Jordan Justen pushed to branch debian/experimental at X Strike Force / app / 

ced7fc70 by baldurk at 2020-11-27T17:32:26+00:00
Bump version to 1.12

- - - - -
34bf107a by 攻伤菊菊长 at 2020-11-30T11:23:25+00:00
Implement support for SPV_GOOGLE_user_type

For debugging vulkan shaders generated by dxc
- - - - -
8d14408f by baldurk at 2020-11-30T13:00:05+00:00
Fix header being incorrectly renamed on linux installs

- - - - -
8628f95b by baldurk at 2020-11-30T13:00:05+00:00
Expire pointer aliases in SPIR-V debugging when Ids go out of scope

- - - - -
1b9cd082 by Aliya Pazylbekova at 2020-12-02T10:56:07+00:00
Fix UUID copy for AMD markers for non-Windows

For non-windows size of unsigned long is 8, so copy the UUID in split

- - - - -
9610919c by baldurk at 2020-12-02T17:44:46+00:00
Fix copy-paste of rich resource text

* We need to cache to the QString text on demand, which requires a context
  potentially sooner than paint/etc time.

- - - - -
806d6fce by baldurk at 2020-12-02T17:44:46+00:00
KHR_buffer_device_address is fixed in AMD driver 20.11.3

- - - - -
f38c4c36 by baldurk at 2020-12-02T17:44:47+00:00
Add a ctrl+enter shortcut in capture dialog to launch the capture

- - - - -
b52713d5 by baldurk at 2020-12-02T17:44:47+00:00
Fix issue with wholeMemBuf not covering whole allocation sometimes

* When we use the wholeMemBuf from a dedicated allocation it may actually be
  smaller than the whole allocation, and we need to be careful not to overuse
  it. Keep a separate size for wholeMemBuf which can shrink if the buffer is

- - - - -
1a0df46f by baldurk at 2020-12-02T17:44:47+00:00
Fix issue selecting indirect draw sub-command in draw with count=1

- - - - -
1e1ac07a by baldurk at 2020-12-03T10:44:27+00:00
Allow python scripts to implement and register as ICaptureViewer classes

- - - - -
b69ca452 by baldurk at 2020-12-03T10:59:05+00:00
Log the specific error if vkCreateInstance fails in demo program

- - - - -
a1768499 by baldurk at 2020-12-03T11:24:39+00:00
Add some new helpers for managing widgets

- - - - -
a8a40ca3 by baldurk at 2020-12-03T13:24:56+00:00
Add the ability to create spacers, for better layouts

- - - - -
0d1f6e39 by baldurk at 2020-12-03T14:17:42+00:00
Add helper to invoke back onto the UI thread from the replay thread

- - - - -
6bc4e007 by baldurk at 2020-12-03T14:55:02+00:00
Fix C++ invokes being responsible for destroying python callbacks

* If the last refcount on a python lambda/temp function is released when a
  wrapping std::function is destroyed in a C++ invoke, we can't destroy it
  safely. Instead we queue up that decref and process it the next chance 
  able (which is either when the current execution finishes for a python shell
  execution, or on the next function call which handles extensions).

- - - - -
60409caf by baldurk at 2020-12-03T15:09:29+00:00
Make event selection 'soft' blocking instead of hard blocking

* Normally SetEventID is synchronous and blocking, and will stall the UI while
  it is processing. However we can at least pop up a progress dialog and allow
  the UI to function (if not be interactive due to the blocking progress dialog)
  when some other long-running task is delaying the processing on the replay

- - - - -
e2d47fa1 by baldurk at 2020-12-03T21:14:13+00:00
Fix compilation of PythonCaptureViewer

- - - - -
07fce392 by Steve Karolewics at 2020-12-04T09:54:09+00:00
Fix D3D12 depth targets using the wrong formats in TextureViewer

- - - - -
170f29eb by baldurk at 2020-12-05T09:57:40+00:00
Disable loading LunarG validation layer

* Previously we hinted loading both the old LunarG metalayer and the new
  combined Khronos layer. Since only one was a 'real' layer this was 
safe and
  would allow us to enable validation anywhere without needing to enumerate
  available layers.
* Unfortunately a new loader version makes it an error to specify the
  VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation for loading! So it is completely
  impossible to be fully compatible. We have no choice then but to follow the
  loader/SDK's path and have a hard backwards compatibility break.
* This means the validation won't be enabled anymore for anyone on SDK from
  early 2019 and before.

- - - - -
6f7e8bb3 by baldurk at 2020-12-05T09:57:40+00:00
Add python interface consistency check that we don't use non-class enums

* These enums are generally not preferred anyway, but they also can't have
  docstrings so can't be checked for *missing* docstrings.

- - - - -
6803f32a by baldurk at 2020-12-05T09:57:40+00:00
Print a message when stripping android libraries, and keep unstripped

- - - - -
1ab2047e by baldurk at 2020-12-07T15:41:03+00:00
Reset state in D3D shader debugging to before draw when fetching UAVs

* Debugging shaders with UAV access could(likely will) have side-effects on
  those UAV contents, so when ContinueDebug needs to fetch UAV contents we
  should replay back to before the draw to fetch them.
* This replay only happens once per ContinueDebug, and UAV contents are cached
  globally so we only do it once per UAV that's accessed, so the impact is 

- - - - -
3cd10c9e by baldurk at 2020-12-07T16:35:05+00:00
Disable crash reporting in edge

- - - - -
8a58ba68 by baldurk at 2020-12-07T17:42:18+00:00
Allow arrays of pointers in GPU buffers

- - - - -
df6fec13 by baldurk at 2020-12-07T17:44:50+00:00
Remove use of automodule in docs

* One automodule in a file for our modules is way too much, so we split it into
  files. Unfortunately this means that only one file can have those classes and
  functions be linkable from elsewhere.
* Instead we bite the bullet and manually curate the items into pages, and at
  the same time subdivide the 'enums and data' page more which is a 
  readability and usability win as well.
* We also add some previously not-included functions, and add a doc-build time
  check to ensure that functions and classes aren't omitted from the
  documentation in future

- - - - -
e5f4ca7b by baldurk at 2020-12-07T17:44:50+00:00
Remove use of const char * in public API and OS specific where possible

* This prevents unnecessary conversions back and forth between rdcstr and const
  char * when going through interfaces. In the OS specific layer this is rarely
  an issue because most of the implementations don't convert to rdcstr, but 
  is convenient to be able to pass in an rdcstr directly. The few cases where
  there's an unecessary construction of an rdcstr is acceptable.
* A couple of places in the public API need to return a string from a global
  function, so can't return an rdcstr due to C ABI, so they still return a 
  char *.
* Similarly const char * is kept for logging, to avoid a dependency on rdcstr
  and because that's one place where unnecessary conversions/constructions 
  be impactful.

- - - - -
6b8ce92d by baldurk at 2020-12-07T17:44:51+00:00
Clean up docstrings in python interfaces to be strictly typed/formatted

* Also added a script that can run as part of CI to verify that the docstring
  matches, by generating a regex from the docstring documented parameter types
  and return type and making sure we find a match within the C headers. This
  ensures all parameters are documented with the right types, no extra
  parameters are documented, and the return type is correct.
* The script also checks proper scoping so that if qrenderdoc docstrings
  mention a renderdoc type, they need to scope it properly.

- - - - -
dd3e7ab1 by baldurk at 2020-12-09T15:18:27+00:00
Add a modified and improved version of PyCharm's skeleton generator

- - - - -
659fdaa2 by baldurk at 2020-12-09T15:18:27+00:00
Check that all complex struct members that have :type: in docstrings

* Ideally we'd document every member unconditionally for best 
  but that's a lot of modification so for now we stick to just making sure 
  any members that are struct types (or lists/tuples) have the :type:
  declaration so that we can autocomplete inside them.

- - - - -
580f96c8 by baldurk at 2020-12-09T15:18:27+00:00
Rename ShaderVariableType/Descriptor to ShaderConstant

* These structs are no longer used with ShaderVariable so the name is misleading
  at best.

- - - - -
7ff7e0a7 by baldurk at 2020-12-09T18:16:08+00:00
Replace fixed C arrays with wrapper class in public interface

* These map more naturally to python tuples and are easier to wrap in and out.
* We also tidy up the FloatVecVal etc and standardise the members of

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68d690a9 by baldurk at 2020-12-09T18:16:08+00:00
When rendering overlays, clear to transparent black

* This might cause some fringing artifacts when at low scales due to non-PMA
  colors but it means there are no false-positive green pixels.

- - - - -
8597b5ce by baldurk at 2020-12-09T18:16:08+00:00
Fix VulkanQuadOverdrawCallback still being active on restore replay

- - - - -
8107a7a7 by baldurk at 2020-12-09T18:16:08+00:00
Account for array stride when unrolling AoS in buffer viewer

- - - - -
f70c5be5 by baldurk at 2020-12-09T21:57:15+00:00
Fix issues with linux/mac builds

- - - - -
466eecde by baldurk at 2020-12-09T22:19:36+00:00
Remove raw strings from persistant config settings

* This seems to break on GCC 5 unfortunately, and is certainly a bit of an edge

- - - - -
6726540a by baldurk at 2020-12-09T22:25:53+00:00
Remove test passing NULL for rdcstr

- - - - -
9d1673f5 by baldurk at 2020-12-09T22:55:48+00:00
Fix formatting in new docstrings

- - - - -
492aaf21 by baldurk at 2020-12-09T22:55:53+00:00
Fix apple compilation

- - - - -
afc9fc8f by baldurk at 2020-12-09T23:27:42+00:00

- - - - -
ea2410fe by baldurk at 2020-12-10T10:05:10+00:00
Make new python documentation checks optional

* Older sphinx versions don't have an easy 'objects' property so we 
just drop
  this check. As long as it happens on CI builds that's the main thing.

- - - - -
232c4a9e by baldurk at 2020-12-10T16:40:10+00:00
Fix texture zoo tests

- - - - -
8b5234d0 by baldurk at 2020-12-10T16:40:26+00:00
Fix texture zoo remote server launch when running from renderdoccmd

- - - - -
bd342e15 by baldurk at 2020-12-10T16:46:01+00:00
Fix buffer overrun in D3D12_Draw_Zoo

- - - - -
9a6ec528 by baldurk at 2020-12-10T16:56:34+00:00
Don't build GL_Callstacks demo in release

* The nice callstacks we're looking for won't happen in release builds.

- - - - -
76e86db3 by baldurk at 2020-12-10T17:28:11+00:00
Fix selection of root constant source data when viewing cbuffers

- - - - -
32cb98f8 by baldurk at 2020-12-11T14:48:03+00:00
Don't check framebuffer dimensions against image, check renderarea

* The framebuffer is allowed to be a smaller size, the renderarea is what we
  need to check to ensure we don't render outside the image with some stale

- - - - -
b6b25543 by baldurk at 2020-12-11T17:17:34+00:00
Properly check feature tiers in D3D12 as well as command list interface

* We also can handle default/no-op changes of state, like setting a 1x1 shading
  rate. Even if VRS isn't supported we can just skip the call.

- - - - -
e4e2d781 by Alex Vakulenko at 2020-12-15T22:52:05+00:00
Fix access mode for ::popen() call in ggp OS wrapper

popen's access mode was accidentally changed from string to enum used in
FileIO::open() wrappers. This is a posix function and should keep using
the string.

- - - - -
fede056e by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:37+00:00
Fix bug in redeclarator if type hint like Tuple[int, ...] is used

* The ... confused the declaration process and so an empty identifier got
  registered, which then broke things later.

- - - - -
5bdf00c0 by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:37+00:00
Checking for D3D12 features can fail, don't assert just zero the struct

- - - - -
90ced90a by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:37+00:00
Add common pipeline state helper to grab stencil face states

- - - - -
f32008e9 by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:37+00:00
Add access for changing the 3D preview stage in mesh viewer

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4bc795c3 by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Fix DumpObject to work with lists

- - - - -
01633288 by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Fix error messages not being printed from async python callbacks

- - - - -
d91785fe by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Unbind unpack buffer when creating overlay texturel

- - - - -
143f6647 by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Support converting an rdcarray pointer to rdcarray

* This means if there's no intervening list() it still works, e.g. passing 
  rdcarray property to a function paramater that expects an rdcarray in python.

- - - - -
ed813e25 by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Fix crash in vulkan overlay if non-drawcall is selected

- - - - -
d727feb8 by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Improve handling of multiline richresourcetext documents

- - - - -
2b0f9c2e by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Use richtext representation for ResourceId when converting to string

- - - - -
3aaccc4f by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Use rdcfixedarray in parameters for functions instead of C arrays

* This maps better to tuples in python

- - - - -
6ea3f996 by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Don't enable scissor in D3D11 overlay if it wasn't enabled prior

- - - - -
2a6774db by baldurk at 2020-12-15T22:52:38+00:00
Remove incorrect sRGB conversion of clear overlay background color

- - - - -
539ea53b by baldurk at 2020-12-16T00:27:41+00:00
Fix python reference in docstring

- - - - -
523af0f2 by baldurk at 2020-12-16T14:42:20+00:00
Ensure replay controller only gets deleted via Shutdown()

- - - - -
402d43f9 by baldurk at 2020-12-16T17:24:39+00:00
Handle OpModuleProcessed being in a separate section properly

- - - - -
0e054d86 by baldurk at 2020-12-16T17:24:53+00:00
Don't use capture writer after it is destroyed. Closes #2121

- - - - -
71f10084 by baldurk at 2020-12-16T18:06:23+00:00
Fix SPIR-V editor unit test for new section types

- - - - -
e7e2b731 by baldurk at 2020-12-16T20:39:58+00:00
Search extracted namespace for class, not all headers

- - - - -
47571c6b by baldurk at 2020-12-17T12:22:00+00:00
CPU writes should be treated as writes in the timeline bar

- - - - -
f3b66b01 by baldurk at 2020-12-17T15:20:32+00:00
Only refresh texture list if resource renames changed

* Otherwise the texture list doesn't change when selecting events.

- - - - -
7c35bdb1 by baldurk at 2020-12-17T15:20:50+00:00
Omit large ranges of empty resources in arrays in D3D12 pipeline state

- - - - -
51d5250f by baldurk at 2020-12-17T15:23:45+00:00
Reuse root elements array in D3D12 pipeline state

* This means if there's a large view array, selecting between draws with the
  same root signature doesn't free & reallocate the array, it can 
re-use the
  existing memory.

- - - - -
eabc6990 by baldurk at 2020-12-17T22:23:34+00:00
Don't try to always read 4 components of data from output. Closes #2119

- - - - -
674d11fd by baldurk at 2020-12-18T13:42:04+00:00
Use RichResourceText system to linkify EID links with format @123

- - - - -
fd1b051d by baldurk at 2020-12-18T14:05:54+00:00
Add helper for selecting sample mask, which varies in location by API

- - - - -
0e5f173b by baldurk at 2020-12-18T14:36:23+00:00
Hide independent blend toggle in common pipe state

- - - - -
6830321f by baldurk at 2020-12-18T14:39:11+00:00
D3D11 scissors are enabled globally, not per-scissor

* Even if a scissor isn't set/is empty, if the scissor state is enabled it
  should still be classed as enabled but empty.

- - - - -
a3c33c2e by baldurk at 2020-12-18T15:44:05+00:00
Patch variable pointer types when we remove the underlying pointer type

- - - - -
56c7c47a by baldurk at 2020-12-18T19:43:18+00:00
Don't emit drawcall errors for degenerate drawcalls. Closes #2124

- - - - -
610dda70 by baldurk at 2020-12-19T12:47:52+00:00
Use entry point interface ID list if available over building our own

- - - - -
7aee5377 by baldurk at 2020-12-19T12:49:39+00:00
If multiple entry points are present in module, strip all unused

* When there's only one entry point it can be useful to see available but 
  bindings or I/O parameters. When multiple entry points are present we cannot
  do that because we will see bindings or I/O for other entry points.

- - - - -
050e9e1b by Omar El Sheikh at 2020-12-22T19:57:59+00:00
Update ADB Command to Install RenderDoc on Android

Added the --force-queryable flag to the adb install command for
renderdoc Android on devices running Android R/11/SDK 30

A feature being introduced in Android R requires all explicit
interactions between
apps to be declared ahead of time (either via manifest or during adb

The --force-queryable flag during adb install does this, and is what
allows for the
shared objects from renderdoc (in this case the layers) to be
discoverable by
other apps targeting SDK 30+

- - - - -
d9915388 by Omar El Sheikh at 2020-12-22T19:57:59+00:00
Add check for Android Version

We need to check the android version running on the device to know
whether or not we need to make the adb install command use the
--force-queryable flag

Devices running Android R/11/SDK 30 are ones which support this flag

- - - - -
76137694 by Jordan Justen at 2020-12-23T12:55:08-08:00
Merge tag 'debian/1.11+dfsg-3' into debian/master

renderdoc Debian release 1.11+dfsg-3

- - - - -
e3eff653 by Jordan Justen at 2020-12-23T12:56:36-08:00
d/changelog: Start 1.11+dfsg-4 changelog

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
eec52ee7 by Jordan Justen at 2020-12-23T14:17:22-08:00
d/control: Remove renderdoccmd python module dependency

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
1b8292df by Jordan Justen at 2020-12-23T16:08:48-08:00
d/changelog: Release 1.11+dfsg-4 to unstable

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
c1ecd9d3 by Aliya Pazylbekova at 2020-12-25T10:32:22+00:00
Some GGP modifications

- Adds GGP windowing system

- Enables AMD counters

for vkQueuePresentKHR

- Check that the file was opened

- - - - -
47c7b38f by Kanglai Qian at 2021-01-05T16:40:12+00:00
supporting full glCopyImageSubData

- - - - -
2fb48704 by baldurk at 2021-01-05T18:26:27+00:00
Handle unsized depth-stencil formats in GL overlay properly

- - - - -
a89e6e97 by baldurk at 2021-01-05T18:26:27+00:00
Don't set 0 patch vertices

* This likely comes from capturing without tessellation and retrieving 0, and
  replaying with tessellation. For this case we don't need to set the 
number of
  vertices at all.

- - - - -
b98c1f95 by baldurk at 2021-01-05T18:26:27+00:00
When fetching bindless feedback patch pipeline to reference load RP

- - - - -
8697aec4 by baldurk at 2021-01-05T18:26:27+00:00
Reactivate AMD buffer_device_address workaround

- - - - -
5e92bff7 by baldurk at 2021-01-05T18:26:27+00:00
When build is invoked with ninja, build parallel over number of CPUs

* If we invoke 'make' on its own under a ninja build, it won't be 
parallel by
  default which makes the build a lot slower than it has to be.

- - - - -
b01c84f0 by baldurk at 2021-01-05T18:26:27+00:00
Implement proper handling for unbound views in shader debugging

* We force FetchUAV/FetchSRV to always return something, and it can be empty if
  the resource is unbound meaning we get proper OOB behaviour for it. The D3D12
  implementation still prints an error message for registers that don't
  correspond to the root signature at all, but for D3D11 we silently allow it.

- - - - -
f5f9e78d by baldurk at 2021-01-05T18:26:27+00:00
Completely remove idle background tracking of descriptors on vulkan

* In principle descriptors should be updated less often than they are
  referenced, so we used to cache tracking of them at update time to improve the
  speed that references can be processed at submit time during capture.
* Some applications though update a *lot* of descriptors *very* often,
  effectively writing all their descriptors for a frame every frame. That means
  that this background tracking is wasteful and has a big performance impact, so
  instead it's a better balance to do more work at submit time during 

- - - - -
3e4cac49 by baldurk at 2021-01-05T18:26:27+00:00
Respect dedicated memory allocations during capture, use those buffers

* In addition for memory allocations for images we prevent the memory from
  getting write references propagated to it, as this can cause initial states to
  be generated in captures after the first when we convert write references into
  dirty states.

- - - - -
ecb1ba78 by baldurk at 2021-01-05T18:26:28+00:00
Add config option to hide command buffer boundary markers

- - - - -
67561893 by Steve Karolewics at 2021-01-06T14:25:13+00:00
Prevent GPU hang in postvs incremental draws with many instances

- - - - -
d11c92d4 by baldurk at 2021-01-06T16:58:43+00:00
Fix crash with imageless framebuffers

- - - - -
0e60918e by baldurk at 2021-01-06T16:58:43+00:00
Combine/ignore the same usage from the same event

* This can happen if the same resource is used in a barrier more than once (e.g.
  multiple subresources)

- - - - -
cc365815 by baldurk at 2021-01-06T16:58:43+00:00
Restore initial state for resources created mid-frame on D3D12

- - - - -
4f7abcd4 by baldurk at 2021-01-06T16:58:43+00:00
Remove unneeded window attribute in custom paint widget

* This was having some unpleasant knock-on effects in Qt that caused other
  controls in the panels to fail to render properly.

- - - - -
e970ee0e by baldurk at 2021-01-06T16:58:43+00:00
Fix issue with clamped length with byte offset in buffer viewer

- - - - -
bb45e67e by TheGreatMcPain at 2021-01-07T00:14:14+00:00
Fix compile errors when the '-mf16c' CFLAG is enabled.

Fixes an issue where 'half.hpp' skips the 'immintrin.h' include
statement if '-mf16c' is used.
(which can happen when using '-march=native')

- - - - -
5eec88fd by Dylan Barrie at 2021-01-07T21:21:34+00:00
Fix extra read-only resources displayed in D3D12 Texture Viewer

- - - - -
b0f07dfe by baldurk at 2021-01-08T15:39:02+00:00
Fix some style issues with new Qt versions

- - - - -
c63d222c by baldurk at 2021-01-08T15:39:02+00:00
Update linux build to compile against Qt 5.15.2

- - - - -
b487aa85 by baldurk at 2021-01-11T11:08:13+00:00
Flush pending dead on D3D11 before checking for wrappers. Closes #2145

* Otherwise we could AddRef() a dead object and then it gets released again for
  a double delete.

- - - - -
441be224 by baldurk at 2021-01-11T11:45:18+00:00
Override QTreeView::moveCursor to fix scrollbar behaviour. Closes #2144

* This prevents SH_ItemView_ArrowKeysNavigateIntoChildren from causing left-move
  from an expanded node to jump immediately to its parent instead of collapsing
  it when the scrollbar is not leftmost

- - - - -
b6462b19 by baldurk at 2021-01-11T13:58:20+00:00
When flow layout hasn't been visible, be conservative with its size

* Because the flow layout adjusts to its available size, we instead set it to
  minimum size until it's first laid out. Otherwise it can get unreasonably

- - - - -
8ed47fd7 by baldurk at 2021-01-11T15:55:21+00:00
Update vulkan headers to 1.2.166

- - - - -
f7179157 by baldurk at 2021-01-12T12:52:26+00:00
Fix handling of separate debug info around fxc/dxc inconsistencies

* dxc emits a PDB which contains a stream with the debuginfo DXBC container,
  which we expected to happen for fxc too. Instead fxc just emits the bare SPDB
  chunk PDB. So we need to try to guess what to expect and/or handle both..

- - - - -
29277b93 by baldurk at 2021-01-12T17:16:17+00:00

- - - - -
76b62ba8 by baldurk at 2021-01-12T18:01:57+00:00
Disable AMD switchable graphics layer

- - - - -
a3007ffa by baldurk at 2021-01-13T10:42:46+00:00
Make sure BDA capture/replay bit is enabled

- - - - -
0b12a2d1 by baldurk at 2021-01-13T12:02:30+00:00
Always create RTV for wrapped swapchain buffers even if wrapper exists

* This can happen if the application calls ResizeBuffers without releasing all
  references - the texture is not recreated but we destroyed the RTV, so we need
  to create the RTV again.

- - - - -
fbb17bec by baldurk at 2021-01-13T12:50:34+00:00
Only display base filename in loading progress dialog, not whole path

- - - - -
026da176 by baldurk at 2021-01-13T13:56:10+00:00
Update copyright years to 2021

- - - - -
f5a99d47 by baldurk at 2021-01-13T14:25:54+00:00
Update D3D headers in test project

- - - - -
92192ef3 by baldurk at 2021-01-13T14:48:40+00:00
Add test to ensure vkBindBufferMemory2 can be split up

- - - - -
beb7c9a6 by baldurk at 2021-01-13T15:26:22+00:00
Don't accumulate references from inline uniform block descriptors

- - - - -
ec50e900 by baldurk at 2021-01-13T15:32:09+00:00
Test inline uniform block descriptors in VK_CBuffer_Zoo

- - - - -
edc0d1d4 by baldurk at 2021-01-13T15:54:10+00:00
Ignore stream-out parameters if no stream-out is enabled on D3D12

- - - - -
bb5834fd by baldurk at 2021-01-13T16:07:43+00:00
Add test of root signature ranges larger than the descriptor heap

- - - - -
a083680b by baldurk at 2021-01-13T16:29:01+00:00
Test that primitive restart is enabled for either GL state

- - - - -
99725b1d by baldurk at 2021-01-14T12:03:07+00:00
Use devicePixelRatioF to calculate texture viewer coords. Closes #2148

- - - - -
a544223f by baldurk at 2021-01-14T22:33:07+00:00
Fix crash when an object is destroyed and re-used mid capture

- - - - -
86ca7944 by baldurk at 2021-01-15T11:33:13+00:00
Add test to check ID3DDeviceContextState refcounting/rewrapping

- - - - -
1ce09583 by baldurk at 2021-01-15T12:36:14+00:00
Add helper for setting images in labels

- - - - -
6d1e37de by baldurk at 2021-01-15T14:14:50+00:00
Display bind array index in register name on D3D12 pipeline state

- - - - -
924c513d by baldurk at 2021-01-15T14:57:34+00:00
Fix cases where empty-range ellision in D3D12 pipeline state breaks

* We can't assume ranges in root signature elements map to shader binding
  arrays, there is a many:many relationship (one range can have multiple
  elements, or only part of an array, one array can have multiple ranges)..

- - - - -
474c88a0 by baldurk at 2021-01-15T16:50:37+00:00
Clamp height to non-zero in GL initial state

- - - - -
3d52d5ac by baldurk at 2021-01-15T16:50:48+00:00
Change window title to reflect development/release builds

- - - - -
ee5d3f58 by baldurk at 2021-01-15T19:32:41+00:00
Compile fix for linux

- - - - -
03db0c48 by baldurk at 2021-01-15T21:40:24+00:00
Fix override warning

- - - - -
84dabc7b by baldurk at 2021-01-18T12:20:16+00:00
Update buffer size when it resizes mid-capture. Closes #2149

* We need to be careful with this, as we want to update the buffer's 
  chunks without invalidating any data that may be present there.

- - - - -
2070e74c by baldurk at 2021-01-18T13:22:36+00:00
Restore image auto-update on change feature

* This was apparently never ported over to Qt!

- - - - -
c1c36f06 by baldurk at 2021-01-18T13:23:22+00:00
Handle failed allocation in EXR image viewing path

- - - - -
7e5fc407 by baldurk at 2021-01-18T14:18:34+00:00
Ignore number of captures made in D3D11_Swapchain_Zoo

- - - - -
7125104c by baldurk at 2021-01-19T10:25:59+00:00
Disable buggy bandicam vulkan layer. Closes #2152

- - - - -
ac3b9230 by baldurk at 2021-01-19T12:06:37+00:00
Allow querying DXGI swapchains for IDXGIObject & IUnknown

* This will only work if we still get the expected resource back under the hood
  though. Fingers crossed?

- - - - -
086b038d by baldurk at 2021-01-19T15:22:12+00:00
Add simple checks for large memory leaks

* Smaller memory leaks are harder to differentiate from noise, so we go for a
  large enough leak to be noticable over time (50,000 frames).

- - - - -
ed50a0e0 by baldurk at 2021-01-19T16:25:17+00:00
Add workaround for Qualcomm driver issue

* Calling vkCmdSetLineWidth() before binding and dispatching a compute pipeline
  seems to crash on Qualcomm drivers. We rarely need to prepopulate dynamic
  state without a pipeline bound, so just skip this one state in that case on QC

- - - - -
d607c7df by baldurk at 2021-01-19T16:35:02+00:00
Add debug option to log command buffer recording on vulkan

- - - - -
64131e05 by baldurk at 2021-01-19T16:43:57+00:00
Test vulkan overalys with rasterizer discard and otherwise invalid state

* E.g. no viewport/scissors bound.

- - - - -
1fe92989 by baldurk at 2021-01-19T17:10:09+00:00
Fix aspect ratio calculation for negative viewport height

- - - - -
0c410d40 by baldurk at 2021-01-19T17:20:15+00:00
Fix issue showing whole pass in mesh viewer with inverse view height

* In particular this was breaking if not all draws in the pass used an inverse
  view (unlikely in practice, but comes up in our tests).

- - - - -
0a5353a3 by baldurk at 2021-01-19T17:20:59+00:00
Test inverse viewport height in VK_Mesh_Zoo, with rendering and picking

- - - - -
f263e244 by baldurk at 2021-01-19T17:25:35+00:00
Tweak allowed memory increase when loading VK_Large_Descriptor_Sets

- - - - -
3d9bba65 by baldurk at 2021-01-19T17:39:12+00:00
Fix resizing issue with vulkan scissors display

- - - - -
309a0837 by Marcin Ślusarz at 2021-01-20T17:15:16+00:00
Put units in table header instead of each row.

- - - - -
20d8ae2d by baldurk at 2021-01-20T17:15:34+00:00
Fix display of 3D texture slices when linear sampling

* When displaying mip 0 of a texture at less than 100% zoom we linear sampling,
  but we don't want to linear sample across slices. Adding a half pixel 
  in z ensures we sample precisely on the slice itself.

- - - - -
40f83cfb by baldurk at 2021-01-20T17:15:34+00:00
Fix lag in updating texture viewer display when selecting new draws

- - - - -
57bb5a73 by baldurk at 2021-01-20T20:40:19+00:00
Make lack of intel GL counters more obvious to user

* We do the odd thing of adding another fake counter which returns 0s, to direct
  the user to disable paranoid mode in order to enable more perf counters..

- - - - -
be3a6a5d by baldurk at 2021-01-20T20:54:08+00:00
Set counter-fetching mode around IHV counters on OpenGL

* This mode suppresses the default behaviour to end unbalanced things like
  transform feedback and queries, and also stops the capture from using queries
  that might be in use outside.

- - - - -
c002c71f by baldurk at 2021-01-21T10:43:37+00:00
Don't display buffers as thumbnails in texture viewer

* This is a holdover from simpler binding times, these days it makes more sense
  to omit buffers than try to hold onto those bindings even when they don't
  contain textures.

- - - - -
a4fd53af by baldurk at 2021-01-21T11:28:23+00:00
Fix a crash if capture viewers are changed while processing SetEvent

* This could happen in particular now that thumbnails are capture viewers..

- - - - -
ba067178 by baldurk at 2021-01-21T11:30:50+00:00
Don't fetch resource lists for unbound shader stages

* This is a minor optimisation when there are large numbers of bound resources
  that are available (duplicated) to all shader stages. There's no point
  fetching them when there's no shader bound there.

- - - - -
a377a61a by baldurk at 2021-01-22T13:23:53+00:00
Clarify acceptable use for issues and support even further

* Capturing copyrighted programs is absolutely not supported or tolerated..

- - - - -
f45bdcb4 by baldurk at 2021-01-22T13:24:48+00:00
Fix Iter_Test and Repeat_Load for newest python API

- - - - -
0ade24d3 by baldurk at 2021-01-22T14:19:16+00:00
Fix corruption when buffer is deleted after resize mid-frame

- - - - -
019d75cd by baldurk at 2021-01-22T14:19:33+00:00
Fix demos project compilation on linux

- - - - -
5ce60936 by baldurk at 2021-01-22T14:20:11+00:00
Pick resident set memory for current memory usage on linux

* The virtual size can be much bigger than the actual amount of memory in use
  that we care about.

- - - - -
e292bae3 by baldurk at 2021-01-22T14:57:23+00:00
Update valgrind suppression file

- - - - -
dae98c35 by baldurk at 2021-01-22T14:57:35+00:00
Remove memset of struct that's no longer POD

- - - - -
e6601672 by baldurk at 2021-01-22T14:57:48+00:00
Delete net worker when net manager thread completes

- - - - -
106999a4 by baldurk at 2021-01-25T11:13:28+00:00
Fix leak of descriptor memory during each capture on D3D12

- - - - -
d5fb1cfe by baldurk at 2021-01-25T11:20:21+00:00
Work around driver issues creating shared contexts on EGL. Closes #2162

* Some drivers seem to fail when trying to share between GLES2 and GLES3 though
  the spec seems to suggest this should work fine. As a workaround if the
  context fails to create, try creating with the same context client version as
  the existing context.

- - - - -
5aadf1d6 by baldurk at 2021-01-25T12:21:22+00:00
Fix Iter_Test invalid python tuple use

- - - - -
1c37bfa0 by baldurk at 2021-01-25T16:14:03+00:00
Fix painting issues when scrolling with pinned columns

- - - - -
176ad231 by baldurk at 2021-01-25T16:51:59+00:00
Fix check for nan/inf in SPIR-V shader debugging

- - - - -
0dde721a by baldurk at 2021-01-25T17:06:02+00:00
Fix reading matrix stride from correct place when reading whole structs

- - - - -
435ef86a by baldurk at 2021-01-25T21:29:09+00:00
Only set shader ext UAV on DXBC bytecode if it's present

* For DXIL bytecode we don't attempt to nicely fixup the disassembly, but we
  still want to remove the reflected UAV if present.

- - - - -
58a760cc by JohnnyonFlame at 2021-01-27T00:29:14+00:00
Fixed missing ARM_pc define on armhf target.

- - - - -
ca4bbc05 by JohnnyonFlame at 2021-01-27T00:29:14+00:00
Fix asm/ptrace.h include order

- - - - -
56c5c18a by baldurk at 2021-01-27T00:29:46+00:00
Tweak leak threshold on vulkan test

* It seems like some drivers don't free some memory from the resident set 
  a certain point, meaning the peak memory is higher after a couple of captures
  then goes down. This isn't a true leak and us  checking the entire 
  working set size is a very poor litmus test, so bumping this value is fine.

- - - - -
e270d763 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T00:29:46+00:00
Use the correct default profile version for GLES shaders in glslang

* We need to pass 100 for GLES and 110 for desktop for proper default parsing
  without #version

- - - - -
2ab40511 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T00:29:46+00:00
Don't access graphics pipeline info when doing compute feedback

* This would crash if there's no renderpass set.

- - - - -
cf2b0aba by baldurk at 2021-01-27T00:29:46+00:00
Filter out spammy libc messages on android

- - - - -
58ef496c by baldurk at 2021-01-27T00:29:46+00:00
Conservatively clamp number of samples when saving texture

* No actual texture should be returned with 0 samples but if there are problems
  we want to avoid crashing by dividing by 0 later.

- - - - -
34dca01c by baldurk at 2021-01-27T00:29:46+00:00
Don't rely on creation info during capture, it isn't populated

* On capture when we need the buffer size we can get it from the resource

- - - - -
29c59655 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T12:49:36+00:00
Update some missing entries and comments from custom shader snippets

- - - - -
3f637e0d by baldurk at 2021-01-27T12:58:51+00:00
Link to renderdoc-contrib repository

- - - - -
ae96b674 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T13:03:16+00:00
Update docs to reference VK_EXT_debug_utils

* VK_EXT_debug_marker still works fine but is deprecated.

- - - - -
9424b8a3 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T16:05:03+00:00
Add documentation on setting up python dev environment

- - - - -
ea51a816 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T16:05:03+00:00
Give ResourceId.Null a proper return type

- - - - -
dabd2a80 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T16:05:03+00:00
Give specific instructions on writing UI extensions

* This goes through a worked example of a simple extension.

- - - - -
4d16c3e4 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T16:05:03+00:00
Add function to close top level windows to MiniQtHelper

- - - - -
506f941a by baldurk at 2021-01-27T16:05:03+00:00
Don't set invalid size as minimum size on labels, set 0,0

- - - - -
f460d799 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T16:05:04+00:00
Check for @ when initialising rich resource text

* This is used for event linking

- - - - -
bddbc532 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T16:56:47+00:00
Fix compile error in official builds

- - - - -
40b86b63 by baldurk at 2021-01-27T17:06:09+00:00
Update code for new SSL libraries in new Qt version

- - - - -
bb8c7724 by Jordan Justen at 2021-01-28T17:15:21-08:00
d/changelog: Start 1.11+dfsg-5 changelog

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
5526fee0 by Jordan Justen at 2021-01-31T16:57:46-08:00
d/patches: Patch for glslang 11.1.0. (Closes: #980608)

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
b3cddbcc by Jordan Justen at 2021-01-31T16:58:01-08:00
d/control: Bump glslang dep version to 11.1.0

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
dc5f0b44 by Jordan Justen at 2021-01-31T17:07:27-08:00
d/changelog: Release 1.11+dfsg-5 to unstable

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
d9f7cc06 by Jordan Justen at 2021-01-31T19:24:48-08:00
Merge tag 'v1.12' into debian/experimental


- - - - -
c51b50c7 by Jordan Justen at 2021-01-31T19:26:26-08:00
d/changelog: Start 1.12+dfsg-1 changelog

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
0a2a0b28 by Jordan Justen at 2021-01-31T19:34:18-08:00
d/patches: Rebase patches onto v1.12

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
e1eb9e48 by Jordan Justen at 2021-01-31T23:52:03-08:00
d/copyright: Add docs/pycharm_helpers license

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -
b91fc8b9 by Jordan Justen at 2021-01-31T23:52:04-08:00
d/changelog: Release 1.12+dfsg-1 to experimental

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <>

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- .github/workflows/ci.yml
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/copyright
- debian/patches/0001-use-debian-glslang-for-renderdoc-spirv-driver.patch
- debian/patches/0004-Add-RENDERDOC_X86_PROC_FAMILY-CMake-and-RDOC_X86_FAM.patch
- debian/patches/0004-renderdoc-Use-libstb-if-found-by-cmake.patch
- debian/patches/0005-replay-Only-support-compressonator-on-x86.patch
- debian/patches/0006-linux_process-Only-use-ptrace-for-x86-family-process.patch
- debian/patches/0007-renderdoc-serialise-Add-DoStringise-const-long-el-fo.patch
- + debian/patches/0008-renderdoc-Patch-for-glslang-11.1.0.patch
- debian/patches/series
- docs/
- docs/
- docs/how/how_python_extension.rst
- docs/how/how_view_texture.rst
- + docs/imgs/python_ext/Step1.png
- + docs/imgs/python_ext/Step2.png
- + docs/pycharm_helpers/LICENSE.txt
- + docs/pycharm_helpers/
- + docs/pycharm_helpers/module_redeclarator.patch
- + 
- + docs/python_api/dev_environment.rst
- docs/python_api/index.rst
- docs/python_api/qrenderdoc/config.rst
- docs/python_api/qrenderdoc/extensions.rst
- + docs/python_api/renderdoc/analysis.rst

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