For a priority 24-hours reply, please use our `Help Center` system to contact 
us. To do this, login to and click on `Help Center` > 
`Ask Question` and select what is this regarding (payment, sales, business, 
etc). Dont have an account ? Signup takes less than 10 second & no email 
verification is required.

To contact us via Email:
Send your email to info[a] (replace [a] with @).

We receive 1000+ spam & virus per day for each real-email. With deep regret we 
need to inform you that there will be a long delay for your email to reach us. 
Please include `Sf Email - xxxx` where `xxxx` is your title/subject` in the 
subject of your email or  your email may be at risk of being lost/deleted. 

We strongly recommend using our `priority 24-hour reply` system to contact us 
and would like to apologize for this inconvinience as we have not been able to 
solve this spam/virus problem for a long time. We look forward to better 
spam/virus system in the near future.

Customer Support

- This is an automated message

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