
We are slowly getting closer to a 2.8.0 release for
commons-configuration. One remaining item on the list is a PR [1] for
bumping the com.sun.mail:mailapi optional dependency from 1.6.7 to
2.0.1. I'd like to get community input on this change since it
involves a package name change in the javamail api (javax to jakarta).
This change has also been discussed recently for commons-email and
ultimately rejected in favor of backwards compatibility [2]. The
situation in configuration is a bit different, however, because
    1. the mailapi dependency is optional and
    2. it is not part of the public API and could be considered a
convenience type conversion.

As far as I can tell, the only impacted users would be those using the
Configuration.get(Class<T> cls, String key) method to get a mailapi
InternetAddress object. If we go with this change, calls using the
previous mailapi InternetAddress class, such as

    Configuration.get(javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress.class, key)

would begin to throw ConversionExceptions. Users would then need to
update their mailapi version and begin using

    Configuration.get(jakarta.mail.internet.InternetAddress.class, key)

Is anyone opposed to this change?

Matt J

[1] https://github.com/apache/commons-configuration/pull/185
[2] https://github.com/apache/commons-email/pull/80

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