I pose this to you all, does anyone have a concern?  If not, the oracle,
pgsql and sqlite3 driver connectors will ship.  The mysql driver connector
simply will not ship (even once apr-util-1.3.1 is released, now that it
builds), although perhaps from an external site this .dll could be found.
Suggestions welcome.

freetds awaits a windows alternative mssql client connector once someone
has energy to write one.


William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Secondly, the sqlite3, oracle and pgsql binaries do build, against the
current official binaries.  Which modules may we distribute under the
AL from w.a.o/dist/apr/binaries/win32/?  (I have no plan to distribute
the binary of the client itself, only the apr_dbd_*-1.dll's bound to them).

My analysis indiciates that there is nothing noxious in the Oracle Instant
Client license which would encumber us from distributing a binding to it,
provided that we do not ship it ourselves.  GPL packagers might have their
own concerns with the license.


The SQLite libraries are Public Domain.  In fact it appears we could ship
those drivers (as shipped by sqlite.org, I don't really desire to rebuild
this code unless we believe its necessary).  The question is, should we?

The PostgreSQL libraries are BSD licensed.  And again it appears we could
ship those drivers (again from their binary distribution) for the win32
binary distribution, if we saw a need.  But I'd restrict this to the client
driver only, not the entire PostgreSQL distribution.  Again, the question
would be, should we?

In any case, there is nothing stopping us from shipping these three driver
connectors that I can find.  Thoughts or comments?


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