I compiled a 20020213 httpd anoncvs today to try the perchild module.

And I think that:
Out of Memory: Killed process 4768 (apache2).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4774 (apache2).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4775 (apache2).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4783 (apache2).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4790 (apache2).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4791 (apache2).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4798 (apache2).

Kinda show that it's not entirely okay on my machine ;)
I also tried the 2.0.28-beta which is found on the distribution site.

The system is a mere p3 750 with 128mb running linux 2.5.1
Linux calvin 2.5.1 #1 Mon Jan 14 15:08:00 CET 2002 i686 unknown

The effect seen is that mozilla (nope not only apache is bad ;)
Out of Memory: Killed process 4713 (mozilla-bin-cvs).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4728 (mozilla-bin-cvs).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4729 (mozilla-bin-cvs).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4730 (mozilla-bin-cvs).
Out of Memory: Killed process 4731 (mozilla-bin-cvs).

At least something is filling the memory ;)
Well it's apache aparently because a simple:

telnet localhost 80
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: calvin.ics.hro.nl


telnet> Connection closed.

Wellps that makes apache2 go rogue too and no response ;(

The configlines which when removed make it work, but when added make it break:
ChildperUserID wwwics wwwics 1

and in one of the 3 vhosts:
AssignUserID wwwics wwwics

(little background, the idea is to secure every vhost so that it runs
under a seperate user and that there is no way that some random user reads
the cleartext passwords for databases etc through something like a php.
Every vhost will be seperate... )

The host: http://calvin.ics.hro.nl

Server Info at http://calvin.ics.hro.nl/server-info
Server Stats at http://calvin.ics.hro.nl/server-status
Currently running without assignuserid and childperuserid, otherwise it simply doesn't 
respond :(
The debian tag is because I built it using the debian build rules:

The configure options:
AP2_CONFARGS =  --enable-layout=Debian --enable-so \
                --with-program-name=apache2 --enable-speling=shared \
                --enable-rewrite=shared --enable-cgid=shared \
                --enable-vhost-alias=shared --enable-info=shared \
                --enable-suexec=shared --enable-ssl=shared \
                --enable-unique-id=shared --enable-usertrack=shared \
                --enable-expires=shared --enable-cern-meta=shared \
                --enable-mime-magic=shared --enable-headers=shared \
                --enable-auth-anon=shared --enable-proxy=shared \
                --enable-dav=shared --with-suexec-caller=www-data 
--with-suexec-docroot=/www --with-suexec-logfile=/var/log/apache2/ \

Something else broke the php handling through a cgi using the trick:
Action application/x-httpd-php /cgi-bin/php4

Which results in a:
[Wed Feb 13 16:37:56 2002] [warn] [client] handler "cgi-script" not 
found for: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php4

Every query.... but that's prolly something different and not related to mpm_perchild

If somebody can give me some clue... I welcome it ;)


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