In my local codeline I added a new upgrade fixture to upgradeTests/ that creates a primary key and several foreign keys. After doing so I noticed that a handful of the fixtures in jdbcapi/DatabaseMetaDataTest, when run as part of upgradeTests/, started failing.

From what I can tell there are a couple of test cases--esp. for ODBC testing--which execute DatabaseMetaData procedures that are meant to return "all (non-system) keys in the database". Since the ChangesXX_y tests are interspersed with DatabaseMetaDataTests for each phase, and since my new fixture in creates several new keys, the metadata test cases which check for "all keys in the database" now have more rows than previously expected, and thus fail. But if I change the DatabaseMetaData tests to account for the additional keys, they will fail when run standalone because those keys won't exist outside of the upgrade suite.

I couldn't find any obvious "quick fixes" for this, so I made some changes locally to separate the database metadata upgrade tests out from the ChangesXX_y upgrade tests, so that the former are not affected by the latter. I.e. with my changes upgradeTests/_Suite will first run a suite that tests the 5 phases of upgrade with the various ChangesXX_y fixtures, and then when that's done, it'll start a second suite that repeats the 5 phases with the DatabaseMetaData tests. This seems to have worked for me locally...

But is that really necessary, or is there a known (cleaner) way to deal with this kind of thing?

For what it's worth, I did a quick grep for "foreign" and "primary" in the various files and found no declarations of primary nor foreign keys. So I'm guessing this particular behavior is simply not an issue with the current set of upgrade tests...but I could of course be mistaken...


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