Hello devs,

My company is interested in contracting out work to produce .deb
packages for CouchDB 2.0. We have a hard requirement for Ubuntu 16.04,
and would additionally like 12.04 if possible (my understanding is
that this is more difficult, due to the age of the release).

The intent is that this would be similar to the work we previously
sponsored for CouchDB 1.5 and 1.6 packaging that ended up in the
https://launchpad.net/~couchdb/+archive/ubuntu/stable PPA, set up by
Dave Cottlehuber. Ideally, the new packages would end up in the same

We would also like the work to end up being contributed back to the
CouchDB project, so that future releases can provide updated binary
packages easily. We'd prefer someone with a commit bit do the work to
increase the likelihood of that happening, but at the end of the day,
we just need the packages.

Is anyone interested and available?


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