On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 01:25:27PM +0100, Franziskus Meier wrote:
> Hi,
> i tried to install Debian 3.0 Release 2/5 on my reactivitated Amiga 2000. 
> The System hangs after/at the initialization of busy-box with repeating 
> message:
> blog: don't know screen type 1

This was a known issue in woody, which can be fixed by disabling the
langchooser.  When starting the installer, add an extra option
"nolangchooser" to do this.

> "sarge" works but supports no installation with both hdds.

Do you have any more information about that problem?

The amount of time between slipping on the peel and landing on the
pavement is precisely one bananosecond

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