no cuenta, claro).
  Supongamos que dentro de unos anios exista un Linux orientado al usuario 
final al estilo de MacOs (cosa a simple vista casi imposible) de modo que 
se juntaría un sistema operativo estable y potente pero a la vez muy fácil
de manejar, y para colmo que fuera multiplataforma (lo que le faltó a
MacOs para triunfar en Europa). Entonces la competencia en el PC
aumentaría y los desarrolladores de soft portarían sus productos a ese
Linux tan fácil. Unos lo harían con soft gratuito y otros de pago como
ocurre normalmente en Windows. Evidentemente esa competencia daría mucho
dinero a quien vende los programas, pero tb. a aquellas empresas que se
encargan de desarrollo, instalación, mantenimiento ,etc. con Linux. Si, el
sistema operativo sería gratuito, pero esa asociación o compania de Linux
podría ganar dinero con la venta de Cd's (3000 o 5000 pts por una
distribución ya es pasta) entre otras cosas. Me imagino que la
mayoría de dinero que
gana Microsoft es por la venta de sus productos, aunque hay un porcentaje
muy alto de piratería por tratarse de productos inexplicablemente elevados
de precio (en el software no gratuito siempre es así).
  No sería bueno para Linux tener acciones en bolsa para poder competir en
el mercado? Me parece que Linux tiene un crecimiento anual mayor que el
200 % . Por muy gratuito que sea Linux las donaciones que recibe siempre
vienen bien para su propio desarrollo.

  .~.Iñaki Fernández Villanueva
 // \\   Linux registered user #93164
   SLINK 2.1/(   )\  Student in Computer Engineering
 ^^-^^   University of San Sebastian (Spain)

Re: Programa inicial

1999-04-15 Thread Dario Gabriel Ivan Heinze
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, [iso-8859-1] Vázquez, Gustavo wrote:

 Quiero saber si es posible colocar un script como programa inicial del
 usuario. Es decir, si puedo hacer que un usuario ejecute un script al
 iniciar la sesion pero al salir de ese script, salga tambien de la sesion.

bueno este chico gustavo, lo que te convendria hacer es crear el script y
habilitarlo como un shell en /etc/shells y luego le pones al usuario como
shell el script, pero ten cuidado si lo que quieres es que los usuarios
solo ejecuten lo que esta en el script pon unos traps para que no te
corten la ejecucion del script y obtegan acceso a un hermoso shell

nos vemos

Dario Gabriel Ivan Heinze
Tel: 0343-4390245

La vida es como una leyenda: no importa que sea larga, sino que este bien

[no subject]

1999-04-15 Thread Wellington Kister do Nascimento
CONFIRM s041516020029457

Re: [Configurando modem pnp]

1999-04-15 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 14 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 14:10:20 +, J.E. Marchesi contaba:

  ¿Sí? ¿O  sea que en  el inittab puedo  poner que al  pulsar las
  teclas que yo quiera, se ejecuten los comandos que yo quiera?

 No exactamente. Puedes definir una combinacion de letras para entrar en
un runlevel determinado, que tambien puedes definir en /etc/rc.?

 Pues  por más  que miro  la página  man, no  entiendo a  qué te
 refieres.  Tú hablas  de combinación  de letras,  ¿te refieres  a
 teclas? Ponme un ejemplo, plis, que no me entero   :-(

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Re: Gnome y el idioma... y algo más

1999-04-15 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 14 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 18:25:39 +0200, Javier Viñuales 
Gutiérrez contaba:

Una cuestión sobre el idioma, si ejecuto desde WMaker en una xterm 'panel '
aparece el panel de GNOME en castellano pero si lo pego al dock y lo activo
como 'ejecutar al arrancar' este aparece en inglés, ¿cómo hago para que me
aparezca al entrar en WMaker el GNOME en castellano?, ¿y en Enlightenment?.

 De windowmaker ni idea, pero  pegándolo al dock, en algún sitio
 se ha de poder  especificar qué es lo que se  ejecuta. En ese sitio
 supongo que  pondrá panel. En  ese caso, prueba a  poner LANG=es
 panel o locale  /dev/ttypx; panel. Este segundo es para ver con
 qué configuración se está ejecutando  panel en ese momento. ttypx
 pues eso, ttyp1, ttyp2 o lo que quieras.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Re: Logotipo de Debian

1999-04-15 Thread Andres Herrera

On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 04:03:09PM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
 El lunes 12 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 22:53:31 +0200, Juan Ramón Larrea 
  Creo que se está buscando un nuevo logotipo para Debian.
  No no n!!  :-

¿Por que no, Hue? ¿No quieres que cambien el pollito? (es en tono cariñoso

Eso si, por favor, cada de pinguinos al uso, que, por lo menos en España,
ultimamente estan demado vistos.

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.5 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain
 Grupo LIMA (Asociacion de Usuarios de Linux de Malaga)


1999-04-15 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Christopher J. Morrone [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| On 14 Apr 1999, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
|  You guys need to read your Slashdot ( I've heard
|  that this particular benchmark was commissioned by Microsoft. Anyone
|  who pays attention to a benchmark commissioned by one of the
|  interested parties deserves what they get.
| Well, while I agree with that, this is already being read and believed by
| managers and suits.  What we need are numbers to the contrary, not it was
| commisioned by Microsoft.

Again, any logical person would conclude that the test was biased
given that one of the interested parties paid for the test. I'm not
saying that nobody will believe it, but I think given Mindcraft's
readership and their apparently close ties to Microsoft it'll have a
pretty limited impact.

| Of course, its not likely that anyone in the free software movement will
| be able to verify the results, because they used pretty expensive
| machinery.  A four processor Xeon as the server, and 144 pentium test
| nodes with ethernet switches.

Again, read Slashdot. There's already a questioning of the
procedures used by Mindcraft up on Linux Weekly News site,

Opinons are my own.

Re: SMBMOUNT won't

1999-04-15 Thread Alec Smith
I'm running kernel 2.2.5 with smbfsx installed from the deb... I get the
attached error... Any tips would be appreciated. I have no problems
mounting from this workstation under NT to the particular file server
giving the error. Previously I used 2.0.36 without difficulty.

/proc/filesystems does indeed list smbfs as a supported type by the
kernel on the workstation.

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Kent West wrote:

 I can't seem to get smbmount to work, although I BELIEVE it used to.
 I've recently upgraded from 2.0.36 to 2.2.1, so that might have some
 I've tried most of the options in the smbmount man page; no good.
 I've tried removing the smbfs package and then adding it back in; no
 I can connect with smbclient, which the smbmount man page said
 definitely means my problem is with smbfs.
 The error I get is just a generic:  mount error: Invalid argument Please
 look at smbmount's manual page for possible reasons.
 Any clues, anyone? Thanks!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file /etc/smb.conf:
No such file or directory
load_client_codepage: filename /etc/codepages/codepage.850 does not exist.
Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /etc/lmhosts. Error was No such file or 
Server time is Wed Apr 14 19:10:03 1999
Timezone is UTC-4.0
Session setup failed for username=SWEETIN workgroup=WORKGROUP myname=RS229032 
destname=RS229031   ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a 
Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)
You might find the -U, -W or -n options useful
Sometimes you have to use `-n USERNAME' (particularly with OS/2)
Some servers also insist on uppercase-only passwords

Help! Kernel woes.

1999-04-15 Thread William R Pentney

I have tried recompiling a 2.2 kernel, and now I have two problems:

1) The new kernel isn't recognizing my network card. I used the PCI
NE2000 option; it worked before on a 2.0.34 kernel I compiled on a
floppy. Might I be missing an important option?

2) I still can't use sound. I have a SoundBlaster 16 PnP, and a look at
/dev/sndstat reveals that the driver is there, but it doesn't recognize
any audio devices.

Any suggestions?

- thanks, Bill


1999-04-15 Thread Rick Macdonald
On 14 Apr 1999, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:

 | Well, while I agree with that, this is already being read and believed by
 | managers and suits.  What we need are numbers to the contrary, not it was
 | commisioned by Microsoft.
 Again, any logical person would conclude that the test was biased
 given that one of the interested parties paid for the test. I'm not
 saying that nobody will believe it, but I think given Mindcraft's
 readership and their apparently close ties to Microsoft it'll have a
 pretty limited impact.

I think the point is that the type of person that uses M$ is the type that
will grab this as an argument against Linux alternatives. IE, the logical
person is the minority here, and not the ones that we're worried about.

The Microsoft Machine knows that. That's why they invest in FUD.

Such rot needs to be challenged, which is happening now.


Re: SMBMOUNT won't

1999-04-15 Thread Graham Ashton
On Thursday 15 April, Alec Smith wrote:

 I'm running kernel 2.2.5 with smbfsx installed from the deb... I get the
 attached error... Any tips would be appreciated. 

you need to recompile smbmount with 2.2.x kernels. I've never done it, but
have read that it needs doing.


Re: Cheapbytes CDs

1999-04-15 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 02:41:07PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 Assad Khan wrote:
  I got Debian 2.1 slink from Cheapbytes a few weeks back. base2_1.tgz is
  corrupted, even though I got a 4 CD set. So now I dont have Linux
  installed on my second hard drive at all! :-((
 A friend had a problem installing base2_1.tgz from my Cheapbytes
 4 CD set (I only upgraded).  However, I note that it appears to
 match a version on the Debian site:

Well, that's two of us :). A friend of mine also had problems installing slink
from the Cheapbytes CDs (exactly the same problem: base2_1.tgz was corrupted)
UNTIL we find out that the problems was not the CDs, but the memory: he had two
64Mb DIMMs. When he removed one of them, he could start installing slink, but
then it just froze after he reboot the system with a kernel panic error.
Everything was smoothly when he changed to four 32Mb DIMMs.

As you can see, sometimes the problem isn't the media, but something else.

just my 2 cents.
Pedro Guerreiro (aka digito)([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Diplomacy: the art of letting someone have your own way.

(Solution)Re: help me to undertand GMT time!!!!

1999-04-15 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 18 Mar, Wayne Topa wrote about Re: help me to undertand GMT time
 In reply to:Colin Telmer
 Quoting Colin Telmer([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Jonathan Guthrie wrote:
   Midnight is  hours; there is no 2400 hours - after 23:59:59 it 
   changes to
  Midnight is 2400 hours.  After 24:00:00 it changes to 00:00:01
  I'm as authoritative on this subject as you are, so who's correct?
 Here's a solid source - from all the bad war movies I've seen over the
 years, I have heard 0 hundred hours but not 24 hundred hours:)
 If only I could finish my thesis with such rigour.
 When I was in the Air Force I remember having to stand fire watch from 2400
 to 0400 hrs.  Now that was in fact real life, so YMMV.  :-

Sorry to bring up this tired old subject buty I saw a reference to
this FAQ and figured I would bring it up here.

I think the National Institute of Standards and Technology might know
what it is takling about.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

GDB/xxgdb segfaults!

1999-04-15 Thread Ingvaldur Þ . Sigurjonsson

When I try to debug an app, which does use some shared libraries, with
ddd/gdb/xxgdb the gdb segfault's when it's launched by the gdb

When launched from DDD, a dialog pops up saying GDB could not be
started., and gives the Exit, Help alternatives.

The last message in DDD is:
Running GDB (pid 505, tty /dev/pts/0)...Segmentation fault.

The /dev/pts directory exists and everybody now have a rw on it.
This is the line from /etc/fstab
none  /dev/pts  devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0

and this is the line from /etc/mtab
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0
after boot.

I'm running the lates potato/ddd/2.2.5

Please advise

-- Ingi
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Linux on the Laptop Rulez...  C++

who is net-pf-19?

1999-04-15 Thread Ingvaldur Þ . Sigurjonsson

 Apr 15 03:29:59 debbie modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-19

I've had this message coming up now for a long time and it doesn't go

Can anyone tell what it is and why it's coming.

I've run /dev ./MAKEDEV update
several times with all needed modules loaded.

Sound is working alright in Enlightenment and Gnome, and ditto for
network, apm etc.

Any hint's appreciated.

-- Ingi
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Linux on the Laptop Rulez...  C++

Re: SMBMOUNT won't

1999-04-15 Thread Alec Smith
Tried rebuilding and got a bunch of errors about some odd thing being
redefined or some such.

On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Graham Ashton wrote:

 On Thursday 15 April, Alec Smith wrote:
  I'm running kernel 2.2.5 with smbfsx installed from the deb... I get the
  attached error... Any tips would be appreciated. 
 you need to recompile smbmount with 2.2.x kernels. I've never done it, but
 have read that it needs doing.

Re: Nvi saved the file .fetchmailrc ?

1999-04-15 Thread ivan
On Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 10:05:03PM -, Pollywog wrote:
 Seems every time I reboot, I get this silly message:
 On 14-Apr-99 Nvi recovery program wrote:
  On Sun Feb 21 07:03:15 1999, the user pollywog was editing a
  file named .fetchmailrc on the machine lilypad, when it was
  saved for recovery. You can recover most, if not all, of the
  changes to this file using the -r option to vi:
vi -r .fetchmailrc
 Any way to fix this?

~$vi -r .fetchmailrc

You were obviously editing the file when the system went down.


making source and non-free CDs

1999-04-15 Thread Matt Garman

I downloaded and made an official Debian 2.1 cd.  I'd also like to
make a _source_ CD because I've been recompiling things like made
lately, having just installed pgcc.

What is the best way do do this?  Is it appropriate to just mirror
the source directory of a close mirror that has the source, or is
there a preferred method?

Also, same goes for the non-free and non-US stuff that I'd also like
to have on CD.  (I'm in my University dorm with an ethernet link to
T3s and the like; I want to take advantage of my bandwith before the
end of the academic year ;)


They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
 Lord, them delta women think the world of me.
-- Dickey Betts, Ramblin' Man

building glibc from dpkg source

1999-04-15 Thread Matt Garman

I'm trying to recompile the glibc2 Debian package with pgcc, hopefully
to squeeze out a bit more performance.

I downloaded the *.orig.tar.gz, *.dsc, and *.diff.gz files needed,
then did a dpkg-sourc -x glibc*.dsc and everything unpacked okay.
Before I modified anything at all, I tried to do a debian/rules
binary (as root), but I get the following error:

Applying glibc-2.0.7-with-headers patch... 
:make: *** No rule to make target
`/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.0.36/include/linux/version.h', needed by
`/home/garman/glibc-'.  Stop.

I don't know why it's looking for the 2.0.36 kernel headers.  I'm
running kernel 2.2.5.

Also, I also tried a debian/rules clean and then tried to build the
binary again, but the same error still comes up.

Thanks for any help!

They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
 Lord, them delta women think the world of me.
-- Dickey Betts, Ramblin' Man


1999-04-15 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 1999-04-14 18:14, Christopher J. Morrone wrote:

 Of course, its not likely that anyone in the free software movement will
 be able to verify the results, because they used pretty expensive
 machinery.  A four processor Xeon as the server, and 144 pentium test
 nodes with ethernet switches.

Maybe the results are correct - Linux is still _relatively_ weak with
respect to SMP, no?  I mean, if Linux get's 40% juice out of a 4-way
at this point (40% is a bogus number trying to illustrate that Linux
doesn't scale linear with # of CPUs).

How much _sense_ does it make to have a 4 way machine serve pages
versus 4 single cpu (rack) machines plus a db box that can carry it?
Do web servers typically need to share information that isn't stored
in a datbase anyways?  What does 4+1 headless machines cost versus a 4
way box?  The cheastest box is $299 these days, I've heard.  How many
nodes does the big guys use (Lycos, Yahoo, Hotbot, CNN etc)?

Just curious if anyone had some into to bring to the table...

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main St., 2nd fl.   Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

Re: who is net-pf-19?

1999-04-15 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 1999-04-15 03:43, Ingvaldur Þ. Sigurjonsson wrote:

  Apr 15 03:29:59 debbie modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-19
 I've had this message coming up now for a long time and it doesn't go

Put the following in your /etc/conf.modules:

alias net-pf-19 off

I think it's apple-talk or something.

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main St., 2nd fl.   Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

Re: APT setup (was: Re: An idea...)

1999-04-15 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Luis Villa wrote:

 On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:

  Mitch Blevins wrote:
   In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:

 Try as the URL.

Thanks, Mitch. It works, and I happily have ssh. I'm still curious,
though:  why is non-US called a distribution in apt, when it is in fact 
component? Is this historical or what?
   I don't really know, Luis.  It seems confusing to me, and picking it
   from the distribution menu in dselect (apt-method) would create a
   wrong sources.list line, if I grok the directory layout correctly.
   But I've been wrong before (once or twice).
   You may want to ask this question on debian-devel, or file a bug against
   dselect if you think it is really a bug.  I never really used dselect
   to build a sources.list line (until just now), so I never noticed this
   before.  Maybe there is a good reason for it. *shrugs*
  Hmmm, I'm not sure where you guys are coming from. I use: as the site, slink as the 
  and non-US as the component and it works just dandy. I'm guessing the above 
  which you
  guys are using works because of symlinks.

 I am basically doing what you are doing. I use stable instead of
 slink, but other than that the same. The trick is that dselect tells me
 to do something different, which doesn't work! Dselect suggests that you
 use non-US as the distribution, instead of stable, slink, or something
 else. There is no mention of non-US in the suggested lists of components.

Oops. Sorry to add redundant information. I haven't used the dselect method to 
set apt
sources in a long time because you have to reenter each one (I guess that was 
part of the
whole point).

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: SMBMOUNT won't

1999-04-15 Thread Eloy A. Paris
No need to do that. The smbfsx package has been compiled with 2.2.x
kernel headers and everything is ready to go with the 2.2.x kernels.

Your problem might be that the syntax of smbmount changed from the
smbfs package to the smbfsx package. Take a look at the parameters you
are using.


Alec Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tried rebuilding and got a bunch of errors about some odd thing being
 redefined or some such.
 On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Graham Ashton wrote:
 On Thursday 15 April, Alec Smith wrote:
  I'm running kernel 2.2.5 with smbfsx installed from the deb... I get the
  attached error... Any tips would be appreciated. 
 you need to recompile smbmount with 2.2.x kernels. I've never done it, but
 have read that it needs doing.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: x11amp 0.9-beta1.1

1999-04-15 Thread surak
I'm guessing you are running potato, so if not this may not apply:

I've compiled every prerelease version of x11amp, up to and including
beta1.1, without problems. You have the gtk and glib stuff, but do you have
the gdk stuff too? For me, x11amp needs these libraries:

tomorrow:~ ldd /usr/local/bin/x11amp = /usr/lib/ (0x40015000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40138000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4016c000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4016f000) = /lib/ (0x40191000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40199000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x401a2000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x401ae000) = /lib/ (0x40251000) = /lib/ (0x4026e000) = /usr/local/lib/ (0x4027f000) = /lib/ (0x40284000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

You may want to do a dpkg -S on the libgdk library... I can't really think
of anything else. 

You wouldn't have more than one gtk/gdk/glib packages installed, would you?
Could that be also the problem? I got rid of the old versions, so I didn't
have to worry about that.

Hope that helps (although it probably doesn't),


 I'm too impatient to wait for a deb of x11amp 0.9-beta1.1, so I tried to
 compile it myself having had great success with the alpha versons.  It
 compiled without issue, but I've got some strange problems with the
 binary.  Here's a cut  paste job.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:[~]$ x11amp -version
 /usr/local/lib/x11amp/Output/ undefined symbol:
 /usr/local/lib/x11amp/Input/ undefined symbol:
 gtk_list_select_item/usr/local/lib/x11amp/Input/ undefined
 symbol: gtk_pixmap_new
 /usr/local/lib/x11amp/General/ undefined symbol:
 x11amp 0.9-beta1.1
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:[~]$ dpkg -l libgtk1.2-dev libglib1.2-dev
 | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
 |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
 ||/ NameVersionDescription
 ii  libgtk1.2-dev   1.2.0-1Development files for the GIMP Toolkit
 ii  libglib1.2-dev  1.2.0-1Development files for GLib library
 ii  libgtk1.2   1.2.1-1The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
 ii  libglib1.2  1.2.1-1The GLib library of C routines
 so I have what the README claims to need.  Has anyone had any success
 compiling this version of x11amp?

RE: libc6 2.1 on slink

1999-04-15 Thread Shaleh

On 14-Apr-99 Christian Dysthe wrote:
 I wanted to install xchat 0.9.4 from unstable on my slink system. When I saw
 dependencies I got scared off. I need libc6 2.1. I am not a Linux expert
 and afraid I will damage my stable system by trying to do this.

Unless you NEED to update, don't.  potato (unstable) is going to be in for a
rough month.  Many new and untested things are coming in.

A possible solution is to download the package source and build it yourself.

Get the xchat orig.tar.gz, dsc and diff.gz.  Then do:

dpkg-source -x file.dsc

cd to the created dir and type:

debian/rules binary

You will than have your own deb package.

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
soon to be former X Chat maintainer

Re: who is net-pf-19?

1999-04-15 Thread Shaleh

On 15-Apr-99 Allan M. Wind wrote:
 On 1999-04-15 03:43, Ingvaldur Þ. Sigurjonsson wrote:
  Apr 15 03:29:59 debbie modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-19
 I've had this message coming up now for a long time and it doesn't go
 Put the following in your /etc/conf.modules:
   alias net-pf-19 off
 I think it's apple-talk or something.

indeed it is.

However this method is not correct for current installations.  If you have an
/etc/modutils directory, cd into it and add the line to the file 'alias' then
run update-modules (all of this as root of course).  Then things will be

Re: Emacs on non-X machine

1999-04-15 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 03:26:11PM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Navindra Umanee wrote:

  Hmmm, according to emacs20
  does depend on xlib which depends on xfree86-common.

 According to dselect it doesn't.  The Depends line I showed you was copied
 directly from it.

The dselect line apparently doesn't wordwrap very well:

Package: emacs20
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: editors
Installed-Size: 26299
Maintainer: Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 20.3-7
Provides: emacsen, info-browser, mail-reader, news-reader, www-browser
Depends: emacsen-common, liblockfile0, libc6, liblockfile0 (= 0.1-1),
libncurses4, xlib6g (= 3.3-5)
Suggests: emacs20-el
Conflicts: emacs20-el ( 20.3-7), w3-el
Description: The GNU Emacs editor.
 GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor.

It certainly seems easier to have only the one binary package (less 
bother figuring out why X doesn't work and remembering to update 
whenever X works) and one might argue that at a mere 3 megs the X 
libs are inconsequential when one is installing Emacs.

Navindra, I suggest you file a wishlist bug against Emacs if it's
really important to you (search around to see if you can find 
previous discussion first).

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: Setting up ssh

1999-04-15 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 11:12:52AM +1000, Corey Ralph wrote:

 Does anyone know where I can find a howto on setting up ssh?

 I have tried running the script to get the hosts using dns, but it doesn't
 find any hosts.  Is there a way to give it an IP address to try, and have it
 add the host?

You are using the make-ssh-known-hosts script to generate a server-wide
list of known hosts?  What exactly are you doing?  The following
procedure works for me on my dinky little home network:

   make-ssh-know-hosts domainname  known_hosts_file
   cp known_hosts_file /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts

The script is somewhat verbose, so it should tell you what's going
wrong.  You do need to specify the list of domains to search.

The BFI method is to generate the file manually, but that doesn't scale

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: SMBMOUNT won't

1999-04-15 Thread Alec Smith
Got a sample syntax? I use

smbmount-2.1.x \\CONDOR\NTC -c 'mount /home/sweetin/mnt'

with absolutely no luck... That appears to be what is in the manpages for
smbmount-2.1.x, except smbmount doesn't appear to be installed I have
smbfsx_1.9.18p10-7.deb installed from Slink.

On Kernel 2.0.x, I would use

smbmount //CONDOR/NTC mnt

without incident.

I'm just about ready to say screw this... I'd like to use kernel 2.2.x, but
if its going to be this much of a pain, I'll just go back to 2.0.37pre and
then the final once Alan puts its out.

At 01:21 AM 4/15/99 GMT, Eloy A. Paris wrote:
No need to do that. The smbfsx package has been compiled with 2.2.x
kernel headers and everything is ready to go with the 2.2.x kernels.

Your problem might be that the syntax of smbmount changed from the
smbfs package to the smbfsx package. Take a look at the parameters you
are using.


Alec Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tried rebuilding and got a bunch of errors about some odd thing being
 redefined or some such.
 On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Graham Ashton wrote:
 On Thursday 15 April, Alec Smith wrote:
  I'm running kernel 2.2.5 with smbfsx installed from the deb... I get the
  attached error... Any tips would be appreciated. 
 you need to recompile smbmount with 2.2.x kernels. I've never done it, but
 have read that it needs doing.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Printing specific pages

1999-04-15 Thread Bernd Mayer

Margaret Uy schrieb:
 I've been trying to print out the PostScript version of the Linux-user's
 guide (175 pages worth of it) on my old Apple Laserwriter Select 310.
 Unfortunately, when it reached page 45, it stopped printing.  Is there any
 way to specify specific pages when printing a document (i.e. from page 45
 to end of doc)?  My printer is very old, and I don't think it could handle
 a lot.  I also tried using gv, but print marked is greyed out and there
 seems to be no way of selecting that option. The only option I could
 choose is print all.
Hello Margaret,

with gv it is possible to print only marked pages if you first select
them: In the left bottom corner is a non-text-box where you can mark
either individual pages for printing or only even pages or odd pages
(good for double-sided-printing of large manuals).

Good luck with linux

Bernd Mayer

Re: SMBMOUNT won't

1999-04-15 Thread Mike Werner
FWIW when I do an smbmount here I have to use the -I switch followed by
the IP address of the machine I'm accessing.  An example is:
smbmount \\george\d /mnt -I
I don't know why, but that's what it took for smbmount to work here.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Version: 3.1
GU d-@ s:+ a- C++$ UL++ P+ L+++ E W++ N++ !o w--- O- !M V-- PS+ PE+
 Y+ R+ !tv b+++() DI+ D--- G e*++ h! r++ y

Re: x11amp 0.9-beta1.1

1999-04-15 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm guessing you are running potato, so if not this may not apply:

Actually, I'm basically running a glibc2 version of potato. :)  (I
compiled many of the potato stuff using the glibc2 in slink on a slink
system).  I'm still a little squeamish about glibc2.1 and I'm running
potato at work where ddd has just stopped working since upgrading from
slink.  I need ddd at home, so I'm not willing to take that step yet.

 I've compiled every prerelease version of x11amp, up to and including
 beta1.1, without problems. You have the gtk and glib stuff, but do you have
 the gdk stuff too? For me, x11amp needs these libraries:
 tomorrow:~ ldd /usr/local/bin/x11amp = /usr/lib/ (0x40015000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40138000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4016c000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4016f000) = /lib/ (0x40191000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40199000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x401a2000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x401ae000) = /lib/ (0x40251000) = /lib/ (0x4026e000) = /usr/local/lib/ (0x4027f000) = /lib/ (0x40284000)
 /lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

Thanks for posting that... made me look at mine which is almost the
same... except for a few key differences:  The first 4 libraries are
missing!  Well, that'll cause the errors I was getting, unfortunately, I
haven't the foggiest idea how to correct that.

 You may want to do a dpkg -S on the libgdk library... I can't really think
 of anything else. 

I do have it installed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[/home/odin]# dpkg -l|grep gdk
ii  gdk-imlib-dev   1.9.4-1Header files needed for Gdk-Imlib developmen
ii  gdk-imlib1  1.9.4-1Gdk-Imlib is an imaging library for use with
ii  libgtk-imlib-pe 0.5000-1   Perl module for the gtk+ and gdkimlib librar

 You wouldn't have more than one gtk/gdk/glib packages installed, would you?
 Could that be also the problem? I got rid of the old versions, so I didn't
 have to worry about that.

I do, though it hasn't caused a problem in the past (even with
x11amp-0.9a[123])  I have libgtk1 installed for the version of gimp I run
(I've been meaning to upgrade, maybe this is an excuse) but not
libgtk1-dev, so I don't see how stuff like this could be happening.

 Hope that helps (although it probably doesn't),

Actually, it helped me find the problem!  Now for a solution... :)

Here's a typical link it together gcc line during 'make':

gcc -O2 -I.. -I.. -DDATADIR=\/usr/local/share/x11amp\
-I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/lib/glib/include -o .libs/wmx11amp getopt.o
getopt1.o wmx11amp.o -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -rdynamic
-lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm
../libx11amp/.libs/ -lglib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib

So I definately am linking in gtk, gdk, and glib!

hmm... now that I think of it, should this say something like '-lgtk-1.2'?
After all, the .so file is /usr/lib/  I'm trying it now.
If it doesn't work, I'll send this message. :)

hmm... maybe not:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[~/x11amp-0.9-beta1.1]$ gtk-config --version
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[~/x11amp-0.9-beta1.1]$ gtk-config --libs   
-L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl
-lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm

well... I'm at a loss.  Thanks for the tips, do you or anyone else have
any further ideas?



Re: x11amp 0.9-beta1.1

1999-04-15 Thread surak
 Actually, I'm basically running a glibc2 version of potato. :)  (I
 compiled many of the potato stuff using the glibc2 in slink on a slink
 system).  I'm still a little squeamish about glibc2.1 and I'm running
 potato at work where ddd has just stopped working since upgrading from
 slink.  I need ddd at home, so I'm not willing to take that step yet.

Ah well, back in the day I was running a mostly slink system with a few
potato libraries force-installed, so I see where you're coming from. :)

 Thanks for posting that... made me look at mine which is almost the
 same... except for a few key differences:  The first 4 libraries are
 missing!  Well, that'll cause the errors I was getting, unfortunately, I
 haven't the foggiest idea how to correct that.

 I do, though it hasn't caused a problem in the past (even with
 x11amp-0.9a[123])  I have libgtk1 installed for the version of gimp I run
 (I've been meaning to upgrade, maybe this is an excuse) but not
 libgtk1-dev, so I don't see how stuff like this could be happening.

I had a problem with the old slink packages of the libraries, so gtk-config
was giving me the wrong one. So instead of compiling the new libraries in
/usr/local I just replaced them with potato ones (pre-glibc2.1 days).

I'm at a loss as to why x11amp can't find those files. Maybe you need to
explicitly put /usr/lib in your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH? I unset it but it didn't
affect my x11amp.


 Actually, it helped me find the problem!  Now for a solution... :)
 Here's a typical link it together gcc line during 'make':
 gcc -O2 -I.. -I.. -DDATADIR=\/usr/local/share/x11amp\
 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/lib/glib/include -o .libs/wmx11amp getopt.o
 getopt1.o wmx11amp.o -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -rdynamic
 -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm
 ../libx11amp/.libs/ -lglib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
 So I definately am linking in gtk, gdk, and glib!
 hmm... now that I think of it, should this say something like '-lgtk-1.2'?
 After all, the .so file is /usr/lib/  I'm trying it now.
 If it doesn't work, I'll send this message. :)
 hmm... maybe not:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:[~/x11amp-0.9-beta1.1]$ gtk-config --version
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:[~/x11amp-0.9-beta1.1]$ gtk-config --libs   
 -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl
 -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm
 well... I'm at a loss.  Thanks for the tips, do you or anyone else have
 any further ideas?

Re: x11amp 0.9-beta1.1

1999-04-15 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 10:29:32PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually, I'm basically running a glibc2 version of potato. :)  (I
  compiled many of the potato stuff using the glibc2 in slink on a slink
  system).  I'm still a little squeamish about glibc2.1 and I'm running
  potato at work where ddd has just stopped working since upgrading from
  slink.  I need ddd at home, so I'm not willing to take that step yet.
 Ah well, back in the day I was running a mostly slink system with a few
 potato libraries force-installed, so I see where you're coming from. :)

Actually, I didn't force-install anything.  What I've been doing is getting
the .dsc, .diff, and orig.tar.gz files for what I need from potato and
compiling a glibc2 version.  I'm a little scared of mixing the two even though
from what I've read, it should work.

  Thanks for posting that... made me look at mine which is almost the
  same... except for a few key differences:  The first 4 libraries are
  missing!  Well, that'll cause the errors I was getting, unfortunately, I
  haven't the foggiest idea how to correct that.
  I do, though it hasn't caused a problem in the past (even with
  x11amp-0.9a[123])  I have libgtk1 installed for the version of gimp I run
  (I've been meaning to upgrade, maybe this is an excuse) but not
  libgtk1-dev, so I don't see how stuff like this could be happening.
 I had a problem with the old slink packages of the libraries, so gtk-config
 was giving me the wrong one. So instead of compiling the new libraries in
 /usr/local I just replaced them with potato ones (pre-glibc2.1 days).

Ok, I'll go compile the potato versions of gtk and glib.  Does your gtk-config
--libs return '-lgtk' or '-lgtk1.2'?  I suppose if you just have one version
of gtk installed, this is a non-issue.

 I'm at a loss as to why x11amp can't find those files. Maybe you need to
 explicitly put /usr/lib in your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH? I unset it but it didn't
 affect my x11amp.

Yeah, I tried that one.  It looked like that might be the problem since none
of the libs it pulls in are in /usr/lib, but the gcc line I quoted has
'-L/usr/lib' in it which should eliminate this need (if I'm right about what


Re: X-Windows xf86config setup for Gloria Synergy monitor

1999-04-15 Thread Jim Campbell
Andrei --

Thanks for your help.  No configuration I have tried permits me to use this
card/monitor (ELSA Gloria Synergy AGP, 8MB RAM, Optiquest Q71 19 monitor).
Every X configuration I have tried causes the monitor to blank out or for
the whole system to get hung.

 I would love to hear from someone who has gotten this card to work.   Do
you know of anyone out there?

Oh, well.  For now, I'll live without X-Windows.  Thanks!

- Jim

- Original Message -
From: Andrei Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jim Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: X-Windows xf86config setup for Gloria Synergy monitor

  I can see from that for the ELSA Gloria Synergy
  monitor, they've recommended the use of the X3DL server.  I was able to
  download this.  However, I am still stuck getting my xf86Config file set
  Can anyone give me some information about this?  I am using Debian
  - Jim

 Well what is the problem that you have with setup?

  Andrei S. Ivanov
  UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Hardware advice

1999-04-15 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
I've got a Pentium 75 overclocked to 100MHz, with 64MB RAM and 17
monitor. Works extremely well.


On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Brad Stevenson wrote:

 I'm just getting started using Linux. Actually, I'm expecting my Slink =
 CD's to arrive any day now. I'm upgrading an old PC I have to install =
 Debian on. I'm on a real tight budget, but I don't want to spend my =
 money on hardware that won't be appropriate.
 I've found a 1.2 G hard drive for a reasonable price. I know that this =
 is more than adequate size for the OS, but is it a reasonable size   for =
 a typical system. Basically, do you people who use this OS regularly =
 recommend a bigger drive?=20
 The system I intend to install this on is a 60Mhz Pentium with 16 M ram. =
 I realize that this would be the minimum for a reasonable Win 95 setup, =
 but is it reasonable for a Linux setup?=20
 Brad Stevenson, CET
 Product Development  Support
 NCA Microelectronics

Re: Printing specific pages

1999-04-15 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Margaret Uy wrote
 I've been trying to print out the PostScript version of the Linux-user's
 guide (175 pages worth of it) on my old Apple Laserwriter Select 310.
 Unfortunately, when it reached page 45, it stopped printing.  Is there any
 way to specify specific pages when printing a document (i.e. from page 45
 to end of doc)?  My printer is very old, and I don't think it could handle
 a lot.  I also tried using gv, but print marked is greyed out and there
 seems to be no way of selecting that option. The only option I could
 choose is print all.

psselect, in the psutils package, will do this.  You can also mark
individual pages of a document in gv, and then print marked pages.

You may want to put page 45 in its own file and then try running ps2ps
on it, like
which may produce something your printer likes more.

Good luck,

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Emacs on non-X machine

1999-04-15 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Navindra Umanee wrote
 Montreal Wed Apr 14 14:26:23 1999
 Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you can't install Emacs on a
 Debian system without first install X?!  That's quite a showstopper.
 Is it a bug?

You're wrong, and no.  You need xlib6g, but you don't need a complete X

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

(no subject)

1999-04-15 Thread Shaikh Abdul Tahir

Re: Help! Kernel woes.

1999-04-15 Thread Arcady Genkin
William R Pentney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have tried recompiling a 2.2 kernel, and now I have two problems:
 1) The new kernel isn't recognizing my network card. I used the PCI
 NE2000 option; it worked before on a 2.0.34 kernel I compiled on a
 floppy. Might I be missing an important option?

Which card is it?
 2) I still can't use sound. I have a SoundBlaster 16 PnP, and a look at
 /dev/sndstat reveals that the driver is there, but it doesn't recognize
 any audio devices.

Did you compile it in kernel or as modules. I also have a SB16, and
found that it was a bit unobvious how to configure it in
menuconfig... Did you get to the step of specifying the DMA, IRQ
etc.etc.? Which driver did you chose? You should have chosen OSS sound 
modules AND 100% Sound Blastaer compatibles, and only then would
you have been revealed the possibility to enter I/O, IRQ etc.

Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE


1999-04-15 Thread Shaikh Abdul Tahir

I want to unsubscribe

Pls Help


Re: Help!

1999-04-15 Thread Mark Phillips
On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Shaikh Abdul Tahir wrote:

 I want to unsubscribe
 Pls Help

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with unsubscribe in the subject.



Re: Help! Kernel woes.

1999-04-15 Thread William R Pentney
On 15 Apr 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 William R Pentney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I have tried recompiling a 2.2 kernel, and now I have two problems:
  1) The new kernel isn't recognizing my network card. I used the PCI
  NE2000 option; it worked before on a 2.0.34 kernel I compiled on a
  floppy. Might I be missing an important option?
 Which card is it?
It is a Dayna PCI card, for 10baseT networks. I used the PCI NE2000 option
with success when I installed it. It also worked when I attempted to
install a 2.0.34 kernel (which unfortunately did not accept my
SoundBlaster 16 - it's a PnP, so I wanted to go for the 2.2 kernel that
has the PnP support.)

 Did you compile it in kernel or as modules. I also have a SB16, and
 found that it was a bit unobvious how to configure it in
 menuconfig... Did you get to the step of specifying the DMA, IRQ
 etc.etc.? Which driver did you chose? You should have chosen OSS sound 
 modules AND 100% Sound Blastaer compatibles, and only then would
 you have been revealed the possibility to enter I/O, IRQ etc.
Did all of that, and it was set up with correct IRQ and all, but I still
couldn't use /dev/audio. It is, as mentioned, a PnP. Should I use the
mysterious isapnptools package?

Thanks, Bill

[Fwd: Re: mounting floppy disk]

1999-04-15 Thread Daniel González Gasull
Hi all.

I'm re-sending this message, because I've got no response.  Please help me, or
let me know where can I post this question.

Thank you in advance.

- Forwarded message from Daniel González Gasull [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

 Jiri Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Daniel Gonz_lez Gasull:
I have problems mounting /dev/fd0:
# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/fd0 as a block device
   (maybe `insmod driver'?)
  Jens B. Jorgensen:
   This would seem to indicate your kernel lacks floppy drive support!? What
   do you get from: 'cat /proc/devices | grep fd'?
  And what do you get for 'ls -l /dev/fd0'?
  I get:
brw-rw   1 root floppy 2,   0 Apr 13 20:16 /dev/fd0
  The important bits in that are the b at the beginning and the 2, 0 in
  the middle.
  You will get a different date and time - that's normal.
 Then everything is OK:
   # ls -l /dev/fd0
   brw-rw   1 root floppy 2,   0 oct 12  1997 /dev/fd0
 Thanx in advance for your help.

- End forwarded message -

Daniel González Gasull   Signature  O OA friend is a
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  under /\=,---.  T/\   present you give
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69construction /\   `O'   U /\  yourself.
   -- Robert Louis
|  Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE:  |

Re: Help! Kernel woes.

1999-04-15 Thread Arcady Genkin
William R Pentney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 15 Apr 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 It is a Dayna PCI card, for 10baseT networks. I used the PCI NE2000 option
 with success when I installed it. It also worked when I attempted to
 install a 2.0.34 kernel (which unfortunately did not accept my
 SoundBlaster 16 - it's a PnP, so I wanted to go for the 2.2 kernel that
 has the PnP support.)

Hmm. I am runnig 2.2.5 with NE2K PCI and Rtl8139 nics w/o
problems. You mention 2.0.34... Which version of Debian do you have?
Could it be that you need to upgrade some of the stuff on your system
in order to use 2.2.x? Have you checked against the compatibility

 Did all of that, and it was set up with correct IRQ and all, but I still
 couldn't use /dev/audio. It is, as mentioned, a PnP. Should I use the
 mysterious isapnptools package?

Don't know. I usually turn off pnp feature on any piece of hardware
that I buy. Sorry, never used the isapnptools.

I had problems with /dev/audio and /dev/dsp untill I changed their
ownership to and added myself to audio group. Do you hear
the card initialize at the system startup? Does it produce a popping
noise? (mine does :))

Do you see any warning messages at startup saying that there's 
trouble with initializing the sound card? Here's what you should be

Apr 15 00:51:04 main kernel: Sound initialization started 
Apr 15 00:51:04 main kernel: Sound Blaster 16 (4.13) at 0x220 irq 7 dma 1,5 
Apr 15 00:51:04 main kernel: Sound Blaster 16 at 0x330 irq 7 dma 0 
Apr 15 00:51:04 main kernel: Sound initialization complete 

Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE


1999-04-15 Thread Michael Beattie
  Is down? is there a mailing list for the ftp admins?
  I do a mirror of slink and potato i386.
 Yes, it seems so. I've been unable to connect since last night.

It's in the process of moving to a new server.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Drive nail here ( ) to need a new monitor.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: matlab 5.3 seg fault (can it use both ?)

1999-04-15 Thread Hamori Andras

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
   Mathworks tech support has been unable to help get matlab 5.3
 running on my Debian system.  I was wondering if anybody else has got
 it working and perhaps would know how to fix my problem.
 When I start matlab is says,
   Segmentation fault


 This is what I see for shared library linking.
 ldd /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/matlab = /usr/local/matlab5.3/extern/lib/lnx86/ 
 (0x4000b000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/ 
 (0x4002b000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/ (0x4004f000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/ 
 (0x40149000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/ (0x404ae000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/ 
 (0x40545000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/ 
 (0x405b3000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/ (0x405c2000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/ 
 (0x40854000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/ 
 (0x408fa000) = /lib/ (0x40959000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/sys/os/lnx86/ 
 (0x4095c000) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/sys/os/lnx86/ 
 (0x4099) = /usr/local/matlab5.3/sys/os/lnx86/ (0x409bf000)
 - = /usr/local/matlab5.3/sys/os/lnx86/ (0x409c8000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40a84000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40ac7000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40b5f000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40b6d000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40b75000)
 - = /lib/ (0x40b89000) = /lib/ (0x40c2e000)

it seems you haven't got the libc5-compatible X11-related libraries
installed... have a look at the packages in the 'oldlibs' section, I think
'xlib6' and 'xpm' are the ones you need. BTW, is there a FAQ entry on this
topic somewhere? Just about every Debian user can face this problem when
trying to run libc5-based applications...


fetchmail and shutdown

1999-04-15 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

I've used default skelton to create /etc/init.d/fetchmail script. All
I edited were the varialbe assignments at the top. I then executed

update-rc.d fetchmail defaults 99

Two questions:
1. Running fetchmail only makes sense in networking mode. So, will it
get started if ever I have to boot into a single-user runlevel?

2. What will happen at shutdown? If fetchmail is in the middle of
getting mail, will it shutdown properly? It has -q option to turn it
off, but I have nowhere to specify that in the script. Should I have?

Thanks for any input,
Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

Scanner - parallel port

1999-04-15 Thread Arcady Genkin
Can this be used at all with Linux?

It's an AcerScan 310P. It's on the same parallel port with printer. In 
Windows it could be used with any application as TWAIN compatible. And 
it used SCSI emulation.

Thanks for any iput,
Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

How to install Pine

1999-04-15 Thread Alan Tam
Hi All,

How do I install Pine from the
pine396-diffs 2
pine396-src 2 Debian packages  ?


Cyrillic setup

1999-04-15 Thread Arcady Genkin
Mailed and posted 
Hi all:

Is the Cyrillic-HOWTO still relevant? It was written more than 2 years 

For one, it says that using xkb is not recommended. Is it still so? Why?

I've installed xruskb package, and added path to cyrillic fonts to
XF86config. Now Xterm shows russian symbols w/o any extra
settings. BTW, I left all the Xkb settings as they were in
/etc/X11/Xmodmap, and so far no problems with that.

My biggest concern is Xemacs. I'm dying to make it use cyrillics. Do I
need to install Mule for that? Or can it be done by just changing
default fonts somewhere?

Thanks for any input,
Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

netscape plugins

1999-04-15 Thread Tommy Malloy
I notice that on my system Netscape 4.51 lists certain common
applications as unavailable. I can't imagine that I need a plugin for
perl or tcl when these are available on my system already.  Can I direct
Netscape to /bin/sh for all applications or do I have to specify each
one? Since I call perl or tk or any app from a shell it seems that that
directing everything to /bin/sh would be a simple solution.   Is there
any problem with this?  Thanks

Make Netscape pick mails from /var/spool/mail ?

1999-04-15 Thread Raghavendra Bhat
Hello:  An earlier thread on How to make Netscape Messenger pick up mail
from your /var/spool/mail was quite useful.  I have a Shell Account and I
download my mail using minicom.  I move the mail folder 'ragu' to my local
/var/spool/mail dir.  I fire up X and make Messenger pick up mail from the
spool.  It worked fine and now when I click on `Get New Mail', Messenger
in toto, quits.  What is happening here ??  I do not get any error while
loading Navigator.  Does the copying and moving muddy up permissions ?
Has this something to do with the abrupt quitting of Messenger ?

ragOO, VU2RGU.
Keeping the Air-Waves  FREE.Amateur Radio
Keeping the W W W  FREE..Debian GNU/Linux

Re: latex cannot typeset a german \SS

1999-04-15 Thread Conrado Badenas
Thank you very much for your help! 
Now I will let LaTeX type GRASSL. It is a pity that two years ago I
forced an editor of an English journal to typeset GRAßL in the
References of one of my articles!

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: AGP video for Linux?

1999-04-15 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
  Personally, I don't even know what AGP video is, so I am
 forwarding this to the debian-user mailing list.
 Erik Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I was wondering if AGP video is supported by Linux yet.  I did not see it on
  the list of compatable devices/bus archetectures but was just curious.

AGP is a variation on the PCI bus specially for video cards.  If you
want to know if a video card is supported, you have to check out the
XFree86 compatibility.  Usually if a certain card or chip set is
supported, the AGP version is supported, so you can use it in X.  If you
are in doubt about a certain card, just ask around on the various
mailing lists and news groups.  If you want to use a card right now, it
is usually a bad idea to pick one that is only going to be supported
`real soon now'.

Another matter is support of the specific feature that AGP was meant
for: storing textures in main memory and sending them to the video card
at high transfer rates.  I don't know if there is any support for that.

Eric Meijer

 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: printing problem

1999-04-15 Thread Conrado Badenas
Mans Joling wrote:
 When I run : lpr file the printer is being initialize and further
 nothing happens.
 My printerport is /dev/lp1.
 echo test  /dev/lp1 works.

When magicfilter filter specifies a program that you don't have, nothing
happens (no error message is issued). For example: some weeks ago, I
tried to print a .gif file and nothing happened because I didn't have
giftopnm and pnmtops programs.

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: HELP! All SCSI, no is09660 fs

1999-04-15 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Wed, 14 Apr, 1999 à 04:34:09PM -0400, David B.Teague wrote:
 ii  kernel-source-2 2.0.34-4   Linux kernel source.
 Native language support (Unicode, codepages) (CONFIG_NLS) [N/y/m/?] (NEW)

You must answer Y or M to this question to get the question about iso9660

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: how to reset the console?

1999-04-15 Thread Angus Claydon
On the slightly related issue of using the mouse under console
do you  know if  youhave to do more than  configuring svgalib toget it 


Angus C

silly sound-module question solved

1999-04-15 Thread Kurt Stallknecht
May be this is now in the mailing list twice, but I m not sure if 
I ve really send what I wrote yesterday.
I m now able to add sound to the list of modules in the file 
/etc/modules. This didn t work at first, because I didn t know that I 
have to run depmod -a before this (at least in the case of kernel 
2.0.34 which I still use).
Now the sound-module is loaded at boot-time.
Thanks for all the help,


Re: how to reset the console?

1999-04-15 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
did you tried 'echo ^[c' ?


Angus Claydon wrote:
 On the slightly related issue of using the mouse under console
 do you  know if  youhave to do more than  configuring svgalib toget it

trouble configuring xcdroast

1999-04-15 Thread Robert Maynard Rhyu

I've searched the debian mailing list archives and checked the bug
reports for a solution to this strange problem with xcdroast-0.96e-3 to no
avail; perhaps someone on this list has encountered this as well.

I've installed xcdroast-0.96e-3.deb on my Slink box and when initially
starting the program and entering 'Setup', the buttons (SCSI/IDE Info |
Setup | Copy Data-Cd | Copy Audio-CD, etc.) do not switch to the Save |
Cancel | Done buttons; consequently, I cannot save my configuration.

In addition, the Defaults tab in the Setup menu is blank!  Very strange...

This happens whether I run from the local X server or a remote
X display.

I've downloaded the xcdroast-0.96e source package - with the
installation of Tcl8.0-dev, Tk-8.0-dev and Tix4.1-dev packages and
tweaking of the Configure script and Makefile, the resulting 
xcdroast-0.96e still exhibits this bizarre behavior.  Ditto with the 0.96d
sources as well.

Running with -debug does not output any error messages with the
precompiled binary or my own builds.

The system is a P5-166, NCR53C810 SCSI controller, Philips 2600 CD writer,
NEC 16x CD-ROM.  Kernel is 2.0.36 compiled with the NCR53C8XX driver -
otherwise, it's a vanilla Slink install.

Previously, I've built and used xcdroast-0.96d successfully with
RH4.2/2.0.34 on the same hardware.

Has anyone encountered the same problem?  Is there something
ridiculously simple that I'm overlooking?

Many thanks in advance,

Robert M. Rhyu

Re: how to reset the console?

1999-04-15 Thread ivan
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 04:46:17PM +0800, Angus Claydon wrote:
 On the slightly related issue of using the mouse under console
 do you  know if  youhave to do more than  configuring svgalib toget it 

Just configuring should be enough to let other applications read the

If you're unsure whether it is the mouse drivers or the programme (or the
way in which you run the programme) that is causing problems it may be
worthwhile downloading the svgalib source and compiling the demos.  IIRC
there's a small bug in the make file but you'll figure out in about 10 secs :)
(I can't remember the specifics at the moment so I can't tell you -sorry)

Are you having specific problems ?


Re: Nvi saved the file .fetchmailrc ?

1999-04-15 Thread ivan
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 09:50:30AM +0100, Shaun Lipscombe wrote:
 how does the system know this?  I mean what script or program notices
 and sends a mail report?
From what I can see the script /etc/rcS.d/S70nviboot takes care of this.

I maybe wrong and look forward to corrections if that is the case.



Re: How to install Pine

1999-04-15 Thread ivan
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 08:08:40PM +1200, Alan Tam wrote:
 Hi All,
 How do I install Pine from the
 pine396-diffs 2
 pine396-src 2 Debian packages  ?
Not answering your question directly I know but FWIW there are .debs available
of the binaries.  Check the archives for the discussion late last month (IIRC).



Hardware advice

1999-04-15 Thread debian

I really believe far too many people out there have far more power on
their desk than they really need, and if you take MS resource hogs off
the system, well, even more of that power sits around not being used
(thus the distributed systems for cracking codes and doing SETI
analysis). I ran xemacs and netscape 3 on a 75MHz with 16 mb of ram
while telnetting and compiling code, and it was quite comfortable. I
can't remember when i increased my memory (there's something mildly
amusing about that sentence), but it was my spouse running photoshop
who needed the memory, not me. I also had a 500 MB partition. It was
close, but i stored much of my data on zip disks. (NOTE: big
mistake.) Monte carlos amd other data analysis went smoothly.

Memory would be the first thing I'd suggest you'd upgrade. I suspect
you could find 16 MB easily in a machine someone is throwing out. 

As soon as you start thinking about the GIMP or playing with sound
clips you'll probably want a bigger HD.   

Just my two cents,


Re: X-Windows xf86config setup for Gloria Synergy monitor

1999-04-15 Thread Kent West
Jim Campbell wrote:
 Andrei --
 Thanks for your help.  No configuration I have tried permits me to use this
 card/monitor (ELSA Gloria Synergy AGP, 8MB RAM, Optiquest Q71 19 monitor).
 Every X configuration I have tried causes the monitor to blank out or for
 the whole system to get hung.
  I would love to hear from someone who has gotten this card to work.   Do
 you know of anyone out there?
 Oh, well.  For now, I'll live without X-Windows.  Thanks!
 - Jim
 - Original Message -
 From: Andrei Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jim Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: debian
 Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 8:56 AM
 Subject: Re: X-Windows xf86config setup for Gloria Synergy monitor
   I can see from that for the ELSA Gloria Synergy
   monitor, they've recommended the use of the X3DL server.  I was able to
   download this.  However, I am still stuck getting my xf86Config file set
   Can anyone give me some information about this?  I am using Debian
   - Jim
  Well what is the problem that you have with setup?
   Andrei S. Ivanov
   UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You might send to the list the relevent parts (monitor, device, and
screen sections) of /etc/X11/XF86Config and the /etc/X11/Xserver file.

No network,please help!!!! Dear Debian profs!

1999-04-15 Thread Gallai Janos
I'm a beginner of using Debian,and my problem is:

 At the Debian installation process,the system has detected that I have a 
network.I have two Windows 95 and a Debian Linux system machine.So after the 
installation of the op.sys. cannot find the netcard,anyway it is not able to 
connect my W95-network.I have the TCP/IP protokoll installed on the other two 
machines.While I used WfW311 the net was operating completely
I don't know what to do.Please help me.

 My card type is:NE2000 compatible ISA-bus,IRQ:9,IO-adress:0x0280h
 Processor type Cyrix 486 DX50

Thanks a lot for your help,

   Gallai János


EGON - az ingyenes levelezorendszer

ppp / route / ping

1999-04-15 Thread Steven Merrifield

I can dial the ISP and make a PPP connection, but cannot route any
packets. The link is up, and the routing table looks good. Default
route is set for ppp0 and the remote IP. resolv.conf and host.conf
are both setup properly.

A search using dejanews shows many people are having similar
problems, but no answers...

Debian 2.1, kernel 2.0.36, pppd 2.3.5

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface* UH 1500 0  0 ppp0
localnet*   U  3584 0  0 lo
default UG 1500 0  0 ppp0

PING ( 56 data bytes
ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
ping: sendto: Operation not permitted

I can ping and localhost successfully.

Any ideas at all???


CTX notebooks and Debian

1999-04-15 Thread Randy Edwards
I'm looking into picking up a CTX EzBook 7PJ notebook and I was wondering if
anyone could give me any feedback on either this model or CTX notebooks in
general.  Of course, I'm planning on running Debian on it, so if anyone knows
about CTX and X compatabilities I'd appreciate any info you might have.  TIA.

 Regards,| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Linux: superior operating
 .   | |  system tools for those
 Randy   |   | who know how to use them.

Re: SMBMOUNT won't

1999-04-15 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 10:25:52AM -0400, Alec Smith wrote:
 Got a sample syntax? I use
 smbmount-2.1.x \\CONDOR\NTC -c 'mount /home/sweetin/mnt'

smbmount-2.1.x service password [-p port] [-d debuglevel] [-l log]

You need form:

  smbmount-2.1.x \\CONDOR\NTC  your_password_to_share -c 'mount 


exim: FQDN != RFC1035

1999-04-15 Thread Paul Sargent
Can anybody help me with this.

I've just installed a new slink machine and while running the configure
portion of the exim package I get this error.

Error: system's FQDN hostname ( doesn't match RFC1035
syntax; cannot configure the mail system.

What is RFC1035 syntax?


cdrom - no response

1999-04-15 Thread PRZEMYSLAW_BAK
Hi all,

I normally installed debian (hamm) from  cdrom. Everything went ok.
But after reboot linux stopped discovering cdrom (/dev/hdc)
The message (while booting) is:
hdc: no response (status = 0xd0)
What happen ? During install linux could use cdrom and after that it
couldn't ?
'isofs' filesystem is compiled into kernel and cdrom module is loading


Solved: Re: HELP! All SCSI, no is09660 fs

1999-04-15 Thread David B.Teague
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Nathan E Norman wrote:

 Subject: Re: HELP!  All SCSI, no is09660 fs
 More to the point, you must set Enable Native Language Support to Y.


You put your finger on it.  I just did not believe it.
(Lack of understanding.) It was nevertheless quite 
stupid not to go try this immediately.

Thanks and apologies to everyone who responded.

Summary: No matter WHAT devices, no matter what other 
things your configure, if you do not answer the
questions Enable Natural language Support with 'y' you 
dont see ios9660 filesystem. 

Now: Please, someone explain why code pages are needed
for the iso9660 file system. This was not true for 
kernels 2.0.27, and was added by kernel 2.0.34. 

Debian GNU/Linux: Because the support is fast, accurate, useful.
  Software should be stable.
  Reboots are for kernel and hardware upgrades.

Re: how to reset the console?

1999-04-15 Thread Ookhoi
Hi Giuseppe,

 did you tried 'echo ^[c' ?

What does this do? Or where can I find docs about this? Tia.

Groetjes, Ookhoi

Re: Switching pine to mutt - but...

1999-04-15 Thread Andrew Holmes

Thanks for the advice, changing the Muttrc has fixed it up. Now I can get back
to reading the list :-)


Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

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