Le 22 mai 05, à 20:24, Daniel Fagerstrom a écrit :

...It would require quite a lot of work to give a fair overview of what we have discussed about this in the last three or so years. You find some info in http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/Blocks...

Would it be possible to come up with a (small) set of "blocks-oriented" use cases to re-sync our collective vision of what a micro-kernel Cocoon would bring?

I'm thinking of use cases like "start the Cocoon kernel", "load a block at startup", locate and download a block after startup", "debug my block during development", "use a block service from my own code", etc.

I don't know if the granularity is right, but having a set of use-cases (not more than about two A4-pages?) might make it easier to agree on concrete ideas.


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