
is it not possible to post mail with attaced zip-files to this list?

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I´ve written a task that allows a HelpStudio project to be compiled
using Ant. As this is my first ant project could anyone be so kind to
have a look at it with attention to code quality and formal

HelpStudio Ant Task
tested with Ant 1.6.5
license: GPL

I´ve attached the distribution as a zipfile (project is registered at
sourceforge - just needs acknowledgement).

Some questions:

I used nsisant.sf.net as a model. If necessary, in which form should I
state this in the source file or in the documentation?

Can anybody tell me down to which ant version my task is compatible?
How could I easily find out?

One remaining problem is that command line arguments are automatically
escaped via " if they contain spaces. Now it is possible that a to be
compiled booklet has a space in it so the appropriate command line
would look like this:
   helpstudio2.exe /bk="just a test" projectfile.hsp
Unfortunately, when I pass the option as /bk=just a test it gets
converted to "/bk=just a test" or /bk="just a test" gets converted to
'/bk="just a test"' and HelpStudio doesn´t recognize these.
Is there a workaround for this?
Shouldn´t the ant class offer a method that doesn´t automatically add
Should HelpStudio be able to recognize the escaped variants?

http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ant/core/trunk/xdocs/external.xml for
the "External Tools and Tasks" page: I´m using Eclipse 3.1 on Windows.
I know that I can create a patch to a file that is under
versioncontrol. Is there an easy way to create a patch besides
configuring the svn repository in Eclipse?

Most of the variables are declared as protected because this is what
I´ve seen in nsisant. Is this preferred over private variables?

btw: Though using the GPL or any other opensource license, why do
people state a copyright in the source files? Shouldn´t this mean that
only this person is allowed to copy the code? (I now just adopted

Thanks in advance

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