Re: Ayuda con LILO

1999-11-08 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 03:40 PM 1999-11-07 +0100, Emilio Hernández Martín wrote:

Estoy teniendo problemas con mi LILO. Si pongo en el ' lilo.conf ' lo


Al arrancar me dice, cuando escribo bien ' dos ' o bien ' linux' : '
unexpected EOF ' , o algo así.

¿Alguien me puede decir cómo se configuraba el lilo.conf para hacer que
arranque en DOS por defecto?

Creo que primero debería ir lo de linux, y los de DOS lo pones como other
(es decir, other=/dev/hda3) y al principio pones default=dos

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

chequeando majordomos, sorry si me equivoqué

1999-11-08 Thread Francisco Fossa

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-08 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 12:07:58AM +0100, Miquel wrote:
 El dom, nov 07, 1999 at 10:49:26 +0100 Jordi va dir:
  Por si no lo sabeis aún, el freeze de Potato se ha postpuesto, hasta
  mediados de enero. Demasiado trabajo por hacer en los boot-disks, a parte de
  un número grande de bugs críticos o severos (echad un vistazo al último
  util-linux, por ejemplo).
 jeje, de haberlo sabido dos días antes nos hubiéramos ahorrado un buen
 rato de discusión sobre el tema en el foro de Debian que hubo en el
 Hispalinux. De todas formas, estuvo bien para conocer de primera mano
 los argumentos a favor y en contra de congelarla ahora.

Sería interesante que alguien hiciese un resumen de lo que se trató y eso...
más que nada para los que lamentamos no haber llegado a tiempo, saber un
poco que pasó.

  Otra buena noticia para Potato es
  que Mutt ya se instala ;)
 no entiendo esto, supongo que se te ha quedado algo a medias ;-) ¿que
 ya se instala qué? ¿la versión 1.0?

mutt_1.0.0-1 utilizaba la versión de Slang antigua, así que a la gente que
tiene potato al día le daba error de dependecias. Con la segunda revisión ya
se ha eliminado este problema.

  Siento muchísimo no haber podido asistir al Foro de Debian, ni tampoco a la
  quedada-clausura del sábado tarde/noche. Según leo en barrapunto, fuisteis
  100 personas aproximadamente, que lujazo!
 algunos te echamos de menos ;-) no recuerdo si al final quedó alguien
 encargado de meter un resumen de lo que se habló a la lista: ¿lo iba a
 hacer alguien?  Porque merece la pena que se comente lo que se habló
 allí, salieron propuestas para hacer a esta lista y todo: fue
 realmente interesante, y un verdadero acontecimiento en la comunidad
 Debian, ya que no creo que haya sucedido muchas veces juntarnos más de
 cien personas interesadas en Debian (además en un congreso sobre
 software libre, que es el sitio natural para hablar de Debian, no en
 el SIMO o algo así); yo creo que ninguno esperábamos vernos tantos
 allí, y por lo que parece había bastantes participantes de esta lista.

Venga, a ver si es verdad que alguien se curra un resumen!



Description: PGP signature

RealPlayer 5.0 for UNIX: no me funciona bien.

1999-11-08 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas

me he bajado  este programa, que también  puede funcionar como
pluggin  del Netscape,  pero después  de seguir  los pasos  de
instalación de la documentación, no funciona.

No  aparece  como  pluggin  del  Communicator  4.61,  y,  como
programa  independiente,  falla  con  los dos  videos  que  he
probado,  uno de  ellos el  de presentación  que viene  con la

Me dice que vaya a la web de errores y mire el error 1, que no
es  otro  que el  undefined,  o  generic, ahora  no  estoy

Y por STDERR me sale:

audio: write error: 1282 bytes errno: 0



PD: me  he bajado un `tgz',  y el instalador que  biene con la
Slink es para el rpm.

Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

[no subject]

1999-11-08 Thread Vidarte Ana

He conseguido instalar el sistema operativo Linux sobre una
partición de un PC con sistema windows NT. Quisiera saber si existe algún
modo de comunicación entre ambos sistemas de forma que pueda visualizar
algunos ficheros de un sistema en el otro. 

Por otra parte, consigo navegar por los distintos directorios dentro
del directorio raiz de linux, pero, ¿cómo puedo acceder al contenido de la
disketera o del cdrom y copiar archivos a otras ubicaciones?

Agradecería alguna idea al respecto.

Gracias por la ayuda prestada.


Mi resumen del foro de Debian

1999-11-08 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el:   lunes 8 de noviembre de 1999 3:47
 Para: Llista Debian
 Asunto:   Re: Freeze de Potato
 Sería interesante que alguien hiciese un resumen de lo que se trató y
 más que nada para los que lamentamos no haber llegado a tiempo, saber un
 poco que pasó.
Pues a grandes rasgos y según mi punto de vista:

0) Jesús M. González-Barahona (Jesús a secas de ahora en adelante
;D), como moderador del foro, dio una pequeña introducción a Debian, por qué
es la más libre de las distribuciones, por qué es la más democrática,

1) Bajó coacción };) de Jesús habló Santiago Vila (desarrollador
de Debian) explicando 

 * El sistema de desarrollo de distribuciones Debian: 
   - el proceso de congelación: unos meses durante los que sólo se
corrigen fallos a la distribución y no se admiten ni añadidos de paquetes ni
nuevas versiones de los mismos)
   - las fiestas de debug, en las que se juntan en el irc los
desarrolladores y se dedican a corregir bugs a toda pastilla
   - el estado de la 2.2 unstable: tenía como 300 bugs y en la
última debug-fest corrigieron como 70, Santiago era de la opinión de que
congelarla ahora sería repentino con esa cantidad de bugs y planteaba la
pregunta de si en esa debug-fest se habrían corregido los 70 más fáciles, de
manera que corregir el resto podría no ser tan sencillo (bueno, el habló
de progresiones lineales o exponenciales, sacando su vena informática :) ).

 * El problema de la no aceptación de nuevos desarrolladores en
Debian: Debian había cerrado la puerta a la inclusión de nuevos
desarrolladores y ponía como solución el sistema de mentores por el que un
desarrollador se convierte en tutor de un candidato a desarrollador, al
cabo de un tiempo y cuando el candidato ha demostrado su valía (corrigiendo
bugs, etc...), el candidato se le promueve a desarrollador. Santiago
comentaba que el problema era que ese sistema obligaba a tener dos personas
para corregir la misma cosa (al candidato y al mentor que vigile al

2) Estaban por ahí los de Agora (los canarios que llevan la
distribución Citius, una Debian castellanizada con algunos añadidos), que
habían traido bastantes (que no suficientes XD) copias de su Citius para
repartir entre el público (al final hubo desbandada general para ver quién
pillaba su copia de Citius :)) ) y yo les pregunté lo que se comentó por la
lista sobre si se puede copiar así como así la Citius (alguien soltó por ahí
que los que no consiguiesen copia de la Citius, que las copiasen del resto,
por lo que me pareció importante aclarar este tema). 
Los de Agora (perdón, pero no sé quién habló, aunque fue de los
pocos que se identificó O:/ y de hecho propuso que cada uno que hablase se
identificase para que nos conociésemos) dijeron que el CD de Debian podía
copiarse sin restricciones, pero que los otros CDs que contenían software de
terceros con los que habían llegado a acuerdos, ya era otro cantar.
Dijeron que en el futuro pensaban seguir en esta línea,
diferenciando los CDs de Debian de los suyos añadidos (comentaron que
estaban en negociaciones con diversas compañías para ofrecer distintos
productos, etc) para que así cualquiera pueda copiarse los CDs iniciales,
dejando claro que la calidad de la copia de una Citius ya no quedaría tan
asegurada como con los suyos originales.
También dijeron que aquellas Citius eran las últimas que quedaban y
que habían tenido un éxito rotundo ya que habían agotado todas las
existencias, y que en vez de sacar una hornada de Citius slink, preferían
esperar a la Potato.

3) Después, nuestro carismático Richard Stallman particular, Jesús
(si no pudísteis asistir a la conferencia sobre software libre que dio, os
perdísteis lo mejor de Hispalinux, si necesitáis a alguien para que os dé
una conferencia al respecto o convencer al más recalcitrante, os lo
recomiendo encarecidamente) pidió ayuda para mantener las páginas españolas
de Debian, llevar a cabo proyectos relacionados e involucrar más a la gente
en todo esto (revitalizar la otra lista debian española, que ahora no
recuerno cuál es) ...

Quedó con algunos de los que se ofrecieron voluntarios para ayudar a
la causa, creo que hubo una reunión posterior, pero a esa ya no asistí (yo
hasta que no haga mi PFC no me involucro en nada, que si no mi madre me pega
;D ).

4) Hubo diversas intervenciones del público, quejándose del dselect
(el omnipresente Javi Polo), defendiendo al apt, alguna mención a lo de
stupid users are bad (Santiago dijo que no estaba escrito en ninguna parte
que Debian fuese una distribución sólo para entendidos), etc.

En fin, que lo peor del foro fue lo poco que duró :). En mi opinión
tendría que darse más relevancia a los foros en Hispalinux, ya que es lo
realmente importante, porque las ponencias quién más o quién menos puede

Re: Ayuda con LILO

1999-11-08 Thread Javier López
Hola Emilio:

Donde pones

debe haber

Tal y como lo tienes te arrancará DOS por defecto
man lilo.conf para más información

Un saludo

Emilio Hernández Martín wrote:
 Estoy teniendo problemas con mi LILO. Si pongo en el ' lilo.conf ' lo
 Al arrancar me dice, cuando escribo bien ' dos ' o bien ' linux' : '
 unexpected EOF ' , o algo así.
 ¿Alguien me puede decir cómo se configuraba el lilo.conf para hacer que
 arranque en DOS por defecto?
 Muchas gracias y un saludo.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Acceder al CD y al floppy

1999-11-08 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Vidarte Ana [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   lunes 8 de noviembre de 1999 8:33
   He conseguido instalar el sistema operativo Linux sobre una
 partición de un PC con sistema windows NT. Quisiera saber si existe algún
 modo de comunicación entre ambos sistemas de forma que pueda visualizar
 algunos ficheros de un sistema en el otro. 
Necesitas un kernel con soporte para NTFS. Probablemente tengas que
recompilar el kernel que tienes (los kernels normales no suelen estar
compilados con soporte NTFS), por lo que tendrás que instalar el paquete con
el código fuente del kernel, y activar las opciones avanzadas o en
Además, en el apartado filesystems, activa (ya sea como módulo o
linkado estáticamente) el soporte de lectura para NTFS (se recomienda no
activar el soporte de escritura en NTFS, ya que como te digo es una
característica en desarrollo).

   Por otra parte, consigo navegar por los distintos directorios dentro
 del directorio raiz de linux, pero, ¿cómo puedo acceder al contenido de la
 disketera o del cdrom y copiar archivos a otras ubicaciones?
Tienes que montarlos. Para montar la disketera puedes hacer
(suponiendo que el directorio /mnt/floppy exista y tengas un diskette en la
mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
y puedes acceder al diskette accediendo al directorio /mnt/floppy.
Para el CD, depende de a qué puerto IDE y en qué modo lo tengas
conectado. Yo tengo el mío como esclavo del IDE primario, por lo que hago
mount /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom
y accedo por él desde /mnt/cdrom

Más info en 
man mount 
y para copiar, con el comando cp (man cp).

Como se te ve algo verde ;), te recomiendo que te pilles la Guía de
Instalación y Primeros Pasos que tienes en Lucas, aprovecha para bajarte
también los otros manuales. 
Es posible que algunos o todos te vengan con tu distribución, el
directorio /usr/doc/HOWTO es una gran fuente de información.

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: RealPlayer 5.0 for UNIX: no me funciona bien.

1999-11-08 Thread Jose Centeno
Cosme Perea Cuevas writes:
  Y por STDERR me sale:
  audio: write error: 1282 bytes errno: 0

Es una errata que se manifiesta con los kernel 2.2. Estará arreglada
en futuras versiones. Mientras tanto puedes coger un parche de:

| José Centeno González| GSyC  |
| =|  Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones   |
| tel:   +34 1 664 74 68   | Dpto. CC. Experimentales e Ingeniería |
| fax:   +34 1 664 74 90   |  Universidad Rey Juan Carlos  |
| email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Madrid, SPAIN |

RE: Acentos y similares con teclado yanki

1999-11-08 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   lunes 8 de noviembre de 1999 1:06
 Asunto:   Acentos y similares con teclado yanki
   Siento que esto sea un poco offtopic, pero creo que tampoco es 
 mal sitio para preguntar... Tengo un teclado yanki, y no llevo una
 temporada intentando conseguir con 'el acentos y similares, sin
 'exito. Bueno, sin 'exito con el servidor de X, que es lo que me
   En fin, ?alguien me puede echar un cable?
¿has mirado en el man del XF86Config (el fichero de conf. de las X)
y en Spanish-HOWTO?
En el XF86Config tienes, entre otras cosas, que quitarle el flag

Ahora no caigo pero ¿acaso hay alguna diferencia entre configurar un
teclado español y uno extranjero para que tengan la misma distribución de
teclado? :-?

   Gracias mi,
 Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
| Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
 Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: your mail

1999-11-08 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 08 de noviembre de 1999 a la(s) 08:33:05 +0100, Vidarte Ana contaba:

Quisiera saber si existe algún
modo de comunicación entre ambos sistemas de forma que pueda visualizar
algunos ficheros de un sistema en el otro. 

   Por otra parte, consigo navegar por los distintos directorios dentro
del directorio raiz de linux, pero, ¿cómo puedo acceder al contenido de la
disketera o del cdrom y copiar archivos a otras ubicaciones?

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.13Linux Registered User #87069

Conversi'on de LaTeX

1999-11-08 Thread Juan Ramon Jimenez Garcia
Buenos dias a todos.

Son un par de consultas sobre conversi'on de LaTeX a rtf o a html.
Resulta que yo escribo toda mi documentaci'on en LaTeX, pero en mi
departamento me han dicho que se la debo facilitar tambi'en en formato
Word (en rtf, html, o algo parecido que ellos sepan manejar). He bajado
un par de paquetes que hacen la conversi'on, pero no he conseguido
configurarlos correctamente, ya que no pasan de la primera l'inea del
fichero tex.
Si alguien ya hubiera pasado por esta situaci'on y pudiera aconsejarme
alg'un paquete que haga la conversi'on medio bien (ya que no creo que lo
'traduzca' completamente) y me ahorrara algo de tiempo estar'ia muy
agradecido. Y si encima me dice como configurarlo correctamente, pues se

Tambi'en me han comentado en el departamento que quieren un compilador
de LaTeX para MS-Dos y para Güidous, para otros poyectos. Yo me baj'e
hace años uno para G-95 pero petaba mazo. Si alguien sabe alguna
direcci'on de donde me pueda bajar alguno fiable, volver'ia a estar muy

Bueno, pues nada m'as de momento.
Muchas gracias por adelantado.

Bitchx, Mutt, MC y latin1

1999-11-08 Thread Jordi
Hola, el otro dia borré sin querer un mensaje que guarde para contestar.

Alguien preguntaba porqué Mutt, BitchX y MC no le mostraba caracteres de
latin1, etc.

En Mutt a mi me va bien, por lo que supongo que es culpa del medit,
En MC será por el mismo problema que tenga el medit, tal como contestó

Sobre BitchX, me preguntó si había mandado un bug. La respuesta es no, no lo
mandé porque ya está reportado:
#46965: bitchx: BitchX does not use Latin-1
 Package: bitchx; Reported by: Jacobo Tarrio [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 30 days
#47581: bitchx: bitchx is not compiled with LATIN1 defined
 Package: bitchx; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 22 days old. 

En fin, es bastante facil descomentar el soporte para latin1 en el makefile,
pero yo no puedo hacer un non-maintainer upload :)


Description: PGP signature

poner el kdm para introducir el login

1999-11-08 Thread 31
Me leido los man, he probado con cambios en la cofiguracion de muchos ficheros, 
he provado
con el switchmd (y me dice que no existe el /ect/X11/config), no hay manera.

¿Como hago que salga el kdm?

Me sale en modo texte y si instalo el xdm, tambien funciona, pero el kdm no


1999-11-08 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Estimados Amigos,

En este momento existen muchos trabajos, ya traducidos, que se encuentran
por revisar. Desde aquí os animo a todos a ir revisando alguno de ellos. En
estos casos, tampoco hay que aceptarlo cómo si fuera un trabajo sino por
ejemplo, si alguien desea montar un servidor IRC, puede seguir
servidor-irc.sgml y probar si lo que se dice hay está bien explicado y están
bien los comandos.

Siguiendo las normas de la casa, LuCAS, os exhorto en escribir los textos en

Cualquier persona que se encuentre interesada, ruego sea tan amable de
enviarme un correo electrónico y le enviaré sin ninguna dilación el fichero
que le interese revisar.

Una vez revisado, nosotros en un plazo de 24/48 horas, verificaremos y
enviaremos un correo electrónico de aceptación. En este caso, traducimos el
sgml a diferentes formatos. En otro plazo de 24/48 intentaremos introducirlo
en nuestra Web:

Sé que muchos de nosotros trabajamos, estudiamos y a veces las dos cosas
cómo también hacemos más cosas. Pero rogamos que la gente que desee revisar
y qué por cualquier motivo debe dejarlo, nos lo notifique de cara de llevar
un control exhaustivo de la revisión.

Para cualquier duda o consulta, por favor, remitiros a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Os animo a emprender este maravilloso trabajo que mucha gente os agradecerá

Si alguien se encuentra revisando alguno de los siguientes Howtos, ruego nos
lo comunique por razones de gestionar mejor las traducciones y revisiones.

En caso, de tener traducciones o revisiones ya hechas, ruego que nos lo
indique y si lo envía a [EMAIL PROTECTED] procederemos a verificación y
colocación en la Web:

El objetivo que nos hemos marcado es doble, ser la mayor biblioteca en
español dedicada a GNU/LiNUX de todo el planeta y tratar de ayudar a
nuestros traductores/revisores lo antes posible.

Recibid un cordial saludo.

Angel Carrasco

Siguientes Howtos en periodo de revisión:


Re: Mi resumen del foro de Debian

1999-11-08 Thread Miquel
El lun, nov 08, 1999 at 09:32:07 +0100 Tejada Lacaci, Antonio va dir:

   En fin, que lo peor del foro fue lo poco que duró :). En mi opinión
 tendría que darse más relevancia a los foros en Hispalinux, ya que es lo
 realmente importante, porque las ponencias quién más o quién menos puede
 releerlas en el web y sin embargo juntar a la gente que se juntó allí es
 difícil de hacer (como se ha dicho, en la reunión de Debian debía haber más
 de 100 personas).

estoy totalmente de acuerdo con esto. Como este tipo de eventos no
pueden ser muy frecuentes, habría que priorizar todo lo que tenga que
ver con el encuentro o intercambio personal -foros y demás- y a
aquellas cosas que no son sustituibles vía telemática (como las
firmas PGP). Parece que lo más interesante ocurre siempre en los
pasillos, en los descansos, en las comidas o en las citas de
después... Los foros es el modo de trasladar esto a un espacio común
más adecuado que la barra de la cafetería.

(Y que no se entienda esto como una crítica al Congreso Hispalinux,
que me pareció extraordinario, ni es que no valore las ponencias que
hubo -algunas realmente brillantes-, sino una sugerencia para darle
más relevancia a los foros en futuros encuentros de este tipo.)

un saludo,


   __   __ __  __ __  __ __  __
  / /  / //  |/ // / / / \ \/ /cooperación contra mando
 / /_ / // /|  // /_/ /   \  /
/___//_//_/ |_/ \//  \ (Powered by Debian GNU/LiNuX potato)
 /_/\_\  Public-GnuPG-keyID 0xA2B68952


[no subject]

1999-11-08 Thread Vidarte Ana

He tratado de montar (mount) una unidad para acceder a la disketera.
De acuerdo con el System Manager, dispongo del dispositivo dev/fd0 asignado
a /mnt. Sin embargo, no consigo leer el contenido de los ficheros de la
disketera y copiar dicho contenido en otro directorio.

¿alguna sugerencia?


Re: Conversi'on de LaTeX

1999-11-08 Thread Mauricio E Ruiz Font
On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Juan Ramon Jimenez Garcia wrote:

 Buenos dias a todos.
 Son un par de consultas sobre conversi'on de LaTeX a rtf o a html.
 Resulta que yo escribo toda mi documentaci'on en LaTeX, pero en mi
 departamento me han dicho que se la debo facilitar tambi'en en formato
 Word (en rtf, html, o algo parecido que ellos sepan manejar). He bajado
 un par de paquetes que hacen la conversi'on, pero no he conseguido
 configurarlos correctamente, ya que no pasan de la primera l'inea del
 fichero tex.
 Si alguien ya hubiera pasado por esta situaci'on y pudiera aconsejarme
 alg'un paquete que haga la conversi'on medio bien (ya que no creo que lo
 'traduzca' completamente) y me ahorrara algo de tiempo estar'ia muy
 agradecido. Y si encima me dice como configurarlo correctamente, pues se
 Tambi'en me han comentado en el departamento que quieren un compilador
 de LaTeX para MS-Dos y para Güidous, para otros poyectos. Yo me baj'e
 hace años uno para G-95 pero petaba mazo. Si alguien sabe alguna
 direcci'on de donde me pueda bajar alguno fiable, volver'ia a estar muy
 Bueno, pues nada m'as de momento.
 Muchas gracias por adelantado.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Sobre algun latex para güidous, en puedes encontrar el miktex
que es una version muy de latex para winbugs 95/98 bastante buena, no
tiene ninguna interface grafica pero de ahi mosmo te puedes bajar el
texshell o el winshell que son interfaces graficas bastante buenas y son
muy faciles de configurar, todo lo encuantras en el directorio
pub/tex-archive/system/win32 si mal no recuerdo.


P.D:Por cierto ahi tambien encuentras distribuciones para dos.., la emtex

Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font
UG FAMAT Computacion

Re: Conversi'on de LaTeX


Juan Ramon Jimenez Garcia wrote:
Son un par de consultas sobre conversi'on de LaTeX
a rtf o a html.
Resulta que yo escribo toda mi documentaci'on en LaTeX, pero en mi
departamento me han dicho que se la debo facilitar tambi'en en formato
Word (en rtf, html, o algo parecido que ellos sepan manejar). He bajado
un par de paquetes que hacen la conversi'on, pero no he conseguido
configurarlos correctamente, ya que no pasan de la primera l'inea del
fichero tex.
Si alguien ya hubiera pasado por esta situaci'on y pudiera aconsejarme
alg'un paquete que haga la conversi'on medio bien (ya que no creo que
'traduzca' completamente) y me ahorrara algo de tiempo estar'ia muy
agradecido. Y si encima me dice como configurarlo correctamente, pues
Pues tenemos el LaTeX2HTML que lo hace bien.
Tambi'en me han comentado en el departamento que
quieren un compilador
de LaTeX para MS-Dos y para Gidous, para otros poyectos. Yo me
hace aos uno para G-95 pero petaba mazo. Si alguien sabe alguna
direcci'on de donde me pueda bajar alguno fiable, volver'ia a estar
Recuerdo una distribucion de LaTeX para Windog llamada emTeX. Estaba bien.



E.T.S.I. INFORMATICA Linux Booting 

Nueva Web: 

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-08 Thread Correcaminos
El Mon, Nov 08, 1999 a las 03:46:48AM +0100, Jordi dijo: 
 On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 12:07:58AM +0100, Miquel wrote:
  El dom, nov 07, 1999 at 10:49:26 +0100 Jordi va dir:
   Por si no lo sabeis aún, el freeze de Potato se ha postpuesto, hasta
   mediados de enero. Demasiado trabajo por hacer en los boot-disks, a parte 
   un número grande de bugs críticos o severos (echad un vistazo al último
   util-linux, por ejemplo).

Bien ...

  jeje, de haberlo sabido dos días antes nos hubiéramos ahorrado un buen
  rato de discusión sobre el tema en el foro de Debian que hubo en el
  Hispalinux. De todas formas, estuvo bien para conocer de primera mano
  los argumentos a favor y en contra de congelarla ahora.

La oportunidad de vernos las caras valió la discursión O:-)
 Sería interesante que alguien hiciese un resumen de lo que se trató y eso...
 más que nada para los que lamentamos no haber llegado a tiempo, saber un
 poco que pasó.

Cierto :)
  algunos te echamos de menos ;-) no recuerdo si al final quedó alguien
  encargado de meter un resumen de lo que se habló a la lista: ¿lo iba a
  hacer alguien?  Porque merece la pena que se comente lo que se habló
  allí, salieron propuestas para hacer a esta lista y todo: fue
  realmente interesante, y un verdadero acontecimiento en la comunidad
  Debian, ya que no creo que haya sucedido muchas veces juntarnos más de
  cien personas interesadas en Debian (además en un congreso sobre
  software libre, que es el sitio natural para hablar de Debian, no en
  el SIMO o algo así); yo creo que ninguno esperábamos vernos tantos
  allí, y por lo que parece había bastantes participantes de esta lista.
 Venga, a ver si es verdad que alguien se curra un resumen!

Un resumen de dos palabras: IM PREZIONANTE   :)
   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Re: wget

1999-11-08 Thread Jesus Rodrigo
 xxx == xxx  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

xxx ¿Hay algun programa estilo wget que funcione por ventanas?
xxx (estilo Getright)

Para KDE hay uno llamado Caitoo que debe ser bastante parecido (puedes
arrastrar y soltar y cosas así).


Jesús Rodrigo   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Off-Topic] Re: Mi resumen del foro de Debian (y otros foros)

1999-11-08 Thread Correcaminos
El Mon, Nov 08, 1999 a las 11:00:03AM +0100, Javier Cantero dijo: 
 El lunes 08 noviembre de 1999 a las 09:32:07, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio escribió:
  3) Después, nuestro carismático Richard Stallman particular, Jesús
  (si no pudísteis asistir a la conferencia sobre software libre que dio, os
  perdísteis lo mejor de Hispalinux, 
   Antológica. Mejor que la del año pasado, que ya era buena. Otro
 momento en el que el reloj nos cortó. Si el público pudiera haber seguido
 interviniendo y preguntando...

Lamento profundamente no ser 'multipersona', ya que me hubiera
gustado asistir a la charla de Jesús. Sin embargo, tuve la suerte de poder
estar charlando con él durante unos minutos: Buena gente :)
  En fin, que lo peor del foro fue lo poco que duró :). En mi opinión
  tendría que darse más relevancia a los foros en Hispalinux, ya que es lo
  realmente importante, porque las ponencias quién más o quién menos puede
  releerlas en el web y sin embargo juntar a la gente que se juntó allí es
  difícil de hacer (como se ha dicho, en la reunión de Debian debía haber más
  de 100 personas).
   Si no te importa, me gustaría enviar una copia de este mensaje a la
 lista de la organización, al menos de esta parte. ¿Me dejas? (emiliame)

La parte técnica y de organización rayaron a gran altura, pero, como
critica constructiva, afirmo que la parte personal se desarrolló fuera del
congreso. Eso se podría intentar corregir ...
  Tanto el foro de Debian como el de los LUGs locales (los dos a los
  que asistí) fueron excesivamente cortos, por problemas de que cerraban la
  universidad de Carlos III, quizás en futuras ocasiones habría que pedir
  permiso para que se pudiesen alargar. 
   En el foro de Debian no pude estar con gran pesar de mi corazon,
 puesto que estuve en el del LDP-es. En el de la documentación estuvimos 10
 o 12 personas, y no es cosa de risa puesto que el asunto no está muy boyante
 que digamos, así que también habría que no solapar los foros. Con lo cual
 volvemos al problema del año pasado: no hay tiempo.

Entonces, quizás, es cuestión de priorizar intereses. Con las ganas
que habia de conocernos entre todos, solo este proceso se hubiera tomado un
par de dias :)
  Ah! y yo propondría que el foro de LUGs se dedicase más tiempo y se
  realizase lo antes posible, ya que uno de los problemas de Hispalinux es que
  nadie se conoce de cara y el foro de LUGs es un buen LUGar para presentarse
  y que todo el mundo sepa quién es quién, y no estar por ahí y por allá
  desperdigados en grupitos sin conocer a nadie.
   Como organizador-moderador que no moderó casi nada: mea culpa, mea
 culpa, mea culpa. Ha sido una enorme oportunidad perdida, aunque por suerte
 luego se reunieron algunos (yo no pude estar, me lo han comentado), así que
 no ha sido todo en vano. Habrá que terminar lo que se empezó por correo
 electrónico, que no es lo mismo pero que es lo que hay. Sencillamente se
 quedó lo más importante en el tintero, y hubo que cortar en mitad de la
 polémica. Claro, así va a quedar todo un poco opaco, y no con la comunidad
 delante, que es como hay que hacer las cosas :-(

¡¡¡ De oportunidad perdida NADA !!!

Despues de acabar el congreso, en la Free Beer, nos vimos casi todos
los representantes de grupos locales que asistimos al congreso. Tuvimos una
reunión de unas dos horas de duración. ¡¡¡ Una reunión HISTORICA !!!

En esa reunión, de marcado caracter positivista, discutimos sobre
como vertebrar el movimiento de la comunidad linuxera de forma efectiva. Se
lanzaron criticas contra Hispalinux, pero tambien se aportaban posibles
soluciones a nuestros problemas como colectivo. En cualquier caso, lo
importante es que los representantes que asistimos al congreso tuvimos la
oportunidad de conocer nuestras lineas de pensamiento de primera mano y esto
si que era importante, ya que detras nuestro existen muchos más usuarios.

En cualquier caso, se ha abierto una puerta al dialogo entre las
directivas de los diferentes grupos de usuarios, de manera que existe la
clara posibilidad de llegar a coordinarnos de manera real. Este es un viejo
sueño hecho realidad :)

Si este correo lo leyera cualquier miembro de cualquier grupo de
usuarios  de linux español que no haya estado representado en Hispalinux,
creo que seria bueno que se pusiera en contacto bien con Javier Cantero o
bien conmigo mismo.

A los que asistieron en persona como representantes de los grupos,
decirles que no se ha parado nada, simplemente que tocaba descansar un poco :)
En breve, recibiran alguna noticia (via mail) para continuar las
conversaciones ... 
   Respecto a hacerlo lo antes posible, tienes toda la razón, lo que pasa
 es que yo lo había pensado al revés: dales tiempo para que se conozcan poco
 a poco, para que charlen entre ellos, y luego que el Foro sirva de puesta
 en común - exposición final - resumen de todo.

Re: Comercio Electrónco

1999-11-08 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Ángel Carrasco wrote:

 Un servidor que acepte Comercio Electrónico aparte de un firewall serio,
 Necesitas un Apache+SSL y qué mas???

Tal vez minivend te dé pistas útiles., juraría que
era la dirección :-)

Re: your mail

1999-11-08 Thread Correcaminos
El Mon, Nov 08, 1999 a las 04:51:36PM +0100, Vidarte Ana dijo: 
   He tratado de montar (mount) una unidad para acceder a la disketera.
 De acuerdo con el System Manager, dispongo del dispositivo dev/fd0 asignado
 a /mnt. Sin embargo, no consigo leer el contenido de los ficheros de la
 disketera y copiar dicho contenido en otro directorio.
 ¿alguna sugerencia?

Hola Ana...

Lo has montado en /mnt ?

Lo normal es que lo hubieras montado en /floppy, pero bueno ...

Para ayudarte, lo mejor es que nos envies la linea que te devuelve
el sistema en un próximo mensaje. Asi sabremos lo que te ha pasado.

De todas fromas, intentalo con esta linea:

mount -t auto /dev/fd0 /floppy

Si te sale bien, busca el contenido del disquete en /floppy :)
Luis }:-)

   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Grip y ripperX

1999-11-08 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona

Alguien ha conseguido compilar para slink alguno de los susodichos
programas? O alguna dirección donde encontrarlos?


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Re: none

1999-11-08 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Vidarte Ana [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   He conseguido instalar el sistema operativo Linux sobre una
 partición de un PC con sistema windows NT. Quisiera saber si existe algún
 modo de comunicación entre ambos sistemas de forma que pueda visualizar
 algunos ficheros de un sistema en el otro.

 Yes. Desde linux podrás ver el sistema de ficheros NTFS de NT, pero
 no a la inversa, es experimental y de solo lectura (por lo menos
 hasta lo que conozco, si alguien tiene otras noticias que me puntualice).

   Por otra parte, consigo navegar por los distintos directorios dentro
 del directorio raiz de linux, pero, ¿cómo puedo acceder al contenido de la
 disketera o del cdrom y copiar archivos a otras ubicaciones?

 La disquetera y el cd-rom tienes que montarlos bajo un punto de
 montaje, asi veras el cdrom como otro directorio dentro de la
 estructura igual que el floppy.
 Prueba con

 $ mount /dev/hdc /mnt -t iso9660
 (Si tu cdrom es el dipositivo hdc naturalmente, -t iso9660 es el

 esto lo puedes incluir en el fichero /etc/fstab para poder montarlo
 automaticamente (para más información $ man fstab).

 Copiar desde el cdrom hacia otras ubicaciones es igual que copiar
 entre directorios normales o al floppy.

 $ cp /mnt/directorio.cdrom /home/jonny/java/

 Por ejemplo.


Re: Freeze de Potato


Jordi wrote:
On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 12:07:58AM +0100, Miquel
> > Por si no lo sabeis an, el freeze de Potato se ha postpuesto,
> > mediados de enero. Demasiado trabajo por hacer en los boot-disks,
a parte de
> > un nmero grande de bugs crticos o severos (echad
un vistazo al ltimo
> > util-linux, por ejemplo).
Pero tio, si en esa fecha va a salir el kernel 2.4.x... Vaya los kernels
de Linux se hacen ms
rpido que las distribuciones Debian. Debera haber algo
de sincronizacin. Por lo que
parece, para cuando salga la Debian Potato, saldr con un kernel
que estar obsoleto. :-(


E.T.S.I. INFORMATICA Linux Booting 

Nueva Web: 


1999-11-08 Thread Jon Noble

On lun, 08 nov 1999 08:33:05 Vidarte Ana wrote:
   He conseguido instalar el sistema operativo Linux sobre una
 partición de un PC con sistema windows NT. Quisiera saber si existe algún
 modo de comunicación entre ambos sistemas de forma que pueda visualizar
 algunos ficheros de un sistema en el otro. 
   Por otra parte, consigo navegar por los distintos directorios dentro
 del directorio raiz de linux, pero, ¿cómo puedo acceder al contenido de la
 disketera o del cdrom y copiar archivos a otras ubicaciones?

Haz man mount. El comando mount te permite acceder al floppy, al CD y a a 
cualquier partición que tengas en el HD (por ejemplo de Win).

Un saludo,



1999-11-08 Thread Jon Noble

On lun, 08 nov 1999 16:51:36 Vidarte Ana wrote:
   He tratado de montar (mount) una unidad para acceder a la disketera.
 De acuerdo con el System Manager, dispongo del dispositivo dev/fd0 asignado
 a /mnt. Sin embargo, no consigo leer el contenido de los ficheros de la
 disketera y copiar dicho contenido en otro directorio.

¿Qué comandos ejecutas para montar y copiar?

Un saludo,


Re: problemas bitchx y mutt

1999-11-08 Thread leumas
El Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 06:43:28PM +0100, Raul GN dijo:
 Pues resulta que me acabo de actualizar a la potato (con apt-get) y los 
 acentos, eñes y demas me han desaparecido. Lo raro es que solo en algunos 
 programas como bitchx, mutt, mcedit (cuando lo inicia mutt) pero sin 
 embargo en consola funcionan perfectamente. ¿alguna sugerencia?

a mi el mutt me hacia algunas guarreridas y era porque debia  instalar  el 
 paquete de locales de la potato, y poner LANG=es_ES 

| Miembro de LIMA (Linux Malaga) |
|  |
|   e-mail alternativo ante el   |
|inminente cierre de dhis|
 /  rebeldin es un i486 con   \
| Debian Linux 2.0,Kernel 2.2.12 |

Necesito Información sobre redes

1999-11-08 Thread Lucky

Hola, necesito encontrar informacin 
sobre redes de area local que se puedan implementar en Linux para dar una charla 
en mi empresa para ver si podemos migrar de windos a 

el KwinTV no ve los canales

1999-11-08 Thread Lucky
No puedo sintonizr ningun canal con el KwinTV. No me pilla ni uno. mi
targeta es una AverMedia TVcapture.

Sabeis como arreglarlo?


Skapa cd med contrib/non-free/non-us

1999-11-08 Thread peter karlsson

De officiella cd-avbildningar innehåller ju bara main-arkivet, så jag vill
tillverka en liknande cd (som går att använda i dselect/apt) för contrib-,
non-free- och non-us-delarna, eftersom maskinen som Debian ska installeras
på inte har nätverkskoppling.

Hur gör jag det? Jag har tillgång till en direkt Internetkoppling för att
ladda ner filerna, men jag antar att de måste läggas upp på något speciellt
sätt för att kunna användas, eller?

peter -

486 and printing

1999-11-08 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I've got a little 486 box here doing nothing but gather uptime,
and I'd like to set it up as a printer server.

Unfortunately, it doesn't recognise /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1 or /dev/lp2
as existing:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] # cat  /dev/lp0
bash: /dev/lp0: No such device

Obviously, lprng doesn't work too well :) It's a new build of
2.2.12, with the following stuff:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/src/linux] # grep -e \(PARPORT\|PRINTER\) .config

What could be wrong? Might the parallel port be broken?

alisdair mcdiarmid   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[funny how everything i swore i wouldn't change is different now]

Re: Where is cfdisk gone?

1999-11-08 Thread Cliff Rice
On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 01:51:39AM +0200, Martin Fluch wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Martin Fluch wrote:
  does anybody know, where cfdisk out of util-linux has disapared suddenly?
 (Ops, I forgot to say, I use potato)

I think something is amiss with the util-linux package. I just  
found out it had rdev missing as well.  I do have an older
version I saved which is OK.  The file name is
util-linux_2.9x-1.deb and the date I have is Oct, 25, 1999.
(Download timestamp, not what is on the ftp site here.)
The README's and such have a Sept 21 timestamp in /usr/doc.
After downgrading, I got rdev, cfdisk, etc. back.
The versions I speak of , are from the potato dist.
Oh yeah , the size is  489436. 


[no subject]

1999-11-08 Thread Joanna

Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to have 
the option of running either linux or windows when starting my 



1999-11-08 Thread Aaron Solochek
Yes it is.  This is a very standard thing to do.  A program called
LILO is used for this.  It is installed by default, so all you need to
do it configure it to boot both windows and linux.

-Aaron Solochek

Joanna wrote:

  Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to have the option of running
 either linux or windows when starting my computer? thanksmiguelemail


1999-11-08 Thread Steve Lamb
Sunday, November 07, 1999, 9:52:15 AM, SGaerner wrote:
 I'm running slink and GNOME 1.x with e-15.x. When I call xosview nothing 
 but 'ps ax' says that yosview is running...

Have you upgraded your kernel to the 2.2 series recently?  There is a
problem with the older xosview (slink old) that it does not work with the 2.2

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: quicktime4 player for linux?

1999-11-08 Thread aphro
On Sun, 7 Nov 1999, Phil Brutsche wrote:

pbruts An out-of-date mirror.  The one I listed above is much more up-to-date
pbruts (and is the author's actual homepage).  You should especially check
pbruts and
pbruts  Note that there are no 
pbruts packages available that I know of, so you'll have to compile your own.

great! for compiling, thats not a big deal, my debian box is
more of a slackware machine after all the stuff ive recompiled! :/


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   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Re: MiroPCTV and ATI 128

1999-11-08 Thread aphro
On Sun, 7 Nov 1999, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:

jybarb When I watch TV (xawtv, KDE 1.1.2, kernel 2.2.12), sometimes, it hangs;
jybarb evrything is stuck for # 7-12 seconds, then it goes on; I really mean
jybarb goes on, because if I have a clock opened, the hand of seconds don't
jybarb jump: it go fast from the seconds it was stuck to the good position.

its best to avoid the video4linux drivers in the kernels, they are
somewhat outdated.  try grabbing the latest bttv drivers from the homepage

i use the latest driver with both a TNT and an Imagine 128S2 (XF86 on a hauppauge card(forgot which one, Wincast PCI ?? maybe) and
it works perfectly on both xawtv and kwintv(i prefer kwintv) under
afterstep and kernel 2.2.10.  never had the freeze you are referring
to. It may be a hardware issue..anything show up in the logs during that
freeze ? some kind of errors maybe ..

hope this helps ..


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Re: 486 and printing

1999-11-08 Thread aphro

try going to /dev and typing ./MAKEDEV lp

that should make the lp devices.


On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:

alisda I've got a little 486 box here doing nothing but gather uptime,
alisda and I'd like to set it up as a printer server.
alisda Unfortunately, it doesn't recognise /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1 or /dev/lp2
alisda as existing:
alisda [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] # cat  /dev/lp0
alisda bash: /dev/lp0: No such device
alisda Obviously, lprng doesn't work too well :) It's a new build of
alisda 2.2.12, with the following stuff:
alisda [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/src/linux] # grep -e \(PARPORT\|PRINTER\) 
alisda # CONFIG_PARPORT_OTHER is not set
alisda What could be wrong? Might the parallel port be broken?
alisda Thanks,
alisda -- 
alisda alisdair mcdiarmid   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alisda [funny how everything i swore i wouldn't change is different now]
alisda -- 
alisda Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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6:06pm up 80 days, 5:35, 1 user, load average: 1.53, 1.68, 1.68

Re: and Set locale problems SOLVED

1999-11-08 Thread Gareth
On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Gareth wrote:
   When running the post instal scriupts and a few other things I get
 the message
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LANGUAGE = (unset),
 LC_ALL = (unset),
 LANG = us
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

I discovered that when I upgraded it did ot correctly
change the symlinks in /usr/lib/


Re: fvwm beta packages

1999-11-08 Thread Shao Zhang
It is already in potato...

shao:/home/shao$ apt-cache show fvwm
Package: fvwm
Version: 2.2.3-1
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Maintainer: Julian Gilbey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1), libncurses4 (= 4.2-3.1), libreadlineg2 (=
bstdc++2.10, libxpm4, xlib6g (= 3.3.5-1)
Recommends: fvwm-common
Suggests: m4, cpp, menu (=1.5), fvwmconf (= 0.19-4), rplay (=3.3.2)
Conflicts: fvwm2 ( 2.2), fvwm-beta
Replaces: fvwm2 ( 2.2)
Architecture: i386
Filename: dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/x11/fvwm_2.2.3-1.deb
Size: 808418
MD5sum: ece0ce046ce5392e45d3633589f95268
Description: F(?) Virtual Window Manager, version 2.xx.
 FVWM 2 is an ICCCM-1.1 compliant window manager requiring relatively
 little memory and providing a three-dimensional appearance and a
 virtual desktop, complete with colour icons.
 This package contains version 2.xx, the most recent stable release
 of FVWM.  The old fvwm package (renamed as fvwm1) containing version
 1.24r (the previous stable release) and fvwm can co-exist on a Debian
 You probably also want to install the fvwm-common and menu packages
 for improved functionality and a good supply of icons.  For the audio
 modules (FvwmEvent and the deprecated FvwmAudio), you probably want
 the rplay package.
installed-size: 1730

Dale Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know if the beta fvwm2 2.3.x have been packaged for Debian.
 I have tried to find this information but have had no luck. If so could
 someone point me to where I could find these packages.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Potato's pon/poff

1999-11-08 Thread John Hasler
David J. Kanter writes:
 pon works, but poff doesn't. poff complains that /bin/kill doesn't exist.
 Looking at poff, KILL=/bin/kill, and sure enough there isn't a /bin/kill.
 What am I missing here?

Upgrade procps.  There was a buggy one uploaded recently that was missing
kill.  It was promptly fixed, but you must have upgraded in the interim.

 Instead I've been typing killall -9 pppd. It works.

Don't use -9.  That doesn't give pppd a chance to shutdown gracefully.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

alsa, cs4236b and debian?

1999-11-08 Thread jack

I want to give alsa a shot for my cs4236b sound card.  However, still no
go.  If you happen to have the same soundcard, pls give me some advice how
to set it up right.



// I have all alsa debian packages downloaded already.

[Solved] Re: Adding a style to TeX

1999-11-08 Thread Damon Muller
Hi folks,

thanks to those who replied to my question about adding a style to TeX.
Turns out, the problem was that I'm an idiot, as I had commented out the
line to use that package before I installed it, and never remembered to
uncomment the line. :)



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 

Ok... I hate dselect. How can I fix this?

1999-11-08 Thread Aaron Solochek
I remeber haveing heard something about timezone being an obselete
package, but i wasn't sure.  So, I stumbled upon it while looking for
netdate, which disappeared, and I thought I could check to see if it was
no longer used by selecting it and seeing what it said.  Well, it said
it conflicted with A TON of stuff, all of which is dselected for me.
Well, I resized the eterm so I could get a bigger view of what it was
doing, and dselect crashed.  So when I went back in, just about every
package on my computer was marked for removal.  I went though all 500 or
so packages and re-selected the packages so it wouldn't delete them, but
now I still get errors, and it doesn't seem to advance at all.  Things
are breaking now, (windowmaker now segfaults due to gaim sometimes, and
irssi segfaults) and I just want things back the way the were.  Any
advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

-Aaron Solochek

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  anacron asmail cdrdao cdwrite ctwm dotfile-ipfwadm dotfile-procmail
dxpc elm-me+ epic floatbg
  fmirror fvwm95 gaim gcal ical icewm irssi* joe lftp lha mirrordir mtr
rsh-client rsync ruari-diff
  rxvt sendfile signify sigrot the tkmail tkrat tkstep8.0* trn urlview
uudeview vim vim-rt vrweb
  vtwm wget wm2 wmload wmmail wmnet worklog xbanner xbuffy xcal xcoral
xmotd xodo xserver-svga
  xserver-vga16 xspread xtv xview-clients xviewg xvt xzoom zed zile
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  expect5.31 tkstep4.2
6 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 63 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Need to get 0B/3032kB of archives. After unpacking 38.9MB will be freed.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
100% [Scanning packages]
(Reading database ... 37920 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace eterm 0.8.9-11 (using .../eterm_0.8.10-1_i386.deb)
Checking available versions of eterm-pixmaps, updating links in
/etc/alternatives ...
(You may modify the symlinks there yourself if desired - see `man ln'.)
Leaving eterm-pixmaps (/usr/share/Eterm/pix/pixmaps.list) pointing to
Checking available versions of x-terminal-emulator, updating links in
/etc/alternatives ...
(You may modify the symlinks there yourself if desired - see `man ln'.)
Leaving x-terminal-emulator (/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator) pointing to
Leaving x-terminal-emulator.1.gz
(/usr/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz) pointing to
Unpacking replacement eterm ...
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/eterm_0.8.10-1_i386.deb
 trying to overwrite `/usr/share/Eterm/pix/40.png', which is also in
package eterm-backgrounds
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Checking available versions of eterm-pixmaps, updating links in
/etc/alternatives ...
(You may modify the symlinks there yourself if desired - see `man ln'.)
Leaving eterm-pixmaps (/usr/share/Eterm/pix/pixmaps.list) pointing to
Checking available versions of x-terminal-emulator, updating links in
/etc/alternatives ...
(You may modify the symlinks there yourself if desired - see `man ln'.)
Leaving x-terminal-emulator (/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator) pointing to
Leaving x-terminal-emulator.1.gz
(/usr/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz) pointing to
cannot open dhelp file '/usr/doc/eterm/.dhelp': at
/usr/sbin/install-docs line 559.
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall
Press enter to continue.

Setting up eterm (0.8.9-11) ...
Checking available versions of eterm-pixmaps, updating links in
/etc/alternatives ...
(You may modify the symlinks there yourself if desired - see `man ln'.)
Leaving eterm-pixmaps (/usr/share/Eterm/pix/pixmaps.list) pointing to
Checking available versions of x-terminal-emulator, updating links in
/etc/alternatives ...
(You may modify the symlinks there yourself if desired - see `man ln'.)
Leaving x-terminal-emulator (/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator) pointing to
Leaving x-terminal-emulator.1.gz
(/usr/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz) pointing to
installation script returned error exit status 100.
Press RETURN to continue.

gpg bug/problem?

1999-11-08 Thread Adam Shand


a couple days ago i decided to change over from pgp5 to gnupgp.  it's gone
fairly painlessly except some keys that i try to import give me this
error no matter what i do:

heyzeus(larry)$ gpg --recv-keys E8DA6B27  
gpg: requesting key E8DA6B27 from ...
gpg: key E8DA6B27: no valid user IDs
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:   w/o user IDs: 1

now pgp5 handled this key just fine so i'm assuming it's a
bug/incompatibility but before i bug the author i'd like to know if i'm just
being stupid or if there is a known work around.

i'm using gnupg 1.0.0-3 from unstable.


[PHILADELPHIA] MIME Solutions: Using Debian's mime-support Package

1999-11-08 Thread Chris Fearnley

The Philadelphia Area Debian Society (PADS)


MIME Solutions: Using Debian's mime-support Package

 Wednesday 17 November 1999, 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
 Chris Fearnley, Senior Vice President Technology, LinuxForce Inc.
 Towne Pizza  Sub Shop
 1900 Pine ST
 Philadelphia, PA


 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is the preferred
 way to attach files in the Internet world. But Debian (even with
 Netscape and WordPerfect installed) often fails to handle attachments
 transparently. We will examine policy and practice looking for a solution
 to this often agravating problem.


 Please see the web page ( to follow
 instructions to participate in the keysigning sessions of the meeting.


 Attendees are invited to gather for dinner prior to the meeting at 7:00 PM
 at Towne Pizza, 1900 Pine Stree, Philadelphia, PA. 

 Web Page: 

Christopher J. Fearnley  |  LinuxForce Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  Senior Vice President Technology|  Design Science Revolutionary
Dare to be Naïve -- Bucky Fuller

Re: AHA2940U2W... AND MAtrox G400...

1999-11-08 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 05:04:42PM -0500, Daniel Ferrante wrote:
   I got the disks above and I was able to install my Debian (after
 a while of strugle with NT... removed it... ;) Anyway, now I am getting a
 warning message from LILO saying that my hard drive is not the first
   I have a SCSI Zip Drive as /dev/sda and a SCSI HD as /dev/sdb. I
 compiled my kernel twice: once WITH support for generic SCSI and the other
 WIHOUT it (only with the aic7xxx support, once my zip is connected to
 it...)! None of them worked out... Now it won't boot!  I mean, LILO is
 able to run and - apparently - install itself in the MBR of /dev/sdb, but
 it gives me this warning message saying that this is not my first drive! I
 have no ideas left... Any help???

I had similiar problem (I have IDE and SCSI drives).
I think in your case a solution is (in lilo.conf):

   disk=/dev/sdb bios=0x80


Re: AHA2940U2W...

1999-11-08 Thread Onno

This is an old bug in slink. There are boot floppies for
the AHA 2940 U2W someware. Look in the mail archives.



At 03:33 PM 11/6/99 -0500, Daniel Ferrante wrote:

Hi Folks,

Is it possible for someone to give me a help with this issue? I am
trying to install Debian 2.1 in my machine, but I am getting a hang right
after th CD boots...

On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Nick Phillips wrote:

  I am trying to install Debian 2.1 in my computer. I have an
  Adaptec 2940U2W SCSI Host adapter and Linux is hanging right after
  detecting it...
  Any help?!

 It's been a while, but so far as I remember, the 2940U2W (AIC7890) is not
 supported by the drivers in slink (slink is about the same age as the
 AIC7890, give or take), and you'll either need to build a kernel either 

 the 7890 drivers patched in, or get one recent enough to support it without

 Unfortunately this makes booting from the slink CD rather difficult. When
 I did it, I installed onto an IDE disk, built a kernel to suit the 7890,
 used cpio to copy the system over onto the SCSI drive, set LILO up, and
 finally removed the IDE drive. If you can't manage it any other way, I'm
 sure someone will be able to send you a boot floppy or two...

 If anyone else has any better ideas...

Could somebody help me with the kernel! I don't have any means to
install another HD and I don't have access to any Linux box around here
(I'm pretty isolated... surronded by WinBlows...)

If someone could send me the boot floppies I'd be happy to send
them back as soon as I finish the installation, otherwise, one can attach
the files that I need to rawrite to the floppies.

Thanks in advance,



Daniel Doro Ferrante  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network  System Manager
Physics Graduate Student - Brown University
Course of Molecular Sciences - USP:

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: [PHILADELPHIA] MIME Solutions: Using Debian's mime-support Package

1999-11-08 Thread Joseph Carter
On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 01:02:23AM -0500, Chris Fearnley wrote:
 The Philadelphia Area Debian Society (PADS)
 MIME Solutions: Using Debian's mime-support Package

You know, it'd be really cool if when people do these things someone takes
a laptop with them (and not the purring kind) and takes down a general
summary of events as they happen..

Such things would be nice for those who couldn't attend (busy that night
or live halfway around the world) especially if there's some technical
how-to information presented.  Also archives of this kind of stuff would
be great for new maintainers.

- Joseph Carter GnuPG public key:   1024D/DCF9DAB3, 2048g/3F9C2A43
- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC  44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3
* o-o always like debmake because he knew exactly what it would do...
ibid o-o: you would ;-)

Description: PGP signature

Can't print from one Debian machine to another

1999-11-08 Thread Alec Smith
In the past I've been able to print from one Debian 2.1 box to another
Debian 2.1 box without difficulty. However I recently reinstalled
Debian on the server machine, and can't do any printing from
remote machines unless I'm using Samba. I'd like to know what's going on
so I can get back to a normal configuration involving just lpr/lpd.

The error given on the workstation side is: 
rs229038: /usr/sbin/lpd: lp: Your host does not have line printer access

The Workstation setup:

Debian 2.1 / kernel 2.3.25
Machine IP:

/etc/printcap looks like:

lp|dj870|HP DeskJet 870Cse:\

The server box:

Debian 2.1 / kernel 2.2.13
Machine IP:

/etc/hosts.allow has:

ALL: 130.108.229

/etc/hosts.lpd has:

ALL: 130.108.229

Printing on the server machine itself works fine, so the /etc/printcap
there should be OK. Any ideas where to go next? I'd be happy to provide
any additional information that's needed.

Alec Smith

Where's man?

1999-11-08 Thread Oki DZ

I've been looking around for man package in to no avail.
Would anybody please tell me the package where man resides?

Thanks in advance,

Re: installation and such

1999-11-08 Thread Oki DZ

Mock Ko wrote:
 I'm pretty much now at the give-up point in trying to
 install debian.

No need to, IMHO.
 This is indeed a very hard thing for me to do, since I
 used to install 68k bsd systems manually (building
 scripts to mknod all the devices and such).

I used to install Linux using Slackware distribution; IMO Debian is a
lot easier.
 I have now downloaded the ENTIRE debian tree, hoping
 that would help, but all I've done is waste download


 This is now my 6th attempt at installing debian.  I
 have so far not made it past the dselect phase even

I think using dselect could be a confusing phase for Debian beginners.
It is pretty useful because it has descriptions that give you some
picture about what you want to install. But I think, apt-get is much
more easier, especially if you already know the packages you'd like to

I installed Debian on a SparcClassic several days ago; I was about lost
in space, but fortunately this mailing-list talks a lot about apt-get,
so I tried it. Besides, all I want to have is several Internet daemons
like sendmail, apache, fetchmail, etc.; so I think that directly using
apt-get would be easier than dselect. It's easier, indeed, all I have to
do is to lookup looking for available packages and then
type: apt-get install sendmail (for installing the mail server). The
cute thing about apt-get is that, if the connection get disconnected (I
did that via a modem), the next retry will start right where you left
it; a nice way of minimizing download time due to errors in comm. link.

My only concern is that Debian base-install doesn't include telnetd; I'm
not sure why. It seems that Debian wants to make sure that the
installers know what they are doing with telnetd; without including it
in the distribution, there's a little chance that telnetd would be
sitting there unconfigured. But I had expected that telnetd would have
been there (in the base-install), and when I figured it out that it
wasn't, I jumped into conclusion that Debian was a Windows NT
 All I want to do is install a base system with tcp-ip
 and ipx networking, dhcpcd, X, and a basic window
 manager, so that I can go and get the latest kde, run
 some kind of GUI package manager, and then install any
 other things as I need them.

Just take a look at and see all available packages, mark
what you need (type them down if you need to). Then, login to root on
your Debian machine and type:
apt-get install your_package
You don't need to type in the version numbers, just the name of the
package (no .deb either).

 Is there any way I can do this with Debian, or should
 I be seeking a different distribution?

Well, feel free to do so, but I think apt-get is pretty cool. It's worth
to mention also that it takes 11 floppies to get a bootable (from
harddisk) system (it may take 30+ floppies for other systems).


Re: updating of CMOS clock

1999-11-08 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
LP For your BIOS : simply set your CMOS clock to the GMT time :

I am being a bit daft but do you mean that I should go into my BIOS and
change the time to whatever the equivalent GMT time is ? There doesn't
seem to be any option in the BIOS that explicitly sets/specifies GMT
time. The only option in my system's BIOS related to time is :

 Standard CMOS Setup - {Date, Time}

Thats what the poster wanted you to change.

However, I myself would do the following:

1. With computer booted, edit /etc/default/rcS and sent GMT as required:

Here is the relevant setting from my /etc/default/rcS:

# Set GMT=-u if your system clock is set to GMT, and GMT= if not.

(I think this has changed for potato).

2. Now updated you CMOS clock by typing in:

/etc/init.d/ stop

at least a similar procedure worked for me, and means you don't have to
manually reenter the time anywhere

(really dumb idiotic off-topic question - is it possible to setup
Windoze so that it will work when the CMOS clock is GMT? My guess: Of
course not!)

Running X-Displays of win9x

1999-11-08 Thread Peter Ludwig
Just a quick note, has anyone know a program that can be easily setup that
will allow win9x to connect to the x-windows server on a linux box?

I'm trying to set this up in two places one isn't really important, just
my place, but the other one is for a business, we'd like to be able to
provide some of our customers with that capability (we provide accounting
software that runs off the linux server, and we'd like them not to
actually have physical access to the server...)

All help will be appreciated, even man page references grin.  Programs,
etc that will be required will be organised, we just would like to be able
to provide this to our customers :-)

Peter Ludwig

Re: Lynx and .deb

1999-11-08 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:

Pressing d or D on the .deb file links downloads them fine, AS TEXT.
and alas, quite nonfunctional ...   But I did get the source files and
compiled it eventually.

For the Linux version, whats the difference?

I am sure I have quite successfully downloaded a number of binary files
using D.

Only problem I have is sometimes Lynx will abort a long transfer without
displaying any error message, so the user is left with an smaller the
desired file and wondering why it is currupt. There is a long standing
bug report against Lynx on this, including a patch (I don't think it has
ever been integrated but I haven't got any response from the maintainer,

So, whenever you download a file with Lynx, check that the destination
file size is correct.

Re: Where's man?

1999-11-08 Thread Ed Cogburn
Oki DZ wrote:
 I've been looking around for man package in to no avail.
 Would anybody please tell me the package where man resides?
 Thanks in advance,

With potato, the package name is 'man-db', and the man pages
themselves are in 'manpages' packages.

Ed C.

Re: Where's man?

1999-11-08 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 03:00:33PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
 I've been looking around for man package in to no avail.
 Would anybody please tell me the package where man resides?

In my version of slink, there is a man package in the doc section of
debian main.  However, on, it seems to be gone.
There is a man-db package
( that seems
to provide the man command according to the description.  Does anyone
know what happened to the vanilla man package?


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

isos for potato

1999-11-08 Thread Mark Sumner

Could anyone tell me either a) When cd images for potato will be available
and from where or b) if there is any way I can create these myself, as I
do not wish to rsync to get an official cd image (which would be slink I

Cheers for any help offered


Re: quicktime4 player for linux?

1999-11-08 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 06:10:32PM -0800, aphro wrote:
 On Sun, 7 Nov 1999, Phil Brutsche wrote:
 pbruts An out-of-date mirror.  The one I listed above is much more up-to-date
 pbruts (and is the author's actual homepage).  You should especially check
 pbruts and
 pbruts  Note that there are no 
 pbruts packages available that I know of, so you'll have to compile your own.
 great! for compiling, thats not a big deal, my debian box is
 more of a slackware machine after all the stuff ive recompiled! :/


$ dpkg -l xanim*
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  xanim   2.80.1-8   Plays multimedia files (animations, pictures
ii  xanim-modules   Installer for xanim binary-only modules

$ dpkg -L xanim-modules
/usr/sbin/update-xanim-modules - ;)

$ ls -l /usr/lib/xanim/
total 670
-rw-r--r--1 root root 4577 Mar 17  1999 cvid.readme
-rw-r--r--1 root root 4085 Mar 17  1999 cyuv.readme
-rw-r--r--1 root root 6906 Mar 17  1999 h261.readme
-rw-r--r--1 root root 7436 Mar 17  1999 h263.readme
-rw-r--r--1 root root 4591 Mar 17  1999 iv32.readme
-rw-r--r--1 root root 4574 Mar 17  1999 iv41.readme
-rw-r--r--1 root root 4580 Mar 17  1999 iv50.readme
-rw-r--r--1 root root 7176 Mar 17  1999 
-rw-r--r--1 root root 2964 Mar 17  1999 
-rw-r--r--1 root root72416 Mar 17  1999 
-rw-r--r--1 root root   141660 Mar 17  1999 
-rw-r--r--1 root root   108776 Mar 17  1999 
-rw-r--r--1 root root   203452 Mar 17  1999 
-rw-r--r--1 root root   100317 Mar 17  1999 
-rw-r--r--1 root root  511 Oct 26 10:13 xanim-modules


Re: MiroPCTV and ATI 128

1999-11-08 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 06:19:56PM -0800, aphro wrote:
 its best to avoid the video4linux drivers in the kernels, they are
 somewhat outdated.  try grabbing the latest bttv drivers from the homepage
 i use the latest driver with both a TNT and an Imagine 128S2 (XF86 on a hauppauge card(forgot which one, Wincast PCI ?? maybe) and
 it works perfectly on both xawtv and kwintv(i prefer kwintv) under

That might be the problem, I missunderstood some of the README, and the
v4l-conf is still here.

I'm gonna try kwintv too ;)

 afterstep and kernel 2.2.10.  never had the freeze you are referring
 to. It may be a hardware issue..anything show up in the logs during that
 freeze ? some kind of errors maybe ..

The entries seems normal in all .log, except in message.x, I've got some
-- MARK -- lines; don't know what that is.

Thanks Nate
Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 An engineer is someone who does list processing in FORTRAN.


1999-11-08 Thread 1netshop
[EMAIL PROTECTED], ±aµ¹§A§ó¦h¤è«K¤ÎµÛ¼Æ¡C
(¤@) ¥X¥~´ç°² 
¥|´Úºë¿ï¹Î, µ´¹ï¶W­ÈÀu´f¯qºô¤Í¡C 
- º~«°¤s¤«´ò¤ô¤f¬u´ç°²§ø¤­¤Ñ¹Î¡C¸Ô±¡½Ð¨ì:||2
- ¤E¹ë·¾, ¦¨³£¤»¤Ñ¹Î¡C¸Ô±¡½Ð¨ì:||4
- ¦è¦w¡B¾G¦{¡B¤ÖªL¦x¡B¬¥¶§¡B¶}«Ê¤K¤Ñ¯èªÅ¹Î¡C¸Ô±¡½Ð¨ì:||5
- ¥Û®a²ø¡BÀÙ«n¡B¦±ªú¡B®õ¦w¡B«C®q¤K¤Ñ¯èªÅ¹Î¡C¸Ô±¡½Ð¨ì:||3
(¤G) ¦Û¿ï¤â´£¹q¸Ü¸¹½XªA°È 
 ºô¤W´z¤â¹q¸¹½X, §ä­Ó§A­Ó¤H³ß·Rªº¹q¸Ü¸¹½X¤~¥X¾÷¡C
(¤T) ¦Y³Üª±¼Ö¦b²`¦` 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@©w¤£·|¥O§A¥¢±æ¡C 
To unsubscribe, please send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

building openssh on slink

1999-11-08 Thread Marc Haber
Taking this over to debian-user since I don't think this discussion
has a place on debian-devel. Subject fixed, too.

Cc: to Markus, just in case you don't read debian-user ;-)

On 08 Nov 1999 08:47:56 +0200, Markus Stenberg wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Haber) writes:
 On 03 Nov 1999 03:19:00 +, you wrote:
 I've just uploaded OpenSSH, the binary package for which I've called
 ``ssh'' so it will replace the non-free version in due course.
 Good work, thanks.

Agreed. I dislike the choice of package name, though - breaking all
existing installations at once isn't very neat way of doing things - even
with disclaimers. We had IDEA as default cipher[1], for example :P

 |configure: error: *** libcrypto missing - please install first ***
 |make: *** [build-stamp] Error 1
 |[EMAIL PROTECTED]/528]:~/devel/packages/openssh/openssh-1.2pre7$
 torres is a slink system, and I can't seem to find libcrypto. It's
 neither in main nor non-US for either slink or potato and it also
 can't be found on

[EMAIL PROTECTED] »cat /etc/debian_version 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] »dpkg -S /usr/lib/
libssl09-dev: /usr/lib/

I see...

However, building openssh on a slink system seems to be a major
undertaking since the openssh package needs pam. I tried compiling
libpam on slink, but failed. After pulling a bunch of packages that
potato-pam needs though the compiler, I can't figure out the next

|gcc -O2 
 -fPIC -DPAM_DYNAMIC   -c pam_userdb.c -o dynamic/pam_userdb.o
|pam_userdb.c: In function `user_lookup':
|pam_userdb.c:93: `DBM' undeclared (first use this function)
|pam_userdb.c:93: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
|pam_userdb.c:93: for each function it appears in.)
|pam_userdb.c:93: `dbm' undeclared (first use this function)
|pam_userdb.c:93: warning: statement with no effect
|pam_userdb.c:94: `datum' undeclared (first use this function)
|pam_userdb.c:94: parse error before `key'
|pam_userdb.c:97: warning: implicit declaration of function `dbm_open'
|pam_userdb.c:105: `key' undeclared (first use this function)
|pam_userdb.c:105: warning: implicit declaration of function `dbm_firstkey'
|pam_userdb.c:105: warning: implicit declaration of function `dbm_nextkey'
|pam_userdb.c:106: `data' undeclared (first use this function)
|pam_userdb.c:106: warning: implicit declaration of function `dbm_fetch'
|pam_userdb.c:129: warning: implicit declaration of function `dbm_close'
|pam_userdb.c: In function `pam_sm_authenticate':
|pam_userdb.c:179: warning: passing arg 3 of `pam_get_item' from incompatible 
pointer type
|make[3]: *** [dynamic/pam_userdb.o] Error 1

Did anybody out there manage to successfully build an openssh package
for slink?

   Sue me - that's because some ssh clients/servers in non-Linux world
didn't support blowfish, and 3des is .. hm. untrustworthy, in my eyes.

*shuffle* phew, TeraTerm ssh can do blowfish ;-)


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

replacing the standard mta with qmail (Re: Question about dselect)

1999-11-08 Thread Joost Kooij

On Sun, 7 Nov 1999, Bastard Operator From Hell wrote:

 I recently replaced exim with qmail as that is what I have to administer at
 work and I would rather glitch something up at home vs on-the-job.

There is some additional effort required to install qmail, you have to
compile your own debs, as the licence prohibits distributing those.

Because of this, dselect doesn't know about the qmail debs in the same way
as it knows about the regular debs from the debian archive.  

 Slight problem though, when I removed exim, dselect also wanted to remove
 all of my MTA and mail related packages (i.e.: af, anacron, at, elm-me+,
 fmirror, logrotate, mailx and mutt), so of course, I exited the Select
 phase of dselect with the Q option to force it to ignore the depends.

You should not use dselect to replace your mta.  Dselect is a great tool
to manage dependencies, but in this case, you really want to _work_around_
dependencies, making dselect the wrong tool for this particular job.

You can not (easily anyway[1]) use dselect to install qmail, because there
is no archive containing pre-built qmail.deb.  

  [1] Okay, so you can actually use dselect with non-regular archives, but
  it's not worth doing in this case anyway.

This is what you want to do:

  1. get qmail source and build a deb:
apt-get install qmail-src
cd qmail-src-*
fakeroot debian/rules binary
cd ..

  ( 1a.  maybe do the same for ucspi-tcp-src:)

  2. carefully remove the old mta, while disregarding other packages

dpkg --force-depends --remove exim

  3. install the qmail.deb (perhaps also ucspi-tcp*deb):
dpkg --install qmail*deb

That's all there should be to it.  Now, you can continue using dselect for
all you daily updates and standard package installations and removals. The
only package that it cannot update automatically is qmail, because there
is no qmail.deb in the archive.  

If you decide however to keep qmail-src.deb installed on your system, you
will be able to notice every update of that package.  You can then rebuild
a local qmail.deb and install it manually.  This time, there are no
force flags needed to dselect.

Notice that when you run dselect, it will show the installed status of
the qmail package, but it knows only the installed version, not the
available version, because there is no official archive version of the
qmail.deb.  For the same reason, dselect classifies the package as
Obsolete/local Unclassified packages without a section.  This is nothing
to worry about.

 Imagine my surprise when deselect informed me that it would be removing
 the packages that I _thought_ I had forced to stay installed.

Are you sure that wasn't _apt_ telling you that?  Apt has a mind of its
own (which is usually a good thing) about resolving dependencies and
conflicts.  It makes similar calculations about package dependencies as
dselect, because it has to know in what order best to install the
downloaded packages.

Most of the time, this behaviour is a feature.  In your case, it
interferes with what you're trying to do.  At least dselect will let you
override dselect's opinion of packages to be (de)selected, apt is more
strict in these things and won't be overridden AFAIK[2].

  [2] Then again, I didn't read all of the apt documentation that
  meticulously yet, YMMV

 Now, this doesn't hurt me too badly as I am capable of manually installing
 software, but it does mean that the automatic check for critical updates, etc.
 that dselect does are now unavailable on this system.

This is unnecessary when done right.  You only lose the ability to
automatically update qmail.deb.  All other packages (including
qmail-src.deb) will still be upgradable using dselect, as usually.

 I'm posting to the devel list since this seems to be a problem with dselect
 rather than operator error (or at least the RTFM on the man pages, HOWTO's and
 user/devel list archives didn't turn up anything usefull).

I'm adding debian-user to the cc:, since I figure this isn't the first
time and probably isn't the last time either that dpkg/dselect/apt confuse
people, not in the least because many aspects aren't very well documented.



Creating contrib/non-free/non-us cd

1999-11-08 Thread peter karlsson

Since the official cd images only contain the 'main' archive, I would like
to create a similar cd, useable by dselect/apt, for the contrib, non-free
and non-us parts of Debian, since the machine that Debian is to be installed
on does not have a network connection.

How do I go about to do this? I have access to machines with direct Internet
connection to download the files, but I gather they need to be arranged in
some special way to be useable, right?

Thanks in advance,
peter -

HELP: apt = E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuraton ...

1999-11-08 Thread Bruno Boettcher

long back since the last big problem with potato... :(

tryed an update today, and after lots of errors got now into this state, apt
reports back :
Need to get 0B/10.3MB of archives. After unpacking 340kB will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuraton

and nothing more 
i downloaded the latest potato apt, tryed to install, but:
yoda:/usr/local/archives# dpkg -i apt_0.3.13.deb 
(Reading database ... 78970 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace apt 0.3.13 (using apt_0.3.13.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement apt ...
dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute old post-removal script: No such file or
dpkg: warning - old post-removal script returned error exit status 2
dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute new post-removal script: No such file or
dpkg: error processing apt_0.3.13.deb (--install):
 subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 2
dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute new post-removal script: No such file or
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

what can i do to de-vloc this situation? removing of actual apt is not
possible, the tool wants the conflicitng packages removed first sort of
cat biting its tail

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

Re: Running X-Displays of win9x

1999-11-08 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I've had good luck with VNC -

On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 07:29:40PM +1000, Peter Ludwig wrote:
 Just a quick note, has anyone know a program that can be easily setup that
 will allow win9x to connect to the x-windows server on a linux box?
 I'm trying to set this up in two places one isn't really important, just
 my place, but the other one is for a business, we'd like to be able to
 provide some of our customers with that capability (we provide accounting
 software that runs off the linux server, and we'd like them not to
 actually have physical access to the server...)
 All help will be appreciated, even man page references grin.  Programs,
 etc that will be required will be organised, we just would like to be able
 to provide this to our customers :-)

gdb version in slink: 4.17-4.m68k.objc.threads.hwwp.fpu.gnat.3

1999-11-08 Thread Robert Varga

What does the m68k mean in gdb? Is it only m68k, or what the heck does
that mean???

Robert Varga

Re: Running X-Displays of win9x

1999-11-08 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
Peter Ludwig wrote:

 Just a quick note, has anyone know a program that can be easily setup that
 will allow win9x to connect to the x-windows server on a linux box?

Try  X-Win32 is the software you have to download and install.

It's easy to use (at least to me).

I have runned it a lot (till i've cleaned my harddisks from M$). If you need 
help in using it mail me.

ps. It's a commercial program with 30 days trial period.


Re: Running X-Displays of win9x

1999-11-08 Thread Kecskemethy Zoltan
A perfect soft but it is not free!

_oO Kecsi 0o_

ps: i apologize i think this is offtopic but i cant answer his mail addr.

Re: stdio.h: no such file or directory

1999-11-08 Thread Paul Miller
The libc6-dev package contains the file /usr/include/stdio.h

T.V.Gnanasekaran wrote:
 i upgraded to potato from slink thru apt-get method.
 when i try to compile my kernel, i get
 stdio.h: no such file or directory
 and other header files are missing. I thoroughly searched
 the disk using locate as well as find but these devel
 lib header files seem to be missing.
 which package contains these?

Paul Miller

Where do all the bits go when the computer is done with them?

Re: fvwm beta packages

1999-11-08 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Dale Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know if the beta fvwm2 2.3.x have been packaged for Debian.

Shao Zhang wrote:

 It is already in potato...
 shao:/home/shao$ apt-cache show fvwm
 Package: fvwm
 Version: 2.2.3-1

No it's not.

Re: Problems printing from one box to another

1999-11-08 Thread David Wright
Quoting Alec Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 In the past I've been able to print from one Debian 2.1 box to another
 Debian 2.1 box without difficulty. However I recently reinstalled
 Debian 2.1 on the server machine, and can't do any printing from
 remote machines unless I'm using Samba. I'd like to know what's going on
 so I can get back to a normal configuration involving just lpr/lpd.


 /etc/hosts.allow has:
 ALL: 130.108.229
 /etc/hosts.lpd has:
 ALL: 130.108.229

I only allow certain machines access and have their full addresses in
.lpd (.allow is empty). But don't you need the dot after 229 to make it
match the fourth octet? (I don't have ALL: either.)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: building openssh on slink

1999-11-08 Thread Robert Varga

  Sue me - that's because some ssh clients/servers in non-Linux world
 didn't support blowfish, and 3des is .. hm. untrustworthy, in my eyes.
 *shuffle* phew, TeraTerm ssh can do blowfish ;-)

SecureCRT can also do blowfish.

By the way, which transfer encoding should be selected over which one?
What are the usability terms and anyway the differences between each

Robert Varga

Re: replacing the standard mta with qmail (Re: Question about dselect)

1999-11-08 Thread Robert Varga

On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Joost Kooij wrote:

 On Sun, 7 Nov 1999, Bastard Operator From Hell wrote:
  I recently replaced exim with qmail as that is what I have to administer at
  work and I would rather glitch something up at home vs on-the-job.
 There is some additional effort required to install qmail, you have to
 compile your own debs, as the licence prohibits distributing those.
 Because of this, dselect doesn't know about the qmail debs in the same way
 as it knows about the regular debs from the debian archive.  

You can alway create a local package repository with which you can use
dselect. It is quite easy, to tell the truth:

1. create a directory B in any directory A.
2. put all packages you have built in directory B. Don't maintain section
hierarchy. If you want to, then use the appropriate switch for
dpkg-scanpackages in step 4. 
3. put the following line in /etc/apt/sources.list:

 deb file:/A/ B/

 (of course replace A and B, and keep the space before B)
4. cd A
   dpkg-scanpackages B /dev/null  B/Packages

Execute step 4. if you have put or taken any packages to/from the
directory B.

After this you can switch to apt retrieve method in dselect, and it will
see your packages. Probably you should download the latest apt for your
distribution. It is somewhere around 0.3.10slink11 for slink and I don't
know where I got it from. For potato just download it from the debian
mirror of your choice.

  Slight problem though, when I removed exim, dselect also wanted to remove
  all of my MTA and mail related packages (i.e.: af, anacron, at, elm-me+,
  fmirror, logrotate, mailx and mutt), so of course, I exited the Select
  phase of dselect with the Q option to force it to ignore the depends.
 You should not use dselect to replace your mta.  Dselect is a great tool
 to manage dependencies, but in this case, you really want to _work_around_
 dependencies, making dselect the wrong tool for this particular job.
 You can not (easily anyway[1]) use dselect to install qmail, because there
 is no archive containing pre-built qmail.deb.  

You can do it the way I described previously. You just select exim for
purging and select qmail and ucspi-tcp for installing. You should probably
install dot-forward as well if you have users with .forward files.

Take care to use ucspi-tcp 0.84 for qmail 1.03.

 That's all there should be to it.  Now, you can continue using dselect for
 all you daily updates and standard package installations and removals. The
 only package that it cannot update automatically is qmail, because there
 is no qmail.deb in the archive.  

It does not really evolve too fast anyway :)

 Notice that when you run dselect, it will show the installed status of
 the qmail package, but it knows only the installed version, not the
 available version, because there is no official archive version of the
 qmail.deb.  For the same reason, dselect classifies the package as
 Obsolete/local Unclassified packages without a section.  This is nothing
 to worry about.

It does not come up if you create a proper local repository :)

Robert Varga

Seperate DEB package for pico

1999-11-08 Thread Bart Szyszka

I could have sworn that a few weeks back someone posted about
a DEB package for just pico (the text editor that comes with pine)
that was separate from pine, but I can't find that post in the archives.
Am I imagining things?

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Getting GNOME to start from Enlightenment

1999-11-08 Thread Patrick Kirk

Hi all,

I want to elegance of E with the usefulness of GNOME. 
But when I try to start GNOME from an eterm, I get this...

$ panel/dev/dsp: Permission denied 

Anyone seen it before?

Help please.


Re: Creating contrib/non-free/non-us cd

1999-11-08 Thread Michelle Konzack
???   ???   ???   ???   ???   ???   ???   ???   ???   ???   ???   ???   ???


I do not know, why do you want to create it, because I had bought the 
4-CD-Distribution from Debian 2.1 SLINK and there are all on it.
Two CD's are binaries and two CD's are source codes.

Oh yes, I have payed US$ 30,- for the 4 CD's.

Webmistress Michelle

At 13:18 08.11.1999 +0100, you wrote
 This was the original Message:
MKSince the official cd images only contain the 'main' archive, I would like
MKto create a similar cd, useable by dselect/apt, for the contrib, non-free
MKand non-us parts of Debian, since the machine that Debian is to be
MKon does not have a network connection.
MKHow do I go about to do this? I have access to machines with direct
MKconnection to download the files, but I gather they need to be arranged in
MKsome special way to be useable, right?
MKThanks in advance,
 The Reply begins not here, it is at the beginning ^


If you get this Mail from a mailing-list and you answer, please do 
not CC: me, post it only to the list, otherwise I get all twice .

| Michelle's Internet Service  |   .~.
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| Michelle, Andrea-Cinderella Konzack  |  // \\   
| 11, rue de Rosheim   | /(   )\  
| 67000 Strasbourg - France|  ^`~'^   
| Mob. 0033 / (0) |
|  | powered by Linux 
| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |      
|  |  solutions  for  
|   currently off-line |  smart penguins  

Re: Creating contrib/non-free/non-us cd

1999-11-08 Thread peter karlsson
Peter S Galbraith:

 contrib is on the official CDs.

Hmmm, okay.

 You can fetch the non-free and non-us structure using a tool such
 as wget.

Yes, but will it then be in a way that can be used in a simple way together
with dselect/apt?

peter -

Lock up on Boot at XFS?

1999-11-08 Thread Jon Hughes

I just attempted to install X3.3.5 from the TGZ files
I DLed from  This has worked once before
but this time when the computer reboots it stops on
bootup.  The last thing itw as attempting to start was
the X Fonts Server: XFS.  I get no error messages or
anything that might be more helpful and I haven't had
a chance to dig out my linux boot disk from a recent

Any suggestions on what might be wrong?  THanks


God, Root. What is the difference?
Pitr, User Friendly
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: Clock problems

1999-11-08 Thread Robert Kerr
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Martin Fluch wrote:

 On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Robert Kerr wrote:
  Hi all,
  Whenever I boot to debian, my computer's clock gets set to some other
  time.  This morning I turned it on and all of a sudden it told me it was
  three hours and 45 minutes earlier than my alarm clock said.  I almost
  went back to bed.  Anyway, the only major thing I've done recently is
  install a new motherboard, CPU, and video card--nothing software-wise.
  Any ideas?
 Perhaps a corrupt /etc/adjtime ... just delete it (more info: man hwclock)

Okay, so what do we do if the system time loses time when the computer is
on?  The hwclock is fine, but the system time keeps losing it.


Particle physicists are always trying to hold a meeting, but
whenever they decide on a place, the time changes.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *368 Clyde Building, BYU   *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Provo, Utah  84602*
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (801) 378-2029   *
**  Fax: (801) 378-4449 *

ip tunnel network

1999-11-08 Thread aphro
i was wondering (assume it is, but just incase) if it was possible to
establish an IP tunnel between 2 locations for a network (or
any of the 'non registered' networks) the owner of one of the companies i
work for wants more ips but the ISP won't sell them to him for any
price (and for good reason) he already has a class C.  one end is his
burstable T1 and the other would be his house, on a COX @Home cable
modem.  2 linux boxes should be able to provide an IP tunnel and add the
3rd network right?  so there would be the and networks ..what would be required for this ? both hardware and
software.  i look foreward to providing a solution to this guy before i
quit the company so he realizes what a asset i was and should o f paid me

btw this tunnel does NOT have to be encryption needed. i just
need 2 way IP communications through it through the internet from the
remote site as well as machines on the network to be able to
access the network.

thanks to all..who can help !


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:50am up 80 days, 19:19, 1 user, load average: 1.58, 1.72, 1.86

Re: Running X-Displays of win9x

1999-11-08 Thread Paul Huygen
Quoting Kecskemethy Zoltan [EMAIL PROTECTED] (who answered a question about 
Xwindows server for Windows:

 ps: i apologize i think this is offtopic but i cant answer his mail addr.

I think it is not off-topic. Usually, people who ask questions do not give a 
summary of the answers they got, and other people (i.c. me) might be interested 
in the answers. Furthermore, Xwindows servers for Windows provide an extra 
to use Linux systems.

So, thank you for your suggestion

Paul Huygen

Exim PPP localhost and me

1999-11-08 Thread Astro D. Boy

I am running Debian Potato with Exim version 3.03 #1 built 04-Aug-1999; my
problems stem from local mail delivery. Whenever I try to send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], exim seems to strip the localhost and replace it with the
remotehost-- making it [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Because I am using PPP my domain name does not have an '.com,
.net etc', so it is just 'hostname'. The weird thing is that if there is a
system error, ie. someone trying sudo when they don't have permissions to
do so, exim is used to send mail to localhost and successfully does that.
The problem happens when any user, including root, tries to send mail to
another user on the local host.

Any ideas on how I can fix this?


audio cdrom broken in 2.2 kernels???

1999-11-08 Thread Rob Mahurin
I think I must be missing something incredibly obvious here.  My cdrom
won't play audio CDs under the 2.2 series kernel; I get kernel errors
output like the attached.  I can mount data CDs just fine.  I just
checked my old 2.0.34 kernel, and it played audio and mounted data

I built a 2.2.13 kernel last night and tried it just now; no change.
I'm back in 2.2.9 because I apparently forgot to put bootp in the .13

The CD-ROM is vanilla ATAPI-IDE, factory installed, never given me
problems before.  Any help is appreciated.


Most people are too busy to have time for anything important.

drive not ready...

1999-11-08 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
Hi, this is for those who met the same errors

I just have this kind of problem; I was scared about a HD failure,
as many mails are talking about. Since it is an 8 months HD, I was
quite sure is was not a failure.

So I opened the beast and had a look:
it was simply the power supply connector of this HD, which was
a bit loosen, and, thus, giving a bad connection, especially
when the HD was working  vibrating hard... 
I tighten the four circular connectors, and now its working perfectly.

As I seen, every other supply connectors where in this state
(might be all the tests I made, plugging  unplugging many times);

so before buying a new HD, check this :)

Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [It is] best to confuse only one issue at a time.
-- KR

Re: ppp + ip-up.d + fetchmail + multiple polls

1999-11-08 Thread Marc Mongeon

My first guess is that pppd is not executing the script with the correct
$HOME environment variable set.  I suggest explicitly specifying the
rc file on the fetchmail command line.


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/06 9:26 AM 

the subject shows that I have no clue where to look :-)

My problem is this: my ~/.fetchmailrc specifies four different
accounts to poll mail from. When I m running fetchmail by hand, all
four accounts are polled, like it should.

I have a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d that looks like this:

| #!/bin/sh -e
| ## This script is run when the ppp link goes up.
| echo Fetchmail starting...  /dev/console
| fetchmail -vvv -a 2 /dev/console
| echo Fetchmail ready.  /dev/console

Now, when I go online and this script is run automatically, fetchmail
only queries the first of my four accounts! (I can observe this because
I m sending the fetcmail output to /dev/console).

Has anyone an idea why this is?
My system is a plain slink in this part, fetchmail is version 4.6.4.


Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Running X-Displays of win9x

1999-11-08 Thread Magnus Hacker
On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Peter Ludwig wrote:

Just a quick note, has anyone know a program that can be easily setup that
will allow win9x to connect to the x-windows server on a linux box?

If I understand you correctly, you are looking for a X server to
run on the Win9x machine? (You need this to display windows of
applications running on the linux machine).

I'd go for eXceed by Hummingbird Communications. It works really
good. They also make other products for integration of Windows and
UNIX, like NFS clients and servers for Windows.

Another choice might be Reflection, haven't tried it but have
heard good things about it. Don't know who makes it though.

| Magnus Hacker  | I used to believe in reincarnation,|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   but that was long ago, in another life.  |

Re: audio cdrom broken in 2.2 kernels???

1999-11-08 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 11:59:56AM -0500, Rob Mahurin wrote:
 I think I must be missing something incredibly obvious here.  My cdrom
 won't play audio CDs under the 2.2 series kernel; I get kernel errors
 output like the attached.  I can mount data CDs just fine.  I just
 checked my old 2.0.34 kernel, and it played audio and mounted data

Forgot to attach the output; here it is.


When anyone says `theoretically,' they really mean `not really.'
 -- David Parnas
peon:~# date ; cdplay ; date
Sun Nov  7 23:27:56 EST 1999
hdc: packet command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: packet command error: error=0x34
ATAPI device hdc:
  Error: Medium error -- (Sense key=0x03)
  No seek complete -- (asc=0x02, ascq=0x00)
  The failed Play Audio MSF packet command was:
  47 00 00 00 02 20 48 0b 1f 00 00 00 
hdc: packet command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: packet command error: error=0x34
ATAPI device hdc:
  Error: Medium error -- (Sense key=0x03)
  No seek complete -- (asc=0x02, ascq=0x00)
  The failed Play Audio MSF packet command was:
  47 00 00 00 02 20 48 0b 1f 00 00 00 
cdplay: ioctl cdromplaytrkind
hdc: packet command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: packet command error: error=0x44
ATAPI device hdc:
  Error: Hardware error -- (Sense key=0x04)
  Focus servo failure -- (asc=0x09, ascq=0x02)
  The failed Prevent/Allow Medium Removal packet command was:
  1e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
Sun Nov  7 23:28:27 EST 1999

HELP: how to tell dselect where to download the .deb???

1999-11-08 Thread Bruno Boettcher

for apt i was able to make a symbolic link to a place where there is enough
place, but since apt isn't working anymore i am trying to make an upgrade
using the ftp method

unfortunately i do not find any config file where i can tell where to put the
downloaded deb files. /var is a 100Mb partittion which is much more space
than normally recquired except for system updates :(

i tryed to make a link, but this doesn't work

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

Re: Seperate DEB package for pico

1999-11-08 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Bart Szyszka wrote:

 I could have sworn that a few weeks back someone posted about
 a DEB package for just pico (the text editor that comes with pine)
 that was separate from pine, but I can't find that post in the archives.
 Am I imagining things?

You remember correctly.  I am mirroring the debs at


  PGP Public Key available at 
  or by `finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


Re: Getting GNOME to start from Enlightenment

1999-11-08 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  8 Nov, Patrick Kirk wrote about Getting GNOME to start from 
 Hi all,
 I want to elegance of E with the usefulness of GNOME.  But when I try to 
 start GNOME from an eterm, I get this...
 $ panel
 /dev/dsp: Permission denied 
 Anyone seen it before?

I don't user either but this looks like a simple permission problem. By
default /dev/dsp is is owned by root with group audio.  So your user
must be in the audio group.  'adduser user audio' should get you past
the above problem.  You might have to restart X to get the group
noticed, use the 'id' command to check that the current shell knows you
are in the audio group.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: managing multiple ISPs

1999-11-08 Thread Joe Block
John Hasler wrote:
  I have been configuring my resolv.conf for DNS servers that do not belong
  to my ISP all the time.
 This will work, but it is a bit discourteous to use servers you aren't
 helping pay for.

  Finally, you can always run your own basic nameserver on your computer to
  speed things up even more.

This is the best solution.

 Which will need nameservers to forward requests to.

It doesn't, actually.  named will just contact the root server and find
out from it where to get the information from.  It might be a little
slower at first than using a forwarder, but the entries you use will
stay in cache and you won't have to deal with the hassles of screwed up
setups at your isp.

Just make sure you have a valid root cache file (which was installed
when you installed bind iirc) and you should be fine.

I stopped using other people's nameservers several isps ago - the only
thing I use an isp for anymore is usenet.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Re: ip tunnel network

1999-11-08 Thread Joe Block
aphro wrote:
 i was wondering (assume it is, but just incase) if it was possible to
 establish an IP tunnel between 2 locations for a network (or

 btw this tunnel does NOT have to be encryption needed. i just
 need 2 way IP communications through it through the internet from the
 remote site as well as machines on the network to be able to
 access the network.

Look into vpnd and vtun

They're both secure - there is no particularly good reason not to secure
the vpn.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Re: Creating contrib/non-free/non-us cd

1999-11-08 Thread Peter S Galbraith

peter karlsson wrote:

  You can fetch the non-free and non-us structure using a tool such
  as wget.
 Yes, but will it then be in a way that can be used in a simple way together
 with dselect/apt?

Yes, if your wget also brought in the Packages file.  If not,
recreate the Packages file with the dpkg-scanpackages command
from the dpkg-dev package.

See for sample usage.


Re: Sources of linux documentation (solved)

1999-11-08 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Thanks to everyone, I have solved the problem.

I succeeded by installing the package latex2html, which includes the file 


   Manuel Arenaz

Re: PPP working now! Recommended browsers for slink?

1999-11-08 Thread Keith G. Murphy
John Miskinis wrote:
 SO, now I am looking for recommendations on downloading a browser
 that will run under slink.  I figured since it will be a BIG download
 I would be best to ask for advise first.  This will also help people
 who look at the mailing list archives I hope.
It's probably not even controversial to say that the only real (fairly
stable and versatile) choice for a graphical browser is from Netscape. 
Some people seem to find standalone Navigator more stable than the whole
Communicator package.

Re: Pine

1999-11-08 Thread John
on 07 Nov 99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...

 Which web page are using?  If, don't
 bother.  Use the .debs there are known
 to be good.  

I'm inexperienced with Debian, but had no problem getting Pine from
this web page. However, I've been unable to install and configure it.
Pine depends on libc-client4.6 and I can't find it - in another posting
you indicated it was for the time being under /Incoming, but the only
deb I found there seems to be an alpha one.

Also, Pine depends on libc6 =2.1 (my slink has 2.0.7) and libncurses
4 =4.2-3.1 (I only have 4.2-3). Neither of these am I unable to find.

I'm puzzled, because I went to and got Pine 3.96,
thinking I would upgrade later when I located the dependencies,
and that says I need the same files. 
Can you help in any way please?

 With netscape you have to right click on the link and select
 save as...  If you still have problems let me know.  I am the maintainer
 of those .debs.
 Jaldhar H. Vyas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually, yes, it was your page I was trying to get them from.  :)
I was finally able to use lynx to get the source tarball, diff and dsc
file and was able to compile it into debs myself, but every time I
tried to get the debs they were sent as text, and thus, corrupt.  I
didn't try netscape, I did try IE, Lynx and Opera, and used the
right click - save as method, but they still came out corrupt.  But at
least I did get Pine 4.20, compiling it was not a big deal.  Thanks!


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