Re: Database maintenance routines

2019-11-05 Thread Alex O'Ree
Perfect, thanks

On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 8:57 AM Rick Hillegas 

> On 11/5/19 4:03 AM, Alex O'Ree wrote:
> > I have a use case where by I add a bunch of rows, export then in an
> > archive, then delete all the rows and repeat for weeks or months on end.
> > Are there any maintenance procedures I should be running after each
> purge?
> >
> > Postgres and mssql has some functions to tell it to recover disk space
> and
> > compact itself, or to notify that there was a large change in row volume.
> > Is there anything like this in derby?
> >
> I would recommend using TRUNCATE TABLE to delete all the rows of the
> table. This should be fast and it will re-initialize the table with an
> empty backing file.
> In general, you can use the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE system
> procedure to squeeze unused space out of a table. You can use
> SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_UPDATE_STATISTICS to regenerate the histograms which
> the optimizer uses in order to calculate optimal query plans.
> See the Derby Reference Manual for information on these commands.
> Hope this helps,
> -Rick

Re: Database maintenance routines

2019-11-05 Thread Rick Hillegas

On 11/5/19 4:03 AM, Alex O'Ree wrote:

I have a use case where by I add a bunch of rows, export then in an
archive, then delete all the rows and repeat for weeks or months on end.
Are there any maintenance procedures I should be running after each purge?

Postgres and mssql has some functions to tell it to recover disk space and
compact itself, or to notify that there was a large change in row volume.
Is there anything like this in derby?

I would recommend using TRUNCATE TABLE to delete all the rows of the 
table. This should be fast and it will re-initialize the table with an 
empty backing file.

In general, you can use the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE system 
procedure to squeeze unused space out of a table. You can use 
SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_UPDATE_STATISTICS to regenerate the histograms which 
the optimizer uses in order to calculate optimal query plans.

See the Derby Reference Manual for information on these commands.

Hope this helps,