Dyre Tjeldvoll (JIRA) wrote:

This issue has fix version 10.4 and is marked with either 'Release note
needed' or  'Existing application impact', but does not have a
releaseNote.html attached to it.  Should it?

I think Wrong Results bugs like DERBY-3023, DERBY-2351, and DERBY-3301 have "Existing application impact" checked because the solutions to those bugs could change the query results seeen by existing apps--esp. we're now getting correct results where we were getting incorrect results before.

It seems like having a release note for such cases would be worthwhile so that users who see different results after upgrading to 10.4 can look at the release notes to get an idea of what may have caused the change.

Some example release notes for "wrong results" bugs can be found for DERBY-2256 and DERBY-1852; the latter is more detailed than the former. Note, though, that someone on the list mentioned a long while ago that use of the term "may now return different results" in the "Summary of Change" section is not desirable since "different" does not imply "correct". (I don't have the thread handy.) Just changing "different" to "correct" doesn't help because then it would say we *may* now return correct results, which isn't good. Removing "may" and just saying "now return correct results" is also a tad undesirable as it seems to suggest that the types of queries in question always returned incorrect results before, which isn't necessarily true (sometimes it depends on the data). But maybe that's the best way to go...


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