One big open question for iconv...

do we stow apr-iconv parallel to apr, or within i18n (my pref) or within 

I like the style over in apr-util for xml, so I'm inclined to assume it must be
checked out into i18n, but we could even allow some flexibility there.


Here's the pertinent points from Jean-frederic's comments he sent with his 

From: "jean-frederic clere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Martin Kraemer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: iconv problems

> Hi Bill,
> I have worked a little on the iconv.
> Find enclosed 2 files containing the modifications I have done, please commit
> them.
> Note that you need libtool/autoconf to generate the Makefiles (save the old
> ones).
> To build iconv:
> cvs co apr
>  - configure and build APR -
> cvs co apr-iconv
>  - apply my patches -
> cd apr-iconv
> ./
> ./configure
> make
> Note that the *.so files are hidden in .libs subdirectories, and make still
> fails but that were apr calls have to be added. (The interesting part, but I
> have no more time for today!).
> Have fun!
> Jean-frederic

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